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Long Time Member
March 8, 2021

AZGFD continues to process 2021 elk, pronghorn hunt draw applications
PHOENIX — The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is asking hunters for a bit more patience as staff continues to process a record number of draw applications for 2021 elk and pronghorn hunt permit-tags, as well as validate bonus points.

In recent years, AZGFD would have been expected to make draw results available by this time. This year, hunters submitted more than 170,000 draw applications, shattering last year’s record of more than 153,000. Another record: More than 214,000 applicants either applied for hunts or bonus points, compared to 194,000-plus in 2020.

As a result of the increased workload, hunters should know that AZGFD remains committed to ensuring the accuracy of draw results and providing quality customer service. The department will announce on its website and social media channels when draw results become available. All hunt permit-tags will be mailed by April 2.

In the meantime, some customers may not be able to view personal data (such as bonus points, submitted applications, bonus points, license purchases) in their AZGFD portal account at this time. AZGFD expects to resolve this inconvenience once the draw process has been completed and hunt permit-tags are issued. As a reminder, a customer’s receipt is verification that their application was received by the department.

AZGFD is aware that hunters are anxious to find out if an elk or pronghorn hunt permit-tag will have their name on it. To that point, there is no need to contact the department about draw results. Once again, AZGFD appreciates the patience and support of its valued customers.​
Still didn’t address the update credit card feature and appears they will proceed without worrying about it. Sad for the guys that played by their rules and are now SOL with invalid cc’s. Locking a guy‘s ability to update for 2+ weeks, thats pretty shameful in today’s digital world.

If they open it back up, I’ll come back and apologize, but in the mean time, sure looks amateurish.
I think the "anger" or impatience gets worse when they act like everything is fine and dandy. Blaming it on 17,000 extra apps? If you're system can handle 150,000 in the past then there is no reason 17,000 is the straw that broke the camel's back. What's wrong with just admitting "we tried updating our system before the biggest draw of the year and we screwed it up and were trying to fix it. When it's fixed we will run the draw"
While my card was compromised and I can’t do anything about it till AZGFD pulls their head out of their butt. Thanks AZ, well played!
Yet the entire nation’s votes were calculated in less than a few days for the presidency. The extra applications should have no bearing on the process.... maybe it’s time to upgrade from the Macintosh 64 they must be using to something a little more efficient. I’m thinking ditch the abacus and get a generation 1 Mac book. The number of applicants is a super weak excuse. Just come out and say “we failed and continue to do so.”
Yet the entire nation’s votes were calculated in less than a few days for the presidency. The extra applications should have no bearing on the process.... maybe it’s time to upgrade from the Macintosh 64 they must be using to something a little more efficient. I’m thinking ditch the abacus and get a generation 1 Mac book. The number of applicants is a super weak excuse. Just come out and say “we failed and continue to do so.”
lmmfao......and you bought that??
If your dumb enough to to pay with a CC that will expire instead of just getting another for free, you get what you deserve.

Ya let me role the dice expecting govt workers to meet deadlines...
If your dumb enough to to pay with a CC that will expire instead of just getting another for free, you get what you deserve.

Ya let me role the dice expecting govt workers to meet deadlines...
Expiring cards isn't the issue here. Most here understand that.....its the fraud that lurks in the dark web, waiting to strike the next unsuspecting credit card holder.

Just recently, my sister had a large purchase occur on one of her cards in Mexico City. She's never been to Mexico! And she's diligent wth her finances. S*&t happens!
If your dumb enough to to pay with a CC that will expire instead of just getting another for free, you get what you deserve.

Ya let me role the dice expecting govt workers to meet deadlines...
But at least someone who has a grand total of 5 posts is able to chime in and piss on someone's shoes and insult government workers without having any idea what the rest of the story is. Great, thanks for that and welcome to MonsterMuleys
I agree! You should at least introduce yourself on the general forum and post you favorite animal to hunt before ya try to fit in with the group.
I think the "anger" or impatience gets worse when they act like everything is fine and dandy. Blaming it on 17,000 extra apps? If you're system can handle 150,000 in the past then there is no reason 17,000 is the straw that broke the camel's back. What's wrong with just admitting "we tried updating our system before the biggest draw of the year and we screwed it up and were trying to fix it. When it's fixed we will run the draw"
Exactly!! My thoughts as well. I mean come on we aren’t dumbasses
I think the "anger" or impatience gets worse when they act like everything is fine and dandy. Blaming it on 17,000 extra apps? If you're system can handle 150,000 in the past then there is no reason 17,000 is the straw that broke the camel's back. What's wrong with just admitting "we tried updating our system before the biggest draw of the year and we screwed it up and were trying to fix it. When it's fixed we will run the draw"
Exactly! The only way this BS statement would make any sense is if their 'system' was a bunch of people manually processing all these applications. To imply that this increase should affect their computer system is laughable. Own up to whatever the hell is going on instead of lying to your customer base.
Actually, they are inputting the data by hand....
I believe that based on the delay, but the fact they are doing that is absurd. Human/manual entry is MUCH more prone to error. If they don't have the folks in house or contractors that can handle that sort of data process none of us should have any confidence in the outcome of the draw.

Maybe I can donate my software engineering time for them next year in return for say 20 free points! :D Sounds like a win win for everyone to me.
A coworker of mine was hooking into databases with custom entry screens and reports 30 years ago. The dept bought into a guy that sold them snake oil and while I can't say everything I've been told, this hasn't gone unnoticed.
If your dumb enough to to pay with a CC that will expire instead of just getting another for free, you get what you deserve.

Ya let me role the dice expecting govt workers to meet deadlines...
Being a newbie with an attitude like that I can't say we'd like to see you around these parts again.

There are loads of reasons people have card issues. It's been a long while, but my wife and I had our cards compromised 4 times in 1 year and there is nothing we did to cause it. It happens and is not fun.
Your post is right on the money,money! I have one card that in 20+ years has never been compromised and my other one has been canceled for fraud 3 times in 3 years. Been lucky so far that it hasn't happened at a time to cost me a tag. Hope AZ allows cards to be updated before the REAL draw date.

Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

SilverGrand Outfitters

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Arizona Elk Outfitters

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A3 Trophy Hunts

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Arizona Strip Guides

Highly experienced and highly dedicated team of hardworking professional Arizona Strip mule deer guides.

Urge 2 Hunt

THE premier hunts in Arizona for trophy elk, mule deer, couse deer and javelina.

Shadow Valley Outfitters

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