Anyone call Javelina?


Very Active Member
I have been watching youtube videos on calling Javelina. It looks like a blast. Does anybody do it? Does everybody do it and make them call shy? My friends have archery tags in 21 in a few weeks. I am looking forward to glassing the desert, hopefully in the sunshine. Merry Christmas
I have tried it without success. I have called in coyotes and mule deer while javelina calling but no javelina. But then again I suck at calling most things.
Done it several times........they come in on a trot at point blank range.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Many times with SUCCESS, A closed reed call best. Blow it like you are hurt,LOUD they will come,on The FIGHT.Use after glassing area first.GOOD LUCK ... Bruce & SilverGrand
I have done it and like already mentioned they will sometimes come on a rope. From my experience, it has only worked when they were not spooked. If they were spooked the calling would stop them but would not make them come in. When things work right they come in fast and as long as you keep blowing they keep coming. This can be a real challenge if you are bow hunting. The furthest that I have ever had them come from (that I know of) is about 250 yards. Good Luck
I haven't tried it while actually hunting javelina, but a couple times in the 1970s, I had them come in while I was calling for coyotes, etc. For that I used a Circe distressed rabbit call.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-19 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]Well thanks for the replies. I will try it and let you guys know
how it goes
We tried it several times with no luck. In fairness we never tried it when we knew there were pigs close. The three days I hunted with my friends we were too distracted by deer, I never saw a pig. They got into them twice after I left but they were so excited to be in them they never called for fear of spooking them.
Calls work great at time. Called these in to within 10 feet. Used a Circe Jackrabbit call.

Have used the J-13 before, and the Tally Ho call with success.

If they are around they will either charge at you or run like their butts are on fire!

Secret to javelina hunting is glass, call, move on. Repeat as necessary!

javelina in Unit 16A.jpg
another "JAVI " hunt season (H.A.M.) opens soon.All good advise from above ... from a recent hunt Our herd of Javelina were startled from a few domestic/wild cows and ran around a hill out of view.A few moments later, the distressed call was used and the group came back looking !!! A few soothing feeding sounds applied, brought this good sized Boar into easy archery range. This calling will work, try it ... Bruce & SilverGrand
Calls work great at time. Called these in to within 10 feet. Used a Circe Jackrabbit call.

Have used the J-13 before, and the Tally Ho call with success.

If they are around they will either charge at you or run like their butts are on fire!

Secret to javelina hunting is glass, call, move on. Repeat as necessary!
Don are you doing your javi weight contest this coming HAM hunt?

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