Javelina points


Very Active Member
Just curious, I have 7 points for Javelina. I was a NR that was applying for deer, elk, and sheep. I just figured some day the points would come in handy. I moved here this May and will be hunting as a resident next year. Huntin' fool and epic do not cover javelina. Are there any javelina hunts that even take 7 points? I rifle hunt and archery hunt but I do not need to shoot one with a rifle, I think I would like to bow hunt them. How does a guy research the better javelina areas? I have been out looking for them before and have seen a few. I don't think I have found a good area yet. Once I get a tag I will have time to scout since I retired here.
You will draw in the bonus pass...I would guess tag number one will be yours. Since you have a surplus of points you could apply as a party with others so the whole group gets tags. Lately, I have been getting drawn every year with two points (hunters ed and loyalty). Last year a couple guys I know had one point and failed to get drawn (residents, desert unit near Phoenix, rifle season). My guess is handgun season is the easiest to draw as typically there are leftover tags for that season. There are decent units and poor units (in my opinion). They offer an OTC archery tag for a bundle of units and in my opinion those are the worst units. If you have already seen javelina they usually stick to the same areas year after year. Maybe not in the same wash but within a mile or so. Every year we go to the same unit and we have to hunt pretty hard to make it happen. We usually get a few but rarely tag out for the whole group.
I should try and find the draw reports to see which units take the most points, then pick the one closest to home ( north west of Phoenix )
"Javi" will be where permanate water is. Year after year. Put in Oct.
For archery draw and buy across counter deer and hunt 1st 3 weeks of Jan. During Mule Deer Rut ?. Glass these areas and find deer and pigs. Good Luck
Bruce & SilverGrand

Sounds like a good plan. It is my understanding that if I hunt OTC deer and I am not successful I can apply for a fall deer tag? With 15 deer points I am drooling over my possibilities as a resident. If I am successful in Jan OTC can I still buy a point for deer?
I’ve got 15 javelina BP. Waiting for a tag with rut dates on the strip. Only the best for me. Hopefully point creep doesn’t get the best of me.

I actually do, but have used them in the past to leverage family and friends into the Bonus pass for a last minute trip plan. I don’t think there’s a better or worse unit. Tags that take more pints are just more desirable areas with more public and close to metro areas. Javelina are where you find them.
"Javi" will be where permanate water is. Year after year. Put in Oct.
For archery draw and buy across counter deer and hunt 1st 3 weeks of Jan. During Mule Deer Rut ?. Glass these areas and find deer and pigs. Good Luck
Bruce & SilverGrand

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Alot of those Jan hunts will be closed since the quota‘s will be filled by then.
Just curious, I have 7 points for Javelina. I was a NR that was applying for deer, elk, and sheep. I just figured some day the points would come in handy. I moved here this May and will be hunting as a resident next year. Huntin' fool and epic do not cover javelina. Are there any javelina hunts that even take 7 points? I rifle hunt and archery hunt but I do not need to shoot one with a rifle, I think I would like to bow hunt them. How does a guy research the better javelina areas? I have been out looking for them before and have seen a few. I don't think I have found a good area yet. Once I get a tag I will have time to scout since I retired here.
You live in N.W. Valley, near Wickenburg, right? There are pretty good javelina units in your area, 20C, 20B. Like others said, find permanent water, scout out no more than a mile, find the javelina. Good luck.
Do a Rabbit in distress call and Most times You will bring em Right in to your feet. Don't waste those Deer points on just any Unit. If You are healthy Keep puttin in Late Kaibab. .....................BULL!
not that it matters but I looked up my point today and I actually have 9
Yeah I looked mine up and I have 17 some how haha ? I guess I just kept buying them to share with others and have a big javelina camp one year. Not sure that at this point of there is a better or worse unit I could burn the points on but much the less I have all to many.

Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

SilverGrand Outfitters

Offering mule deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, javelina, and turkey hunts in Nevada and Arizona.

Arizona Elk Outfitters

Offering the serious hunter a chance to hunt trophy animals in the great Southwest.

A3 Trophy Hunts

An Arizona Outfitter specializing in the harvest of World Class big game of all species.

Arizona Strip Guides

Highly experienced and highly dedicated team of hardworking professional Arizona Strip mule deer guides.

Urge 2 Hunt

THE premier hunts in Arizona for trophy elk, mule deer, couse deer and javelina.

Shadow Valley Outfitters

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