Found me one to hunt!


Founder Since 1999
What do you think of this buck? Worth hunting for? How wide? How tall? What do you think he'll score at? Think he's small enough body wise for me to pack all of him out in one trip on my back if I'm good enough to get him?


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Great looking buck. I'd hunt him and check numbers later, but I'd say he would be in the 185 range. Great backs a little short on main.

Let us know and show photo when you get it done. Enjoy!!!
Pretty buck. I've no idea on numbers, but he looks great.

One trip? Depends on how much meat you are taking out. Camp too?

I boned out a buck several years ago. Heavy beast, walking a nice even spot (rare in G) and heard a pop as a knife drove through my lower back. Totally destroyed that disc. One above and below turned out to be a mess too. Use good judgment, my packing days are over. Two trips or pack animals where you likely hunt, boss.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-19 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]With those deep forks, I would definitely put him north of 190. So YES, I think he is worthy. Could you pack him out in one trip?? Possibly, but I would NOT recommend it for anyone! Meat and horns and cape will be well over 100 lbs.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
He?s a Colorado buck. I was able to get my hands onto an early rifle tag. Getting after him in a week from tomorrow.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
26 1/2 wide 191
That would be my best guess. Hope you put him on the ground.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Nice buck! Good luck! I don't know about you, but anymore a camp + a boned out buck is getting real tough to do in one trip...
He looks like a tank. Given that he is a Colorado deer I'm guessing his body size is bigger than average. You may have 80lbs of meat plus antlers, rifle, optics and any other gear you have with you. If you tried doing it in one trip your pack is going to be over 100lbs. I did a big muley in one trip only once and my pack was over 120lbs. I was worried about rolling an ankle but with a history of back problems you should minimize your risks. Make it two trips.

I'll guess 194? gross and 27? wide. I wouldn't be surprised if his big body size is causing some of us to underestimate his antlers. Those Colorado bucks can get massive bodies compared to some other places.
You could probably pack him out in one trip, especially if you left the rack for the porcupines.

I hope you get him Founder.
193. I don't think you can pack him in 1 trip with your rifle and spotter and whatever else you carry around...would be well north of 100 lbs, I bet more like 125.

Go get em!
I'll be backpacking in 4 miles and 2500+ feet, so if I'm good enough to score, I'll have to try and get him out in one trip and go back for camp.

I sure hope I have to do all that work!! Ha ha
I'm excited and ready to get after it.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
He looks young so a smaller body for reference. Really nice backs but average fronts. I'm gonna guess a 178 frame and with the brow tine and extra on his left, I would put him at 185.
No way I can get a deer out in one trip, but I can usually get a deer and camp out in two trips, but I've got my gear down to about 35-40#. Gun, scope, tripod, misc gear, rack, cape, backstraps, loins, and one boned quarter usually in the first trip. Then the pack frame to grab the rest of the boned out meat, and camp.

I'm headed out Tuesday night after work for the early rifle hunt as well. After a 14 hour drive I hope to be on the mountain Wednesday evening. Did a scouting trip a couple weeks ago with one of my sons. We didn't find anything for bucks in my usual spots though. It was pretty disappointing. Based on the numerous fresh avalanche chutes from last winter, I'm guessing there was a pretty severe die off. Picked up a cheap bear tag this year as I usually see a bear about every other day out there.

Good luck on your hunt.
Beautiful buck Brian. I think he is right at or just north of 190?. Definite shooter in my book. Good luck to you-hope you kill him so we can know the score!
I think he will end up being around 194-197. Especially with that inline on his right side. He will be around 28 outside. He has what appears to me to be a large body.

Kill him and let us know.
He Needs two more years to reach his potential!

But He Won't get them!

His Body needs to be Bigger!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Beautiful Buck! Wishing you a great hunt! I will look forward to seeing more pictures of him when you connect.

Always appreciate the video clips!

He does look like a smaller body buck. I still think he's around that 190?, and 26-27? wide. After a week and 50 miles at 13k in Colorado I saw nothing like him. As much as your in the high country you should be able to get him out in one trip and camp the next. I'm sure you will have your camp pretty high and only need to go down with him.
Some might think I'm a fool, but I found the buck yesterday morning and decided to pass. I just wasn?t impressed. I don't know why I was last week and when I see video from last week, but yesterday I just wasn?t. Had to even double check my video to make sure it was him, and it was. Maybe in part I didn't want to end the hunt on day 3. I had actually been hoping I wouldn't find him until a few days into the hunt so I could look around for a better one. And it did play out that way, but I still couldn't do it. I'm happy knowing I could?ve taken him or a couple others that were about 180. The one I passed on I think is 185ish and 26 wide.
So, I bailed from that spot and packing into another spot tomorrow.

If I find nothing in the other area, maybe I'll go back in and see if he's waiting for me to return. Ha ha

Here?s a couple pics of him as he stood in the bottom of that basin waiting for me to send one.



Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Great update, good on you for having the willpower to pass on a buck that you wouldn't be totally thrilled with, at least at the time. Very, very few have that self control, especially in that situation. Great looking buck, hope you enjoy the rest of your hunt and have a great time looking for the big one.
I had to leave my early season deer hunt early. So driving home I was checking in to see if you got him. Glad you passed if you weren't 100% excited about him regardless of score. They aren't as much fun to pack out if they don't get your blood pumping.

Got to a ridge with cell service yesterday and found out some tornadoes touched down in the middle of town Tuesday and heavy rains Wednesday are now causing flooding. They are evacuating some local towns. The best man in my wedding had his business totally destroyed. Not a good situation. But on a positive note there were no fatalities.

I was able to get hiked into the high country Wednesday afternoon before the season so I at least got to enjoy it for 8 days before pulling out this morning.

Deer were REALLY scarce this year. All the basins that normally hold deer were bare. I only saw 2 bucks in 8 days! Two years ago I was seeing 8 bucks a day in the same basins. It was a good trip tho. Saw 2 good bull elk, 2 mountain goats, 2 moose, and 2 good rams - so had some good variety!

Bumped into a few other hunters and they were all reporting the same thing.

Good luck on your last few days!!!
Dang dude, I hope everything is ok at your place. Scary deal.

>I had to leave my early
>season deer hunt early. So
>driving home I was checking
>in to see if you
>got him. Glad you passed
>if you weren't 100% excited
>about him regardless of score.
>They aren't as much fun
>to pack out if they
>don't get your blood pumping.
>Got to a ridge with cell
>service yesterday and found out
>some tornadoes touched down in
>the middle of town Tuesday
>and heavy rains Wednesday are
>now causing flooding. They are
>evacuating some local towns. The
>best man in my wedding
>had his business totally destroyed.
>Not a good situation. But
>on a positive note there
>were no fatalities.
>I was able to get hiked
>into the high country Wednesday
>afternoon before the season so
>I at least got to
>enjoy it for 8 days
>before pulling out this morning.
>Deer were REALLY scarce this year.
>All the basins that normally
>hold deer were bare. I
>only saw 2 bucks in
>8 days! Two years
>ago I was seeing 8
>bucks a day in the
>same basins. It was a
>good trip tho. Saw 2
>good bull elk, 2 mountain
>goats, 2 moose, and 2
>good rams - so had
>some good variety!
>Bumped into a few other hunters
>and they were all reporting
>the same thing.
>Good luck on your last few

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Hit a different spot for the last couple days. It stunk, so now I'm going to retest my abilities and see if I can find the 4x5 again and see if he excites me on day 8 or 9. Ha ha
I'm not expecting a 2nd chance, but I'll see. It?ll be a fun challenge. Two morning and an evening I'll give it.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!

Got him yesterday morning and worked my butt off getting him out. Very much worth it and what a great backcountry hunting adventure it was.




Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Awesome, congrats!

So after he shed, did he stay in the same place or move down? Looks like he is still high.
Congratulations Brian!!!
Nice job getting it done and nice looking buck. You will have to post up the final score so we all know how close or how far off we were with our guesses.
What did you have him estimated at before he hit the dirt?
Great looking buck. If you still had had time to hunt, I can see why you hesitated on him. You have plenty of other nice bucks that are just as good or better than him already on the wall so why cut your hunt short.
Congratulations Founder! That is a beautiful, well earned buck taken in breath taking country!

Thank you for sharing the pictures and story!
Great looking buck Brian. Congratulations! Persistence pays off. I know you wanted something bigger, but he's a dandy.
Thanks for taking us on your adventure. I wouldn't be able to pass on a buck like that. But you obviously have taken some huge bucks and spend the time! Well done!
For those of you who like testing their field judging skills......,,.

2019 Colorado Buck

Beam - 23-4/8
G1- 0
G2 - 16-7/8
G3 - 11-7/8
G4 - 8-5/8
H1 - 4-2/8
H2 - 3-7/8
H3 - 3-6/8
H4 - 4
Total - 76-6/8

Beam - 24-1/8
G1 - 2-3/8
G2 - 18-2/8
G3 - 11-6/8
G4 - 9-3/8
H1 - 4-4/8
H2 - 3-6/8
H3 - 3-6/8
H4 - 3-7/8
Total - 81-6/8

Inside spread - 20-7/8

Extra - 6-2/8

TOTAL - 185-5/8

Outside Spread - 27

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Looks like there were some good guesses that hit it on the head. And a few a little off. I never guessed so I will now I'd put him between 185-186. ?
Thanks a bunch for posting measurements. If I was getting graded I would have scored a %94.88 on the spread and a %99.66 on the gross. Glad you pulled it off. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
Wasn't your guess with the velvet on? Doesn't velvet add like 4% to the gross score?

If so, 193 (my guess) * 0.96 = 185.28 which is 0.2% error!

Haha, just joking...I overestimated him I think and you and Founder were dead on once he shed. Either way he is a great high-country buck.
My grade:
99.44% on the basic frame (178 vs 177)
99.66% on the total with browtine and extra. (185 vs 185 5/8)

Now if he shrinks a little in the drying period I should be 100% - lol

I would much rather be scoring my own buck tho!!!

Did you manhandle him off the mountain in one trip? I have gotten too old for the one ?brutal? trip in favor of the two ?easier? trips.

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