GPS tracker for arrows?


Very Active Member
Recently I shot a bull and haven't been able to find it yet, but it has made me think, there should be some way to track an animal with some kind of GPS device that could be placed in the arrow shaft behind the broadhead.

Does this product already exist?
If luminated nocks are illegal in some places, I'd say a GPS tracking device might have a hard time getting approval. Or, maybe someone will take your idea and make millions. mtmuley
If there was such a thing and it was legal, do you know how many yahoos (tards) would be just trying to get any kind of hit on animals 'cus they could just watch where they're going on their smart phones after they hamstring 'em.

I hope I never see the day!!
I don't know that the technology to make a unit that small exists, or if it does whether us mere mortals could afford it. It would have to be durable and the weight of the unit up front would require some balance at the knock end. The combined weight will have some significant effect.
I remember a few years back; there was a set-up where a tracking thread was attached to an arrow. It was kinda like a fishing bow devise. That one didn't seem to hang around long. At least I haven't heard or seen it for a long time. Wybighorn and I were talking just the other day about how much one arrow could cost right now. Each arrow with broadhead around $20 to $30.oo. If you use lumi-nocks, another $10.per arrow. And sometimes you can't even re-load the brass!:) Too much cost and too many worms in the can for GPS trackers in my opinion. A pretty unique idea though.

Stop being a plick and go find that bull.

Guys there was a Company in the Silicon Valley that has been working on is very product. A GPS signal emmitted from arrows and a portable tracking devise. I don't remember the name of the company but the product was in the wind last year and I heard they were testing prototypes.

I havn't heard anything for awhile through contacts that told me about this product. My first thought when I heard of this GPS tracking arrow was that these guys were poaring tons of money into developing something that would most likely never be allowed for hunting wild game here in the U.S.A. because it would be considered a very Hi-Tec electronic devise. Plus it only would be a good product if some way the GPS signal chip stayed inside the animal. Wouldn't do much good if the GPS tracker was inside the arrow and the shot was a total pass through and sticking in a tree or the ground :)

I will ask around and try and find out if this GPS arrow product is still in the works or if with the economy the last couple of years this Company gave up or ran out of money.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-12 AT 04:40PM (MST)[p]Just think though if they make one this small you could put it inside your treestands, or game cameras. This way when that SOB takes your stuff you could go right to him and get it back!!!
The day that technology is available to the general public, is the day hunting dies forever. Every last big buck and bull on the winter range will be running around with a dart stuck in their butt...only to be tracked down that fall.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-12 AT 07:52PM (MST)[p]

I had a transmitting arrow and receiver in my hands 30 years ago when I was at Golden Eagle.
I doubt you will ever see an arrow with a gps transmitter in it because the signal will never make it up to the satellites to be transmitted back to you on Earth.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-12 AT 04:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-12 AT 04:06?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-12 AT 03:47?PM (MST)

You could use a telemetry system, go to Marshall radio telemetry, use a falcon transmitter.Use the small ones or could use hearing aid batts that could glue into the shaft and, or grind down the aluminum transmitter housing to fit'shouldn't be to hard,lol there out of No,salt lake utah but that would just be plain ol cheatin!

oh, there products as far as telemetry are top notch and work!

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