My 2019 muzzy muley


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-19 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]I did a lot of scouting this year before my hunt and had a couple really good bucks picked out. Opening day I missed my #1 buck just over the back. I spent the next 3 days trying to find him again with no luck. I decided to pull out and try a different area and give that area a rest hoping he would eventually come back to his routines. I glassed for 2 hours in the new area with nothing but smaller four points. I got up to move about 300 yards to glass another canyon. As I got to my glassing point I noticed a deers back over the scrub just 30 yards away. I crouched down and put my binos on him to see what he was. All I could see was his left side which was a good four point with two good sized kickers sticking out. I instantly thought this was a great buck. I set my pack down and slowly stood up with my muzzy shouldered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw another previously unseen buck taking off. My buck turned to run and I shot him straight up the tailpipe with a 465 grain No Excuses from my .45 caliber White. It knocked him straight down, dead before he hit the ground. As I walked up on him I could see that he was just a 3 point on the other side and pretty young. Stupid mistake. He?s a cool looking buck for sure but I would love to have that back. We probably all have a few of those moments we could have back.

This was my first year hunting without my son (he just left on his mission) and I have to say that it was tough not having him there. Not having someone to celebrate with is a bit of a downer. This season will go down as a learning moment for me. Slow down, enjoy the moment.


What state are you muzzy hunting in already? My kids muzzy hunts start on Wednesday the 25th, my birthday ;-)
Pretty buck! If all I'd have seen is that left side I sure would have been shooting as well. Honestly, still probably shooting if I got the whole picture too!
Still a stud buck!

Can't wait for the muzzy opener here in Utah. Starts the same day as my Birthday as well. Nothing like a birthday hunt!
Nice buck. +1 on the slow down part. I killed a small buck on a limited entry tag a few years back by making the same rushed decision.
I wouldn't be disappointed with that buck! I know how you feel about losing a hunting buddy for a couple of years, my son also just left on a mission and I will be hunting alone for the ML that starts Wednesday!
Thanks for sharing. Hunting is becoming less about the size of the antlers and more about spending time together for me. Hope your son can rejoin you after his service.

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