Old guy stuff


Long Time Member
I had to get my medicare wellness checkup today.

I feel old; might be time to split up my stuff.
Good for you for doing the check. They always laugh when I list my ortho as my family doctor!!!
Good for you for doing the check. They always laugh when I list my ortho as my family doctor!!!
haha, yea, she started laughing when I was using my fingers to count the number of ortho operations I've had.
Don't wait till it's too late! My dad waited to the end and all his prized gun collection, pistols, hunting rifles, etc. went to his new wife of 10 years family's kids who had never hunted or shot a gun in their lives.
I’ve been there. Two different generations, one on my moms side and my dad’s collection. Out of everyone in the family, I’m the only one that talks guns and shoots at least once a week. My grandfather’s guns were split up to three different people, me one of them. The two others didn’t even know what they were getting and showed no enthusiasm or pride. I know for a fact that they haven’t shot them in the three years they’ve had them. Maybe they haven’t even got them out and touched them. My dad’s guns are pretty much the same story. I got most so I guess I shouldn’t complain, maybe it’s the history lost. The real problem I have with the whole thing is that they accepted them. It’s kind of like me accepting part of an inherited art collection knowing dam well that’s not my thing but accept it because why not, when there may be another person there that could really appreciate it and shared in it in the past. I made up my mind that I will sell off my collection when I start to lose my vision and hearing and get the shakes. I doubt it will bother anyone since they will end up with whatever money I have left and will surely enjoy that over a lot of used guns.
My wife and I set up an irrevocable trust in 2008. Everything we owned was in it. About 5 years ago, we had a deal like an NFL draft. Kids and their families got to "draft" everything we own. Guns, vehicles, furniture, tools, jewelry, literally everything.

All of our assets are in the trust. And it is irrevocable and in our kid's name. That way, the government can't take it if we have a medical issue, get old and need care or whatever. We do not own a thing any longer. No home, no cars, no nothing. Our kids have it all. It actually feels good that it is all passed on in an organized way. I can't say it was without stress heartburn, but it is done and everyone seems pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Don't worry, even though we don't own anything, those guns and optics, plus my 2 pickups are still at the house. Our family is glad to let us use their stuff - at least till we are dead and gone.
My wife and I set up an irrevocable trust in 2008. Everything we owned was in it. About 5 years ago, we had a deal like an NFL draft. Kids and their families got to "draft" everything we own. Guns, vehicles, furniture, tools, jewelry, literally everything.

All of our assets are in the trust. And it is irrevocable and in our kid's name. That way, the government can't take it if we have a medical issue, get old and need care or whatever. We do not own a thing any longer. No home, no cars, no nothing. Our kids have it all. It actually feels good that it is all passed on in an organized way. I can't say it was without stress heartburn, but it is done and everyone seems pretty happy with the way it turned out.

Don't worry, even though we don't own anything, those guns and optics, plus my 2 pickups are still at the house. Our family is glad to let us use their stuff - at least till we are dead and gone.
How much did your rent increase when you passed on the house? Keep in mind most states have some fashion of rent control so make sure the kids know that you've done your due diligence and know they can't screw you on rent increases. LOL.

Seriously, not a bad way to do it.
This makes me think of my taxidermy trophies. Y’all on this site are probably some of the only people that can appreciate how important they are to a person. Hopefully I’m a ways off from deciding, but I do think about it from time to time. My daughter is probably the only person that realizes and cares the significance of them to me, but I’m sure she probably doesn’t want to decorate her house with them. The most expensive of my possessions definitely aren’t the most important possessions for me. My taxidermy trophies and guns that I’ve been given are what I’ll have trouble deciding on
Hopefully I’m a long way from kicking the bucket my favorite guns are from my grandpa ones even he was given from his uncle. A 22-250 rem 788 I can’t take off the weaver 4x it’s just way to accurate to mess with.
A story i got told about a gentleman in Sevier County (no not 2lumpy) took his kids and his grandkids out shooting a some time back. He had his whole collection of guns and from what I understand it was a substantial collection. As the gathering shot the guns he would ask "do like that gun" and then he would say "that gun is yours now".
He passed away a couple weeks ago.
My last wellness check went well- I had a kidney problem and had been treated for it- BUT two days later spent an evening in the ER and 3 days in hospital- so you never know about "old age" and wellness. "Old age ain't for sissies!":eek:
You’re right Pete, it’s not, but the alternative don’t look so good either.

I like it here, as long as I like it here I want to live so long that one knows me anymore.

I want my obituary to say, “does anybody know who this old SOB was”
I’ve been blessed with 2 daughters, 3 sons, 5 granddaughters, 6 grandsons and 1 great granddaughter. If you cobble all my firearms together there’s probably enough for one for each. However, a few would have very little interest, from a fire arms perspective, giving them one would amount to little more than a waste. I have other items that those not interested in firearms would rather have and treasure. I’ll accommodate them that way.

As far as those that would want a firearm, they would not want it for its monetary value They all, already own weapons worth far more than any I own. My sons have each asked to have specific rifles because they are invested emotional with that particular rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader etc. For some it was the first rifle they used when I was introducing to hunting, and besides my good memories associated with the rifle, they have personal and crossover memories with it as well. Same concept with each of my sons and most of grandsons. There’s already an attachnent, in most cases. I’ve owned quite a few guns that I’ve bought sold, traded etc. over the last 75 years, but I’ve saved any and all that my kids are attached to, one way or another. The gun itself or its caliber, make, model, value etc. is not as important to them as the common experience each has had with me and a particular firearm. When it’s time past ownership onward, there will be a discussion between each of them, individually, and myself. To the best of may ability I’ll make sure each gets the one they want. I’ll make those decisions before I die so I know what will happen and why. There will undoubtedly be a few conflicts but by their nature my kids seem pretty reasonable and understanding with each other about it. I have actually already started on the process and so far it’s working well. However, I need to get more of it done, sooner than later.

Other than the guns, there is half a retail store of books, camping, hunting, fishing etc gear that will get distributed but most will end up at the thrift store or the land fill. Kids don’t want worn out trash. Can’t say as I blame them.
I Hope You're Doing OK Pete!

And You're Right!

There's alot of Stuff Not For Sissies!

My last wellness check went well- I had a kidney problem and had been treated for it- BUT two days later spent an evening in the ER and 3 days in hospital- so you never know about "old age" and wellness. "Old age ain't for sissies!":eek:
This makes me think of my taxidermy trophies. Y’all on this site are probably some of the only people that can appreciate how important they are to a person. Hopefully I’m a ways off from deciding, but I do think about it from time to time. My daughter is probably the only person that realizes and cares the significance of them to me, but I’m sure she probably doesn’t want to decorate her house with them. The most expensive of my possessions definitely aren’t the most important possessions for me. My taxidermy trophies and guns that I’ve been given are what I’ll have trouble deciding on
My BIL painted a big home in Sedona after the man of the house had died. First thing the widow wanted gone was the mounts - lots of them.

She offered to give them to us, but we felt guilty and gave her $200. They filled my 14’ utility trailer. We gave some away, kept the interesting ones like birds and snakes and trashed the rest. I kept and old 340 bull and 2 mulies with metal tags that hang in my barn. I can’t bring myself to throw them away. I might pull the horns and add them to my chandeliers.

I have wasted a bunch of money on taxi, and have no doubt it’ll end up in the trash. At least euro’s end up in a barn somewhere.
2Lumpy- I'd like the cabin please. I feel it's kind of the same as the guns you have. I haven't shot any of your guns but I have stayed in the cabin so it's kind of the same? If you do that for me....I'll make sure to get that toilet working right. LOL
2Lumpy- I'd like the cabin please. I feel it's kind of the same as the guns you have. I haven't shot any of your guns but I have stayed in the cabin so it's kind of the same? If you do that for me....I'll make sure to get that toilet working right. LOL
Ya…….. I’m afraid you’re a little late on the cabin Wisz, the direct blood line beat you to that one. I think they’ll claim more nights justify a higher place on the pecking order. But, you get credit for a gallant effort. I’ll put you down for the pvc marshmallow blow guns collection.
A friend of mine called me about a month ago and asked if I saw the obituary of a friend of ours. I had not. We both went to high school with him, hung out together, hunted together, trapped together, and got in trouble together.

While on the phone with my friend we started listing the people we knew who have died. We came to the conclusion that we both know more dead people who were friends than we know friends who are alive. Kind of sobering.

Not saying none of you SOB's aren't my friends it's just that we don't have a lot of one on one personal history.
Ya…….. I’m afraid you’re a little late on the cabin Wisz, the direct blood line beat you to that one. I think they’ll claim more nights justify a higher place on the pecking order. But, you get credit for a gallant effort. I’ll put you down for the pvc marshmallow blow guns collection.
I figured I'd be too late but it was worth a shot.

I'll take the blow guns as long as they come with not only marshmallows but graham crackers and chocolate bars as well. :) That'll make the grand kids happy.
A friend of mine called me about a month ago and asked if I saw the obituary of a friend of ours. I had not. We both went to high school with him, hung out together, hunted together, trapped together, and got in trouble together.

While on the phone with my friend we started listing the people we knew who have died. We came to the conclusion that we both know more dead people who were friends than we know friends who are alive. Kind of sobering.

Not saying none of you SOB's aren't my friends it's just that we don't have a lot of one on one personal history.
Life phases……. there’s a fair number of us hanging out in the Campfire. Part of the reason could be, in the past we were too busy with friends, chasing dreams and other things. Too many friends are now gone, so here we are, doing the best we can with virtual friends. At least we have that to do. thirty years ago we wouldn’t have had the internet to do.

I have lamented the closing of the old pool halls, with their old smokey pot belled stoves and afternoon visits with the guys. The guys are gone and so are the pool halls.

We can either find other things to do or curl up and wait for the Reaper to come for us. Personally, I’m less active but I haven’t given in yet. I’m still trying new things or at least replacing old pastimes with different ones that fit my current life phase. Want to keep on, keeping on, as long as I can.

I have a new buddy, he’s 80, I’m 75, he met about 20 years ago but had different interests and different friends so the friendship was distant. Now….. the last three years, we get together for a hour or two nearly everyday. He has a home in Nevada too so some times he’s not around but when he’s here, we go to town, buy a Diet Coke, take a drive up the mountain and circle back an hour or two later almost everyday. He gets a little concerned about loosing his strength and ambition…….. I just keep telling him, “we can’t do all we used to do, but we can still do a lot and we’re going to. We just need to find new ways to do the old things and new things that don’t require us to be as physically strong as we used to be. So far we are still enjoying life on the farm, so to speak.

Onward and upward eel and the rest off you old timers, getting to live through another life phase.
I figured I'd be too late but it was worth a shot.

I'll take the blow guns as long as they come with not only marshmallows but graham crackers and chocolate bars as well. :) That'll make the grand kids happy.
Let me tell ya Wiszard, grandkids with pvc blow guns don’t need no graham crackers and candy bars to be happy. Give’rm each a 2’ long, half inch pvc pipe and a bag full of small marshmellow and the run of the house/yard and you can do anything you want without being bothered for 3 hours.

Then let the neighbors dog in, to clean up when their done.

Most fun they’re ever had in grandma’s house, I promise.
A friend of mine called me about a month ago and asked if I saw the obituary of a friend of ours. I had not. We both went to high school with him, hung out together, hunted together, trapped together, and got in trouble together.

While on the phone with my friend we started listing the people we knew who have died. We came to the conclusion that we both know more dead people who were friends than we know friends who are alive. Kind of sobering.

Not saying none of you SOB's aren't my friends it's just that we don't have a lot of one on one personal history.
I think we can all relate to this song
A friend of mine called me about a month ago and asked if I saw the obituary of a friend of ours. I had not. We both went to high school with him, hung out together, hunted together, trapped together, and got in trouble together.

While on the phone with my friend we started listing the people we knew who have died. We came to the conclusion that we both know more dead people who were friends than we know friends who are alive. Kind of sobering.

Not saying none of you SOB's aren't my friends it's just that we don't have a lot of one on one personal history.
We have lost over a third of my HS class. We only had 22 at graduation, and that remains the largest number ever.
Don’t give up.
Hell, I am sitting in a hotel room with my wife after being in the hospital for over 12 hours for a scheduled AFib heart ablation. Be up and running in a few weeks and planning my retirement. Here’s a great T-shirt I ordered.
Don’t give up.
Hell, I am sitting in a hotel room with my wife after being in the hospital for over 12 hours for a scheduled AFib heart ablation. Be up and running in a few weeks and planning my retirement. Here’s a great T-shirt I ordered.
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My brother had two of those done about 12 years apart. He went to sleep, woke up and went home.

I hope yours goes well too.
I think we can all relate to this song
You can’t write the lyrics to that poem until you’re well over 60 and feeling melancholy.

Thanks for ruining my day Wes, I hate songs like that……. LOL
i will hit the 50 yr mark this summer. not so old compared to many but with two of my brothers having kidney stones in last year and another with cancerous stuff removed from face and top of head... feeling older each year! i got some decaf coffee and oatmeal yesterday to combat dehydration and keep the arteries clean!

you old guys keep on truckin'!!! i am glad i am not growing up in this day and age. thank god the good ol days are always better than what the present generation is facing.
i will hit the 50 yr mark this summer. not so old compared to many but with two of my brothers having kidney stones in last year and another with cancerous stuff removed from face and top of head... feeling older each year! i got some decaf coffee and oatmeal yesterday to combat dehydration and keep the arteries clean!

you old guys keep on truckin'!!! i am glad i am not growing up in this day and age. thank god the good ol days are always better than what the present generation is facing.
Someone definitely does not follow the Blank cooking show. ???
i will hit the 50 yr mark this summer. not so old compared to many but with two of my brothers having kidney stones in last year and another with cancerous stuff removed from face and top of head... feeling older each year! i got some decaf coffee and oatmeal yesterday to combat dehydration and keep the arteries clean!

you old guys keep on truckin'!!! i am glad i am not growing up in this day and age. thank god the good ol days are always better than what the present generation is facing.
My hell Hicountryman……….. you are growing up in this day and age, at 50 you’re still not afraid to fart!
haha !! Blank needs some free range oatmeal with all the croissants and delicious stuff he eats! i passed on the frozen pizza this past trip to the store... lots of lean protein in my diet for sure. i will fry up some deer nuggets, though.
as for growing up in this day and age, i am mostly glad i live out in the sticks with no friends and my head buried in the sand. done growing for the time being....
Speaking of old guy stuff. :oops: One box unopened, surfaces the shame of never having owned a Garand.

I’ve been on a bit of a roll in the reloading room lately, and admit to wondering more than once who would be shooting them.

Would it be self absorbed to sign the label?:ROFLMAO:
Speaking of old guy stuff. :oops: One box unopened, surfaces the shame of never having owned a Garand.

I’ve been on a bit of a roll in the reloading room lately, and admit to wondering more than once who would be shooting them.

Would it be self absorbed to sign the label?:ROFLMAO:
View attachment 99365
Think half the stuff I reload is for my children.
72 and still going strong. Just not as strong as I once was. What I used to pick up and carry, now I put on a dolly or cart. Advil is my friend tho!!!
I understand. What you said is why I bought a small tractor (55HP). 120+ postholes for a new yard ain't happening with an auger, let alone a post hole digger. I use the backhoe.

A one day job painting, roofing, etc.) now takes a week. Setting out my wifes meds for three weeks....takes one Norco.

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