post your WY 102 buck photos


Long Time Member
Since WY 102 gets so much attention and several of our distinguished members drew that tag this year, let's see what all the hype is about. Any 102 photos from the past will do. Thanks!



ok im do-hahahahahahhahahahahhahahawhha
After a 102 tag please give me a 101 tag. And then a 128 tag. Ah hell give me a 119 tag too..

LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-10 AT 06:55PM (MST)[p]Good luck to all 102 tag holders this year.
Here is my 102 buck from last year. I am very happy with him and I worked very hard to shoot him out of my truck window while my uncle hadent even come to a stop yet.
Have you guys ever shot at a moving buck while the truck is moving? well I can tell you only experienced hunters should try it. :)

yep plenty of good bucks there!
YOU BEAT ME TO IT.....(Posting the link!)
Modest? me? I could go to a Gaints game butt naked no problem! I have no scanner or no digetal camera at time and the one I bought is missing! I just bought a new one...Olympus Stylus Tough 12 megaxel(I'll send you the bill if you want)...when I go to storage next I'll take the pix...


Thanks for the link Robb. Those will get the blood pumping for sure.

one_dryboot, I was looking for unit 102, not the bucks that score 102.:)


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