Newfoundland Question-Date change/Split season


Does anyone have any thoughts on why they changed season dates with a split season for the Newfoundland unit? Do you think the better rams will be taken during the early season leaving smaller rams for the late season? Will the later season dates be better because of peak rut? I am not to familiar when the peak rut is for this unit. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
The slit season helps with more tags being given out without over crowding. The split is right in the middle of the rut, which won't make much of a difference either way. Most people are shooting the first decent ram they see or get close enough to shoot at, so there is and will be plenty of mature rams to go around.
Good luck.

There's always next year
+1 to ridgetops,
The areas where the sheep hang out on the Newfys is pretty small so the split season spreads hunters out a bit. Past season hunt surveys show hunters only hunting a day or two on average.
If it was my tag I'd take my time and have a blast just looking at sheep before I killed one. Best of luck on drawing.
I think everyone is in agreement on "why" they split the unit.
10 tags running around at the same time.
Everybody has 15 friends out "helping" them find a sheep.

There is just a ton of activity out there during the hunt.

Splitting the hunt in half just means less folks around for each hunt.

Late or early, its up to you.
I would base your decision on your preference.

Late Nov and early Dec might have worse weather. The roads can get STUPID muddy out there when its wet.

Do I think "the better rams will be taken during the early season?"
No. Well, let me change that. Depends on who draws.
Like the others have said, most guys take the first ram they see.
The better rams don't get taken at all.
Lots and lots of road hunting goes on out there.
But you might get a few guys early who are really hunters. They want as big a ram as they can get. They might shoot a few of the better rams.
But those guys are rare on the newfoundlands.
Most of those guys put in for the book cliffs.

You can get the harvest data. Only the north half of the range is open to hunting.
From the township line, near keller well, to the south is closed to hunting. See your regs. What you will find is that most sheep are taken in a few locations on the north end.

What is your camp situation?
You don't see many guys willing to haul a big camp trailer out there.
Most guys wall tent it. The roads out are just rough and crappy.
If you are forced to camp in Oct - Dec, and you have nothing but a trailer, you might want to go early. Especially if you have to tent it. Unless you have a wall tent with a good stove.

It gets cold in the early mornings, especially later. That ATV ride to your hiking area can be frigid. Lots of side by side owners bundled to the max, several layers, ext can be seen, even early.
If you have a real capable 4WD and its wet and muddy, you will arrive dry and warm, ready to hunt. Maybe you want to go late.

If you are gonna be on a wheeler, busting 3 inch deep mud bogs in the dark, maybe you want to go early since it may be a little warmer and drier.

The sheep are not going to be your concern. You will have a chance at plenty of good rams if you put in any kind of effort. They don't have many big rams, if you see a 160 ram, you might be wanting to consider shooting it.
If you see a 165 ram, you might really want to consider shooting it.
Unless you have really done your scouting and have a big one found.

You will find lots of 140 class rams, some 150 class rams. If you work for it, you will find bigger ones.

Put in for the hunt you are equipped better to deal with. It will make your hunt more enjoyable.

Oh, also, a big one. Thanksgiving. You got a big holiday weekend on the late hunt.
If you cant spend the holiday away from family, I would definitely put in for the early hunt. You get less hunt time now.
If you can hunt the entire week and miss the holiday all together, maybe late works for you.

I spent my thanksgiving week out there on the newfys this year.
Give me time off work, I will be in sheep country. I don't have a wife that nags at me for missing those things. You might.

Thats just my opinion. If you draw, early or late, put in your time. You will kill a sheep. But if you want one of the bigger sheep out there, you might have to look long and hard.

Since every sheep on the mountain range can be located in about a day and a half, it pays to get out there early and do your homework if you want the best ram on the range. Good rams can and have been taken later in the hunt, but the big one will go down opening morning if you have real sheep hunters out there.

And for size, don't get your hopes up too high. They are Calis, not Rockies remember. They are closer in size to Deserts.


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