Points are Points


Heard rumblings that there is a proposal in the works that will be presented and, if accepted, would transition UT from 3 separate point classes for deer (LE, DH, and GS) to a system that would consider all deer hunts as pulling from the same point pool. I imagine this would still maintain designations of General Units and Limited Units to account for Lifetime License obligations. Interesting though.. how would this land with you guys?

My first thought is they would have to decide what they would do with hunters that have points in all 3 categories, whether that is just add them together or something else.

Second thought is that they would almost have to do this with elk and make the general elk be broken into units, otherwise you could see a big jump in elk point creep where anyone applying for LE Deer would now be able to apply for both.

I don't hate it. If it happened, I'd likely just continue to put in for my favorite general with hopes of having it every year. It would be more similar to CO except with a bonus system rather than a preference system, but I am curious how you all feel?
I'm on board for deer - you have to draw to hunt all General or Limited deer units now anyway so just combine it all into one draw and a point is a point. The lifetime license holder situation does pose a bit of a problem here though (as you noted, maybe just flag all of the LE units as units where a lifetime license can't be used)

Keep elk the way it is now. I personally like being able to apply for LE elk units but also buy a general archery or muzzy/rifle tag as an option to hunt after the draw.
This is a bad idea. You think point creep is bad now. Just wait
True for the most coveted units (which are already really bad) but it forces a guy to choose whether he wants to wait in line for MANY years to hunt, or hunt more frequently on a lower tier "LE" or "General" unit. As it sits now, you have guys chasing both the LE tag and General tag.
The sad part is that even if you added my le deer points and my gs deer point together, I still wouldn’t be able to draw even a shitty unit and I have been applying for 8 years in both. Lol
Leave it alone. those who've paid their dues the longest reap the rewards, if they don't die first. Utah already hosed the high point holders hard enough in the new elk plan give deer hunters a break.

This is the world we live in today, nobody wants to wait their turn they want to change the rules so everyone can win today because they're entitled. the whiney lame argument that it' not fair to young people is the worst one. the old guy with 40 points should give up his chances so a newbie gets a better shot? who gave up a tag for him? does he have another 40 years ? this whole game is getting stupid.
Leave it alone. those who've paid their dues the longest reap the rewards, if they don't die first. Utah already hosed the high point holders hard enough in the new elk plan give deer hunters a break.

This is the world we live in today, nobody wants to wait their turn they want to change the rules so everyone can win today because they're entitled. the whiney lame argument that it' not fair to young people is the worst one. the old guy with 40 points should give up his chances so a newbie gets a better shot? who gave up a tag for him? does he have another 40 years ? this whole game is getting stupid.
I guess I don't follow your logic... how does moving to a single point system make a guy with 40 points "give up his chance" at a tag?

Based on my conversations with the people who wrote the proposal the goal of it is to force guys to pick whether they want to wait for a higher quality hunt and hunt it less often or hunt with more frequent opportunity. It takes away the current situation in which you have multiple point systems that make it to where guys can have their cake and eat it too.

I don't hate the idea because that is what we all always hear... you have some guys that want to hunt more regularly and they don't care about quality and others that want higher quality even if it means hunting less often. This would force the hunter to choose instead of being able to do both. In my opinion is that it would take a couple of years to see where it lands, but points for the majority of hunts would be reduced because you actually will have less total applications (something like 25% based on the stats I saw) for deer each year and the same amount of tags.
I guess I don't follow your logic... how does moving to a single point system make a guy with 40 points "give up his chance" at a tag?

Based on my conversations with the people who wrote the proposal the goal of it is to force guys to pick whether they want to wait for a higher quality hunt and hunt it less often or hunt with more frequent opportunity. It takes away the current situation in which you have multiple point systems that make it to where guys can have their cake and eat it too.

I don't hate the idea because that is what we all always hear... you have some guys that want to hunt more regularly and they don't care about quality and others that want higher quality even if it means hunting less often. This would force the hunter to choose instead of being able to do both. In my opinion is that it would take a couple of years to see where it lands, but points for the majority of hunts would be reduced because you actually will have less total applications (something like 25% based on the stats I saw) for deer each year and the same amount of tags.
This is just another way to slice the “pie” in a different way. The pie will not be any bigger.

The people who would benefit from this the most are the ones who would exploit the change the fastest, then it would present new issues and someone else would dream up yet another way to slice the pie and it still wouldn’t be any bigger.
If They Do Change It & They Shouldn't!

But If They Do!

You Put In For One Hunt & One Hunt Only!

If You Draw,You Draw!

If You Don't Draw You Are Done!

None Of This 5 Choices BS!

If Niller Doesn't Draw His LE Buck Take With 37 Points,Tough Titty,He's Done!

And If He Tries To Draw An LE Deer Tag He Surrenders His LL For That Year! (If They Don't YANK Them!)

And He'll Think That's Not So Bad Until He Finds Out They YANK The LL's!

Gotta Get His BLOOD PRESSURE Up Where It Needs To Be!:D:D:D
I like the idea of combining everything. I think its absurd that you can get a general season hunting permit and accrue a bonus point during the same year. Waiting in 2 lines for the same species. One simple change they could make, which would solve much of the problem, would be to create a rule that prevents anyone from gaining a bonus point in a year when they get a general season tag. Go ahead and apply for whatever you want, but if you snag a general season tag you forfeit your bonus point that year. Unfortunately we all know the Wildlife Board loves point creep so I doubt such a change would happen.
Combine them! Long over due. Simplify the points DNR racketeering scheme. Also should let you roll worthless Mt lion points into some kind of usable points maybe 3 to 1 or some ratio to deer/elk/bear or even cow elk points anything. Complete bull shidt to have 16 years of cougar points. I’m sure Peaday and the WB have something up there merino base layer sleeves
Hey spj!

My Son Had Quite Few Lion Points As Well!

He Was Hoping To Maybe Get A Chance At A Big Tom!

But Like You Said!


I Just Can't Wait Till Some ASSSSHOLE Drags The AI BullSShit In To Hunting!

Combine them! Long over due. Simplify the points DNR racketeering scheme. Also should let you roll worthless Mt lion points into some kind of usable points maybe 3 to 1 or some ratio to deer/elk/bear or even cow elk points anything. Complete bull shidt to have 16 years of cougar points. I’m sure Peaday and the WB have something up there merino base layer sleeves
Hey spj!

My Son Had Quite Few Lion Points As Well!

He Was Hoping To Maybe Get A Chance At A Big Tom!

But Like You Said!


I Just Can't Wait Till Some ASSSSHOLE Drags The AI BullSShit In To Hunting!
Its complete horse shidt, filled a few Harvest objective tags over the years but always banked and applied for the trophy limited units prior to the big change in management with plans on some day putting down an old block head Tom. …Hope you’re wintering well out there in Gods country, there’s no place like the basin to celebrate Black History month.
Leave it alone. those who've paid their dues the longest reap the rewards, if they don't die first. Utah already hosed the high point holders hard enough in the new elk plan give deer hunters a break.

This is the world we live in today, nobody wants to wait their turn they want to change the rules so everyone can win today because they're entitled. the whiney lame argument that it' not fair to young people is the worst one. the old guy with 40 points should give up his chances so a newbie gets a better shot? who gave up a tag for him? does he have another 40 years ? this whole game is getting stupid.
Nailed it
I'm always confused as to what these changes hope to accomplish.
Is it the LE guys looking for an advantage or the GS guys?

Because that is all it is. How can I tweak the system to my advantage.

Keep reducing tags that will help a lot.
Yes all points in one bucket including OIL too then you can choose what you really want to hunt. Top point gets the tag by one and you get to keep the rest...ta that'll work.
When people say they want to combine points....which system are you going to combine? They are two very distinct systems. One being bonus points and the other are preference points. Preference point systems gives all the tags to the people with the most points. Bonus points in all intents just give you a better chance . Are you suggesting that the points are combined and turned to preference points or to bonus points? I for one have some preference points and they are much more valuable then bonus points when it comes to actually getting a tag.
I'm always confused as to what these changes hope to accomplish.
Is it the LE guys looking for an advantage or the GS guys?

Because that is all it is. How can I tweak the system to my advantage.

Keep reducing tags that will help a lot.
How about it's just a system that will simplify the game for everyone. All tags all seasons all weapons are on the same point system. No more do you get to do both. You have to decide if your first choice is a gen hunt or a LE hunt. Then from there the second choices are much more random and everyone has a chance.

It won't make any difference for elk, but for deer, there's not much difference between a Fishlake deer tag one on the Vernon, but now you'll have to choose. Makes the whole state way more consistent between perceived value and points required.

Just my $0.02

Cheers, Pete
That Ain't A Bad Idea!

But Are The Big Game Hunters Gonna Be Willing To Throw All Their Points Out The Window Like The Lion Hunters Did?

I Get A Feeling There'd Be Alot More Friction If They Tried That BS On The Big Game Hunters!

But Then Again If They Did End The Points System They Could Just Open It Up Un-Limited & Year Around!

You Know!

If You See It From January 1st Till December 31st/Anytime Throughout The Year Just Kill it!

That Should Fix Everything & Within A Year You Wouldn't Have Anything Left To Argue About!

How about it just goes to random draw for all tags?
I doubt the change. It would mean less revenue for the state. I think they will make the change so residents can apply for points in all species and all once in a lifetime and then point creep will be worse, but the state makes more revenue.

Now we really need a thread to get the lifetime license changed so they get a free application every year, but have to have the points to draw just like the rest of us!
I don't see a combining of our points happening. I see us getting our higher points only AND an increase in application fees going forward... If this is real of course. And I'm feeling "glass half empty" tonight 🙃
The one benefit I see to combining LE and general season into one system is that it forces people to put their money where their mouth is.

Are you REALLY a trophy hunter? Are you willing to not have a deer tag for 20+ years at all? I doubt so many folks on here that claim they want tag cuts and are willing to sit out are truly willing to sit out. But it would sure be nice to shut them up. It’s almost worth making this change just to shut them up.
The one benefit I see to combining LE and general season into one system is that it forces people to put their money where their mouth is.

Are you REALLY a trophy hunter? Are you willing to not have a deer tag for 20+ years at all? I doubt so many folks on here that claim they want tag cuts and are willing to sit out are truly willing to sit out. But it would sure be nice to shut them up. It’s almost worth making this change just to shut them up.
This is spot on. If @Vanilla is correct (I think he is) and most people truly aren't willing to wait, it will dramatically reduce points required for higher quality units. Points required for the General will also be reduced, on average, as the people who stay with high end units will not be applying.
I am ok with them combining deer points, but only if they do basically the same with elk. Put the spike and any bull hunts into the draw. Wouldn't be fair to people with deer points to make them burn a bunch of points to hunt a general hunt. While allowing people in the elk pool to continue to build elk points. Hunt spikes, and apply for deer.
GS deer and LE deer all one points pool. You have to pick and choose.

GS elk and LE elk all one points pool. You have to pick and choose.

Is this what everyone thinking? Also what about the 5 year waiting period would that be gone?
If they simply added them or averaged them it would dramatically over value the general points and undercut the value of limited points already obtained. BAD idea. Keep the draws seperate. It would be fine to only allow you to apply in one or the other if they absolutely must make a change.
I think you could leave everything the way it is with several additional restrictions:

1) you can’t apply for GSD and LED in the same year,
2) LLs have to choose whether to receive a GSD or apply for LED (but not both) each year,
3) you can’t apply for more than one LEE, GSE, or antlerless elk hunt in the same year.

All other rules stay the same, meaning you can’t apply for LEE and LED in the same year. Maintain the exact same preference and bonus point systems for deer and elk, keeping GSD, LED, LEE, and antlerless points in separate pools.

These additional restrictions do not help build herds, but I believe that they would help address point creep for deer and elk in an equitable fashion.
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I Don't Know If Nilly Is Gonna Like Rule # 2!

I think you could leave everything the way it is with several additional restrictions:

1) you can’t apply for GSD and LED in the same year,
2) LLs have to choose whether to receive or GSD or apply for LED (but not both) each year,
3) you can’t apply for more than one LEE, GSE, or antlerless elk in the same year.

All other rules stay the same, meaning you can’t apply for LEE and LED in the same year. Maintain the exact same preference and bonus point systems for deer and elk, keeping GSD, LED, LEE, and antlerless points in separate pools.

These additional restrictions do not help build herds, but I believe that they would help address point creep for deer and elk in an equitable fashion.
I think you could leave everything the way it is with several additional restrictions:

1) you can’t apply for GSD and LED in the same year,
2) LLs have to choose whether to receive or GSD or apply for LED (but not both) each year,
3) you can’t apply for more than one LEE, GSE, or antlerless elk in the same year.

All other rules stay the same, meaning you can’t apply for LEE and LED in the same year. Maintain the exact same preference and bonus point systems for deer and elk, keeping GSD, LED, LEE, and antlerless points in separate pools.

These additional restrictions do not help build herds, but I believe that they would help address point creep for deer and elk in an equitable fashion.
So would you make all General Season Elk permits be by application (limited quota tags, and unlimited like archery and second rifle)?
So would you make all General Season Elk permits be by application (limited quota tags, and unlimited like archery and second rifle)?
Not necessarily. This could be accomplished using the same “eligiblity” system that is already in place. For example, the current application system says that I am not eligible to apply for LEE because I am in waiting period. It also says that I am not eligible for any of the youth permits because I am too old. So perhaps they could set things up so that you are not eligible to apply for antlerless hunts or GSE hunts if you already applied for LEE?
I think this new proposal is splitting hairs a bit. I don’t see a huge practical difference in making one point pool per species versus the restrictions gundog2 is suggesting.

Either way, it forces people to decide what they really value, and I’m becoming more of a believer in that as the days go on.

I hate that it’s come to this, but it may have come to this.
Not a fan of the potential proposal. Leave it alone, stop changing stuff. Yes it sucks you have to wait a long time to draw LE tags.

Hypothetical, all deer licenses are combined into one draw. You draw a LE tag, now your out 5 years from applying for any deer tag? Including general.

I am a fan of the current system, and I'll be honest, I buy points & or apply for LE deer, General deer, and Dedicated deer. IMO you'd be a fool not to if your hobby is hunting deer. I don't see how making the change will help in anyway.

IMO if we want to see a difference in the point structure stop awarding the tags 50/50 (preference vs random)

Run the draw 25/75, continue to build points, it'll only increase your chances in the random draw, and award more tags through the random.

The resource is scarce, and the demand is growing!! You cannot fix the system, None of the western states have a perfect allocation process. You're either lucky or your not.

People want their kids to have a chance to draw. Well 50% of tags are random. So there is a chance, older people who have waited for years want their tags, they've put in for decades so there is a sense of entitlement. One side will be mad no matter how you slice the pie. Combining deer into a singular application wont solve the issue.
Not a fan of the potential proposal. Leave it alone, stop changing stuff. Yes it sucks you have to wait a long time to draw LE tags.

Hypothetical, all deer licenses are combined into one draw. You draw a LE tag, now your out 5 years from applying for any deer tag? Including general.

I am a fan of the current system, and I'll be honest, I buy points & or apply for LE deer, General deer, and Dedicated deer. IMO you'd be a fool not to if your hobby is hunting deer. I don't see how making the change will help in anyway.

IMO if we want to see a difference in the point structure stop awarding the tags 50/50 (preference vs random)

Run the draw 25/75, continue to build points, it'll only increase your chances in the random draw, and award more tags through the random.

The resource is scarce, and the demand is growing!! You cannot fix the system, None of the western states have a perfect allocation process. You're either lucky or your not.

People want their kids to have a chance to draw. Well 50% of tags are random. So there is a chance, older people who have waited for years want their tags, they've put in for decades so there is a sense of entitlement. One side will be mad no matter how you slice the pie. Combining deer into a singular application wont solve the issue.
I totally agree. But something needs to be done.
I truly don’t think you know what kind of hole we’re digging ourselves into.

Leaving this alone will be catastrophic in 10 to 15 years.
Increasing people population and decreasing animal population is the hole we are digging.
How individual people get to participate with a diminishing resource is nothing but semantics.
The pie is getting smaller and those that want a piece is getting bigger.
With that said I have no idea how people will learn to hunt with the current model or the proposed model.

And it certainly has nothing to do with growing the herd.

I Can't Wait To See The New Buck To Doe Ratio's At 5 Bucks Per 100 Does!

Add That BS In There As Well!

Increasing people population and decreasing animal population is the hole we are digging.
How individual people get to participate with a diminishing resource is nothing but semantics.
The pie is getting smaller and those that want a piece is getting bigger.
With that said I have no idea how people will learn to hunt with the current model or the proposed model.

And it certainly has nothing to do with growing the herd.
Not a fan of the potential proposal. Leave it alone, stop changing stuff. Yes it sucks you have to wait a long time to draw LE tags.

Hypothetical, all deer licenses are combined into one draw. You draw a LE tag, now your out 5 years from applying for any deer tag? Including general.

I am a fan of the current system, and I'll be honest, I buy points & or apply for LE deer, General deer, and Dedicated deer. IMO you'd be a fool not to if your hobby is hunting deer. I don't see how making the change will help in anyway.

IMO if we want to see a difference in the point structure stop awarding the tags 50/50 (preference vs random)

Run the draw 25/75, continue to build points, it'll only increase your chances in the random draw, and award more tags through the random.

The resource is scarce, and the demand is growing!! You cannot fix the system, None of the western states have a perfect allocation process. You're either lucky or your not.

People want their kids to have a chance to draw. Well 50% of tags are random. So there is a chance, older people who have waited for years want their tags, they've put in for decades so there is a sense of entitlement. One side will be mad no matter how you slice the pie. Combining deer into a singular application wont solve the issue.
You should reread the proposal. It recommended eliminating the waiting period if it were to be adopted.

If you gave more tags to the random side, point creep would be more like point jog.
Increasing people population and decreasing animal population is the hole we are digging.
How individual people get to participate with a diminishing resource is nothing but semantics.
The pie is getting smaller and those that want a piece is getting bigger.
With that said I have no idea how people will learn to hunt with the current model or the proposed model.

And it certainly has nothing to do with growing the herd.
You’re concerned people won’t learn to hunt? I’m sure they’ll manage. There would still be plenty of opportunity for those that choose to prioritize opportunity over perceived quality or rack size. And that is precisely the point. We are at a place where people will have to choose where their priorities lie. Personally, I’d prefer to be given the choice than to be force fed one or the other.

And to restate what’s been stated multiple times, the proposal isn’t about growing herds no matter how many times you say “this has nothing to do with growing the herds.” No one has ever said or implied that’s what its purpose is. Neither is the mule deer committee. It’s about managing people. Leave the biology to the biologists. Otherwise why have them?

I 100% agree with the first three statements you made. I’m not sure you would find anyone to disagree with those three sentences.
I think this new proposal is splitting hairs a bit. I don’t see a huge practical difference in making one point pool per species versus the restrictions gundog2 is suggesting.

Either way, it forces people to decide what they really value, and I’m becoming more of a believer in that as the days go on.

I hate that it’s come to this, but it may have come to this.
I agree, but it does have the plus of not making people feel like they are getting robbed of the points they have, either general or LE, or “cheated” because someone has banked 20 GS points. I think I’d still prefer something that brings it all to one draw for a few reasons, simplicity being among them.
I get it. It is about managing people. Or at least about how others want to manage people. Some just don't agree how others want to manage people.
If the management idea is to limiting how many bucks can be killed then simply eliminate those that do kill bucks for an appropriate amount of time.
Apparently it is all about how many get to hunt and how long in between.
Somewhere between 30-40% are successful each year. Eliminate them from the draw for a few years and see what happens.
Reality is create your own opportunity. If you want to hunt every year create the opportunity. Points are points.
One of the bigger takeaways from elk committee survey work was this: there’s a pretty clear delineation or line between the group of people who would be considered trophy hunters, and those who just desire to hunt.

I came away believing we could make people choose between LE and GS without a ton of public outcry and displeasure. ie; you can choose to apply/buy general season permits or put in for LE, but you can’t do both. Pulling the GS applicants out of the LE pool would solve point creep going forward.

Change the structure/number of LE units and lean into this either or model giving both groups the best possible value we could provide in either model felt doable.
One of the bigger takeaways from elk committee survey work was this: there’s a pretty clear delineation or line between the group of people who would be considered trophy hunters, and those who just desire to hunt.

I came away believing we could make people choose between LE and GS without a ton of public outcry and displeasure. ie; you can choose to apply/buy general season permits or put in for LE, but you can’t do both. Pulling the GS applicants out of the LE pool would solve point creep going forward.

Change the structure/number of LE units and lean into this either or model giving both groups the best possible value we could provide in either model felt doable.

I'm one of them. Point creep for sure will die,very, very few are going to sit for a decade or more in between hunts, no matter how many times they call for tag cuts.


A hard no on increasing the amount of LE units. The most productive areas in the state got locked up LE.

It's a win win.

Trophy hunters get to live their dreams. Opportunists get to be hunters.

I'm fact, I'd support deer tags going back to actual over the counter. Guys that really want them, will get them
You should reread the proposal. It recommended eliminating the waiting period if it were to be adopted.

If you gave more tags to the random side, point creep would be more like point jog.
I understand what your saying with point creep. But we all know eliminating points wont happen, by increasing the random quota point creep would increase (theoretically) although if 75% of the tags were random, you'd have a increase in the random draw.. Therefore Points wouldn't be as crucial as they are now. Look at Nevada, points help yes, but work more like raffle tickets. 2 points squared = 4 names in the hat for the draw.

Having said that, look how long it takes to draw in Nevada.

Eliminate points ( Idaho ) And who's to say you'll ever be lucky enough to draw the premiere unit? Some guy may get lucky and draw twice in 5 years, other guy may apply his entire hunting career and never draw. There really isn't a fix to the issue.

Sorry i didn't catch the elimination of the waiting period on LE units. I'm one of the lucky ones that has drawn a random Book Cliffs tag with half the points needed. I've had to wait 5 years. I drew the year after the wait went from 3-5. To say i was bummed is a understatement, but no matter what the division does people will be upset. Up in arms about any changes made. People in the south want virtually no tags issued, CUT CUT CUT, people in the North want more opportunity to hunt. The old guy wants all the big bucks back, and the young guy willing to work his ass off just wants opportunity.

I Pity the division for having to make these decisions. Then all they hear is the backlash. One of the board members brought up the fact he was discouraged to see only 27 comments brought forward on the big game tag allocation agenda. He said and i quote " only 27 comments from nearly 500,000 applications"

Maybe the comments aren't there because the public agrees with the division.
I'm one of them. Point creep for sure will die,very, very few are going to sit for a decade or more in between hunts, no matter how many times they call for tag cuts.


A hard no on increasing the amount of LE units. The most productive areas in the state got locked up LE.

It's a win win.

Trophy hunters get to live their dreams. Opportunists get to be hunters.

I'm fact, I'd support deer tags going back to actual over the counter. Guys that really want them, will get them
Not increasing LE units, don’t want to do that, but picking 5 or so units and leaning 110% into the trophy model. Oldest age class, highest buck to doe, etc etc.

I was playing with numbers and figured with some guessing and application of econ 101 science principle those 5 units would settle at about 10 points to draw once the masses left the application pool.
The one benefit I see to combining LE and general season into one system is that it forces people to put their money where their mouth is.

Are you REALLY a trophy hunter? Are you willing to not have a deer tag for 20+ years at all? I doubt so many folks on here that claim they want tag cuts and are willing to sit out are truly willing to sit out. But it would sure be nice to shut them up. It’s almost worth making this change just to shut them up.
Go this route and by the time you draw a tag you will have had zero hunting experience for decades first. How you going to be a trophy hunter when you hunt once or twice in your lifetime? I'm old and I grew up here, I enjoyed OTC tags every year. As it is now the closest you can come is putting in each year for the easiest to draw general tag, while also buying a point, so just 'maybe' you can hunt a great unit once in your life. It would be asinine to get rid of that.

Many folks here wont like this one...But how about all those who are lifelong residents, who have supported our wildlife for decades, gets a tag before any transplants or non-residents do? To include all tags.
Look I am all for change.
I get it there is a pile of hunters that have been applying for decades. Everyone is saying its not fair for them.
Do you know how many times I have heard the complaining from people that has decades of points. Well its really not going to be fair for the youth either its going to be a lot worse.

These people need to understand that by the time their children or grand children get a tag, there is a big possibly it will take those kids 10 to 20 years longer to draw those tags. unless they luck out in the random.
By then most of us will be too dam old to go with them, I don't know about you guys but I want to be with my kids and grandchildren on their LE hunt.
I Said From Before The Points System That Was DREMPT Up It Would Not Work!

All people Wanted To Do Was Argue With Me!

This Ain't Directed At You Elkslayer2015!

This Question Is For Everybody:

Hows That Point System Treating You Just About Damn Now?

Look I am all for change.
I get it there is a pile of hunters that have been applying for decades. Everyone is saying its not fair for them.
Do you know how many times I have heard the complaining from people that has decades of points. Well its really not going to be fair for the youth either its going to be a lot worse.

These people need to understand that by the time their children or grand children get a tag, there is a big possibly it will take those kids 10 to 20 years longer to draw those tags. unless they luck out in the random.
By then most of us will be too dam old to go with them, I don't know about you guys but I want to be with my kids and grandchildren on their LE hunt.
I Said From Before The Points System That Was DREMPT Up It Would Not Work!

All people Wanted To Do Was Argue With Me!

This Ain't Directed At You Elkslayer2015!

This Question Is For Everybody:

Hows That Point System Treating You Just About Damn Now?
So just to clarify, you were all for random at that time?
It works out fine if you can horses**t out and draw a random along the way.

I got lucky once in my lifetime and drew a random moose tag with seven points and then horsesh**ted out even more with the moose I shot. I should draw a second oil tag in the next year or two if nothing changes.

Without that random tag though, it gets ugly. It could be classified as “Seniority”
These people need to understand that by the time their children or grand children get a tag, there is a big possibly it will take those kids 10 to 20 years longer to draw those tags. unless they luck out in the random.
By then most of us will be too dam old to go with them, I don't know about you guys but I want to be with my kids and grandchildren on their LE hunt.

There is no system on the planet that fixes this issue. Full random draw doesn’t mean your kids or grandkids will get their LE hunt you desire for them.

Until there is a balance in the supply and demand, it really doesn’t matter which “system” you use. Some people will hunt, others will not. It’s that simple.
There is no system on the planet that fixes this issue. Full random draw doesn’t mean your kids or grandkids will get their LE hunt you desire for them.

Until there is a balance in the supply and demand, it really doesn’t matter which “system” you use. Some people will hunt, others will not. It’s that simple.
Define ‘fix’.

If it’s completely resolve then yes, no solution possible.

If fix is closer to alleviate, well, I think we can do some things around an either/or mentality with regard to applications that would significantly impact the problem positively.
Well, I quoted his post and in that he stated he wants his kids and grandkids to get LE tags and he wants to be young enough to go along with them. So I guess “fixing” the problem would be his kids and grandkids draw the LE tags and he is still young enough to go along with them.
Well, I quoted his post and in that he stated he wants his kids and grandkids to get LE tags and he wants to be young enough to go along with them. So I guess “fixing” the problem would be his kids and grandkids draw the LE tags and he is still young enough to go along with them.
We all want to hunt with our kids especially on a LE.
But will all our kids have patience to wait 40 years for a tag that’s another story. I think the younger generation doesn’t have the patience like the older generation.

i truly wonder how many parents still put there kids in for a draw after they move out.
I know of quite a few that do and they say if they don’t do it won’t get done.
Most my grand kids are in line and pretty close. I'm not too worried about the great grand kids. I'll let their parents worry about it.
Attrition happens no matter what you do.
Most Great Grand-Kids Are Gonna Say F'It!

I Ain't Doing This STUPID SSHITT!

If The Hunting Keeps Going Down Hill & It Damn Sure Will I Can Only Imagine Them Great Grand-Kids Saying:

By Gawd It Only Took Me 70 Points/Years To Draw My PISSCUTTER Tag!

But I Might Have A Chance At A MOTL Nubbins Buck!

Most my grand kids are in line and pretty close. I'm not too worried about the great grand kids. I'll let their parents worry about it.
Attrition happens no matter what you do.
But will all our kids have patience to wait 40 years for a tag that’s another story. I think the younger generation doesn’t have the patience like the older generation.
This is exactly what I was trying to say Vanilla. Sorry I should of been more clear.
I will be just fine being camp cook.
If we are truly wanting this to be fair for high point holders and decades of hunters putting in.

Well in my opinion, we all know when putting in for a hunt that there is a big possibility it could take max points and I know plenty of people that hasn’t drawn early.

Simpleton something’s needs changed and the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.
From what I’ve been told the Waiting period would be gone and I think the 50/50 split needs to go as well.

There is absolutely no reason to take away from the high point holders.
The high point holders deserve first crack at the tags and I mean all of the tags.

Now Anyone that turns in any tag back in should go into a random draw and everyone will have a chance for it.
If you are lucky enough to draw it you loose your points for the species you draw.

Thats my 2 cents.
End of the day, they’ll probably up the application fee just to compensate for any tag money lost. Always a win win for the division.
If people choose not to apply and they up the application fee. I’m good with that.
Pretty short sighted view IMO.
How high do you think fees need to get to reduce applications? Talking resident only. One only has to look how high they can go based on non resident fees.
Pricing others out of hunting is only good until you get priced out. No shortage of people who can and are willing to out bid you.
It's Unbelievable What A DRAT Would Pay For A PISSCUTTER Tag!

You Ain't Gonna Run Out Of DUMB DRATS That Would Pay Thousands For A JUNK Tag!
Wonder how much poaching will go up once you out price to many residents? Poaching in general seems to get worst every year in all states it seems. Or more pronounced due to social media.
Pretty short sighted view IMO.
How high do you think fees need to get to reduce applications? Talking resident only. One only has to look how high they can go based on non resident fees.
Pricing others out of hunting is only good until you get priced out. No shortage of people who can and are willing to out bid you.
Come on! You know just as well as I do that won’t happen.
You really think people won’t apply just because they take away the 50/50 split
Those who are working on the new deer plan may take yours or my comments under consideration or not My guess is not.

But their recommendations are going into a 10 year plan and the recommendations will effect you much more than me..
It's Unbelievable What A DRAT Would Pay For A PISSCUTTER Tag!

You Ain't Gonna Run Out Of DUMB DRATS That Would Pay Thousands For A JUNK Tag!

It is almost as if there are people that actually enjoy hunting! Idiots…

It’s way cooler to be anti-hunting on a hunting forum than to actually like hunting. It’s what all the cool kids do these days!
That The Best you've Got Nilly?

Once Again!


It is almost as if there are people that actually enjoy hunting! Idiots…

It’s way cooler to be anti-hunting on a hunting forum than to actually like hunting. It’s what all the cool kids do these days!
I just want to show everyone what would happen by taking top point holders only.

Fish lake LE Mid rifle elk. They offer 77 tags.

bonus point- total applicants
18- 2

17- 1

16- 0

15- 2

14- 2

13- 8

12- 10

11- 15-This is were they start the 50/50 split

10- 8

9- 21

8- 26-High point holder. 18 tags left over for next years draw. 2024

7- 16

6- 45-high point holder. 2 tags left over for next years draw. 2025

5- 49

4- 46-high point holder. 20 tags left over for next years draw.2026

3- 46

2 64-high point holder. 53 tags left over for next years draw. 2027

1- 83-high point holder. 59 tags left over for next years draw. 2028

0- 93-high point holder. 75 tags left over for next years draw. 2029

Wow you actually take years off quicker this way then the other way.
I just want to show everyone what would happen by taking top point holders only.

Fish lake LE Mid rifle elk. They offer 77 tags.

bonus point- total applicants
18- 2

17- 1

16- 0

15- 2

14- 2

13- 8

12- 10

11- 15-This is were they start the 50/50 split

10- 8

9- 21

8- 26-High point holder. 18 tags left over for next years draw. 2024

7- 16

6- 45-high point holder. 2 tags left over for next years draw. 2025

5- 49

4- 46-high point holder. 20 tags left over for next years draw.2026

3- 46

2 64-high point holder. 53 tags left over for next years draw. 2027

1- 83-high point holder. 59 tags left over for next years draw. 2028

0- 93-high point holder. 75 tags left over for next years draw. 2029

Wow you actually take years off quicker this way then the other way.
Well looks like to me points creep is mostly caused by the 50/50 split.
Like I said yesterday, It needs to be fair for the high point holders.

But it actually better for all of us.
I just want to show everyone what would happen by taking top point holders only.

Fish lake LE Mid rifle elk. They offer 77 tags.

bonus point- total applicants
18- 2

17- 1

16- 0

15- 2

14- 2

13- 8

12- 10

11- 15-This is were they start the 50/50 split

10- 8

9- 21

8- 26-High point holder. 18 tags left over for next years draw. 2024

7- 16

6- 45-high point holder. 2 tags left over for next years draw. 2025

5- 49

4- 46-high point holder. 20 tags left over for next years draw.2026

3- 46

2 64-high point holder. 53 tags left over for next years draw. 2027

1- 83-high point holder. 59 tags left over for next years draw. 2028

0- 93-high point holder. 75 tags left over for next years draw. 2029

Wow you actually take years off quicker this way then the other way.
Your model neglects to include new people coming into the system each year. You are giving 77 tags each year and removing 77 hunters from the system each year. The fundamental problem is that you have more people coming into the system, each year, than the number of tags so you WILL have point creep no matter how you allocate the permits. In this case, you had 93 new applicants with zero points. The number of new applicants tends to get larger each year because the population is growing fast in Utah. You cherry picked a hunt that is not really in high demand. The problem is actually much worse for some of the other hunts. The situation for OIL species is impossible.
Your model neglects to include new people coming into the system each year. You are giving 77 tags each year and removing 77 hunters from the system each year. The fundamental problem is that you have more people coming into the system, each year, than the number of tags so you WILL have point creep no matter how you allocate the permits. In this case, you had 93 new applicants with zero points. The number of new applicants tends to get larger each year because the population is growing fast in Utah. You cherry picked a hunt that is not really in high demand. The problem is actually much worse for some of the other hunts. The situation for OIL species is impossible.
Slayer posted something very interesting here.
Okay! It doesn’t show new applicants coming in but it does show 18 years worth of draws, all the way to 2029. It plainly shows it dropping years off of points creep.

The 50/50 split adds years and it shows. Sorry but he is on to something here.

Will this work on OIL no not at all there is not enough tags. You will probably loose hunters.

By the way! I did this on multiple unit same results.

You should see the results on Wasatch. That’s impressive.
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I just want to show everyone what would happen by taking top point holders only.

Fish lake LE Mid rifle elk. They offer 77 tags.

bonus point- total applicants
18- 2

17- 1

16- 0

15- 2

14- 2

13- 8

12- 10

11- 15-This is were they start the 50/50 split

10- 8

9- 21

8- 26-High point holder. 18 tags left over for next years draw. 2024

7- 16

6- 45-high point holder. 2 tags left over for next years draw. 2025

5- 49

4- 46-high point holder. 20 tags left over for next years draw.2026

3- 46

2 64-high point holder. 53 tags left over for next years draw. 2027

1- 83-high point holder. 59 tags left over for next years draw. 2028

0- 93-high point holder. 75 tags left over for next years draw. 2029

Wow you actually take years off quicker this way then the other way.
This is anecdotal. If you take the same approach on a more desirable unit/hunt (more applications) that gives less tags you’ll see that it stretches the draw out decades for current low point guys. There is no doubt giving all tags to the high point holders slows creep, but it has a cost. The cost of eliminating even the slightest chance of drawing for anyone shy of max. Then someone who truly is an opportunist has had that option removed from them. What Gundog said is correct. It only appears to be positive on lower end hunts. It is especially accentuated by the small number of guys that got sick of waiting for another tag and jumped into the draw above the crowd at the superficial max. Run it in the beaver early, Henries rifle deer, San Juan early rifle elk or better yet, the Pauns multi season deer and let us know how it looks. Going pure preference would give the low point guys their first real chance around year 2300 or so.
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I guess I’m in the minority but I don’t understand why NRs would rather have a < 1% random odds applying for all species rather than a 5-10% chance (or higher) of applying for 1 species.

At one point I was up to around 8-9% odds of drawing a San Juan bull tag. But since they allowed us to apply for all species, it never been over 1%
It Relates To The Almighty Dollar!

And I'm Not Being Rude tx!

But They Don't Care About Your 8-9% Dropping Down To 1%!

I guess I’m in the minority but I don’t understand why NRs would rather have a < 1% random odds applying for all species rather than a 5-10% chance (or higher) of applying for 1 species.

At one point I was up to around 8-9% odds of drawing a San Juan bull tag. But since they allowed us to apply for all species, it never been over 1%
It Relates To The Almighty Dollar!

And I'm Not Being Rude tx!

But They Don't Care About Your 8-9% Dropping Down To 1%!

But they could have their cake and eat it too. Allow us to apply for points for all species, but just put in for one hunt. They make the same money and our odds go up astronomically

Why would anyone new start putting in when they look at the odds. I think if odds went up for hunts, they might attract some younger hunters. If I were 25, why would I start?

And of course, no one can ever draw more than one tag even if your number gets pulled more than once. 1 tag limit
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