Youth Photo Contest! - WIN Goodies!


Founder Since 1999
Point Blank Calls has just come on as a NEW sponsor here at So, we're giving away one of the fine calls they make, plus some of their camo face paint.

This contest is for the kids out there (18 and younger). Share your elk photos from the last few years. Even if you're now 20, share the photos. Let's keep the contest to animals taken in the last 3-4 years.

Mom's, Dad's, Uncle's, Cousin's, etc., share the photos, spread the word and get those kids to share the photos. Let's see some good stuff. I will pick the best Field Photo around July 15th. Post them up folks!!!

The winner will WIN a E.Z. Bull Elk Bugle and a Three Pack of Camo Face Paint from Point Blank Calls.

Point Blank Calls and Larry D. Jones Signature Series Calls are some of the finest elk calls around. Joel Turner and Bryan Langley, both of the Point Blank Calls Pro Staff, finished in the top 3 in the Professional Division at the Big RMEF Event in Reno.

They offer some great elk calls, so if you're in the market for a new call for this coming years elk hunt, take a look at what they have to offer. [][/URL].

[font size=+1]NOTE: Please, only post if you are sharing photos. All others will be removed. No chit chat, share Youth Photo Only and some details about them. Thanks![/font]

Here's the Prize Package:


Brian Latturner
Here are a couple pictures of my daughter's first elk taken in December 2009 in Colorado. She made a good 100 yd. shot with her 243.



My huntin pal "Dakota" with his first archery elk in 2009.

He made a great shot and was able to watch her go down.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-10 AT 11:59PM (MST)[p]This my first and so far my only bull elk I have shot. Got lucky and killed him the last week of the any bull hunt. I had passed on a 2 point bull (which my dad thought was crazy because we havent seen many bulls in the area) but luckley it all worked out good!


LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-10 AT 05:10PM (MST)[p]This is my son's first elk from New Mexico in 2008 (he was 14 at the time).
He passed on 12 bulls before harvesting this bull mid-morning on the second day of the hunt. This was a DIY hunt.



He believe that he missed this same bull mid morning of the opening day. We had been following a herd of about 12 elk with a bigger 330 class herd bull that we had located prior to the hunt. The herd was also followed by several satellite bulls that made it hard for us to get in on the herd bull. The herd dropped into a small valley and we were in the process of circling them to try to get ahead of them when we heard two bulls fighting in the herd. We set up near a small opening and waited for them to finish fighting. Once the commotion was over, I cow called and the losing bull came to the edge of the clearing but stopped behind a tree. He got nervous not being able to see the cow (us) that was calling and started to trot back into the trees. I think my son rushed his shot a little thinking that his chance was getting away and missed him as he trotted off. We noticed that he was bleeding from a wound in his right shoulder from the fight.

We located the 330 class herd bull right away the following morning by the sound of his unmistakable bugle. He seemed to be moving unusually fast compared to the previous morning. When we finally caught up to him, he was alone and had broken off all of one antler above the first eye guard. He must have lost it in the fight the previous morning and couldn't control his herd any more.

About a half hour later we herd this bull bugling and and quickly got on him and his herd. We paralleled them as they moved down a ridge just below us. We heard them approaching a saddle on the ridge and got into postion just as the herd crossed over the saddle and he shot the bull at 35 yards. We later noticed the fresh wound in the right shoulder and figured him to be the bull he had missed the previous morning. you can see the wound in the pictures. He may have lost the battle with the bigger bull, but he won the war (posession of the heard) - at least for one day!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-10 AT 06:59AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-10 AT 06:56?AM (MST)

My son Jake's 2009 elk from New Mexico. Hunted with John Diamond of Beaverhead Outfitters.
Guys, you all need to let the kids know about this contest. Share pics for them. We need more.

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-10 AT 08:56AM (MST)[p]This is a picture of my son Chase with his first big game animal a nice fat cow elk killed in Utah Nov. 2009 DIY (Chase was 15 at the time)
Here are a few pictures of my son's first bull. He received his hunting license at the age of twelve and then proceeded to shoot this bull, a nice WY muley, a great WY antelope and a NM Oryx all in his first year of hunting big game. Talking about setting the hunting bar high! This bull was a true 7x7 and scored in the upper 370's, mostly due to the mass. He made a great shot at 150 + yards. Didn't get as excited as dad because he wasn't aware of the trophy he had just killed. It was a great hunt with great friends and made lasting memories. Keep up the great website Brian and the rest of the monstermuleys group. Enjoy and take the time to take your kids hunting.... It is more than worth it!


And the winner is........bkhunter11's son!!!! Look at that grin. Awesome stuff. All of them are great folks. Thanks for sharing the pics.

bkhunter11, send me a PM with your name and address and I will have the folks over at Point Blank get the goodies sent off to you all. Hope your some likes the goodies.

Thanks to everyone who shared photos. Can't wait to hopefully get my son his first shot this year!!!

Remember guys, Point Blank Calls. They have some good stuff. Be sure to checkout their calls for this year.

Brian Latturner

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