Antelope regular or special


I have applied for a elk tag and feel I have a decent chance at drawing. However if
I do not I will then apply with my son for Antelope with 8.5 points. I have hunted Antelope twice and my son once, so far from pro's. Truth is like many others probably will not be able to tell a 70 in from a 80. So looking for much more of a quality hunt with mostly public ground lots of animals and of coarse a better chance of a trophy. We would be hunting around the Oct 1 for 5 days. I know there are many units that meet our goals but with our points we have many options.
So I feel with our points we should be able to have a great hunt in regular and I have it down to these five, 91-106-75-93-68. 93 would be iffy for the draw that if
more than a point creep could miss out. 68 the same but they added 100 tags this year so I think we would be okay. 75 dropped down 75 tags but still think we would be okay. We for sure want to hunt this year if we apply.
Now comes my dilemma in which I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys. If we were to apply special that opens up a bunch of quality units like 57-92-96-95-93-101 and 68 for sure. Are these units worth double the money to hunt for hunters like us? I hope to hear your opinions. Also either on here or through pm would be great full for any suggestions on these units.
I have applied for a elk tag and feel I have a decent chance at drawing. However if
I do not I will then apply with my son for Antelope with 8.5 points. I have hunted Antelope twice and my son once, so far from pro's. Truth is like many others probably will not be able to tell a 70 in from a 80. So looking for much more of a quality hunt with mostly public ground lots of animals and of coarse a better chance of a trophy. We would be hunting around the Oct 1 for 5 days. I know there are many units that meet our goals but with our points we have many options.
So I feel with our points we should be able to have a great hunt in regular and I have it down to these five, 91-106-75-93-68. 93 would be iffy for the draw that if
more than a point creep could miss out. 68 the same but they added 100 tags this year so I think we would be okay. 75 dropped down 75 tags but still think we would be okay. We for sure want to hunt this year if we apply.
Now comes my dilemma in which I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys. If we were to apply special that opens up a bunch of quality units like 57-92-96-95-93-101 and 68 for sure. Are these units worth double the money to hunt for hunters like us? I hope to hear your opinions. Also either on here or through pm would be great full for any suggestions on these units.
57 is
I would add 67 in Special to list for sure. Not as many tags other units and great quality and 57 is awesome because you can get off the roads and just walk and find all kinds of antelope. If you had access to horses 57 can tuen into a horseback hunt easy in a roadless area. If you wanna hike around and get boots on ground 67 is good and you can both shoot awesome scoring goats, if your up for hardcore and want a great chance at 80 BC then 57 is probably a choice to look at and with a horse you can cover alot of ground looks over hundreds of bucks without a truck insight.
Camping or moteling? I think you would have a good hunt in all of those units if you are not focused on finding that 80-incher. If you are not camping, then I would start looking at location/towns to help narrow your options.
Wow thanks guys really appreciate your responses. 67 would be a great option but with a 1 point creep that would put us on the fence and now a decrease of 25 tags might not be a sure draw. 68 is a great option that we can draw however a little concerned with 100 tag increase now 600 tags. I should have mentioned that getting
out of the truck some walking in to secluded areas would be a huge plus for us. In our past experiences after 3 days of riding in truck we would wear down and end up shooting first decent animal. Also if
weather permits we plan on truck camping where we end up in the unit that day. Thanks again and hope to hear more. Good part is we should end up with a great unit regardless.
Wow thanks guys really appreciate your responses. 67 would be a great option but with a 1 point creep that would put us on the fence and now a decrease of 25 tags might not be a sure draw. 68 is a great option that we can draw however a little concerned with 100 tag increase now 600 tags. I should have mentioned that getting
out of the truck some walking in to secluded areas would be a huge plus for us. In our past experiences after 3 days of riding in truck we would wear down and end up shooting first decent animal. Also if
weather permits we plan on truck camping where we end up in the unit that day. Thanks again and hope to hear more. Good part is we should end up with a great unit regardless.
I think I would do 106 regular or 68 or 67 special if I were in your shoes. 68 regular could be a gamble and 67 special could also be a gamble. I think you would get either, but it could definitely jump to 9.
I would add 67 in Special to list for sure. Not as many tags other units and great quality and 57 is awesome because you can get off the roads and just walk and find all kinds of antelope. If you had access to horses 57 can tuen into a horseback hunt easy in a roadless area. If you wanna hike around and get boots on ground 67 is good and you can both shoot awesome scoring goats, if your up for hardcore and want a great chance at 80 BC then 57 is probably a choice to look at and with a horse you can cover alot of ground looks over hundreds of bucks without a truck insight.

I’m having a little trouble visualizing any place in 57 that is roadless. Can you share what portion of that area you are talking about?
I’m having a little trouble visualizing any place in 57 that is roadless. Can you share what portion of that area you are talking about?
From East Fork head South or East there is several areas you can get off away from roads. Had a tag in that area in 2015 put several miles on the boats hiking and spotting was very easy to get far from roads, Remember telling my brothers next time we draw we are bringing down the horses. We used several dried out washes in the area dropping down from sight to get better looks at goats. They where a ton of washes in the area the area made stocking a lot easeier.
If you can't tell the difference or don't care if the buck is 70" or 80", then there is absolutely no reason to waste the money on paying for the special draw. You can kill a 70" buck without much trouble in many units that take less than 5 points in the regular draw. In many units in Wyoming it is no big deal to look over 100+ bucks in a day.
In my opinion 68 isn't what it used to be. I would rather have a 57 tag in my pocket than 68. 67 would be my first choice if you can draw. Good luck.
Thanks again guys it has turned real busy here in Wisconsin with good weather and trying to get crops in. To say the least it has been a very trying year. Should know if I drew elk in about 10 days and if I did not I will need to make a quick decision on my unit for antelope.
Your feedback will play a big part in my decision. Hopefully I will be able to get in contact with some of you through pm if needed. Stay healthy everyone.

Do you have a picture of the buck you ended up taking in 2015 you could post? I hunted 57 back in 2012 or 2013 and managed a 76" buck but had a hard time finding an 80". All the areas we hunted had roads everywhere.
I hunted 57 I think in 2015. Took a 79 5/8 buck. he was only 14” tall but super heavy. Did see one that would of been over 80” while scouting but he loved to hang out around the pumping areas. There are lots of roads
I love 57, but I am not sure I would want to hunt it this year. I have a feeling the winter was worse than they thought and that the numbers will be down a good chunk. I like 57 and it would be just fine but I am on the fence on how bad the actual winter was in the unit. I have been unit every winter since 2002 and I can say the snow was deeper and nastier than any other year in that time with only 07/08 rivaling the winter in the unit.

I have to draw using my points now and 57 was top on my list but not so sure now.
I would do whichever is gonna give you the best chance of drawing the area ya choose if your ready to go hunt, I don’t think I’d ever let the winter situations decide for me, always gonna be some big critters running around to search for, even on easy winter years ya need to search to find them!!
I would be leery of where you apply in Wyo this year. As mentioned above, the snow along the I80 corridor was a lot deeper than it's been for years! Take a look at the proposed antelope tag reductions (both doe and buck tags) in scattered units across Wyo and that will give you an idea how the winter went.
What makes me concerned is the units I am still considering did not
have a tag decrease and yet people on the ground in those areas are
more than a little skeptical on the winter kill. I am hoping to try and make some calls in the next week. Sure would be nice to draw a elk tag so I could wait to next year for lopes. Thanks everyone again.
I hunted 67 last year and like you I am not great at judging antelope. In fact I decided early in the hunt I wanted to find one I could get above and shoot at 200 yards and that is exactly what I did. We hunted after the opener and never saw another hunter. If you draw I will share with you what I know about the unit. Really not much to it, glass, find antelope, hunt the ones you like.
How is 63 these days. I hunted there nine years ago and had a great time. Have nine NR PP and looking to hunt again this year.
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The difference between 70 and 80 is night and day...even to the untrained eye...gobs of 70 bucks out there and the start getting really rare when you get in the 80 zone For an example a good area I hunt in Wyoming maybe I see a couple hundred 70ish bucks and two a legit 80 or 80 plus. Most likely if you stay off the trigger with you experience in a better area you can get a mid 70's buck which is a solid nice buck unless you scout a lot and look at lots of country. But the real beauty of Pronghorns is they are SUPER territorial. You find a buck before the season and great chance you will find him right in the same region come shooting time.
How is 63 these days. I hunted there nine years ago and had a great time. Have nine NR PP and looking to hunt again this year.

Been pimped in the mags for so many years its current PP value is way above it's worth. Close to Casper too so it gets a lot of local traffic.
Happy to say my son and I were successful in the regular antelope draw with type 1 tags. Not so lucky on the doe front however as we went 0 for 4. We applied for 4 tags hoping to just get 1 and maybe 2 and we were actually worrying that we would get all 4, kind of shocking.
So know I have a choice to make as my son will be gone for 5 days in the middle of the season right when I was planning on hunting. We plan on hunting 4 days or maybe 5 sandwiched with 2 travel days. We could hunt the opener but really do not like crowds and prefer to wait. We could also hunt before my sons work trip which would be arriving around the 19th and hunt to the 24th. Or we could wait until he comes back and arrive to hunt on the 29th and hunt to Oct 4.
Would really appreciate your opinions on which time frame would be better. I actually prefer the later in Oct but don't like increasing our odds on bad weather. What you guys think. Pat
Wow Bob thanks for asking as I was somehow under the impression our season opened Sept 15 when it opens the 19th on a Saturday. I guess that kind of answers my own question as now there won't be time to hunt before he goes on his work trip with out hunting the opener. So now my choices are opening week or 3rd week or even later, season closes Oct 31. Pat
In your situation I would wait and come enjoy for a few days looking over goats and see what is top end. A couple days will tell you alot. Always have the gun incase that stud shows.

For me pretty hard to make an antelope hunt last more then 5 days.

I do prefer to show up a couple days early and look around. Very little company until the hunt. Usually have the top few goats located and try to get it done on opener at daylight. Then can hunt for other tags or just enjoy camping for a couple days.
Happy to say my son and I were successful in the regular antelope draw with type 1 tags. Not so lucky on the doe front however as we went 0 for 4. We applied for 4 tags hoping to just get 1 and maybe 2 and we were actually worrying that we would get all 4, kind of shocking.
So know I have a choice to make as my son will be gone for 5 days in the middle of the season right when I was planning on hunting. We plan on hunting 4 days or maybe 5 sandwiched with 2 travel days. We could hunt the opener but really do not like crowds and prefer to wait. We could also hunt before my sons work trip which would be arriving around the 19th and hunt to the 24th. Or we could wait until he comes back and arrive to hunt on the 29th and hunt to Oct 4.
Would really appreciate your opinions on which time frame would be better. I actually prefer the later in Oct but don't like increasing our odds on bad weather. What you guys think. Pat
I'd go later in October if it were me, but I'd also try to avoid the first week of deer season too, if possible.
If it were me and I waited that long for a tag I would take full advantage of the tag. That may mean multiple trips, especially if you are being picky and want the best possible weather. I would take full advantage of the opening and return if necessary. If you aren't picky about bucks I wouldn't worry about it and go later when you can relax and just have a great hunt.

As mentioned in earlier posts this was a tough year on antelope close to Rawlins. That likely means fewer upper class bucks available. Obviously some of the best bucks will likely be cherry picked the first couple days of the season when the highest proportion of bucks are harvested. There likely are a few top tier bucks that slip through the cracks but with potentially fewer top bucks available due to winterkill each week of the season there may be fewer whoppers available and you will likely need to hunt longer, farther from 2 tracks, etc to find them.

I really don't know a whole lot of migration patterns of 57. There is always the potential for snow in early October. If it is deep enough it can push antelope into different areas and sometimes into adjacent units. Deep snow can also make access tougher. I imagine a lot of oil and gas roads remain fairly open if there is deep snow in 57 so that may not be a problem.

Antelope also tend to herd up in October which as mentioned above can be tougher to stalk. I doubt there is enough hunting pressure in 57 to make antelope super spooky but they likely will get pushed off the main roads the first few days of the season. As the season progresses they likely will calm down and show themselves more. I'm pretty sure that area is a general deer unit so as mentioned in the other post deer hunting pressure may spook antelope back off the roads at that time as well.

Obviously bucks are pretty dumb when rutting and the rut around Rawlins really kicks in around the 3rd to last week in Sept through early Oct. Obviously if you can take advantage of the rut it may pull things a little more in your favor.

Weather can definitely be a factor in Wyo and I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket hoping that one set date will work...especially if it is mid to late October. If you can remain flexible with hunting dates and go when the extended weather forecast looks good it may be a more enjoyable hunt. The important thing is to have a great time with your son! A pair of trophy bucks is just icing on the cake!

Those are just a few recommendations I would seriously consider for timing your hunt. Congrats on your tag and good luck!
Thanks guys appreciate your opinions and suggestions. I did not apply for 57 and glad I did not as we would not have drawn. I decided to go with unit 106 in regular draw as we had a point and a half to play with. With 3 top units bordering 106 I think we will be fine. Time will tell but we are happy to have the tags and get away for awhile doing something
we crave for and that's hunting the west. Hope to hear from more of you and congrats to those of you that had successful draws. Pat
Now that I know the area and the season, I'd say if you could go the third week, I think that would be ideal. And don't hunt the weekend at all if possible. So, try for October 5-9 if you can. As mentioned, you might also keep an eye on the weather forecast and keep your dates flexible. Could end up with nasty weather in early October and might be better weather a week or two later. I had to deal with rain and mud last year and that is the worst possible thing that could ruin your hunt, or at least make it a lot less enjoyable, in my opinion. So I would plan around the weather more than anything else.
Received notice this past week by email and letter of Wild Horse Gathering. I called Game and Fish and was able to talk to one of the head guys for the gathering. They plan on starting Oct 6th and their goal is 250 horses. Thankfully we will be gone by then, although the Crooks Mt area would of been the only area that would have affected us.
Also like many reports from others plenty of goats and bucks but
horn size not there. Should not affect my son and I as I am not sure how many 80 class bucks there would need to be for us to find one.
Not long now, hoping for weather to cooperate for us, good luck everyone. Pat
They need to removed around 500 horses in the southern and central part of unit 60. Saw one group with over 70 horses and numerous other groups of 20 to 30 horses each.
I’m up in Wyoming now north of Thermopolis and I’ll tell you there are only a fraction off the Antelope that we saw only a few years ago. Don’t know if it’s winter kill or to many tags but it’s bad.
Well finally have time to report on my son and I antelope hunt in unit 106. These two were as good as we could do. In four days of hunting from first light to last light we seen one a little bigger and maybe 4 more about the same size as the ones we shot. Just loaded with small bucks and plenty of animals overall. Don't know if it is just the year or if they don't have the genetics in this unit but just no cutters and very few curled back. Also many with non matching sides. Talked to a state employee before the hunt with this same tag and he said last year he spotted 6 bucks he would have shot on any year in any unit so he applied for 106. This year however after scouting for 5 days he never seen a buck he would even consider shooting. Thinking we were just not finding the bigger animals we come across a deer hunter who had been scouting for 4 days and he said we were wasting our time in holding out for a trophy and to just shoot a decent one as he never seen a true shooter in his time here.
So after 2 days we hit a dead spot in the unit that looked great but we drove and glassed for nearly a hour and never seen a animal. So I drove up a dead end road to a glassing spot and we looked literally strait down and my buck was laying with 2 does tucked in a hole that could not be seen except from this ledge.
He jumped up and ran all the way through a big bowl and then over a small saddle so we walked about a mile and looked over the edge only to see him way down on the big flat below but his does were at 500 yds below us. I decided to get ready in case he came back to the does and crawled out on a rock ledge and found a big flat rock to sit on and a bush in front of me. I laid my back pack on the bush and It was perfect it felt like I was shooting from a bench. Few minutes later he comes charging back my son ranges him at 512. I normally would never shoot this range but it felt so right and I squeezed the trigger and hit him perfect. Happy about the shot as I just have a rifle I hunt with for WI whitetails and seldom shoot over 200 yds.

The last day we found out best buck and chased him on foot for 2 hrs and my son missed a long shot . We then went back to places where we passed on decent bucks and my son made a good shot at 200 yds and we were done.
The animals were not the biggest but that was the only negative. What a great time and a great state. We never seen another hunter except for the guy scouting deer. So much room, so many animals, such great weather, listen to the National Anthem every morning on the way to the hunt, what a special time in a special place. Jeffrey City sure is a place to experience, abandoned but not by the antelope as they are running the old streets everywhere. Seen a pretty good moose not far from there was not expecting that. Seen at least 10 coyotes and 4 flocks of sage grouse.

Want to thank everyone that helped us and will not be forgotten. This is a great place with great people. Pat


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Congrats. My son and I hunted a unit we have hunted numerous times over the past 15 years. We have taken some great antelope in the past. However, the quality and numbers this year was just not there. Found about the same quality of animals as you.

We had a great time and enjoyed the hunt and the great outdoors of Wyoming. That is what mattered.
I was in unit 60 this year for a couple of weeks and never saw a really big pronghorn. The biggest I saw this year was in unit 92. These units are loaded with 13-14 inch bucks. Finding a buck that scores over 80 inches in even the best WY units is still a challenge.
From what I've seen there are overall a lot fewer antelope in some regions of Wyo that got hit hard by winterkill last winter. South and South Central Wyo had long periods with deep snow, super cold weather, and Wyo wind to contend with. It was especially hard on older age class bucks and does that tend to have the toughest time surviving tough winters. Older bucks are obviously stressed more by the rut and does stressed from being pregnant over the winter months. Young bucks have it relatively easier so often survive. I've seen a lot of young bucks in regions that were hammered last winter by winterkill. In fact, some areas I saw more young bucks than does. The few does that were present aborted and had few to no fawns. Hungry coyotes hammer the few fawns that exist.

The hardest hit regions in Wyo were those where antelope couldn't migrate out of areas with deep snow and cold. My guess is that antelope tag number will be cut in 2021 in regions where this happened. If there is another bad winter it could be devastating in these areas!

Unfortunately the trend for both regular and special draw antelope odds tend to be getting worse each year in Wyo. Obviously when the WG&F offers fewer tags this means tags will be even tougher to draw. Keep your fingers crossed that this winter is free of deep snow and cold!
I'm hoping for deep snow, in the mountains. We desperately need a good snowpack this winter.
Obviously not out where it will cause more die off.
Yep, it's been super hot and dry in most of Wyo this year. Like you said, moisture would be good!

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