New Montana Proposal



The Montana Legislature has been asked to consider a bill, Senate Bill 143, that would take 60% of the non-resident deer/elk tags and force those 60% to go through an outfitter. Yup, that’s correct, take 60% of the tags from the general draw and give those tags to non-residents who use an outfitter.
This is a huge negative for self-guided non-residents to hunt Montana. As demand for tags gets higher and higher, cutting the pool of tags by 60% to those inclined to hunt on their own is against all I stand for and all that our platforms are about. I have been using our platforms to notify residents and non-residents of this proposed bill that has a lot of lobbying support, though almost no resident support.
The good news is that you, even as a non-resident, can have a big impact on this outcome. Non-residents have more influence than you probably expect. The bill is being heard on February 2nd in the Senate Fish & Game Committee. Killing a bill in committee is the best way to defeat this effort. If you hunt Montana as a non-resident, you can reach these committee members at these emails with your thoughts about Senate Bill 143 and ask them to share your comments with the rest of their Committee members.

Committee Chairman – Senator Steve Hinebach [email protected]

Committee Vice-Chairman – Senator Bob Brown [email protected]

Link to the bill here -
Damn, I just hunted Montana for the first time in 2020. I won't hunt there if I have to go through an outfitter. This stinks, but write somebody a sternly-worded letter!
Wake up people this is what outfitters have planned for all the Western states. Outfitters are the real threat to hunting, however, a lot of people are blind. Where are all the resident hunters that were complaining about Wyoming going to 90/10 split.
I would rather have to hire an outfitter than to have no chance at a tag.
Yep, this would suck big-time. I don't need an outfitter to hunt public land! Keep them on private and leased properties where they belong, and I'd be fine with them.
I would rather have to hire an outfitter than to have no chance at a tag.
I can't believe you just said that. If this passes, and you're a DIY hunter, you'll have less chance if this passes.

This is a slippery slope...making hunting only available to the wealthy is the opposite direction we need to be heading.
The outfitter will get the tags and you will have to go though the outfitter that has the tags for the area you want to hunt. Next you will see the outfitters tying up public land by buying up the trespass rights from private ranches that surround the public land. Outfitters in WY. did that long ago. Elk mountain was one place they tied up. When hunters started hiring helicopters to access the mountain, the outfitters got the state to pass a law of no hunting for a certain length of time after flying in.
This is absolutely a horrible move for MT. There is not a chance I will be using a guide. They will eliminate my self and everyone one I know from the applicant pool. If I am going to pay for a guided hunt it will not be for something as easy to hunt as deer elk and antelope... That is for sure!!!
I can't believe you just said that. If this passes, and you're a DIY hunter, you'll have less chance if this passes.

This is a slippery slope...making hunting only available to the wealthy is the opposite direction we need to be heading.

Was a bit of a troll post to be honest, and I apologize for that. Was more or less frustrated on some of the 90/10 conversations that have happened in other state forums.

I do believe it is a horrible move for MT and greatly limits opportunity. All and all just another step that eventually will hurt hunter recruitment.
What really sucks here is us residents voted this crap out years ago and now political cronyism is trying to bring back what the people already made clear they didn’t want.
Ya, bad deal. I live streamed the Senate committee hearing. Sounds like the bill's sponsor will amend it from 60% to 45% outfitter allocation. According to MOGA, 45% of all NR General elk tags are hunters with outfitters. That number seems really high to me. Hopefully there will be some transparency with the data.
That is absolute garbage. I grew up in Montana and have lots of areas I hunt when I can. Hoping to draw this year for deer. May be the last chance if this goes through.
I hope this thing fails but I've heard it's back in Senate debate and has been amended to 39% not 60. However I also heard that our new governor appointed a new Director to the Wildlife commission and he happens to be a past president of MOGA. If that is true does anyone really think the Gov. won't sign it if it gets to his desk??

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