Luckiest Guy You Know..???


Long Time Member
So I just heard of a good family friend that drew a Muzzy deer tag in the Book Cliffs. While that may be a small miracle to some in itself, this is the second Muzzy deer tag he has had out there in 6 years... And in between those tags..?? He drew a Muzzy elk tag out there as well. So in 6 years of putting in, he drew a Muzzy deer tag (with only 3 points in 2010), then he drew the Muzzy elk tag with just 2 points, then he drew this muzzy deer tag with 2 points. He killed a nice buck and a nice bull on his hunts as well.

So... Who is the luckiest tag-drawer that you know..?? Cuz this guy is by far the luckiest one I know. 3 LE tags, for 2 different species in just 6 years. And I haven't drawn any LE tags in 12 years.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I don't know anyone who is still living and had that kind of luck! Get my drift? LOL

I'll bet you're ready to string him up after failing to get your premium tag, Right?

I drew a Kaibab deer tag and a LE bull tag with 1 point as a non resident a few years back.

There was also a guy here in Nevada that drew a deer, mountain goat, cali sheep and desert sheep tag all in the same year.
LAST EDITED ON May-26-15 AT 04:54PM (MST)[p]I drew RM bighorn, Mt. Goat, and Moose here in Idaho in three straight years. That same year for sheep, I drew 12B-West in Az and 128 in Wyoming. Does that count?
drew colo. late 21 deer early 61 elk same season and ariz.unit 9 early rifle elk and late kibab back to back seasons and my wife drew 102 deer wyoming and I had to turn in a book cliff muzzy tag that year for deer,It has not been like that since.
my dad rocky sheep, desert sheep, bull and cow buffalo, 3 antelope tags, 3 draw deer tags, 2 draw elk tags, and a bear in the last 9 years.
I know a guy thats drawn 3 expo tags in 5 years and drew a limited entry elk tag in one of the 5 years he didnt draw a expo. Every year he has drawn a expo tag he put in for every hunt possible. I also know a guy thats drawn 4 le/oil/expo tags in the last 6 years. He drew a muzzy manti tag with 2 points. A moose tag with 8 points. A book cliffs rifke deer tag with 4 points and a wastach elk tag through the expo.
Did you mention unlucky? Just applied for another antelope tag in Kalifornicated. 50 yes FIFTY years of UNSUCCESSFUL notices if I don't draw this year. They have had a public drawing for only 52 years in this liberal bastion left coast chit hole.
>AT 04:54?PM (MST)

>I drew RM bighorn, Mt. Goat,
>and Moose here in Idaho
>in three straight years. That
>same year for sheep, I
>drew 12B-West in Az and
>128 in Wyoming. Does
>that count?

You should've bought some mega million tickets.
I once drew these tags in the same year
Deer 2b bow
Elk 16d bow late
Ibex bow
Oryx (OIL)
Antelope unit16

Has been my best hunting year up until last year when Nevada was Great to me and I drew a desert sheep tag.
My wife drew a Nev. desert tag second year,Calif. tule elk first year and Beaver L.E. elk first year plus she got me. Also Calif antelope, Nev. elk and mule deer all within two years.
Ca tule elk once, ca lope twice, wy 102 deer every yr area 102 buck deer 6x in a,row lopes 3x same area( till hunting fools ruined it!
Pauns AW draw 3x in 18 years...and Nv area 61/70 late(3pts and 5pts) and Rubies unit 10 late once 1 pt!
I live in California...
Luckiest guy I know? It would be me if I could draw any old type of sheep tag. I've done okay with the mule deer and elk over the last 20 years.
13B rifle mule deer - My son also drew 13B when he was 11 years old
22 early rifle elk
27 archery elk
8 archery elk
7W archery elk
Indian Peaks (Southwest Desert) early rifle elk
Henry Mountain any weapon mule deer
310 Gardner late migration hunt rifle elk
410 Missouri River Breaks rifle elk
Elk Supertag
New Mexico
16D Rifle elk
16B Archery elk
16 C Archery elk
Unit 7 elk

Just hoping for one sheep tag before the years catch up with me!!

Heffe's post may be the funniest thing I've seen all day. I literally LOLed..!! :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
YBO, dang, that has to hurt. I drew my 2nd antelope tag in CA in 1992. I quit applying after that because of unlucky people like you, so it's not my fault.:)


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
My luck has run out.
2009 - Book Cliffs Rifle deer (9 points)
2010 - Dutton Late Elk (0 points)
2012 - Book CLiffs Archery Deer (0 points)
2015 - Pine Valley Archery Antelope (2 points)

Had to get the stupid goat tag out of the way this year so I can start putting in for elk again. }>
My dad drew NM bighorn and ibex in the same year. Also happened to be the first year he ever put in for either.
Not all mine but hunts I was on with family starting in 2011:

NM Unit 15 Youth Muzz Elk
NM Lordsburg Area Antelope (3 tags)
NM Unit 16 Rifle Elk (3 tags)
NM Unit 53 Elk Muzz (2 tags)
NM VV Early Archery
NM RC Oryx Feb hunt (2 tags)
NM RC Youth Oryx (2016)
NM VV Early Archery (2016)
NM Unit 16 Antelope (3 tags)
NM Unit 2C Mule Deer Archery
NM NE Youth Antelope (2016)

Book Cliffs Muzz Elk
San Juan Mule Deer Rifle

All the while building points in Utah (for other species), Colorado and Wyoming - and hunting around home as much as possible. You tell me which state is non-resident friendly, more importantly friendly to people who are relatively new to the big game tag game.
highcountryfever - That's a pretty good list of luck if you ask me... Any LE tag in Utah with 0 points is a small miracle, let alone 2 tags for different species...

Any pics of the animals you harvested..??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Eel, FYI just in case I don't draw the first period rifle Likely Tables, I've made an appointment with the local tattoo artist who has a directive to spell out "LOSER" on my forehead. We can't decide on the size of the letters (personally I like the 3" better than the 2 1/2") and the colors. Got my fingers crossed that I get another UNSUCCESSFUL notice. BTW it will be my first tattoo and I want to impress those in agony who have gone longer than me without drawing.
>highcountryfever - That's a pretty good
>list of luck if you
>ask me... Any LE tag
>in Utah with 0 points
>is a small miracle, let
>alone 2 tags for different
>Any pics of the animals you
>"Therefore, wo be unto him that
>is at ease in Zion!"
>2 Ne. 28: 24

Here is my 2009 buck

Here is my 2012 buck

Can't find one for my elk hunt. Guess I didn't post about that one...
Thanks highcountry... I totally remember your posts now..!!

Lucky Dog.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Iowan - You may be the luckiest guy yet. As I recall, you took a stud bull in the Roadless area of the Book Cliffs, after finding a giant DeadHead (which I believe you also received from the DWR). :)

How did your San Juan Rifle Hunt end up..?? I don't recall seeing a post on that one.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
>This guy is what I call

Someone will be fed copious amounts of BACON over the next few years! LMAO

Zeke....i think i know who you mean. I was always amazed what he drew.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
LAST EDITED ON May-28-15 AT 02:17PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-28-15 AT 12:59?PM (MST)

I know a USFW trapper who has drawn 2 La Panza bull tags(no points,filled both),most of the X-zones and a Goodall buck,all filled.2 Books Cliffs Bucks,1 Henries buck, Bison,antelope every year....the list goes on.

Then again,he's stuck in CA and I live on a remote NM ranch with elk all around,and a view of the Gila.
Just wish I could draw one....
Not sure I'm lucky, but I am persistent in applying.

I've drawn some good tags though:


2 late coues deer tags.
3 bull elk permits in the top units
1 desert sheep tag


1 good antelope permit
1 good oryx permit


1 shiras bull moose
1 mountain goat
2 elk Missouri breaks rifle tags
1 bighorn ewe permit on a second choice


1 shiras bull moose
3 good LQ elk permits
1 LQ deer permit


1 trophy musk ox tag


1 good buck mule deer permit

I've also drawn a boatload of various quality pronghorn in both MT and WY, antlerless permits, leftover buck deer, buck pronghorn, etc. etc.

Cant really complain.
I know one guy who's drawn the following in the last 10 years.

1 - Wasatch moose
1 - Wasatch late elk
1 - Wasatach archery elk
1 - Wasatch spring bear
1 - Vernon archery deer
1 - cougar tag of some sort

I'd say that's a pretty stellar record for a 10 year period. Compared to my one elk permit in 30 years it's definitely some sort of magic :)

Sorry trying to upload the photo requested and some others jumped the gun on the previous post.



I know a guy who has drawn 3 Colo Moose tags.
a Co sheep tag. Won a State Wide Sheep tag Raffle
Won the Sate Wide antelope tag.
Won a Dahl sheep hunt.
And drinks beer for a living. He's the luckiest guy I Know.
Tomichi- That must be the fella I just saw on TV in a Blue Moon commercial ;-)

Here's another one. I don't know this guy, but it was posted last year on another site I frequent. He drew Desert Bighorn, Mountain Goat, and Bull Moose ALL IN THE SAME YEAR in Colorado. He ended up taking all three species, and with archery gear to boot.

I know a guy that ALWAYS wins the door prize gun at the local RMEF banquet. I've probably watched this guy win 15-18 guns at banquets in the last 15 years while I've won 2.

Just checked Nv results today and he drew a Nv muzzy bull tag and muzzy deer tag. Had the Id muzzy elk rut tag just across the border 2 years ago. Drew NE Kali elk tag last year. This will be the third year in a row that he's been hunting 370+ bulls somewhere.

BUT he's sitting in the max point pool for a Henries tag and hasn't drawn yet.
That's a helluva a pic sticksender, and a fear and a nightmare I frequently wake up too! :D
They say it is better to be lucky than good. That is awesome. I guess you always have a chance if you apply.

My best friend applied and got a Manti Limited entry Elk tag with two points and the following year drew a Book Cliffs LE Deer tag with no points.

Some guys have all the luck.

As for me, I have a huge savings account of points that grows every year.

I've always been that guy that had to wait until everyone else in his point pool had drawn before i drew.

BUT I drew a Nevada deer tag this year that had 561-1 odds for NRs last year.

And I drew an NV elk tag with 6 PPs, antelope with 5 PPs. Exempting NV, I'm never lucky BUT if I could only be lucky in one state, I'd pick Nevada.
Here's a guy from the bowsite who drew early rifle bull in AZ unit 1 this year after he accidentally put it as a choice instead of archery. This was one of his replies on the thread:

"Sorry to all those that did not draw. Not sure I should tell this story or not, but it is meant to show what can happen if you continue to apply and build points. Fifteen years ago I applied for Idaho sheep Unit 11... drew my first year. Scored a nice Rocky book ram. Never thought I would hunt sheep but I had such a good time I started applying for Desert in select states. After three years I drew the Escalantes in Utah. Suddenly I had half-a-slam completed. What the heck, so I applied in a FANAWS raffle and won a Dall Sheep hunt... holy crap I shot a beautiful ram. Well, I played the game again at the convention the next year and won a Stone hunt in BC. Got a beautiful Black ram. Might be the cheapest Grand Slam in History. That is a true story."

Sounds pretty lucky to me.

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