Colorado Hype


Very Active Member
Seems like a lot less hype this year than last for guys putting in for Colorado. I imagine there will be point creep but I'm wondering if it will be less than it was last year.

A Bunch Of Guys Blowed Their Points on PISSCUTTERS Hoping For Weather With The Later Hunts!

How'd That Pan Out for Most?

They Shot The Sshhitt Out of The Does Last Year as Well!

That'll Help Everything!
I think there will be less with covid mandates reeled in. Last few years the hunter satisfaction has been very low too with poor elk herd numbers and deer quality at least in my part of the world. Units are simply not worth the points or the dollars. I know we've pulled back on 2 out of state hunts for these same reasons.
Colorado is still a good place to go for Elk IMO.
I cant get an Elk Tag every year in my home state, so they get my money every year.
I am a NR but try to respect, enjoy and help others.
I know that NR do spend a little more than res with all involved with supplies and such but for the most part I haven't really had a bad interaction and have been treated nice as a NR.
I have even made some friends and decent connections after a few years.
I know that some res get rubbed the wrong way with so many NR and I cant say that I blame you.
Colorado is still a good place to go for Elk IMO.
I cant get an Elk Tag every year in my home state, so they get my money every year.
I am a NR but try to respect, enjoy and help others.
I know that NR do spend a little more than res with all involved with supplies and such but for the most part I haven't really had a bad interaction and have been treated nice as a NR.
I have even made some friends and decent connections after a few years.
I know that some res get rubbed the wrong way with so many NR and I cant say that I blame you.
You have just as much right to those elk on National Forest as does a resident. Good luck.
Where I hunt has really taken a dump. Thanks to certain gps apps there are no honey holes. Or at least a couple less. Not to dump on non res hunters because I have met a few real stand up guys. But last year a group of assholes from Utah were posted on every ridge we hunt. That’s not a big deal it’s public’s what sucks is they shot no less then 20 times at two bucks. Hit both found one. I watched the lost buck run/limp from 1000+ yards onto private where I’m certain he died. They ended up tagging one, and myself and my buddy went to the kill site hoping to talk to them. Well they were gone but there were at least 10 havalon blade wrappers plus candy bar wrappers and a couple gator aid bottles. We cleaned up there crap and moved on. But dang I can’t imagine how lazy a guy has to be to not pick up your trash? Hell they had a quartered deer on there backs.

On a positive note. My family had some property when I was a kid. And. Group of guys literally just drove through our place to get to another property. Every time they came they would always cook us some fresh shrimp and were very appreciative of us for letting them come through our place. Which they legally did not have any obligation to us what so Ever.

I know this is a touch of rant... But what it comes down to is everyone thinks they can find a 180” buck in co. And that is not the case.
With very few exceptions an average mule deer tag in CO is better than a good tag anywhere else. Let's see how many booners come out of the other states this year.
I have hunted Colorado for five years in a row. There is a night and day difference from where it was at five years ago. Less deer, less mature bucks, and HUGE decrease in elk. With the potential of wolves being introduced to Colorado, the state of big game animals in Colorado will continue to decrease at an even more rapid rate.
The local restaurants and hotel owners have said that without hunters coming in from September-November that their establishments wouldn’t make it.
I’m a pretty optimistic person, but it’s been crazy how fast the decline has happened.
I think mule deer hunting in Colorado will be in a extremely sad state by 2030 and on if things continue the way they are. At this point I consider myself fortunate to atleast get to experience the tail end of the good years and harvest some great bucks. Big mule deer have always been my passion, but if the course continues I’m going to have to start enjoying elk and whitetails a lot more…
Here’s something to ponder, while I do know for certain that our deer population is shrinking where we hunt, I have noticed deer, antelope and elk in the flat farm and ranch lands of Eastern NM. This area is approximately 200 miles from mountainous terrain. This was unheard of 10 years ago. Seems like a lot of the animals have migrated to new habitat. Our winters are mild, food and water is plentiful year around, there is plenty of cover in draws and such and we knock the hell out of the coyotes here. Interesting.
Seems like a lot less hype this year than last for guys putting in for Colorado. I imagine there will be point creep but I'm wondering if it will be less than it was last year.
Once it switched to Colorado Parks and Wildlife the end of Colorado's deer herd was forgon conclusion. It will never come back at these tag levels, and these tag levels will only get worse.
Once it switched to Colorado Parks and Wildlife the end of Colorado's deer herd was forgon conclusion. It will never come back at these tag levels, and these tag levels will only get worse.

I heard cameras killed all the deer.
I spent a month in Colorado last year (before and during the 2nd and 3rd season). I couldn't belief how small (young) some of the bucks were that people were shooting. I know some people are meat hunters but dang. I thought I was back in PA.
Where I hunt has really taken a dump. Thanks to certain gps apps there are no honey holes. Or at least a couple less. Not to dump on non res hunters because I have met a few real stand up guys. But last year a group of assholes from Utah were posted on every ridge we hunt. That’s not a big deal it’s public’s what sucks is they shot no less then 20 times at two bucks. Hit both found one. I watched the lost buck run/limp from 1000+ yards onto private where I’m certain he died. They ended up tagging one, and myself and my buddy went to the kill site hoping to talk to them. Well they were gone but there were at least 10 havalon blade wrappers plus candy bar wrappers and a couple gator aid bottles. We cleaned up there crap and moved on. But dang I can’t imagine how lazy a guy has to be to not pick up your trash? Hell they had a quartered deer on there backs.

On a positive note. My family had some property when I was a kid. And. Group of guys literally just drove through our place to get to another property. Every time they came they would always cook us some fresh shrimp and were very appreciative of us for letting them come through our place. Which they legally did not have any obligation to us what so Ever.

I know this is a touch of rant... But what it comes down to is everyone thinks they can find a 180” buck in co. And that is not the case.
Not a rant. Just the truth. Hunters leave the mountian better then they find it. POS's trash the hills, shot up everything and have no ethics. Wish more could enjoy the hunt more. Punch a tag is a bonus and a 170+ buck is icing on the cake. Thanks for sharing the Colorado mountians with us NR. Sorry about the bad apples. Sure has changed in the past 50 years.
Hunting has never guaranteed the harvest of an animal. If you know what you’re doing and hunt from sun up to sun down every legal day of the hunt your odds are extremely higher than the vast majority of “hunters”.
I’m a optimistic person, I think that people are probably gonna stop hunting Colorado for awhile and eventually things will get better . As I learned in wildlife biology, everything works in highs and lows nothing is consistent , high population numbers are bound to drop and low population numbers are bound to grow. I do have to say the wolves put quite a damper on my optimism though.
Remember S.S.S
I’m a optimistic person, I think that people are probably gonna stop hunting Colorado for awhile and eventually things will get better . As I learned in wildlife biology, everything works in highs and lows nothing is consistent , high population numbers are bound to drop and low population numbers are bound to grow. I do have to say the wolves put quite a damper on my optimism though.
Remember S.S.S
I know of at least a dozen folks here that if they don’t draw elk are going to hunt in Colorado this year.
Colorado will always be that homely girl at the end of the bar you go after at 2am when you’ve struck out everywhere else when it comes to elk hunting.
I hear you Cole, but not everyone's reasoning. Some just like hunting elk every year or two and inches don't make that hunt good or bad. Just great times in the mountains with friends and family making memories is an awesome hunt to some of us. Colorado has some awesome places to just spend a week or two with a tag in your pocket.
I hear you Cole, but not everyone's reasoning. Some just like hunting elk every year or two and inches don't make that hunt good or bad. Just great times in the mountains with friends and family making memories is an awesome hunt to some of us. Colorado has some awesome places to just spend a week or two with a tag in your pocket.
No denying that.
I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

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How dare you post a positive report. You should be banned from this forum. I'm definitely reporting you to the administration and see if this post can be deleted. Sarcasm intended!
I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

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Congratulations on a very successful hunt and taking some big bucks for all of you. The later seasons are are making a difference. It appears Colorado’s master plan is working. Think what it will be like if there is fresh snow and cold for the opening of the third season.
I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

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Nice! Congratulations!
I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

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Congrats. Now that is an awesome hunt with horns and the memories
I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

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Very nice. Congrats!
I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

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Awesome job guys congrats!
I know it’s anecdotal and is likely an exception, but last year was by far the best 3rd season I have ever experienced in CO. We have hunted it probably 10+ times since I was 18 years old (35 now) and this was hands down the best year for us. Quantity and quality was outstanding, rut was pretty dismal for us but we all three found great bucks we were happy to put a tag on. Don’t ask score because I don’t know ? All I know is my old man shot his best buck ever and my brother and I got real close to PB’s.

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You definitely didn’t hunt where I hunt
ho humm my wife and i have land owner tags again this year somtime it pays to have family members/inlaws that owns ranches in colorado
along with private land hunts in ,me,pa,mn,ny,id mt & wv

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