My Best Buck for Free


Long Time Member
Always wanted a cement deer for the garden, but they are stupid expensive. Neighbor gave me one today, if I wanted to cast a base and new legs!!

My friend Blank has lost it. Senility has clearly taken the mind. The man moves from a small city surrounded by wilderness, to metropolitan hell. People and city in nearly all directions but south and west where the word inhospitable still maintains its definition. Traffic, and immigrants are worse. He will now shoot rubber tipped arrows at a concrete dear that he carries from trailer camp to trailer camp from a lawn chair while sipping a G&T. No more shoveling snow in zero degree weather, no need for ice in G&T... hmmm maybe at our age that's not such a bad idea. The hills and mountains are now full of "hunters" driving $120K rigs, towing $200K "campers", carrying toys to "hunt" from that cost upwards of $50K. Their hunting weapon is a $2000 mechanical bow with incredible "abilities", a long range 600 yard muzzle loader, and lastly, for the all season hunter, a super-duper .400 BMM ( Big Mother Magnum) 3,000 yard hypersonic killing rifle with optics that are on loan from the Hubbell Space Telescope factory. When they kill something, the proud hunter takes the dirty carcass to a "processor" because they don't have the time or know how to deal with their own meat. And don't get me started on the modern hunters clothing... outfitted from head to toe in matching designer gear, that is accompanied by a small monthly mortgage, and guaranteed to keep you warm, cool, dry, invisible, leave no scent, blend with any back ground, and is guaranteed for life or until next seasons latest pattern comes out.
Sheesh. Blank, where did you get that deer again, I think I want one too... I'll trade you a Ninja 12V blender for boat drinks if you wanna swap...
Good enough for the garden, and the wife even thinks it's cute. Few days for all the concrete to dry, clean it up, and call it good!!

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This is what you call redneck garden art !! I see one of these concrete buck statues everytime I pass Wasatch Boulevard in Sandy. Utah. Heck half the time, I still think it's a real buck when I see the antlers sticking out from the plants :ROFLMAO:

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