How Many Nights in a Sleeping Bag for 23?


Long Time Member
My quality of life is directly related to the number of nights I spend in a sleeping bag. In 2022, I was in one for about 45 nights. I'm hoping for about 50-60 in 2023.

I especially like sleeping under the stars with no tent. There are not many things better than waking up in the middle of the night and looking at a big, star-filled night sky.

Anyway, how many nights do you think you'll spend in a sleeping bag in 2023?
I am hoping I draw a NV deer tag so if I do, scouting will add 3-5 nights out. I hope to have 18-22 realistically this year. I'm going to hunt locally and I will pack in so that is about 5-7 of those nights.
Better be at least 50! I’ve got two young boys and we are finally going to get a camp trailer this year to keep them a little more comfortable for when it’s real hot or cold outside. Weather held us back a lot last year with a newborn. I love a tent but gotta keep the family happy!
I spent 16 nights hunting, more than I did on fires this year but I also wasn’t on fires this summer like normal but I’ve had seasons with over 100 days committed where I was in my sleeping bag
I spent at least 40 nights in a bag ‘22 between scouting and hunting. Pretty sure I’ll draw my Wyoming elk tag in 2023 so planning on about the same this year.
Got my 50 + in last year between my deer hunts and my sons deer hunt and elk hunt. Plus spending time up at our property in the mountains. All but the late deer and elk hunts were spent out on the XXL cot and bag under the stars, just the way I like it. Hopefully 2023 will be more of the same.
Zero, unless I go huntin somewhere.

This reminds me when I went before the judge when I got divorced. One of the things my ex cited as irreconcilable differences was that in the past year I had spent 35 weekends away from home.

I remember standing there thinking that was pretty cool and I was glad that beotch kept track of it for me. :)
Not enough, probably only 15-20 a year now. I miss the simple old days when it was over a 100. I now live in area that I used to camp in most weekends so its a little tough to convince the wife to go camping now when we can go home after a fun day.
About 20 for me. No more ground stuff; I bought a fat boy cot years ago. It has a network of bungee cords under the fabric. Pretty comfy.
I’d never thought about this. Between road trips to Devils Tower, Hells Canyon, multiple boating trips, and all my scouting and hunting I probably did 60 days or more in a sleeping bag. Many more in the travel trailer, but we have a bed there.
I’m not so sure I want to spend that many days in a sleeping bag this year, but it may happen.
Only in the camper lol. I invited ICMDEER to join me in the camper last summer and he refused...instead choosing to sleep just as he described!
Not as many as I would like for sure. I agree, outside is the best when the weather and bugs allow.
I’m hoping for 20 but 10 is the norm I guess. Need a better frigging pad this year. Bag guys , what do you use ?
About 20 in 2022. All on a cot. Probably less in 2023 as I don't have a kamping western hunt planned this year.

Sleeping under the stars? Not where I usually camp at home. Too many wild pigs around! Had 'em come up and sniff the tent,,,the one time I didn't have my pistol!
About 20 in 2022. All on a cot. Probably less in 2023 as I don't have a kamping western hunt planned this year.

Sleeping under the stars? Not where I usually camp at home. Too many wild pigs around! Had 'em come up and sniff the tent,,,the one time I didn't have my pistol!
They were just my sisters.....harmless for the most part.
I probably only spend about 55 days in a sleeping bag last fall, Hunted another 20 days from home where I could sleep in my bed each night.

In 2023 I already have 83 days scheduled off for hunting and another 6 for a backpacking/scouting trip this summer. More if I draw NV. I have two tags in ID, one is a backcountry hunt and the other is a late-season hunt that I've done in the past, I'll either have my wall tent, camper or motel on that trip depending on the forecast. OR Archery I can mostly hunt from my house since I live 1 mile from the NF boundary. I'll have 2 antelope hunts and hopefully a mule deer hunt that will all be tent camping.
In 2022 I had 30. But I think I will be doing more than that this 2023.

It's always a different feeling at night in my sleeping bag, looking up at the sky. After a long day.
I think I was only at 11-12 last year if you don't count the camper. Probably 25ish if you count the trailer and sleeping bag. I should be closer to 40 this year I hope. Should be 15 or so out of a tent this year, depnding on how long hunts take. Then another 15-20 out of the camper.
I got about 20-30. Most were in friends trailers though. Back in my twenties I used to sleep on this old canvas and wood framed cot my grandpa gave me. Sleep outside all the time while chukar hunting on it.
The thing was the $hit until I got old.

I love a good week in a wall tent. Last two years I have really had a hard time on the ground. Destroys me the next day in terms of energy. Big fan of cots now if not glamping in a fifth wheel.
My quality of life is directly related to the number of nights I spend in a sleeping bag. In 2022, I was in one for about 45 nights. I'm hoping for about 50-60 in 2023.

I especially like sleeping under the stars with no tent. There are not many things better than waking up in the middle of the night and looking at a big, star-filled night sky.

Anyway, how many nights do you think you'll spend in a sleeping bag in 2023?
I did about 20 last year. I figure this year will be about the same. I tent camp for the most part, but I do plan to buy a junky trailer in a few years for a renovation project.
My quality of life is directly related to the number of nights I spend in a sleeping bag. In 2022, I was in one for about 45 nights. I'm hoping for about 50-60 in 2023.

I especially like sleeping under the stars with no tent. There are not many things better than waking up in the middle of the night and looking at a big, star-filled night sky.

Anyway, how many nights do you think you'll spend in a sleeping bag in 2023?
45 - in the canvas cutter and 12 in the fifth wheel in 22
If 23 is what I hope it is should add 10+ to that count ??

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