
Long Time Member
A Sad Deal Here!

The Old Bridge Went Down like Dominoes!

So Maybe There Wasn't A Captain Paying Attention?

A Bad Way To Go Right There!

Can You Imagine Being Of The Bridge With About One Second To Try & Do Something!

Sad Deal For Sure!

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We are all in trouble!
This afternoon I heard some news reports that this will affect the supply chain big time.
Maybe Somebody Can Start A Rumor Like There Won't Be Any Sugar For Your Coffee & We'll Get Bent Over Again!

There's Surely Another Place Them Ships Can Cross Under The Bridge Somewhere-else,Right?

I Realize It'd Have To Be Staged Where Workers Are Gonna Be Working On Repairing The Bridge!
This will be a major and LONG term setback, and they won't be able to have other container ships come until they pull the wreckage clear. I do not think there enough clearance in the other parts of the bridge. I cannot imagine what the traffic will be like, that area is a zoo anyway.
As far as direction of the ship, there is always a Captain, but they take on a pilot who has infinite knowledge of the current status of bars, blockages, and currents. This is for most major rivers, some sections of the Intercoastal Waterway on both coasts. I have been thru the Panama Canal, locks, and Gatun Lake several times. We always had a pilot.

They covered a radio transmission this morning, saying the had lost power and steerage. That was what got them to close the bridge to traffic. Vehicles that were lost were on the bridge and trying to clear before impact.

This accident investigation will be a mess, and take months or even years!!!
I Guess They Didn't Have Time To Stop The Ship Or Throw It In Reverse?

I Know Reverse On Boats Usually Ain't All That Great But........!
Then on Idaho Bews tonight they had a Transportation Official saying that our bridges are safe. It wasn't an unsafe bridge. A vessel that size would take down just about any bridge in existence. We can all feel safer though...👍
Then on Idaho Bews tonight they had a Transportation Official saying that our bridges are safe. It wasn't an unsafe bridge. A vessel that size would take down just about any bridge in existence. We can all feel safer though...👍
Right most infrastructure is the world is safe as long as something weighing 220,000 tons does not ram into it. Do not worry fellow sheep everything is ok is what he is really saying. Things happen, it could have been much worse, say at 0800 in the morning.
I just read that Joe Biden said that the "Government" ( ie you and me) will pay the full cost of replacing the bridge.
I'm going to channel Alec Baldwin here, "Someone is responsible here. I don't know who, but it's not me."

Shouldn't we go after the shipping company? I'm sure they have to have insurance.
I just read that Joe Biden said that the "Government" ( ie you and me) will pay the full cost of replacing the bridge.
I'm going to channel Alec Baldwin here, "Someone is responsible here. I don't know who, but it's not me."

Shouldn't we go after the shipping company? I'm sure they have to have insurance.
Maryland is as blue as it gets......of course Biden will write the check.....
Why diden't the ship drop anchor...isn't that what they are supposed to do in an emergency like this??

I read a report where he did try that, it also said he issued a Mayday so they were able to block the bridge and stop most of the traffic, could have been a lot worse.

The boat was issued a citation around it propulsion system a few months ago, guess that will get a lot of scrutiny.
Saw a report that the captain was Ukrainian. MSNBC was desperately hoping for a Russian captain for some reason
Good video eel, well worth 30 minutes to watch.
It really brings in to perspective. Just how vulnerable this nation is.
And it is infuriating how dependent we are on foreign trade.

I don’t know if it’s going to do me any good, but I have bought some solar generators that would operate my entire house, shop and well.
I bought a freeze dryer, and it has been going nonstop drying mostly just fruits and vegetables, meat is more than plentiful around here.

It just fugging sucks that I have to concern myself so much with power and food storage in the good ol USA 🇺🇸 🤬

The generators I bought in case anybody’s interested.
Both my boys and a couple of friends have bought these and already have them hooked up, they report that they run flawlessly, exactly as advertised.
Mine is still sitting on a pallet in my shop, just too damn busy right now to get it set up.
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When did the operator of the cargo ship give notice that he had lost control? There must be lots of large tug boats in such a harbor
Good video eel, well worth 30 minutes to watch.
It really brings in to perspective. Just how vulnerable this nation is.
And it is infuriating how dependent we are on foreign trade.

I don’t know if it’s going to do me any good, but I have bought some solar generators that would operate my entire house, shop and well.
I bought a freeze dryer, and it has been going nonstop drying mostly just fruits and vegetables, meat is more than plentiful around here.

It just fugging sucks that I have to concern myself so much with power and food storage in the good ol USA 🇺🇸 🤬

The generators I bought in case anybody’s interested.
Both my boys and a couple of friends have bought these and already have them hooked up, they report that they run flawlessly, exactly as advertised.
Mine is still sitting on a pallet in my shop, just too damn busy right now to get it set up.
That looks like a pretty serious set up. I hope you never have to depend on it, but I think you're smart for doing all that.
Good video eel, well worth 30 minutes to watch.
It really brings in to perspective. Just how vulnerable this nation is.
And it is infuriating how dependent we are on foreign trade.

I don’t know if it’s going to do me any good, but I have bought some solar generators that would operate my entire house, shop and well.
I bought a freeze dryer, and it has been going nonstop drying mostly just fruits and vegetables, meat is more than plentiful around here.

It just fugging sucks that I have to concern myself so much with power and food storage in the good ol USA 🇺🇸 🤬

The generators I bought in case anybody’s interested.
Both my boys and a couple of friends have bought these and already have them hooked up, they report that they run flawlessly, exactly as advertised.
Mine is still sitting on a pallet in my shop, just too damn busy right now to get it set up.
Ran into a couple of guys down In Arizona this year that used these in their camp… Pretty slick actually…
I just read that Joe Biden said that the "Government" ( ie you and me) will pay the full cost of replacing the bridge.
I'm going to channel Alec Baldwin here, "Someone is responsible here. I don't know who, but it's not me."

Shouldn't we go after the shipping company? I'm sure they have to have insurance.
Wait till they tie federal funding to rebuild the bridge, to more Ukraine aid, in addition to slipping in 10X pork for gender affirming care in Uzbekistan & studying the cross dressing mating rituals of gay Long Wattled Tufted Puffins.

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