Dive Bars....gimme a story or two


Long Time Member
'74 or '75 or so I was boxing for the Navy, light heavyweight. If I had won my last fight, I would have had the honor of getting my azzzz handed to me by one of the Spinks brothers.

Anyway, I was the lone white dude on the team. On one trip to the bay area...(SF/Oakland was a LOT of fun, and decent to visit in those days). The coach decided to take us to some of his former hangouts in an area called Hunters Point. Today, I wouldn't go there in the daytime.

We hit up this BBQ joint run by coach's buddy from HS. When I went to order, the dude behind the bar said 'and what would our little honky friend like to order?' My reply was full of smartass...'anything the (can't use that word anymore) behind the bar would like to fix, as long as it is beef'. I figured as long as he was being racist, I would be too. Dead silence in the bar. Then he started laughing.
boy did i used to hang out in some rough places. one in particular was an old brick bar with no windows (always preferred my bars with no windows) there were several bullet holes inside the bar in the brick on the back wall from a few different shootings. i was in there one night doing pretty good with a lady and i pulled my shirt up to show her the rest of the tattoo she was asking about. when i did i herd her say "oh my God!!" i said, "it didn't hurt" but apparently the reaction was to the full size 1911 on my belt. i hadn't really thought about it, the environment i was frequenting it was no more uncommon then the can of cope in my back pocket. every one else was like "whats the big deal?"
I owned a Dive Bar for about 3 years. Our bar was/is also the "clubhouse" for a notorious bike gang. It was also in an area that was frequented by other gang members as well, and we had almost an nightly or every other night fights, complete with knives and even guns. The strange thing was, it was a super popular bar and always had an "eclectic" mix of suits, short dresses, and even the mayor came in from time to time. We liked to "handle" our problems as best we could without the Sheriff's office getting involved as we wanted to stay in business. ;)

On another "fight night" at Sporty's we had 3 guys that were stirring s$%t up. My bouncer at the time was a "king of the cage" heavy weight champion. I told him "get these guys out of here" with a couple of expletives added. When he got them to the door, the one guy tells me "I haven't paid my tab" which was about $100 and well, I wanted the money. So, somehow all three end up at the bar to pay their respective tabs, and they start it up again. So, I got behind all 3 and "freight trained" them in line towards the door. One guy squirted out of the train, and my good buddy, and hunting partner Josh dropped him with a single punch (at this point I am wondering myself where my bouncer was). Josh was a Navy guy, and spent his Naval career in the "brig" for fighting most the time, and he was good at hitting people. Well, this was like lighting a bomb off in the bar.

Everyone started fighting I mean like 50 people. Most of the girls, and level headed patrons jumped behind the bar to get away from the melee (yes there were some girls in the mix of fighters as well). I had one guy in a headlock and was trying to get him to the door, when another guy started peeing in the middle of the bar. Yeah I know, WTF? So, I let go of the one guy and got in his face. He spits in my face, and I was chewing so I let go a good stream of my own. We started punching and his 2 buddies jumped in and started swinging as well. Josh whom was already trying to knock other guys out, jumped in and the 2 guys started in on him. Meanwhile, and I still don't know whom it was, possibly the headlock guy, grabs a mug and hits me right above my left eye with it. Now I have a 4" flap of flesh hanging over my eye, and can't see well. The 2 guys and maybe more have Josh on the ground and they are putting the boots to his face. At this point you can here the sirens, and people started running out, with me still chasing the spitter down the street. The ground of the bar was covered with beer, piss, blood, glass and bodies. It made the famous "roadhouse" movie fight a joke.
Afterwards as I was trying to figure out the damage to myself and the bar, I asked the bouncer "where the hell were you?" He said "I wanted no part of that". It was his last night working at the bar. As I was headed to the hospital to get stitched up for the second time in as many months I called my wife. She basically said "we have 2 babies to worry about, sell the bar".

We hired armed security (2) from that point forward, but I wasn't smart enough to get out of the bar business for a couple more years.
Damn, Dan! Now that has the makings of a good movie or another anti-Cheers-type tv show. I'd watch!

Edited to add:

Or, a Johnny Cash tribute song from Chris Stapleton or somebody of that ilk.
Growing up in NYC and NJ, you stayed away from Irish pubs. The nice Italian family bars were very well behaved in the 60's and 70's. If you started sh*t, you could end up in the trunk of a car!! :)
Both sides of my family were Sicilian.

I don't know for a fact, but I always had a strong inklin' that a couple of my great uncles had been involved with the mafia in their earlier lives -- like as far back as the 1920-30s.

And in the '50s, I had an older cousin that I knew was involved in some shady stuff that started when he was about 17. He later went to jail for armed robbery and was still there when I moved to AZ. So I have no idea what happened after that.

So youse guys better be good or my paisans, Luigi & Guiseppi, gonna coma to youse place and take youse on a swimmen trip in the river.

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I dated a red head girl for a couple years. She said the rumors that her family was involved in the mafia weren't true.

Still, I was very glad that her mom and dad liked me.
I dated a red head girl for a couple years. She said the rumors that her family was involved in the mafia weren't true.

Still, I was very glad that her mom and dad liked me.
You were a victim of 'omerta!' That's the mafia's code of silence. It's better you never knew anyway. Otherwise you might have been fitted with a concrete overcoat so you could have a glass of chianti with Jimmy Hoffa.


Horse & Cow Vallejo Ca
Submariner bar
Had fights nightly it seem like it. great place to play pool and get a work out.
I worked in a pool hall for 4 years. A couple years after moving away I got a sore on my back. I came home and mom said she would take a look at it. She opened it up. Found a piece of glass. Been in there for awhile I guess.

I've got hundreds of stories like that.

My mom wanted to drop my little sister off with me once. I told her to meet me at the pool hall because I was going to pick up my pay check. Somebody ran in the door and said someone was killing my boss in the street parking. Two friends and I ran out to see four Mexicans taking turns kicking the old man on the ground. He had pulled as much of his body as he could up under a car for protection but his back and kidneys were taking a beating. Things didn't go well for the Mexicans. Cops showed up and told me to let go of one of them. I stood up and noticed my mom and little sister watching me from the sidewalk. The front of me was covered in blood and spit. I did my best to straighten up and smile at my mom to reassure her everything was good. I told her I could still take care of my sister for the weekend. My mom squinted and pushed my sister back into her car and said, "Go home and clean all that s--c blood off of you. We'll talk later." Saw dad the next weekend. Thought he was going to give me both barrels. He didn't say a thing.

Couldn't imagine living like that now. I wouldn't survive a week.
I worked in a pool hall for 4 years. A couple years after moving away I got a sore on my back. I came home and mom said she would take a look at it. She opened it up. Found a piece of glass. Been in there for awhile I guess.

I've got hundreds of stories like that.

My mom wanted to drop my little sister off with me once. I told her to meet me at the pool hall because I was going to pick up my pay check. Somebody ran in the door and said someone was killing my boss in the street parking. Two friends and I ran out to see four Mexicans taking turns kicking the old man on the ground. He had pulled as much of his body as he could up under a car for protection but his back and kidneys were taking a beating. Things didn't go well for the Mexicans. Cops showed up and told me to let go of one of them. I stood up and noticed my mom and little sister watching me from the sidewalk. The front of me was covered in blood and spit. I did my best to straighten up and smile at my mom to reassure her everything was good. I told her I could still take care of my sister for the weekend. My mom squinted and pushed my sister back into her car and said, "Go home and clean all that s--c blood off of you. We'll talk later." Saw dad the next weekend. Thought he was going to give me both barrels. He didn't say a thing.

Couldn't imagine living like that now. I wouldn't survive a week.

Yeah, I shudder at the thought of being in my old bar again. The last year and a half I used to sit in my car talking myself into walking in. It went from the best thing I ever did, to the worst thing I ever did in less than 2 years.
Bet None Of You Have ever Heard of the 'THREE LEGGED DOG SALOON' in Down Town Myton,Utah!

When We Were in School We went there a Few Times To Play Pool!


We Were Not Old Enough to Be in there!

But The Owner Needed $$$ & Would Do anything for a Dollar!

Place Has Been Closed For Decades!
I used to shoot with a guy who owned the topless bar in GJ. His interviewing stories could make you puke. Maybe beaner or someone remembers the name of Bobby’s bar.

Almost as bad as feddoc being the mop boy in the Trinidad bus depot. :ROFLMAO:
I used to shoot with a guy who owned the topless bar in GJ. His interviewing stories could make you puke. Maybe beaner or someone remembers the name of Bobby’s bar.

Almost as bad as feddoc being the mop boy in the Trinidad bus depot. :ROFLMAO:
Pueblo, not Trinidad. And we had a cleaning crew...if you're gonna troll, be more precise.
Driving cross country in '98 fresh out of college I'd stop in for a few beers here and there. One late night I ended up in Lander, WY, at some small bar stocked at the time with some big biker types for lack of a better word. Nothing that would normally make me uncomfortable but I was clearly a fresh-faced out of towner, wearing my white t-shirt, cargo shorts and flip flops. One big guy didn't seem to like me and we shared a couple light back and forth comments and when I took a trip to the bathroom, he was waiting for me when I came out and wouldn't let me by. He held me from walking past and put his other hand over the mens symbol on the door and started asking me why I would use the LADIES room and maybe he should teach me a lesson on reading or something like that. At that moment the female bartended came swooping over from the bar and told him to stop giving me **** and then she took me out the door and told me to get scarce for my own good. I ended up across the street in gas station lot, trying to find a place to sleep in my truck. Stupid. A short time time later, the dick in the bar and all his friends came out, walked up and down the street seemingly looking for me. Oh ****... it's on I thought. I escaped detection by laying low and crosswise on the floorboard below the seat for about 10 minutes until they left. Not the most exciting story but it was memorable to me. When 2000 miles from home with a drunk biker crowd looking for you, sometimes it pays to be a coward. good thing i don't think they even noticed my out of state plates!
I’m pretty limited on these things but a couple weeks after turning 21 my buddys and me were at a real winner of a bar. When a big guy comes in and is just being an ahole. It didn’t bug me one bit but he started after one of my buds. I got into his face let one rip knocked him down and took after him. I’m not real proud of it but I beat the snot out of that guy. I don’t like fighting had enough of them with my dad to need any outside was unnecessary in my mind.
So back in the day a friend invited me to go fishing. He tells me to meet him at the bar in Snook. There isn't a bar in Snook. He says yeah there is. Go to the building with the water tower in back.

I drive there. No signs or anything. I walk up and pull on the door and it opens. Holy cow there's a bar in here. I don't think they have a license but there's a couple old dudes drinking beer. I sit down at the bar and this little old lady asks me if I want something wet. ? sure. Before I can tell her what she slaps a beer in front of me and barks, "3 bucks ". I pay. Pretty quiet. While I'm sitting there a whole mob of bikers roll in. Real ones. I'm a little nervous. The little old lady is running around crazy trying to get them served and I'm trying to blend into the wood. Some of the bikers are starting to notice me. One walks over to an old jukebox and gets it going. It's Biily Paul singing softly. It gets to the chorus and almost every biker in there belts out withe record," ME AND MRS JONES!" And they all are singing. I think granny dropped something in the long neck before I got it. My friend Willie walks through the door and. Sits down and hollers for a beer. We never made it to the river that day.
If you Google "Dive Bar" and click on the Wikipedia link you'll see a pict of the Merrimaker in Los Osos. We'll just say I've spent a fair amount of time at this bar!!
Had a bass tournament at Patagonia lake. Went to town to the local bar. Locals looked like they weren't too happy with strangers. Drunk as hell and went to the bar and started talking to two sisters. One had a huge growth on her neck like a small head. Her sister said the locals are very protective of her. I bought them drinks and just had a ball once they figured out we were treating the sisters nice. Did not feel well the next day.
Had a bass tournament at Patagonia lake. Went to town to the local bar. Locals looked like they weren't too happy with strangers. Drunk as hell and went to the bar and started talking to two sisters. One had a huge growth on her neck like a small head. Her sister said the locals are very protective of her. I bought them drinks and just had a ball once they figured out we were treating the sisters nice. Did not feel well the next day.
That reminds me of one my buddy's bar experiences.

He was hitting on a good looking blond who was seated at the bar in Mr. Lucky's. After a while she asked if he would like to go home with her. Obviously he accepted the invitation. But there's was a bit of situation; when she took her coat off her lap, he saw she had no legs. That meant he had to carry her.

When they got to her house, he picked her up to carry her into the house. On the way, they passed under an wooden arbor over the walkway. The gal grabbed hold of it & told my buddy to make love to her right then & there.

He quickly granted her wish. When he was done, he carried her inside, kissed her good night and walked out the door. Before he reached the car, however, he heard this gruff male voice yell, "Hey mister. Just hold up a minute."

My buddy started to apologize, telling the guy he didn't realize the gal was married. But before he could finish, the guy says,"I'm not her husband. I'm her older brother. I just wanted to thank you for binging my sister in the house. All the other somnab!tches left her hanging."
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Back in the late 60's and early 70's I lead a double life. In my regular life I knew a Deputy Sheriff real well. He confided in me that they were going to take down a marijuana grow at a location I knew. ASAP I told the guy he was about to get busted. They got rid of their weed and sure enough the Sheriff showed up and couldn't find anything.

A couple weeks later I saw the guy in a bar and he gave me a thumbs up. Then this hooker came over and said Frank bought me a date with her, and lead me up to her room. I didn't want to disrespect the guy. We got there and I explained I was married and kind of drunk anyway. We hung out for about a half hour and I told her to tell Frank I had a good time. I'm glad those days are behind me.
Back in the late 60's and early 70's I lead a double life. In my regular life I knew a Deputy Sheriff real well. He confided in me that they were going to take down a marijuana grow at a location I knew. ASAP I told the guy he was about to get busted. They got rid of their weed and sure enough the Sheriff showed up and couldn't find anything.

A couple weeks later I saw the guy in a bar and he gave me a thumbs up. Then this hooker came over and said Frank bought me a date with her, and lead me up to her room. I didn't want to disrespect the guy. We got there and I explained I was married and kind of drunk anyway. We hung out for about a half hour and I told her to tell Frank I had a good time. I'm glad those days are behind me.
I can't recall the title, but there was a similar incident in some movie I've seen a couple times. A bunch of friends buy a virgin dude a hooker who goes unused.
One place was in Presidio of Monterey. I was stationed there in the A.F. to learn Russian for cryptology translating. The airman's bar was a fairly dark and somewhat seedy looking place but not a real dive. The problem was that cadets would arrive from basic and they would lose their tolerance to libations (6 weeks to dry up during basic ).
This kid shows up and sits at our table one night. He says he was from Tennessee and made his own shine from the time he was 15. Then he orders 3 rum and cokes . He says he could drink us under the table although no one took on the challenge. Happy hour was on so well drinks were 50 cents. The boy drinks 6 rounds of 3 rums and cokes. 18 drinks in 90 minutes isn't good no matter what. We had to carry him to his room. Still surprised he lived.
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My buddy got out of prison and we took him out for the night in jax beach, FL. Found him a willing girl and another buddy drives the van around while they got busy. They come back and this guy that claimed to be her brother is real angry at her - and us. He must have been doing some drugs the whole time she was gone... Cuz we took him outside and beat on him a bit so he would leave her alone... But he kept coming back. I stomped on his head with flip flops on so it prob didn't hurt much! But the other guys were getting on him decently. He came back a third time with a fire extinguisher and sprayed one guy before he ran off.
I used to shoot with a guy who owned the topless bar in GJ. His interviewing stories could make you puke. Maybe beaner or someone remembers the name of Bobby’s bar.

Almost as bad as feddoc being the mop boy in the Trinidad bus depot. :ROFLMAO:
Years ago when I was working in Rock Springs Wyo at the Jim Bridger Power Plant there was a bar named Doxies Place and there were about 25 Insulators in the bar with me drinking one night. I went up to the bar to talk to a tall slender Blonde girl that caught my eye.
When I was talking to her this Boilermaker came up behind me (Big Guy) and grabbed me and pulled me backwards and I fell to the ground right by my table with my buddies. They said are you going to take that s--t. I said hell no and jumped on this Big Guys back and just started hitting him as hard as I could in the ear. ( It was like gabbing a Brama Bull's his neck was so big)
Well we went around in a circle and I had screwed up his equilibrium and he went down. That's when I went to work kicking and hitting him and hard as I could hoping he wouldn't get up. Before I know it his buddies jump on my back because I am getting the best of him and that started the biggest melee I have ever seen. One guy just like in the movies we put him on the bar and slide him all the way down and out the back end.
We all ended up in the jail and the next morning there was no one on the job because we were all in jail. So the boss had to come down and bail us all out.
First time in my life that I couldn't get laid off until I paid back all of my bail money. 15k in damage in the bar as well and we ALL had to pony up to pay that off as well or do time.
My Best fight EVER what a hoot......
In my past life I was at the Logger Bar in Blue Lake, CA with a couple Yurok Indian friends I worked in the woods with. One of them was sitting at a table with a Hawaiian shirt on. Me and Frank were at the bar. This guy walks in and walks up to the bar. He's already had a few, we could tell. He tells me and Frank..."Look at that F'n Indian over there. He thinks he's a F'n Hawaiian". I thought to myself "This is not going to end well" I was right.

Without saying a word Frank grabbed him by the hair and smashed his face into the bar as hard as he could and he collapsed onto the floor in a pool of blood. Then all 3 of us calmly left. It didn't last long.
I had this roomie in the Navy. About 6'3" and very strong 250. One day he and his boss, a Warrant Officer, were drinking at a bar on base. It was not quite 4in the afternoon. Anyway, my roomies boss had too much to drink, so roomie jumped in the Warrant's car and gave his boss a ride to Officer's Quarters. I took my rommies car and was gonna pick up my roomie after he dropped the boss off.

I had to go pee and finish my beer, so I lagged behind a couple minutes. As I come around a corner, I get passed by a SP car. As I round another corner I see 2 paddy wagons and 4 cop cars surrounding their car. My roomie was surrounded by 5 or 6 SP guys and there is one SP guy on the ground and not moving.

The remaining SP guys let me talk to my roomie to calm him down. As it turned out, he was never arrested and never awarded Captain's Mast because the KO'd SP had first put his hands on the WO to drag him out of the car because he was mouthy.

My roomie....used to brag that he could tickle a woman's belly button from the inside.
A memory from the ol' dark days.......
20 some odd years ago my old runnin partner Joe, AKA "Deep" and I were headed back home after a couple days of crappy hog hunting at his uncles ranch in Boonville. Feeling the need for a dustcutter or two Deep pulls his rig in front of the "Keg Salooz" in Hopland. ( a real nice s-hole we used to hit on occasion frequented by bikers, ranchers and dirtbags like us)
I says to Deep "I heard that ol' Mary has a knockout blonde working behind the plank these days, you seen her yet?"
Deep says with a wink, "Ya, I heard that too buddy, lets go in and introduce ourselves and see what everybody is talkin about."
In retrospect I shouldn't have been a bit surprised as my buddy ran a wide swath through several counties in those days, but you coulda scooped my jaw off the floor with a shovel when as soon as we walk in this gorgeous blonde behind the bar screams, "Joe, oh my god its so good to see you" runs around the corner and fully jumps into his arms, legs wrapped around his back and plants a kiss on him like he just returned form overseas!
After the dust settled Deep and I sat there for the rest of the afternoon and did our best to drink them out of beer and bourbon.
Somewhere just before I time traveled into the next morning I remember Deep's lady telling me that she thought I was adorable and she called a "really nice" friend from Ukiah and she was coming down to keep me company for the night.......Hell Ya, Winning!
As I "came to" the next morning in a strange bed, in a room that I didn't register, small pieces of the evening started to replay in my mind...WTF?
Still wondering what the hell happened, I look down to the foot of the bed I see a pair of feet that are way too big to be mine (I'm a 13) and I follow them up the bed to see the biggest, ugliest damn woman I have ever laid eyes on smiling at me like it was Christmas morning. Uh Oh.........
Deep loved to tell the story of that day! Almost every time we all got a heat on he would say, " Mike is the toughest wingman I got, he ain't scared of nuthin! The rest of you P****'s woulda ran like babies when you saw that gal, but not ol' Mikey!"
RIP, Deep, miss ya every day buddy!
A memory from the ol' dark days.......
20 some odd years ago my old runnin partner Joe, AKA "Deep" and I were headed back home after a couple days of crappy hog hunting at his uncles ranch in Boonville. Feeling the need for a dustcutter or two Deep pulls his rig in front of the "Keg Salooz" in Hopland. ( a real nice s-hole we used to hit on occasion frequented by bikers, ranchers and dirtbags like us)
I says to Deep "I heard that ol' Mary has a knockout blonde working behind the plank these days, you seen her yet?"
Deep says with a wink, "Ya, I heard that too buddy, lets go in and introduce ourselves and see what everybody is talkin about."
In retrospect I shouldn't have been a bit surprised as my buddy ran a wide swath through several counties in those days, but you coulda scooped my jaw off the floor with a shovel when as soon as we walk in this gorgeous blonde behind the bar screams, "Joe, oh my god its so good to see you" runs around the corner and fully jumps into his arms, legs wrapped around his back and plants a kiss on him like he just returned form overseas!
After the dust settled Deep and I sat there for the rest of the afternoon and did our best to drink them out of beer and bourbon.
Somewhere just before I time traveled into the next morning I remember Deep's lady telling me that she thought I was adorable and she called a "really nice" friend from Ukiah and she was coming down to keep me company for the night.......Hell Ya, Winning!
As I "came to" the next morning in a strange bed, in a room that I didn't register, small pieces of the evening started to replay in my mind...WTF?
Still wondering what the hell happened, I look down to the foot of the bed I see a pair of feet that are way too big to be mine (I'm a 13) and I follow them up the bed to see the biggest, ugliest damn woman I have ever laid eyes on smiling at me like it was Christmas morning. Uh Oh.........
Deep loved to tell the story of that day! Almost every time we all got a heat on he would say, " Mike is the toughest wingman I got, he ain't scared of nuthin! The rest of you P****'s woulda ran like babies when you saw that gal, but not ol' Mikey!"
RIP, Deep, miss ya every day buddy!
And we have a winner!
What if she had looked like this ?
A memory from the ol' dark days.......
20 some odd years ago my old runnin partner Joe, AKA "Deep" and I were headed back home after a couple days of crappy hog hunting at his uncles ranch in Boonville. Feeling the need for a dustcutter or two Deep pulls his rig in front of the "Keg Salooz" in Hopland. ( a real nice s-hole we used to hit on occasion frequented by bikers, ranchers and dirtbags like us)
I says to Deep "I heard that ol' Mary has a knockout blonde working behind the plank these days, you seen her yet?"
Deep says with a wink, "Ya, I heard that too buddy, lets go in and introduce ourselves and see what everybody is talkin about."
In retrospect I shouldn't have been a bit surprised as my buddy ran a wide swath through several counties in those days, but you coulda scooped my jaw off the floor with a shovel when as soon as we walk in this gorgeous blonde behind the bar screams, "Joe, oh my god its so good to see you" runs around the corner and fully jumps into his arms, legs wrapped around his back and plants a kiss on him like he just returned form overseas!
After the dust settled Deep and I sat there for the rest of the afternoon and did our best to drink them out of beer and bourbon.
Somewhere just before I time traveled into the next morning I remember Deep's lady telling me that she thought I was adorable and she called a "really nice" friend from Ukiah and she was coming down to keep me company for the night.......Hell Ya, Winning!
As I "came to" the next morning in a strange bed, in a room that I didn't register, small pieces of the evening started to replay in my mind...WTF?
Still wondering what the hell happened, I look down to the foot of the bed I see a pair of feet that are way too big to be mine (I'm a 13) and I follow them up the bed to see the biggest, ugliest damn woman I have ever laid eyes on smiling at me like it was Christmas morning. Uh Oh.........
Deep loved to tell the story of that day! Almost every time we all got a heat on he would say, " Mike is the toughest wingman I got, he ain't scared of nuthin! The rest of you P****'s woulda ran like babies when you saw that gal, but not ol' Mikey!"
RIP, Deep, miss ya every day buddy!
A memory from the ol' dark days.......
20 some odd years ago my old runnin partner Joe, AKA "Deep" and I were headed back home after a couple days of crappy hog hunting at his uncles ranch in Boonville. Feeling the need for a dustcutter or two Deep pulls his rig in front of the "Keg Salooz" in Hopland. ( a real nice s-hole we used to hit on occasion frequented by bikers, ranchers and dirtbags like us)
I says to Deep "I heard that ol' Mary has a knockout blonde working behind the plank these days, you seen her yet?"
Deep says with a wink, "Ya, I heard that too buddy, lets go in and introduce ourselves and see what everybody is talkin about."
In retrospect I shouldn't have been a bit surprised as my buddy ran a wide swath through several counties in those days, but you coulda scooped my jaw off the floor with a shovel when as soon as we walk in this gorgeous blonde behind the bar screams, "Joe, oh my god its so good to see you" runs around the corner and fully jumps into his arms, legs wrapped around his back and plants a kiss on him like he just returned form overseas!
After the dust settled Deep and I sat there for the rest of the afternoon and did our best to drink them out of beer and bourbon.
Somewhere just before I time traveled into the next morning I remember Deep's lady telling me that she thought I was adorable and she called a "really nice" friend from Ukiah and she was coming down to keep me company for the night.......Hell Ya, Winning!
As I "came to" the next morning in a strange bed, in a room that I didn't register, small pieces of the evening started to replay in my mind...WTF?
Still wondering what the hell happened, I look down to the foot of the bed I see a pair of feet that are way too big to be mine (I'm a 13) and I follow them up the bed to see the biggest, ugliest damn woman I have ever laid eyes on smiling at me like it was Christmas morning. Uh Oh.........
Deep loved to tell the story of that day! Almost every time we all got a heat on he would say, " Mike is the toughest wingman I got, he ain't scared of nuthin! The rest of you P****'s woulda ran like babies when you saw that gal, but not ol' Mikey!"
RIP, Deep, miss ya every day buddy!
What if she had looked like this ? I swear she could be in Night Of The Living Dead without any makeup.

You Thought Another HOT Blonde Was Gonna Appear?


A memory from the ol' dark days.......
20 some odd years ago my old runnin partner Joe, AKA "Deep" and I were headed back home after a couple days of crappy hog hunting at his uncles ranch in Boonville. Feeling the need for a dustcutter or two

Deep pulls his rig in front of the "Keg Salooz" in Hopland. ( a real nice s-hole we used to hit on occasion frequented by bikers, ranchers and dirtbags like us)
I says to Deep "I heard that ol' Mary has a knockout blonde working behind the plank these days, you seen her yet?"
Deep says with a wink, "Ya, I heard that too buddy, lets go in and introduce ourselves and see what everybody is talkin about."
In retrospect I shouldn't have been a bit surprised as my buddy ran a wide swath through several counties in those days, but you coulda scooped my jaw off the floor with a shovel when as soon as we walk in this gorgeous blonde behind the bar screams, "Joe, oh my god its so good to see you" runs around the corner and fully jumps into his arms, legs wrapped around his back and plants a kiss on him like he just returned form overseas!
After the dust settled Deep and I sat there for the rest of the afternoon and did our best to drink them out of beer and bourbon.
Somewhere just before I time traveled into the next morning I remember Deep's lady telling me that she thought I was adorable and she called a "really nice" friend from Ukiah and she was coming down to keep me company for the night.......Hell Ya, Winning!
As I "came to" the next morning in a strange bed, in a room that I didn't register, small pieces of the evening started to replay in my mind...WTF?
Still wondering what the hell happened, I look down to the foot of the bed I see a pair of feet that are way too big to be mine (I'm a 13) and I follow them up the bed to see the biggest, ugliest damn woman I have ever laid eyes on smiling at me like it was Christmas morning. Uh Oh.........
Deep loved to tell the story of that day! Almost every time we all got a heat on he would say, " Mike is the toughest wingman I got, he ain't scared of nuthin! The rest of you P****'s woulda ran like babies when you saw that gal, but not ol' Mikey!"
RIP, Deep, miss ya every day buddy!

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