
Long Time Member
Here is a teaser. more pics to follow

Seen lots of good bulls. Rode in on horses and passed on bulls all morning long. from rag-horns to 350 class. Right before I shot this guy I passed on a solid 385 bull but had already lost one horn so I passed.

Shot this guy and he dropped.. Since im down to 2 horses my dad and I rode out and put on pack saddles. Rode up on the pack saddles {my you know what still hurts like hell}. luckily is was only 3 miles in and 3 miles out. but we quartered the bull up and packed out. Even had a game warden puppy dog us all they way and watched us cut the animal up and follow us all the way back to the truck and trailer.

the hunt was a blast. a good foot of snow was on the ground. was my first day out to hunt for the late hunt. I was going to take a week off. now I have to go back to work. darn it

Good for you, as I knew you had it in you and would probably score up there, but the first day of the hunt---wow! He looks like a dandy and more pictures would be great when you get time. I wonder what happened to the one side of that big bull, as they should have their racks for a few more months. If he broke it off in a fight I'd like to see the one he did it with!Congrats Michael!!!

The one horn bull I glassed for a long time. When I first spotted the bull I shot I had to follow him another mile straight up hill. I was out of breath and tired. I finally spotted the big bull and several other bulls. I looked them all over. at that point I knew I was going to shoot this bull. I kept glassing the bulls so I could catch my breath before shooting. out of no where the one horn bull stepped out. I kept glassing him and my final thought is that he dropped the one side. I told the game warden my story and he said he has seen a couple bulls like that... I was like how that is so early to drop like that... But the one horn bull had no breaks but a clear view of the antler fell off. I wish he had both cause he sure was a beauty!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-14 AT 09:25PM (MST)[p]That is weird and I've never heard of an elk shed in December anywhere! Make sure and get another picture or two of your bull up. Any idea what he scores or has the tape not come out yet?

Edit: LOL, you got that second picture up while I was typing this one. He is definitely a good one and I agree with your top end analysis. The 4ths are pretty dang nice too!
Congrats to you on that great Bull. You going with a Pedestel or Wall Mount?

They don't get anymore perfect than your bull! WOW, that is a good looking bull! Congrats to you.

I was born and raised in Montana and was very fortunate to hunt the late hunts out of Yellowstone. Seeing your bull brings back good memories. It's cool to be able to see those bachelor herds of bulls in the winter time.
Thanks guys. In the process of cutting up the meat so I can freeze before a week of work. I busted out a tape real quick and he had exactly 61 inch main beams
>I don't care what he scores
>nfh, he's a beaut! Congrats!

I agree, but with beams that long that rascal will score well!
Great will look a long time to find another over 60 inch main beam bull, in todays Wyoming. Hard to believe those kind of bulls have become so rare!!! Congratulations!!! If I had to guess on score it would be 381..... He is a stud!!
I've scored a ton of bulls over the years, for friends and in the Sportsman's Bucks & Bulls contest. Some over 390 and never once have I seen a beam length over 57".

Very nice bull! Congrats
Thanks again everyone. I am tickled to death on how the hunt turned out. But yet I am sad that it ended my first morning. I was excited to spend a week glassing and riding all over the country..

I also had a great time spending the hunt with my Dad. He had foot surgery last year and his feet still bother him. He is a lineman for a living. He backed off on climbing poles at work and using the bucket truck more. so hiking around made him nervous. So he was a little nervous about some steep hikes. But yet he was more excited I was and that right was the highlight of the hunt for me..

We are use to taking a week off and packing the horses in 12-17 miles.. I have never shot a elk in the morning and be able to pack the animal out that day and be home right at night time....

When I was 12 I started putting in for the late season tag and could never draw it. Then the late hunt went away for a couple of years and came back last year I think it was.

I am not good at judging the age of elk at all. I can judge a whitetail much better but I am excited to smoke some jerky this weekend. Making a jerky is a new hobby of mine. But this elk meat was the best smelling elk meat I have ever dealt with. I guess I am use to rutting bulls....

We are just a few months away to apply again and I guess even sooner for non-residents so good luck to everyone
Euro mount? Chris Burman would say "come on man!" : )

Sweet bull!!!!

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
He's a beaut Mr nfh!
Congratulations on a fine trophy!
You're having yourself another GREAT year and capped off with an excellent bull elk.
Well done friend!
>Euro mount? Chris
>Burman would say "come on
>man!" : )
>Sweet bull!!!!
>"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"

I would love to do a elk mount but I got to many mounts in the house right now... I would love to mount him and I highly thought about it. but with to many deer mounts and a mountain goat mount and some other euros I don't think the wife wants another one. And I don't want to move mounts to the garage and get dusty either.

Do what you want. I think stuffed heads are overrated unless you are a taxidermist. I have been doing my own horn mounts for years and they give me great memories when I look at them. Great Bull.

>>Euro mount? Chris
>>Burman would say "come on
>>man!" : )
>>Sweet bull!!!!
>>"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
>I would love to do a
>elk mount but I got
>to many mounts in the
>house right now... I would
>love to mount him and
>I highly thought about it.
>but with to many deer
>mounts and a mountain goat
>mount and some other euros
>I don't think the wife
>wants another one. And
>I don't want to move
>mounts to the garage and
>get dusty either.

That is what happens when you're a bonafide killer Michael, LOL!

Great looking bull you have there, congrats!


Could you explain how you came up with 381 on this bull???
Buzz thats my guess with two pictures, inside spread is a little hard to see... I have his twin brother right here in front of me, but he only has 60 1/2 inch beams, sword points are 26 inches. Score means nothing to me personally.... I just shoot anything that looks cool... Whats your guess big fella?

Since I only shoot spikes and cows that the wolves haven't killed yet, I just wanted to know how the experts come up with their scores.

I suppose its possible that nfh is, in fact, somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 feet 3 inches tall...and that you know more about elk than wolves.

Thanks for your expertise...greatly appreciated.
Yeah those arent looking like 60 inch beams to me. Closer to lower 50s. Awesome bull though! Congrats! !
Looks like a great bull to me. No wonder people are hesitant to post pictures on this site. Why not congratulate someone for a awesome animal and move on.
Nobody said it wasn't a great bull...that I'm aware of. Awesome bull...not busted, great shape, great cape, most hunters will never kill a bull that nice.

381 and 61 inch beams though??? Why inflate numbers around a group of hunters that know better?

Why the need for that?
Don't recall nfh mentioning anything other than beam length. Why question his statement. Very few book Bulls have 60" beams. Based on the photos posted it shouldn't be questioned. I enjoy the pictures/stories and hope people will continue to post
You're right, very few book bulls have 60 inch beams.

WW, what in the pictures make you believe 61 inch MB's???

I'm seriously asking.
Based on my experience on trophy class Bulls. Also looking at 3 different Bulls in my trophy room that range from l53-60" that score from 350-400 it is possible. But the main reason Is because I believe nfh.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 03:13PM (MST)[p]I'm still not seeing it...and I believe nfh had a typo. I was looking for something in the photo you may have referenced to draw a conclusion of 61 inch mains.

Still a great looking bull all the same.
Buzz just can't help himself....

Bulls with 60 inch beams hide a lot of score. I would have bet my bottom dollar my bull was in the high 360's to low 370's... he ended up just under 390. He really does not show his true color until he is next to a couple of Buzz's rag horns, spikes and cows.

I take nfh at his word when he said the bull had 61 inch beams. Pictures are always deceiving, so maybe nfh could let us know what the bull scores. Either way nfh killed a stud bull. Nothing will change this....!

Will not change the fact that Buzz is still a D!CK, always will be and YES the wolves are still wrecking the elk herds in Jackson....
Ive scored a bull that was 325"...and had a 61 inch beam here in western WY. The genetics are there in the Teton Wilderness areas...Dont know why you would question someone based on looking at a picture. I dont believe nfh has ever tried to impress anyone with his posts, Look at the length between the tines and behind the 5ths...Looks like it easily could push those numbers in my thoughts.
My intent was not to get in the middle of a "Sh!tfest"
I just don't understand the benefit of questioning his post. Hunting big Bulls in northern Wyo in snow is as good as it gets for us elk hunters. Why go any further than that?
I never come on a thread like this anywhere to "guess" anytime someone asks what a score is because looking at a picture or two is a guessing game and then before you know it you start getting BS like this that is ruining a great thread. The bull is beautiful and I could give a ##### what it scores or how long the beams are! IMHO arguments like this should be kept to PMs.

I'm also giving WH one last warning here to leave me alone and out of things from this day on, as you should remember what happened to the thread last week where you started ragging on me and slandering my name when you won't even post yours up in your profile! The next time it happens you may not be on here any more to post any of your crap and that's exactly why Founder put that Alert button up and deleted all that BS last week when I hit it and talked to him. Either keep your mouth shut and tow the line or you may be talking to yourself in the future because Founder told me he does not what crap like you post on this site any longer!!! You have been warned!
I'd say 345, which is a great bull....but a longggg way from 381.

You honestly think that's a book head?

When I get the bull back from the guy that is doing the boil job for me I will put the tape on and take a photo of the 61 inch main beam.. I honestly don't know what he will end up scoring. I was shocked when he came with 61 inch. I would of never thought that.
Here's a couple of measurements to use for reference on a mature bull.
Base of antler to tip of nose 16"
Length of neck (shoulder to skull) 24"
Length of ears 11+"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 09:39PM (MST)[p]It will be fun to see what you come up with nfh... We are lucky to have a few of those still around to get us up in those beautiful mountains!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 09:54PM (MST)[p]Buzz..If you can honestly say you think this bull below looks exactly like the bull in the post..then you might want to get your eyes checked. This bull scored 348 and change. . And as you should be able to see, lacks length...mass.. and plenty of the obvious WOW factors that nfh's bull shows. Just saying...its quite obvious his bull is well above 350


Why does it matter if the score is right or wrong? Why get so spun up? I looked back through the archives tonight and there used to be a ton of guys who posted their season success. Not anymore, and it is due to this kind of crap!

Nice bull, great pictures, congrats!

>AT 09:54?PM (MST)

>Buzz..If you can honestly say you
>think this bull below looks
>exactly like the bull in
>the post..then you might want
>to get your eyes checked.
>This bull scored 348 and
>change. . And as you
>should be able to see,
>lacks length...mass.. and plenty of
>the obvious WOW factors that
>nfh's bull shows. Just saying...its
>quite obvious his bull is
>well above 350

Do you even know what youre talking about??? If you think thats a 340 bull you are either lying, or you have no clue how to score.
Ha. wow you two...its amazing how accurate you guys are at judging photos on the internet...when you start to see 25-30 bulls a year on the ground and scoring every one of them.. let me know. . Here is another view of that bull. If you really would like me to dig up my sheet from him. . heck ill just go ahead and post it with this other view just to keep u two quiet... but go ahead and tell me im wrong. its fun at this point. Let the guys who like to see awesome bulls keep enjoying this post.

Hey Michael, bring it to the Sportsman's Whse Bucks & Bulls contest in Casper. We'll get it scored for you. I think as of right now he would be in the money. Pays out three places in rifle. Have until Jan 30 to enter. Best rifle bull in so far about 350+

Love the picture with the background view. Congrats again!
Ha! Must be. Seems like lotsa guys here add 30 inches to every bull and 20 to every buck.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-14 AT 11:58PM (MST)[p]This is one of my client bulls from 3 falls ago, i could care less what they score cause the guys go home happy. i posted this honestly to show a bull just under 350 class in comparison to the bull that started this conversation.
I know how to score and have scored over 100 elk in the past 8 years. You can make a monster look small and vise versa with a damn cant score via a photo. But a bull like nfh's is an obvious great bull and i just wanted to show a bull that scored 350 and was dwarfed by his....We took a 390 bull this year in the wilderness and his characteristics are close to his bull, but it only had 58" beams... but longer 5ths. Big bulls will always surprise ya!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-14 AT 08:25AM (MST)[p]>Hey Michael, bring it to the
>Sportsman's Whse Bucks & Bulls
>contest in Casper. We'll get
>it scored for you. I
>think as of right now
>he would be in the
>money. Pays out three places
>in rifle. Have until Jan
>30 to enter. Best rifle
>bull in so far about
>Love the picture with the background
>view. Congrats again!

I should have my bull back in a couple of weeks. I know what the main beam length is and as I stated before I haven't taped the whole bull but I know one thing I am happy with him.

I will be in casper jan.24 for my yearly big buck contest.
For you experts that can come up with perfect scores just by looking at a picture, what does this one score and how long are the beams?

Boy, you guys sure know how to spoil a guys accomplishment!!!

Nfh, congrats on a great hunt with your dad and dropping the hammer on one bad A bull!! Good work!
If I was you I wouldn't post the score when you know it. All it's going to do is add fuel to this childish fire.
Why don't you guys do your b####ing somewhere else! This thread is going to get nuked and who knows maybe Nfh might decide to stop sharing his photos. He's about the only Wyoming guy that still does on a regular basis.

I watched this post for a few days and initially I was impressed with all the congratulations and kind words. I was within a few hours of posting my bull and story when the sewing circle started bickering. Glad I didn't share it now and this thread just solidifies my decision to not share my hunts.
Yes, a fantastic bull. I don't know why some have to question the score. Who cares??? Just enjoy the photo and move on.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
Awesome bull! I'm more inclined to believe the 61" main beams than Buzz's 345 score. What a joke Buzz. But what do i know, i'm just an official B&C internet scorer.
IMO, score doesnt matter...what matters is the hunt and memories that you made with your Dad! What a great bull, Michael....congrats!!
>Boy, you guys sure know how
>to spoil a guys accomplishment!!!
>Nfh, congrats on a great hunt
>with your dad and dropping
>the hammer on one bad
>A bull!! Good work!
>If I was you I wouldn't
>post the score when you
>know it. All it's
>going to do is add
>fuel to this childish fire.
>Why don't you guys do your
>b####ing somewhere else! This
>thread is going to get
>nuked and who knows maybe
>Nfh might decide to stop
>sharing his photos. He's
>about the only Wyoming guy
>that still does on a
>regular basis.
>I watched this post for a
>few days and initially I
>was impressed with all the
>congratulations and kind words.
>I was within a few
>hours of posting my bull
>and story when the sewing
>circle started bickering. Glad
>I didn't share it now
>and this thread just solidifies
>my decision to not share
>my hunts.

Very well said, I find it harder to enjoy this place. I know a lot of hunters who have taken some nice animals but refuse to post pictures because of this reason.
>>Boy, you guys sure know how
>>to spoil a guys accomplishment!!!
>>Nfh, congrats on a great hunt
>>with your dad and dropping
>>the hammer on one bad
>>A bull!! Good work!
>>If I was you I wouldn't
>>post the score when you
>>know it. All it's
>>going to do is add
>>fuel to this childish fire.
>>Why don't you guys do your
>>b####ing somewhere else! This
>>thread is going to get
>>nuked and who knows maybe
>>Nfh might decide to stop
>>sharing his photos. He's
>>about the only Wyoming guy
>>that still does on a
>>regular basis.
>>I watched this post for a
>>few days and initially I
>>was impressed with all the
>>congratulations and kind words.
>>I was within a few
>>hours of posting my bull
>>and story when the sewing
>>circle started bickering. Glad
>>I didn't share it now
>>and this thread just solidifies
>>my decision to not share
>>my hunts.
>Very well said, I find it
>harder to enjoy this place.
>I know a lot of
>hunters who have taken some
>nice animals but refuse to
>post pictures because of this

As the Moderator of this Wyoming Forum, isn't there something that you can do to cut down on this kind of crap? One guy that took this thread into the crapper is now doing the same thing in another current thread---just sayin!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-14 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]IT was a pain to do this way. was my only idea to show some numbers.. but I did lie they are not 61 inches but right at 60 7/8. from the back of his royal its 30.5 inches to the end of his sixth point is right at almost 20 inches.


Bull is a stud. Just ignore all the armchair QB's that will never kill a bull close to that but will continue to critique your success. I hope you continue to post your hunts in the future. I am going to get a commissioners tag for Elk next year and would like to talk about a couple of units in the Cody area. Happy Holidays!
>Bull is a stud. Just ignore
>all the armchair QB's that
>will never kill a bull
>close to that but will
>continue to critique your success.
>I hope you continue to
>post your hunts in the
>future. I am going to
>get a commissioners tag for
>Elk next year and would
>like to talk about a
>couple of units in the
>Cody area. Happy Holidays!

just shoot me a pm and I will answer your questions the best I can
>Awesome bull no matter the tape!
>Sorry you had to defend
>your dignity.

Amen to that and I wonder if a certain "expert" will man up and come on here with an apology!
I guess it takes a heck of a sack to admit when you're wrong. Like my Dad said "everyone has integrity until they need it"
I'm sure Buss is laughing his a$$ off and just being sarcastic?

Either way I'm glad he posted those pics.

Makes me rethink my original guess at score! Not that I give a rats a$$ but sure puts the size of nfh bull in perspective ...

No need to search...I didn't post a score.
Oh yeah nfh.Thats a great bull those main beams are awesome!
Great bull.And to share it with your pops,Just that more special.
Glad he eats good.Congrats once again.
I knew you wouldn't accept the granny tape. Was my only idea to tape on some numbers to show it the best I can. I guess his 6th point isn't 20 inches. . Hell the guy that boiled my head scores animals and he got 60.5 for the main beam. I discussed with him how its seems they are not that long but the tape shows different.... if you.want to make a drive up north and measure yourself then more power to ya.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-14 AT 09:55PM (MST)[p]Michael---Don't let him BS you and get you upset, as we all know that your bull is a 6x6 even though the tip is counted as a point, but not scored as such under the B&C system. We also know that your 20" comment is talking about the 4ths that are called the sword points by most people, so don't fret it when you called it the 6ths. The bull is certainly very close to the 61" length you stated about the beams and all that is being done now is that he's trying to confuse the issue and make himself look like he knows it all when he's just making a bigger fool of himself---sad, very very sad!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-14 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]Hey Buzz-kill, what's your best guess on the length of the main beam?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-14 AT 10:30PM (MST)[p]Yes he is a 6x6 but when score it becomes a 5x5. Call what you want. I know when you do the beam length you don't add the so called 6th point in again as a score.

Im not going to sit here and worry about it I got oil prices to worry about.

That is a nice bull and is certainly larger than anything I have taken. I would have given anything to have my Dad along when I killed my best bull in 2013. My Dad passed away in 2010. I killed my two best bulls after he was gone. Trust me, the memories are worth more than any bull could ever score. Enjoy every moment you have hunting with your Dad.

Buzz H made a mistake here in attacking your accomplishment. He knows it, but I have my doubts he will ever admit it.

>+2. Look'n like someone forgot
>to take their bi-polar meds
>this week...


He'll be back and somehow he will try to make you feel stupid for pointing out that he was wrong.

That is a great looking bull, One that anyone would be happy with. Congrats
>>+2. Look'n like someone forgot
>>to take their bi-polar meds
>>this week...
>He'll be back and somehow he
>will try to make you
>feel stupid for pointing out
>that he was wrong.
>That is a great looking bull,
>One that anyone would be
>happy with. Congrats

I seriously doubt that because I just got another PM from him a
few minutes ago telling me there was no way that beam is 61", LOL!

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