New Mexico Pronghorn Video and pics


Active Member
Here are pics of the bucks my son and I shot this weekend in New Mexico.

I wish we could say we were assigned to a ranch with lots of territory and lots of bucks, but that was not the case. These were the two biggest bucks we saw in two days of scouting and a day of hunting. We did see some nice bucks on nearby ranches that had more/better antelope habitat.

Regardless of the size of these bucks, it was time spent hunting that I will add to the memory vault with all the other hunts he and I have spent together. Knowing he will be off to college next year makes the time spent together this season more important than the end result.

Here is the biggest buck we saw. A little over 15".


Here is the second biggest buck we saw. Had hoped for something a little bigger, but they just were not on this ranch.


If you want to see some cool video that my son took as I stalked my buck, click on the link below. This is the last four minutes of a time-consuming stalk. The landowner was watching and asking my son a lot of questions while he was filming it.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-07 AT 09:54PM (MST)[p]AWESOME video! Were you close enough? Hahaha! Great job on some great bucks!
Very cool video. Thats just awesome. He got right up on that buck...Thanks for sharing that , again very cool

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