90/10 General quotas?


Long Time Member
The horse isn't dead yet!

I’m not sure if Wyo res have considered the long-term impacts of 90/10? Nonres quotas would be raised in general deer and elk units to compensate for revenue losses from stripping nonres of ½ of quality limited tags. If you are a Wyo res that enjoys hunting general deer and elk units every year you don’t draw limited tags do you really want more company in the form of more nonres in general units?

From what I understand, the way the task force is considering making up for this revenue loss is issuing more nonres general tags for both deer and elk units? If nonres general unit quotas are raised that means there will be even greater hunting pressure in region G/H for deer and other deer/elk units across Wyo that already have unlimited resident hunters.

What happens as Wyo’s population continues to grow in the coming years? Won’t there be greater and greater hunting pressure placed on general units with unlimited general tags? It seems like this will make it even tougher for the WG&F to manage herd numbers effectively. It doesn't seem like this is a very sustainable way of managing deer and elk if general units already get hit pretty hard with OTC tags from residents?

At some point won’t general units need to be switched to limited draw to manage hunting pressure? This may end up with less opportunity for Wyo res in the long run? The additional Wyo nonres hunters added to general units will also likely impact the quality of bucks and bulls. From what I understand G/H deer are already struggling without any additional tags issued?

The other source of revenue loss with 90/10 is 2nd draw tags for D/E/A. I would expect fewer 2nd draw tags will be available as these tags get swallowed up by Wyo res that have a tough time drawing limited tags. The few additional tags offered to res with 90/10 will barely improve draw odds for high demand, limited units. Also, what happens after winterkill/drought years when 2nd draw tags are severely cut or not even available? It just seems like there are a lot of unknowns in regard to making up for revenue losses and other negative impacts of 90/10 for D/E/A.
? Ok, I’m ready…So what would CO do?

At some point won’t general units need to be switched to limited draw to manage hunting pressure? This may end up with less opportunity for Wyo res in the long run? The additional Wyo nonres hunters added to general units will also likely impact the quality of bucks and bulls. From what I understand G/H deer are already struggling without any additional tags issued?
Another 90/10 thread? I am sure we will reach harmony on this one. :cool::cool::cool:
The horse isn't dead yet!

I’m not sure if Wyo res have considered the long-term impacts of 90/10? Nonres quotas would be raised in general deer and elk units to compensate for revenue losses from stripping nonres of ½ of quality limited tags. If you are a Wyo res that enjoys hunting general deer and elk units every year you don’t draw limited tags do you really want more company in the form of more nonres in general units?

From what I understand, the way the task force is considering making up for this revenue loss is issuing more nonres general tags for both deer and elk units? If nonres general unit quotas are raised that means there will be even greater hunting pressure in region G/H for deer and other deer/elk units across Wyo that already have unlimited resident hunters.

What happens as Wyo’s population continues to grow in the coming years? Won’t there be greater and greater hunting pressure placed on general units with unlimited general tags? It seems like this will make it even tougher for the WG&F to manage herd numbers effectively. It doesn't seem like this is a very sustainable way of managing deer and elk if general units already get hit pretty hard with OTC tags from residents?

At some point won’t general units need to be switched to limited draw to manage hunting pressure? This may end up with less opportunity for Wyo res in the long run? The additional Wyo nonres hunters added to general units will also likely impact the quality of bucks and bulls. From what I understand G/H deer are already struggling without any additional tags issued?

The other source of revenue loss with 90/10 is 2nd draw tags for D/E/A. I would expect fewer 2nd draw tags will be available as these tags get swallowed up by Wyo res that have a tough time drawing limited tags. The few additional tags offered to res with 90/10 will barely improve draw odds for high demand, limited units. Also, what happens after winterkill/drought years when 2nd draw tags are severely cut or not even available? It just seems like there are a lot of unknowns in regard to making up for revenue losses and other negative impacts of 90/10 for D/E/A.
You need to actually use your head for a change.

If more residents draw LQ tags that means less of them will be hunting general elk and deer.

There has been NO discussion of increasing region wide NR tags to compensate for anything...you must have pulled that straight out of your.....hat.

More residents drawing LQ elk tags, means that same number are NOT hunting general elk tags. Which, means that there will be no net gain in any form of pressure on general elk areas.

Also, Resident elk applications were flat this year, so your theory that more residents are hunting elk is a fallacy as well.

You really shouldn't type before you have your facts straight...you're just making chit up as you go.

Changes are going to happen...if I were you, I'd start concentrating more on hunting the state you live in.
So you are saying that there won’t be more residents moving into Wyo or born and raised in Wyo in the next 10 to 20+ years? How much pressure can general units sustain before they are switched over to limited draw?

If there aren’t additional general tags issued to nonres with 90/10 you are banking on nonres revenue being picked up by 2nd draw tags? How many 2nd choice antelope tags were issued in 2021? What if there continues a drought cycle or winterkill several years in a row? What about doe tag cuts? Where will the lost nonres license revenue come from? So many unanswered questions.

As it currently stands the WG&F revenue from pref pt fees has been increasing every year. With 90/10 nonres will be dropping like flies. Same thing happened in New Mexico when outfitters and landowners shafted nonres. The big question is what happens 10 to 20 years from now?
I would not be in favor as a NR to adding more general season tags to the quotas. Whoever thinks that’s a good idea isn’t thinking too straight. The deer can’t take that at all, it’s not always about how many deer you can kill. I hope this is a joke.

I would not be in favor as a NR to adding more general season tags to the quotas. Whoever thinks that’s a good idea isn’t thinking too straight. The deer can’t take that at all, it’s not always about how many deer you can kill. I hope this is a joke.

Agreed, that is purely something Sebastian made up and a joke.

There is talk of perhaps making a portion of NR region tags private land only (which may make sense in regions with mostly private lands). That could alleviate some of the pressure on deer that use public lands and create a better quality hunt for NR's on both private and public.

Its already being done in some pronghorn units in Wyoming.

But, I've heard nothing about increasing tags numbers in region wide areas to increase revenue. Wyoming manages via science and biology (for the most part), unlike Sebastian's state of Residence.

Maybe that's where the confusion comes from.
So you are saying that there won’t be more residents moving into Wyo or born and raised in Wyo in the next 10 to 20+ years? How much pressure can general units sustain before they are switched over to limited draw?

If there aren’t additional general tags issued to nonres with 90/10 you are banking on nonres revenue being picked up by 2nd draw tags? How many 2nd choice antelope tags were issued in 2021? What if there continues a drought cycle or winterkill several years in a row? What about doe tag cuts? Where will the lost nonres license revenue come from? So many unanswered questions.

As it currently stands the WG&F revenue from pref pt fees has been increasing every year. With 90/10 nonres will be dropping like flies. Same thing happened in New Mexico when outfitters and landowners shafted nonres. The big question is what happens 10 to 20 years from now?
You're all over the map...general tags, 2nd draw tags, 2nd choice tags, drought, doe tag cuts.

The GF has a years worth of funding in the bank, for cases just like those you're describing. We will not kill off our wildlife we don't have to fund the department.

Wyoming is not going to continue to pound on a resource that can't handle additional pressure to shore up funding...won't happen.

Just when I think I've heard the dumbest thing ever on a hunting board...you step up with something like this.
I thought I would include a table with the number of nonres applicants that applied for general unit elk tags to get a ball park figure on how many nonres apply for general elk tags. In 2010 there were only 2374 nonres that applied for these tags and in 2021 there were 8173. This shows that nonres applicants have significantly increased 3.4x the past 11 years. More nonres applicants means more pref pt revenue for the WG&F. Pref pt revenue is easy money without even issuing a tag!

I wonder what the trend will be in the next 10 years for nonres if it takes twice as long to draw the same limited tag and nonres pay $52/year or maybe even more for a point? Every nonres that quits applying for elk pref pts is a loss of $52 to the WG&F. The interesting thing about it is that Wyo res have contributed $0.00 over the past 15 years in pref pt fees for elk.

The reality is...nonres will have no trust in Wyo if they are screwed over by changing the draw system? Why invest in a draw program in Wyo when they change their hats a few years down the road?

It's obvious that the trend in nonres applicants paying pref pt fees is increasing almost every year? The big question is how many nonres will drop out or not start applying in Wyo if 90/10 passes?
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Straight from Buzz's other post:
Elk regulation, Chapter 44:

(iv) Elk. A total license limit of seven thousand two hundred-fifty (7,250) nonresident elk licenses shall be made available to nonresident applicants in the initial drawing each year.

The way the draw works, is that LQ areas are drawn first (7, 19, 22, 124, 31, etc. etc.) The balance of 7,250 full price tags are issued as general licenses.

Meaning, there will be a loss of ZERO NR full priced elk tags in Wyoming, just a bigger balance will be issued as general tags.

Treed, I just went and searched the Utah forum and guess what? Not a single post from you wanting more NR tags. I mean surely you will start a thread talking about Utah going 80/20 or 75/25. Hypocrite....
Treed, I just went and searched the Utah forum and guess what? Not a single post from you wanting more NR tags. I mean surely you will start a thread talking about Utah going 80/20 or 75/25. Hypocrite....
Take a look back in the Wyoming forum and show me where I thought the 90/10 was wrong.
Hypocrite? Do you homework before you make statements. Just another bandwagon jumper. ???
Oh ya I found some 180 berger hybrid target .
I once saw an emaciated Grizzly at the Utah zoo.
Damn that bear gets around?
New Wyoming Game and Fish Memo:
In light of the rising frequency of human/grizzly bear
encounters the Wyoming Game and Fish Dept.
is advising hikers, hunters, Utards and fishermen to take extra
precautions and keep alert for bears while in the field.
We advise that outdoorsmen wear noisy little bells on
their clothing so as not to startle the bears that aren't
expecting them. We also advise outdoorsmen to carry
pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a

It is also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear
activity. Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference
between black bear and grizzly bear poop. Black bear poop
is smaller and contains a lot of berry seeds and squirrel fur.
Grizzly bear poop has little bells in it, small chunks of undigested Utard flesh and smells like pepper spray.:cool::cool::cool:
Take a look back in the Wyoming forum and show me where I thought the 90/10 was wrong.
Hypocrite? Do you homework before you make statements. Just another bandwagon jumper. ???
Oh ya I found some 180 berger hybrid target .
I have some 180 grain berger hunters. Won't shoot them if your interested.
Always enjoyed hunting Wyoming. Unfortunately in that no mans land with 14 Moose points. I'll wait and see what really happens before making any decisions.

While I don't blame the residents for wanting more tags ( I would if I was in their shoes). Just do it and get on with it whatever it is. If the goal is all tags then do it, don't delay.
Always enjoyed hunting Wyoming. Unfortunately in that no mans land with 14 Moose points. I'll wait and see what really happens before making any decisions.

While I don't blame the residents for wanting more tags ( I would if I was in their shoes). Just do it and get on with it whatever it is. If the goal is all tags then do it, don't delay.
Why would 14 points be no man’s land? One area only required 7 points this year and several licenses with just 18. If you hunt antlerless which taste even better you could have been eating moose meat this year.
Why would 14 points be no man’s land? One area only required 7 points this year and several licenses with just 18. If you hunt antlerless which taste even better you could have been eating moose meat this year.
As a non resident, not enough points to ever (according to lifespan averages) to ever be in the preference point pool and now even less of an opportunity for tags in the random.

Really don’t want to hunt cow moose, not why I put in. I’ll just wait and see before I decide on anything. It’s not doom and gloom, its just a change but I can say I chose Wyoming for moose based on allocations and odds. Don’t like the change but understand it.
As a non resident, not enough points to ever (according to lifespan averages) to ever be in the preference point pool and now even less of an opportunity for tags in the random.

Really don’t want to hunt cow moose, not why I put in. I’ll just wait and see before I decide on anything. It’s not doom and gloom, its just a change but I can say I chose Wyoming for moose based on allocations and odds. Don’t like the change but understand it.
You certainly could have been in the game and been hunting had you put in for the right areas. This year one area only required 7 points for a moose license. The change won’t occur until likely 2023 so plan accordingly and a few only required 18 points so you certainly are in the running for a moose permit. One proposal was to increase the random pool to 50%.
Stripping 1/2 of the tags from nonres that have up to 22 years into a pref pt system and invested $150/year for pts sounds like a royal slap in the face to me.
Stripping 1/2 of the tags from nonres that have up to 22 years into a pref pt system and invested $150/year for pts sounds like a royal slap in the face to me.
Meh. trying to play off that they paid 150 for each year of those 22. At arts and crafts today why don’t you make one of your fancy graphs that actually shows how much they paid? But that wouldn’t paint into your narrative would it?

I have a feeling you’ve been slapped in your face a lot in life. ???
Only by Wyo res with big ego's and attitudes that could care less about nonres hunters that have devoted years to a pref pt system and support 77% of the WG&F budget!

Have you asked anyone that works for the WG&F what they think of nonres?
Only by Wyo res with big ego's and attitudes that could care less about nonres hunters that have devoted years to a pref pt system and support 77% of the WG&F budget!

Have you asked anyone that works for the WG&F what they think of nonres?
Need a tissue Sally?

Time to move on...its over.
Only by Wyo res with big ego's and attitudes that could care less about nonres hunters that have devoted years to a pref pt system and support 77% of the WG&F budget!

Have you asked anyone that works for the WG&F what they think of nonres?
So you admit you’ve been slapped and have done nothing about it? Well if I had any respect for you which I do not, it’s would be gone after that.

Buzz is right, it’s over. Go relax and let the pain go away. It’s almost hunting season.
Stripping 1/2 of the tags from nonres that have up to 22 years into a pref pt system and invested $150/year for pts sounds like a royal slap in the face to me.
If they have 22 points they should have already drawn both sheep and moose tags. One lucky NR got a moose tag this year with just 7 points. There are some very good areas with 22 points and most of those points were purchased for a measly $7.
Stripping 1/2 of the tags from nonres that have up to 22 years into a pref pt system and invested $150/year for pts sounds like a royal slap in the face to me.

I could be wrong, but not all of those 22 years were at $150…? Either that, or I got a heck of a deal! ?
90/10 and OIL for the big five is a done deal in the task force. It's now headed to the legislature.

Apparently NR comments made zero difference.
It was the sacrificial lamb. Good luck with the rest of the resident agenda.
If they have 22 points they should have already drawn both sheep and moose tags. One lucky NR got a moose tag this year with just 7 points. There are some very good areas with 22 points and most of those points were purchased for a measly $7.
How many points were purchased at $7?
I did a search and found an interesting post made by Buzz back in 2012:

BUZZ's statement -

"You also bring up another "great" thing about point systems. When people suddenly realize that the point systems they cried about getting...arent working, the first thing they do is change them. Thats even more unfair to the people who have applied faithfully under the original point system. You apply for 17 years for sheep under the 75-25 split and suddenly the split is 60-40 to make it "fair" to those without max points.

Thats your idea of leveling the playing field? Thats a fuggin' joke as those with max points have been set back another 5-15 years.

The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing more unfair than a point system to start with, is changing one.

Finally, if anyone honestly believe that WYG&F is going to make a resident preference system any different than the Moose and Sheep system and the NR elk, deer, antelope system...they better wake up and smell the coffee. The only system that will ever happen is the exact same as whats currently being utilized...and you can take that to the fuggin' bank."

Boy, times sure have changed haven't they Buzz?

You can look up Buzz's post by doing a search under "Resident Draw Frustration" His post is #84 on June 27, 2012.
I did a search and found an interesting post made by Buzz back in 2012:

BUZZ's statement -

"You also bring up another "great" thing about point systems. When people suddenly realize that the point systems they cried about getting...arent working, the first thing they do is change them. Thats even more unfair to the people who have applied faithfully under the original point system. You apply for 17 years for sheep under the 75-25 split and suddenly the split is 60-40 to make it "fair" to those without max points.

Thats your idea of leveling the playing field? Thats a fuggin' joke as those with max points have been set back another 5-15 years.

The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing more unfair than a point system to start with, is changing one.

Finally, if anyone honestly believe that WYG&F is going to make a resident preference system any different than the Moose and Sheep system and the NR elk, deer, antelope system...they better wake up and smell the coffee. The only system that will ever happen is the exact same as whats currently being utilized...and you can take that to the fuggin' bank."

Boy, times sure have changed haven't they Buzz?

You can look up Buzz's post by doing a search under "Resident Draw Frustration" His post is #84 on June 27, 2012.
Buzz lives up in your head rent free.

Are you saying you’ve never changed your view on anything over the years?
I did a search and found an interesting post made by Buzz back in 2012:

BUZZ's statement -

"You also bring up another "great" thing about point systems. When people suddenly realize that the point systems they cried about getting...arent working, the first thing they do is change them. Thats even more unfair to the people who have applied faithfully under the original point system. You apply for 17 years for sheep under the 75-25 split and suddenly the split is 60-40 to make it "fair" to those without max points.

Thats your idea of leveling the playing field? Thats a fuggin' joke as those with max points have been set back another 5-15 years.

The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing more unfair than a point system to start with, is changing one.

Finally, if anyone honestly believe that WYG&F is going to make a resident preference system any different than the Moose and Sheep system and the NR elk, deer, antelope system...they better wake up and smell the coffee. The only system that will ever happen is the exact same as whats currently being utilized...and you can take that to the fuggin' bank."

Boy, times sure have changed haven't they Buzz?

You can look up Buzz's post by doing a search under "Resident Draw Frustration" His post is #84 on June 27, 2012.
Buzz is talking point systems not allocations.
Buzz lives up in your head rent free.
Does he have a suite or a full blown house?
I bet Jims wife hates buzz more than Jims does, for hell’s sake Jims just spent the last 3 hours reading every post from Buzz in the last 10 years to only come back with a poor example?

Jims you’re emotionally cheating on your wife. High fast flyer can you google some therapists for Jims to contact? Maybe some research papers?
I bet Jims wife hates buzz more than Jims does, for hell’s sake Jims just spent the last 3 hours reading every post from Buzz in the last 10 years to only come back with a poor example?

Jims you’re emotionally cheating on your wife. High fast flyer can you google some therapists for Jims to contact? Maybe some research papers?
Perhaps you and Jim’s can take turns and switch roles. Alaska Counselling and Therapy located in your neighbourhood. https://www.counselingsolutionsak.com/

Buzz: "The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing more unfair than a point system to start with, is changing one."

What the heck is 90/10 to nonres?

SS- You are definitely getting a little personal with your posts. I'm confused....so are you an Alaska res or a Wyo res? You certainly are a Wyo nonres basher!
Here's an interesting article written by Todd Helms:

I’m on the fence… yup, you read that right. I’m on the fence with the proposed 90/10 tag split being debated by the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce as you read this. I wish I weren’t riding the fence because I hate being indecisive but the fact is that I honestly see points on both sides of this topic.

First of all, a little background in case you’re not savvy to what’s being proposed… A bill has been introduced to change the Wyoming Resident/Nonresident big game tag allocation for bighorn sheep, bison, grizzly, moose and mountain goat to change the current tag allocation of 80% resident, 20% nonresident to 90% resident and 10% nonresident. That’s the issue in a nutshell but as with most things in life, there’s a lot more to it.

First of all, it’s a bill, there are myriad steps in the process before a bill becomes a law and the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce is in the process of sifting through public comments and discussing the details and “what if’s” of this proposed 90/10 split. We are a long way from a final decision on this thing. Which gives us, the public, time to add our “dos pesos” to the conversation. I’ve provided links for you to visit for public comment and discussion below.

Back to my conundrum of being a spineless fence-rider.

First of all, as a Wyoming resident I would love to add 10% more opportunity to my chances of drawing a coveted tag for one of the “Big 5”. Afterall, I live here, it’s only fair that by making my home in Wyoming I should get more of a shot at those tags than someone who lives in say, Minnesota or California and comes to Wyoming for recreation. This is my home and because of that I enjoy the benefits of more affordable tag prices and higher odds of drawing those tags. I also firmly believe that’s the way it should be. If I want the chance to hunt whitetails in Iowa it’s going to cost me almost $700 for the application alone but my family who lives there just buys the tags they want OTC for less than $35.00. That’s one of the many benefits of being a resident and quite frankly it’s one of the many reasons I moved to Wyoming 15 years ago.


Now for the other foot dangling over the fence.

As a Wyoming resident I fully understand and appreciate that nonresidents contribute an awful large sum of money to not only Wyoming Game and Fish but our state and local economies as well. I know many folks whose businesses would not be feasible without the tourism dollars from visiting sportsmen. A sign outside a popular Wyoming restaurant puts it succinctly, “Please come and eat before we both starve!”

Tourism is Wyoming’s number two source of income. We thrive on other people’s money and we aren’t the only state who does. That’s why tourism dollars work, the resident’s get the benefit of the income and the tourists get to experience something unique and enriching. This model has been around since Chaucer’s pilgrims told their Canterbury Tales.

BUT… how much of that money comes in the form of nonresident hunter’s pursuing bison, moose, mountain goats and bighorn sheep? I’m not betting much. I understand that outfitters need those nonresident clients more than the hotel and restaurant proprietors do (it’s simply math) as those clients make up a larger percentage of a Big 5 outfitter’s annual income than Yellowstone tourists do for local tourism business owners. However, I’ve also been told that an awful lot of outfitter’s Big 5 hunts are booked by residents so increasing the tag allotment to 90% would, in theory, put more food on the table for those outfitters’ families.

Like I said, this is complicated and I am still gathering intel to help form a solid opinion one way or another. That said, what say you?


For some great dialogue on this topic visit the Eastmans’ Forum via the link below


Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce Meeting Videos


Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce Public Comment Page

Buzz: "The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing more unfair than a point system to start with, is changing one."

What the heck is 90/10 to nonres?

SS- You are definitely getting a little personal with your posts. I'm confused....so are you an Alaska res or a Wyo res? You certainly are a Wyo nonres basher!
Confused is one of your many attributes. Not that it’s any of your business but why I’m for 90/10 is because it’s the right thing to do for resident hunters. You can get on here and try to fool everyone how much you care about small businesses in WY but you’ve failed to mention your friends in WY? I assume you don’t have any because if you did wouldn’t you want them to have more opportunity? I know I do.

And if you’re foolish enough to think I’m anti NR you really are confused. I’m anti whiney ass crying little greedy b****es like you @jims . Doesn’t matter the state you live, a ***** is a *****.

Good luck this fall jims. I really mean it. Fools like you need all the luck they can get…
Buzz: "The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing more unfair than a point system to start with, is changing one."

What the heck is 90/10 to nonres?

SS- You are definitely getting a little personal with your posts. I'm confused....so are you an Alaska res or a Wyo res? You certainly are a Wyo nonres basher!
Point system isn't changing yet, only the allocation.

No wonder you're confused.

90-10 is an ALLOCATION change.
From what I've heard time and time again is that Wyo residents want a better chance to draw high demand limited tags. Wyo res have plenty of OPPORTUNITY to fill their freezer with multiple big game animals/year. Buzz is a prime example of this! That's exactly what the Task Force is asking the WG&F. How many big game tags are most residents drawing/year.

The Task Force already has spread sheets in front of them that show Wyo res draw odds with and without 90/10 tag numbers for high demand limited tags that Wyo res desire. It's obvious to the Task Force, outfitters, and everyone else that draw odds barely improve when 1/2 of these tags are stripped from nonres. As I've been saying all along, 90/10 impacts ALL nonres and only a small fraction of Wyo res benefit from this.

The Task Force has been a lot smarter than SS, Buzz, and others because they are searching for other options to improve draw odds so more residents draw these limited high demand tags. That's exactly what they are asking for with comments and questions to the WG&F and the public.

You Wyo nonres bashers can continue to blast away at me but at least the Task Force is bright enough to look at the draw odds, statistics, and options so more Wyo res will have the opportunity to draw high demand tags. I know if I was a Wyo res I certainly would be looking at options that improve my odds of drawing these tags.

I guess plain and simple....do Wyo res want to watch their neighbors draw several back to back limited tags or is it time to put a program in place with a waiting period, bonus pt system, etc that gives those that haven't drawn high demand tags a SIGNIFICANTLY better chance? I can pretty much guarantee 90/10 is not the answer!

If you don't trust the numbers I have presented on my spread sheets do yourself and your kids a favor and put together one of your own. The differences in draw odds with 90/10 vs waiting periods is dramatic!
Point system isn't changing yet, only the allocation.

No wonder you're confused.

90-10 is an ALLOCATION change.
Buzz: "The ONLY, and I mean ONLY thing more unfair than a point system to start with, is changing one.

You are really eating crow now!
Why would 14 points be no man’s land? One area only required 7 points this year and several licenses with just 18. If you hunt antlerless which taste even better you could have been eating moose meat this year.
I don't believe many have been paying $150.00 a year for a point to go cow moose hunting. Just saying.
Hasn't been $7 for a dozen years. Give or take.

The first few of mine were $7 to dangle the worm. Then it went to $50 to set the hook. Now it is $150 and has been for numerous years.

If NR tags go down to around 26-27 points it will take longer then a lifetime just to get through the people with a dozen points or more. A few may get a poor/low point unit tag here and there. But 80% of the tags take 18 or more points.

No arguing here and if a resident I'd want more tags. Just saying a new person with zero points would be a fool to start building points for moose in wyoming.

Luckly I have 21 points and can draw numerous units, but still out a ways for the top units.
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You certainly could have been in the game and been hunting had you put in for the right areas. This year one area only required 7 points for a moose license. The change won’t occur until likely 2023 so plan accordingly and a few only required 18 points so you certainly are in the running for a moose permit. One proposal was to increase the random pool to 50%.View attachment 46889
I fell over when I saw this , so I had to go look at the odds on the Game and Fish...there it showed 19 points. Don't know which is the correct data source. But thanks for pointing it out to me

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