Florida Mountains Ibex



Hey guys,

I shot a monster billy ibex on Jan 01. I broke his front left shoulder and I believe I punctured one lung. We tracked him a few hundred yards and left him until Wednesday morning.

When we popped into the basin, we glassed his band leaving the canyon and he was not with them. We eventually trailed him into multiple blood-filled beds and jumped him at 20ft. He was extremely weak and disoriented.

He hobbled across the draw and down an adjacent chute. He's definitely struggling.

It snowed non stop today and we dropped off the top to refuel. His blood trail is toast but were very confident that he will be within a few hundred yards of where we last saw him.

The main reason I'm posting this is to let any other archers in the area know that if they see him to let me know. He's an absolute giant, 45" or so. I really appreciate any help!! I have until the 15th to track him down. My tag is punched and I'm going to find this guy.

"You skin grizz?"
good luck with that, post some pics when you recover him

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Take a walk in the area you know he's at with any kind of dog with a nose that works if he's dead you'll find him. Your not using a dog to hunt your just walking if the dog finds him come back later and retrieve your Ibex. My lab has found 5 deer to this point when I was walking around, they weren't all my deer some friends and they all had been dead from a couple of hours to a day. Good Luck Post pictures when you get him.
I've been with Zac on this hunt for every step of the way.
We're doing everything we can to recover this tremendous billy.
The weather has been our worst enemy on this hunt.
We'll keep you posted.

Also, thanks to Cookie for taking time out of his own personal hunt to come climb ridges & cliffs with us on this search.
Great guy & his dear Mom makes a mean green chili burger!

Bummer dude! It sounds like a helluva ibex. They are some of the coolest critters in the world!

Good luck,
The Floridas can be mean, no way you'd take a dog in there. Be careful and stay after it, you will find him!
Dirk showed me pics last night you sent him. I hope it turns out well for you! good luck again!

"Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day!" -Harry S. Truman
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-13 AT 11:27PM (MST)[p]I am headed back tomorrow until the 15th. Here is the video of the first week:


Some live pics of the best billie Ive ever seen! We were able to watch him for a few days before the opener.






"You skin grizz?"
Wow Scotty and zac, that is a heartbreaker. No matter the outcome, you guys should always feel good about your efforts.. Good luck man.
Wow! What a regal animal!

Did it turn out or did it not?

I hate to hear about the loss of any animals but it's a real heartbreak with a trophy like that!


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