Neat Things You Found While Hunting

While fishing out of Cabo one day, we found a "green tuna".. Evidently it was a night drop, and the pick up boat missed this bale. The boat captain wanted to keep it, but we were having none of that!!!
Found a lot of cool things. Arrowheads and such, 50 cal and 20 mm cases... probably the most unique thing was when my bro picked up a 22 H&R pistol and knife in a sheath on top of a ridge. The rig was half in the ground. Always thought about cleaning up and firing that pistol, but he never has...
I found a weed grow once too several years back in northeast washington. Went down what i thought was a good game trail, found gardening crap stashed in the bushes, thought what the hell? Then through a gap in the trees i saw the grow op, thought oh ****, backed out. Was told i should have turned it in, but screw that. What if my pic was taken by a cam i didnt see, then they got raided? I dont want to deal with that. Good way to get my house burned down. This was local where i live. Small rural community. Not risking it. Got a pretty good idea who it was. Pretty much can be narrowed down to 3 or 4 possibilities.
Speaking of finding pot patches.
Back when I was around 18 years old a friend of mine and I were duck hunting down along the local wooded swamp.
While walking along the edge of the woods we came upon a pot patch about 20 feet in diameter and about 8 feet tall. Just starting to bud.
That night we took a king size bed sheet back and took it all.
Dried it out in the barn.
I got about 4 pounds out of it.
We weren’t worried about the grower because we knew he was a guy that had just been put in prison so the patch was abandoned.
I don’t remember much else during that time period. Ha ha.
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Found an old pair of Tasco binos once. They were old and beat up, so I decided to take them to work and leave them on the window sill in the crew shack. We had a couple ink pads in the room so we could stamp our time slips. I got the great idea of pressing the eyepieces into the ink pad and set them back on the sill and wait for the first victim....who just happened to be the terminal superintendent( I worked for the RR). He promptly picked them up and gazed outside with them. It was incredibly hard for us guys to not burst out in laughter until we got outside!! He walked out of the room with black circles around both eyes lol!! I wonder how long before someone told him HAHA!! We never heard anything about it from him, but I bet he was cussing us big time!!
Found an old pair of Tasco binos once. They were old and beat up, so I decided to take them to work and leave them on the window sill in the crew shack. We had a couple ink pads in the room so we could stamp our time slips. I got the great idea of pressing the eyepieces into the ink pad and set them back on the sill and wait for the first victim....who just happened to be the terminal superintendent( I worked for the RR). He promptly picked them up and gazed outside with them. It was incredibly hard for us guys to not burst out in laughter until we got outside!! He walked out of the room with black circles around both eyes lol!! I wonder how long before someone told him HAHA!! We never heard anything about it from him, but I bet he was cussing us big time!!
I had some Bushnel’s and did the same thing but left them on the side of the road at the hunting camp ?
Found this hand plow in the Bookcliffs roadless area probably 3-4 miles away from any road...
It was about 2 foot deep in dirt I dug it out and was always going to back in and retrieve it... That was 5 years ago and I haven’t been back in there...


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There’s some cool old stuff to be found on the Henry’s. Found some old cigarette tins of some kind on swap Mesa while hunting bison. Old glass bottles. Rock carvings from the 1800s...

this last week hunting deer I found what I’m pretty sure is a very old telemetry radio collar for a deer. I’ve seen some of the older models and this one looked to be older than any of those. I was in the middle of a stalk or I’d have got some pics of it. I’ll get some on the rifle hunt when I’m back up there. I dunno when they started doing those collars in Utah, but this thing was OLD. I dunno what else it was be. It definitely had some kind of old non-leather deteriorated band and metal box with wires on it. It’s been in the dirt a long time.

I found a tree carving in an ancient Aspen from August 1853 at 9k’+ on the skull valley side of the stansburys in some giant cliffy shithole. I have no clue what would possess a white guy to go up there back then that time of year. I’ve got pics of that somewhere I’ll try to find.

coolest find though was my grandfather’s name and date of 1957 carved in a tree just feet from where one of my very first bucks died in 2007. My dad wasn’t ever aware of him hunting that portion of the mountain at any time in his life so it was a surprise to us all. Kinda special to kill a buck in a place my grandfather, who I never got to meet, once stood 50 years prior doing the exact same thing.
Does this count? Coming back from hunting mnt goats. This was on the bearthooth highway. I sure as hell didnt take that way. No sir

While out hunting spending the night in our trailer. We where kept awake most of the night. From a big thunder storm. The rain was pounding the trailer. Then the big flash and the boom from the thunder. Well finally when the morning came. The rain stopped. While getting into the truck. I noticed something shining on the ground . It was a 1932 silver dollar. We still have it and put it in a scrapbook. Back then scrapbooks where a big deal.
I was hunting deer in central AZ, found an old mine, which is not uncommon. inside the mine it had hundreds of pounds of Ammonium nitrate along with gallons and gallons of mercury. I then discovered that i was standing in a huge pool of mercury. must have been 20-30 gallons of the stuff.
Sounds like a super fund clean up......... but it does catch gold Mercury is like a magnet to gold
Way back on a rough two track road, I mean rough and miles in, I found a car flipped over on its roof. Couldn't really tell anything other then that. I was wondering what I was going to find when I walked up to it, but there was nothing out of the ordinary besides the fact that there was a car way back there.
Oops sorry. Besides coins, firearms, binos, flashlights and lots of artifacts, the coolest was the skull of a human with a hole in his forehead. Had to be at least 100 years old.
C'mon now, some of you have some doozies! Share some pics or more details--if you have them.
I found a dead guy that had committed suicide the day before. I parked next to a truck at the end of a dirt road, got out, glanced into the window and there’s a dead dude with a hole in his head, eyes opened glazed over looking my way. I wigged out a little, started saying the F word a bunch! I can still see his face in my mind. Drove down and got the cops. That was an interesting day.

Thats not what I call neat but it Is usual and a little scary so thought I would share, sorry if it doesn’t fit here
Holy CRAP!
Tell me you have more info/pictures or whatever?
Cal poly student.......I would hate to blab names and info....I would hate to have someone who knew him to be reading this....found his wallet close to the truck, when I handed it to the chp and said ..”he’s broke”... I have never gotten a nastier look...
Love this thread. I have "found" 3 airplane wrecks in California. I know all the provenance of 2 of the 3, but the 3rd I intended to come back and write down the plane's identifiers, but never have or will.

One was a B-25 wrecked in the Northern Cali wilderness from 1944 that drifted about 260 miles off course during a run. Another was a Cessna 172D that crashed in 1965. I wrote tail number down and found NTSB report.

The 3rd was a Beaver-type?? airplane close to Oregon border that I have not gone back to research and probably won't. It was fairly intact though.

B-25 Wreckage 2.JPG

Cessna 172 4.JPG
Cal poly student.......I would hate to blab names and info....I would hate to have someone who knew him to be reading this....found his wallet close to the truck, when I handed it to the chp and said ..”he’s broke”... I have never gotten a nastier look...
Huh....why do you think the CHP gave you that look?
I found two pot grows in the NF, and GPSed the co-ords, called and then meet the federal guys I offered to take them back in, but they said no, I went back the next weekend and snuck up and there were people working on it, SO I called again and told them to go and get the guys busted as they were in my hunting spot, I kept bugging them and eventually they told me they went in and everyone got away, but they said there were 5000 plants and it was probably a cartel grow and I should watch out! I have found several arrowheads while archery hunting, and it always is neat the think someone was archery hunting in the same spots hundreds of years before, seems like some spots remain good for a longtime!
Was hunting elk in Montana and found 4 horses & mules all tangled up. Got em loose and headed down the warden told us they were from a roge outfitter.he got busted pretty good.

Was fishing in the river for walleye and getting snagged lures from a old tree in the middle of the river (it was early spring) guy walked up above me on the bank and says" I wouldn't do that for anything" I looked down and a 5 dollar bill came floating by to which I said "well would you do it for a 5 spot"?

My older brother lost his wallet on West Divide Creek . A few days later some friends called me and ask if I knew this brother was a ton of fun just a little sideways...funny to watch.
In 2014, hunting elk in Unit 45 in Wyoming, my brother and I came across a stacked stone wall on a mountain pass above 10,000', just west of Loaf Mountain. Someone spent a lot of time on it. Probably about 100 yards long. Anyone know what it's for or why it's there?
I bet you that it was made by elk hunters killing time during the day while waiting for the evening prime time for elk haha! Only reason I say that is because I’ve built a few log forts over the years LOL!
I was living in Page AZ in 1973 working on the Power plant when it was brand new. On the weekend we decided to go 4 wheeling over by Kanab. We just driving down the road and took a right and went up into the trees and took off.
We came upon an canyon and there was a 1953 Fire Truck stuck into the side of the hill. Windows were rolled up and the keys were in the ignition. It was like brand new inside and we left it that way.
We went further in and found a whole side of a hill that was petrified wood and the trees were lying as if it just happened. I took two pieces of that petrified wood home and still have it.
We were on our way out and got stuck in some quick sand in a wash and couldn't get my jeep out of there. So I climbed to the top of the wash to see if I could hook our winch onto something and low and behold I look in the distance and see a truck in the middle of no where and run to get help.
Well there were three of the cutest hippie chicks in that truck and I instantly thought this is a story for Penthouse.....LOL
Well they took me up to their commune and their boyfriends got their DC Cat and came down and pulled us out.

You should have seen the faces on my buddies when I came up to the side of the wash and said these lovely ladies are going to help us out. No bra No panties Oh the 60's and 70's there will never be a time like that again......
A few years back I was muzzy hunting the wasatch front in September a week after the tornado touched down in Riverdale and that freak snow storm blanketed the mountain tops. I was back in a ways and came across a whole archery camp that had been left. I can only imagine what it felt like for those kids when the 90 mph winds ripped across the top of the mountain they were camped on! I say kids because they packed in a foam archery target a couple miles, a bunch of hatchets, knives, and unnecessary heavy items for a remote back pack trip. They left in a hurry because tent was still up, just caved in with snow. Sleeping bags, everything was there besides their bows. (I had to look just to make sure there were no dead bodies in tent lol)

I bet it took them weeks before they got the nerve to go back and retrieve their camp!!!
About ten years ago I was hunting with dad up Farmington canyon. We stopped to glass a point below towers and I heard a faint cry for help. I hiked down and found a beat up teenage girl with broken ribs. She was half froze from the October temps. She said her friend was still down the mountain under the truck! I got her up to dad, who called 911. I found the boy half naked under his rolled truck barely alive. Two life flights showed up and hauled those two kids to hospital. Turns out they were a couple of drunk highschool kids in daddy’s truck driving around the night before and had rolled around 11:00 pm. We found them at 11:00 am the following day! They were up there all night in freezing temps with little to nothing on.

Fast forward to a few years ago.I take a couple buddies up there and we stand on that same rollover point. I tell them the story and then part ways as I had to work a swing shift that day. I get a call at 9:00 pm that night from my buddies saying that I’ll never believe them!

They stalked a small 2 point buck and killed it below the roll off point. They were taking videos of the buck when behind them they hear the rev of an engine! They both swing around with cameras rolling and film a car launching off the cliff, rolling right at them!

They run uphill to avoid being in the roll path and car comes to a stop with a girl in passenger side screaming bloody murder! She’s all messed up! The driver dude and back seat dude were both unconscious! My buddy gets to them and calls 911. The back seat dude wakes up and starts frantically looking for his weed stash. He screams, “where’s the weed man! We gotta eat it before the cops bust us!” The driver wakes up and says “dude we’re busted. Don’t worry about it.” And then passes out again. The back seat dude finds his pot bag and starts eating it before passing out again. The whole time this is going on the girl is still screaming bloody murder because she is all busted up. My buddies don’t know what to do except wait till help arrives. They said it was intense! Driver ended up dying at hospital of internal wounds. Other two lived as far as I know.

So yeah, another driving while impaired story for ya! Not the canyon of choice for that activity!
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While hunting whitetails in Missouri in the mid 90's right in the middle of a soybean field I found this amazing war axe head. Most all my buddies are WAY bigger arrowhead hunters than me, yet I find this.


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I found a lucky beer opener one day muzzleloader deer hunting about 2 miles in on top of a ridge. I always thought if these things like this we find could talk.
I finally found an arrowhead this weekend hunting elk, and what looks to be an old pack type shovel for maybe snowmobiling? It was small and pretty rusty
I finally found an arrowhead this weekend hunting elk, and what looks to be an old pack type shovel for maybe snowmobiling? It was small and pretty rusty

Snowmobiling? I always knew you were from back East

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