Best CWMU for 7pts

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
What's your opinion for the best CWMU experience with 7 points. Or would you apply for Diamond Mtn or Books cliffs Muzzy instead?
I'm trying to decide what I want to do next year. I would really like to cash out in 2013 to hunt deer.

I am in the same boat! Tried too cash in my points last year with the Bookcliffs muzzy and didn't draw with 8 points. Not sure what the best CWMU is but if you do your homework it could pay off.
Ensign Ranches. Great deer country and they treat the state hunters well. Not an easy hunt but if you put the time in I know you can kill a 160-185 buck. I did see a few deer that might push high 180". What I really liked about it was we had the whole mtn to ourselves. There were others in there but we never saw them. Hope this helps. I'm not sure how many points it takes to draw. I think my buddy had 9 or 10 2 years ago.

*Never give up the "BIG" one is right around the next Hill*
Looks like Ensign takes 12 points these days...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I would apply for the Book Cliffs.

I hate CWMU's but thats for another discussion. The Book Cliffs is a great hunt and with some work there are big bucks on that unit.

Think about it: you can decide when and where YOU want to hunt!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-12 AT 06:03PM (MST)[p]HJ will you have 7 next year (or did you have 7 this year)? My opinion EITHER ONE! Books or Diamond I like them both
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-12 AT 06:21PM (MST)[p]I have 7 points as of right now, so 8 going into it? I don't know.

The books and Diamond are my first choices, but I'm not super impressed with most of the bucks coming out of the books. I want a good buck that I will be happy with.

The advantage with the CWMU program is most of the good ones are close to home and offer November hunts. It's hard to pass up a november hunt on private land with hardly any pressure.

I also considered the Alton Mgmt hunt. There are some pig mgmt bucks on there. Problem is the odds skyrocketed this year for that hunt.

I'm liking the bucks kicked out on Diamond lately, but there is a bunch of private stuff to deal with too.

Deseret is on my radar but they reduced the tags number by almost 50% to manage for BIG bucks. I'm still probably at least 3-4 years from DLL or Ensign.

It's a toss up!
You're probably a year out on both of those hunts (2014) I drew last year on the books (lucky - 1 year early) Had a great time took a 28" 4X3 (rifle) Hard as you hunt you should have a great chance at a great buck. PM your email I'll send a couple pics of bucks taken this year on both hunts
You should consider the Mt. Carmel CWMU. Jason, the operator, is a dang good guy and treats the public hunters well. They have taken a couple nice bucks there this year.
>I would apply for the Book
>I hate CWMU's but thats for
>another discussion. The Book
>Cliffs is a great hunt
>and with some work there
>are big bucks on that
>Think about it: you can decide
>when and where YOU want
>to hunt!

Agree 100%

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