Long Range (not)


Ok fellow MMs, with all the talk of making that 700 Yard plus chip shot, on a deer, elk or speed goat, to each his own. But lets hear your own story on your closest shot with any weapon. With over 40 years of climbing hills i have had some up close , here is my closest with a rifle. After glassing a big canyon for about 1 hr, i located a good buck about 1000 yard away. He was up feeding away from me so i just let him feed over the top of the ridge. I dropped into the canyon and climbed up the other side and found his tracks. I topped the ridge and spotted a different looking small white patch 8 feet in front of me in some super thick oak brush. I slowly brought up my rifle and found that same buck looking eye to eye to me, i found a patch of hair through the brush and touched it off. Dead buck at 8 feet , so far my closest. Lets hear yours !
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-14 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]
10 yards. Took the frontal shot with great results.

Here is the video:

>AT 09:07?PM (MST)

>10 yards. Took the frontal shot
>with great results.
>Here is the video:

Wow, great video, and stories , keep em coming
A PISSCUTTER 315" Bull in 2013!

At 7 Yards I put 6" over His Head,touched off & Sent him to Wyoming!

Ya,The Cow Pizz was workin!

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-14 AT 09:47PM (MST)[p]Many years ago, down on the north end of Booby Hole, I was hunting deer with my recurve. I was around 17 years old. It was a very windy day. I had been still hunting, and seeing nothing. Then I noticed a marshmellow tan oval spot about 100 yards away. I looked through my binos, and could see the outline of a deer, bedded in a mixture of brush and quaky. I could see the deer's head was behind a quaky tree trunk, and a very respectable four point rack, was sticking out on each side of the tree. The wind was right in my face, so I decided to see if I could get close enough to get a shot. I just kept moving forward, and before I knew it I was only about 10 yards out. The deer was laying up against a fairly thick bush, and I was afraid a limb would deflect my arrow, so I decide to see how close I could get. The buck still had no idea I was anywhere around, due to the strong wind. I just kept inching closer and closer. I got so close, that I literally just stuck the point of the arrow through the bush. The arrow actually hit the deer, before it fully left the bow! This sounds crazy, but it really happened. The buck exploded out of there, took a quick U-turn and headed straight down the ridge. The ridge was covered with elder berry bushes, about waist high. Just after I shot, the clouds opened up, with rain and almost dangerous hail. Lightening was popping and the hail was hitting so hard that I had to take cover under a partially fallen tree. The storm was tearing off leaves, and the whole ridge was flowing with run-off. After it was over, I spent the rest of the day, looking for that deer. I came back the next day, and looked most the day. There was no sign left anywhere, and with the thick undercover, I just couldn't find it.
Stalked up on a whitetail bedded in a fence line in Iowa while bow hunting. Wind was in my face, deer was facing away, and my stalk path was through a raked bean field so was nearly clean soft black dirt. Took my shot at at 1 yard. Deer never got up. Had another deer laying right next to it and that deer absolutely flipped out when I made my shot.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
About 12 years ago on the Manti spike hunt, I was helping my friend Sam on a hunt. It was the opening weekend and I had been scouting and found some elk for him a few days earlier. In the dark, we drove the wheeler down to a point and parked. Right off the bat, bugles and bugles and more bugles, to the point I thought it was some Jack Arse messing with us. But there were lot of different bugles. So we hiked down the hill about 100 yards and waited til light. Just as I could see across the small canyon, I started to pick up elk in the low light. 400 yards away. SO I cow called a few times and bulls went off. Well, just as legal light came, A spike came running right to us. 10 yards and BANG! dropped right there. It was pretty cool. As we cleaned him up, a herd walked right past the wheeler. Almost hitting it. Thats been my closest with a rifle. 10 yards.
Six point bull elk at less than 20 yards. Here is the video. Courtesy of my brother-in-law's cell phone. He was calling and filming from the patch of trees just behind me:

Thanks again Landon.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
We were hunting whitetail in Virginia with shotguns using double 00 buck. My dad found an old pine that was knocked over so he stood on the rootball. We did a drive and sent some deer his way. He was shooting a Browning auto 5 and the limit was 2 deer a day. He pulled up to shoot at some deer moving at 70 yards when he heard a twig snap. He turned and a doe was running straight at him at 10 feet. He swung his gun around and shot her at about 8' in the face. She dropped and he almost fell off the rootball. Another deer jumped the one he shot and ran right beside the rootball. He just angled his gun down to the left and pulled the trigger. The deer was only 1-2' from the barrel. We found the wade inside the chest cavity
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-14 AT 09:43AM (MST)[p]My Brothers 30-30 shots were zinging over my head, i could hear the buck that he was shooting at, bounding closer and closer to me with each shot. Not able to see him because of the slope and thick Manzanita, I had quickly tucked in up to a drop off for safe's sake but i looked up in time to see the Bucks eye's as he saw me mid-air while trying a frantic escape over the top of my position. I shot up at him in instinctive defense, catching and finishing my Brothers buck behind the ear. He was dead before he hit the ground, just piling up a couple feet behind me. No monster, a nice 3x3 but my Brother had drew first blood and was elated to fill his tag.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I found a great water hole that the pronghorns were regularly hitting. I had a tree stand and set it up in the only little tree around and was only able to get my feet about 5' off the ground.

A buck came in and walked right under the tree and at the shot he jumped into the water and expired just as he bounced back onto the bank.

Total distance from my bow to the buck couldn't have been more than 8'. The dead buck was within 15 yards as I made the short climb out of the tree.

I'll never forget how that whole thing unfolded right before my eyes.

A few years back during the general archery hunt, I called a nice 5 by 6 in at first light. Only problem was there was no cover. I saw his antlers coming over the ridge at 60 yards. He was heading straight at me so I drew back then hunched over on my knees getting as low as possible with my bow sideways on the ground. Thinking it would never work and he was going to bust me at any time, he kept coming straight at me. At 5 feet he veered to the side thinking I was a rock. As he walked past, he looked in the other direction allowing me to raise up. He was so close I just looked down the arrow and let it go. No need for sights. I'm not sure if the arrow fully cleared the bow before it hit him.

Rifle hunting my closest shot is A little over 700 :)
COOL THREAD! I love hearing the stories!!

Mine was on a Spike Hunt when I was about 18. We had been watching a herd of about 75-80 elk the night before the opener and went in the next morning thinking it would be easy. They had moved off and some other people were in on other side of them. Lots of shooting commenced (prob 15 spikes in the herd). I missed twice at about 350 yards. Elk were running everywhere.....I just sat down and waited. Had two spikes run up the hill straight at me. I shot one at about 15 feet....It was great. That day our group had 7 spikes down that we spent the rest of the day getting out of that canyon! Ahhhh....the good old days! :)
OK I'll try this one more time (the storm is playing games with our power) This all happened about 30 years ago on an Archery Elk Hunt. And is the reason Archery Elk is my favorite Hunt.
I had heard a bull Bugle down the ridge from me about 200 yards away, in the area I was hunting, I could see about 50 yards. I cow called a few times as I slowly hunted down the ridge. (the call was a rubber band inside a folded piece of plastic, I cant remember the name) I saw a Bull ( 4 point) coming towards me from a different direction. I thought he was huge, but really he was scraggly. Anyway, He stopped at 8 yards with his head behind the Pine I was hiding behind,and kinda half whistled / bugled. I drew and shot before he finished. I was surprised, I saw my arrow go through him and bounce in the rocks. He jumped a couple times, and stopped at about 20 yards. He looked in the direction my arrow had landed. Im sure he heard it. I just stood there dumbfounded watching the Blood pour out both sides of him and didn't even think to shoot again. Then the really amazing part. He tried to bugle AGAIN! He spit blood and started coughing. He didn't know I was there or that he was hit! then his legs wobbled and he tipped over. I still stood there like a dummy, I'm sure my mouth was hanging open and my eyes were saucers. Anyway this is the story of how I became an Archery Elk Junky.
I have had a closer Kill. on a Coyote with a shotgun, but thats a different story.....
Hunting deer in standing corn as a young man, the shot was about 10 feet give or take a couple of feet, we did that a few times over the years with rifles never used a bow. But you sure could of killed them all with a bow they was that close and closer.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
This year's utah Buck was 35 yards. Shot another buck at about that same range four years ago. I can't count how many coyotes and Bobcats I've killed in under five feet. Shot an African lion in the mouth at about fifteen feet once. I don't want to have to do that again.
I once missed the biggest buck of my life at 20 yards... With a rifle. Since then ive taken 4 Mulie bucks and 2 bull elk under 60 yards with a rifle. I passed on a bedded buck a couple seasons ago at about 5 yards. But never shot one in that extreme short range.

One of my hunting buddies, he's an old timer, he was sitting along a deer trail with his rifle laid across his legs and a whitetail doe came running down the trail. He shot her at less than 2 feet, didn't even shoulder his rifle, just pulled the trigger when she ran by!
Shot a spike elk between the eyes from about 10 feet when I was a kid. Missed a black wolf 2 years ago as it ran straight toward me from about 10 feet. Then somehow missed again from 15-20 feet as it ran off. That one was a real bummer
I shot a nice blacktail buck at 15 yards with a rifle. The buck was munching acorns under a tree on the side of a hill, and for over 30 minutes, he watched me walk up close to him from about 100 yards. I was below him with the wind blowing back to me. I would take a step or two and stop, and would only watch out of the corner of my eye. I think I could have got closer, but the wind suddenly changed 180 degrees. First time I really used the wind to my advantage, and by not making eye contact, I got closer than I thought I would ever get. This stalk was the most exciting thing I've ever done hunting. Jeff
I have two... Called mountain lion while predator hunting.she was at 9 yard when saw her. When I raised my scope I could see her rolling her paws. Shot her in neck.

Last year archery elk at 2 yards. My biggest typical bull ever, scoring 338, I have had 7 bulls killed under 20 yards, including this years bull at 18.
Short Versions:
1st elk, archery, 8 steps
1st mountain lion, rifle, about the same
I have practiced out to 1000 yards, so I would feel comfortable taking a 700 yard shot. But haven't for anything.

Long Versions:
I was 17 and it had been a long unsuccessful hunting season, but my father wanted to go one last time. I went just for him. 3am was very hard to get up that morning and I was the first to be in the clearing that we were suppose to meet in. After waiting for a long, long time. I heard a bugle up the hill. Thinking that is was him, I headed up. After climbing the last rise, I stopped in my tracks. This image is burned in my memory: a 340ish bull and 5 cows staring at me with water vapor bellowing out from their nostrils with every breath. I won the staring contest, they took off running. I thought I could round the top of the hill and catch up to them, but ran into two other bulls. They were walking back and forth on the side hill bugling back and forth. I saw the one walking away, so I hurried down to see if I could get a shot. Watching every step, I looked up. Twenty yards in between two large dead pines, here he came. I crouched with no cover waiting for the shot. I don't recall when the arrow was knocked. If he would have kept walking straight, I could have straightened my arm and touched his hoof. But he didn't. He suddenly stopped, looked down at me and his eyes widened. First time I looked directly into an elks eyes with him looking right back into mine. As he turned to run, I pulled my bow back. He stopped. Another moment burned into my memory. His head turned in slow motion. I put the pins on his vitals and let go. Crash, Crash, silence. I was filled with so much adrenaline, my vision blurred. When I showed my dad, he was pointing out the splatters of blood and I couldn't see them.

After a long, long hike trying to find an elk. I was almost back to the truck. I thought I heard something take off, but was to tired to pursue. My thoughts were, cow and calf. After getting to my truck, a bark from an elk echoed through the canyon. And another, followed my a growl type of bugle. I grabbed my rifle and went to investigate. Getting close even for rifle range, I still couldn't see anything. Small pine trees blocked my view. So I started very slowly through them. First, I saw the cow freaking out. Then with a few more well placed steps, I saw it. The mountain lion eating the calf. After fighting the adrenaline the first time I pulled up, I took the shot.

I have had elk smell my pack that was at my feet. I have had moose so close I could stick out my had and pet them. Little scary during the rutting season. I have had them charge me. Had a bear bluff charge me at 20 yards. He is hanging up on my wall. It's a surprise when little birdies try to land on me or zoom by my ears. But the very worse is the grouse at dusk. I did freak out at a porcupine at dusk once.

A law against nature would be impossible to enforce. For instance, what good would a vote against the law of gravity do?
Neat thread with some cool stories! Got a good laugh from mtmuleys post^.

My first elk happened to be my closest kill, I had been following a herd of about 15 cows that had 2 bulls pushing them together for most the morning and never could get within range. The elk started up a drainage so I took off running and did a big half circle to get around in front of them. When I got to the top I could hear them coming so I sat under a small pine tree and just as I got situated the cows came into sight with the one bull pushing from behind and the other pushing from the far side to keep them from scattering. Just as the first cows were passing by me at about 30 yards one of the cows broke off and ran right towards me. The bull from the rear bugled and charged straight towards me to try and hook her back into the herd. He stopped 5 yards from me and started to let out another bugle when I let him have it with my muzzleloader dropping him in his tracks. What a rush! (I was sitting in the shade of the little pine behing me)

I got my closest muley while covering a possible escape route while my friend attempted the stalk. The wind swirled on my friend just as he was getting to range sending the buck on a sprint across the draw straight towards me. Just as he was about to get to the trees he stopped to look back at what had blown him out. One shot from the muzzy dropped him in his tracks at 25 yards.

I shot my only antelope at 15 yards after a 45 minute stalk. It meant alot to me to this buck even though he's not very big. I had two goals on that hunt. 1)To get a buck spot and stalk. 2)For my dad (who can't walk very far) to get to witness my stalk and shot. I was able to accomplish both on the final evening I had to hunt.
I shot a spike elk in Idaho at 4 yards, a whitetail at eight feet and a Corsican ram 6 feet under the cliff I was standing on. Those were with a longbow. I also shot a fox at maybe 1 foot away. As I swung my shotgun towards it, I bonked it on the head. Scared the hell out of both of us. Shotguns make a big hole at that range.

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