Getting Knee scoped


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Looks like I'm getting my knee scoped end of February. Hoping to be ready for a back country bear hunt first week of May. They say it's a 6-week recovery maybe a little longer to get into hiking shape. Any of you have this done? How long did it take you to get back to backpacking shape?
Five surgeries on my right knee. Keep putting it back together, and it's working. I hate the thought of another surgery do to the fact it takes you 2-3 months to be back in shape
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Had both my knee's scoped, Mostly recovered in 6 weeks, but put on a backpack and hike cross country, I wouldn't count on it.
Hard to put a time one it, I never strapped on a backpack, but I think I could have, maybe even at 6 weeks. Friend of mine had his knee scoped. I doubt he could have put on a backpack at 6 months.
A lot will depend on the severity of what is being repaired with the scope. Torn meniscus, you should be ok in 6 weeks with good therapy, removal/suture of any cruciate ligaments (ACL, MCL, PCL), count on closer to 12-16 weeks. Any work on the boney structures could be 6 week or 12, again depending on the severity of repair. I hope it all goes well and you can chase bears!! Good luck.
I have had my knees worked on..6 weeks and I was hiking 2-3 miles with a light pack.. that was after 3 days a week of physical therapy.. 3+ miles my knee would be really sore until about 12 weeks out. Good luck!
Fifteen years ago I had both of mine done in early august. Mid November hunting elk, I was wearing neoprene braces for stability because the one would just randomly collapse.
Meniscus, cleanup, remove one bursa and reshape the underside of both patella and it took probably about four months before they felt even close to strong, 6 months to feel 100%. One side was worse because they cut it open to get the bursa and that slowed the recovery a lot.
Wasn’t really too bad pain wise after a couple weeks but I would never do both at once again.
My recommendation is to not overdue it at the beginning. I was in charge of a church party a couple days after my scope. I was feeling good enough, so I tackled the task of setting up all the tables and chairs. I was pretty excited that I could do it without much trouble other than limping around with very minor pain. ....... Well........It caught up to me the next morning and put me back in bed for the next two weeks. I'll never jump the gun again.
I've had both of my knees scoped with medial menisci removed. Both times I was weight bearing the next day and at full function in 4 weeks. I'm 15 years older now but I'd still say 6-7weeks is realistic if there aren't any complications with maybe 8-10 weeks to return to peak conditioning
You never know with meniscus sometimes 6 weeks sometimes it never comes back .I'm a year and a half removed and it feels like 80% strength. NOJUICE IN THERE.
My recommendation is to not overdue it at the beginning. I was in charge of a church party a couple days after my scope. I was feeling good enough, so I tackled the task of setting up all the tables and chairs. I was pretty excited that I could do it without much trouble other than limping around with very minor pain. ....... Well........It caught up to me the next morning and put me back in bed for the next two weeks. I'll never jump the gun again.
Great advice, thanks
I've had both of my knees scoped with medial menisci removed. Both times I was weight bearing the next day and at full function in 4 weeks. I'm 15 years older now but I'd still say 6-7weeks is realistic if there aren't any complications with maybe 8-10 weeks to return to peak conditioning
That's what I like to hear.
I have had 9-total over the last 20 years. Best recommendation is follow the doctors orders to a “T”
Trust me they know what they are doing.
Some are 6 week recovery, some have been 12-16
I can give the horror story side of the "simple" scope job tho. One of mine went perfect, walked out of the hospital under my own power, with only a bandage and Ace wrap. Kept getting more swollen, hot to touch, and within 3 days started leaking black blood. Yep, major staph infection. Heavy duty antibiotics and draining 100cc out of it daily. Next it was IV belt pack, tubes, swelled the size of a basketball, and draining twice a day. Week of that with no change and back in the hospital. Two hour surgery to cut, scrape, flush, contact antibiotics, and cauterize all the open bleeders. 6-8 weeks laters I was good as new!! 5 months total!!!
Looks like I'm getting my knee scoped end of February. Hoping to be ready for a back country bear hunt first week of May. They say it's a 6-week recovery maybe a little longer to get into hiking shape. Any of you have this done? How long did it take you
Looks like I'm getting my knee scoped end of February. Hoping to be ready for a back country bear hunt first week of May. They say it's a 6-week recovery maybe a little longer to get into hiking shape. Any of you have this done? How long did it take you to get back to backpacking shape?
Looks like I'm getting my knee scoped end of February. Hoping to be ready for a back country bear hunt first week of May. They say it's a 6-week recovery maybe a little longer to get into hiking shape. Any of you have this done? How long did it take you to get back to backpacking shape?
Looks like I'm getting my knee scoped end of February. Hoping to be ready for a back country bear hunt first week of May. They
Looks like I'm getting my knee scoped end of February. Hoping to be ready for a back country bear hunt first week of May. They say it's a 6-week recovery maybe a little longer to get into hiking shape. Any of you have this done? How long did it take you to get back to backpacking shape?
When I had my knee scoped for a meniscus tear I was up and going almost right away. I took it easy for a couple of weeks but I was good to go. Probably just depends on how bad your knee is.
I've had my right knee scoped twice. 2018 and 2020. Had a bucket handled meniscus tear and had to remove a section of it. My second surgery created a much longer recovery. I would say that after 8 weeks you'll feel pretty normal, but it's hard to stay in "mountain shape" during this time period. I struggled with swelling and lack of mobility in my knee if I over did it, not so much pain.
I can give the horror story side of the "simple" scope job tho. One of mine went perfect, walked out of the hospital under my own power, with only a bandage and Ace wrap. Kept getting more swollen, hot to touch, and within 3 days started leaking black blood. Yep, major staph infection. Heavy duty antibiotics and draining 100cc out of it daily. Next it was IV belt pack, tubes, swelled the size of a basketball, and draining twice a day. Week of that with no change and back in the hospital. Two hour surgery to cut, scrape, flush, contact antibiotics, and cauterize all the open bleeders. 6-8 weeks laters I was good as new!! 5 months total!!!
But could you still cook?
Actually, no. Between the IV antibiotics and hydrocodone Tylenol 16's I was taking, I was a zombie and didn't even eat for 4 weeks. You get so constipated, a turd is the size of a softball!!
I've had 2 total knee replacements on my left knee and I guarantee the original equipment is always way better than what man can do to fix it.
Don't do stupid stuff thinking you are a tough guy and end up like me. wapitiwilly is right. Listen to the Surgeon (not his flunky) and do what he tells you to do.
Had my knee scoped for cartilage and scar tissue cleaning on a Tuesday and was back to work running equipment the following Monday. Put a bear bait in the next weekend. It was uncomfortable hauling the bait in but was manageable.

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