Questions on Unit 100 elk


Long Time Member
My son and I have max points for elk. He starts college this fall so he will not have alot of spare time. My questions are: if we draw unit 100 is this a unit where we could get into elk on an extended weekend? How is the archery hunt in this area? that would give us a little more time to hunt. What is the terrain like? 1 to 10 how hard is it physically to hunt? 10 being very hard 1 being piece of cake.

Thanks, elkantlers
yes you could likely get into elk on a long weekend. the archery hunt is awesome, you would be surprised how you can call a bull in out in the desert and from how far away they will come. another good tactic is to class them until they bed and then stalk them. If you keep the wind right you can walk in close. the terrain is easy(flat). a person can glass they elk miles away. this hunt is a 1 physically. I will tell you that this is far from a trophy area as many people may beleive.
My cousin took a 352 in this area during the archery season from a water hole ground blind. I think there are 340+ class bulls here if your selective. Beware...This area is a favorite for road "hunters," many of which will not hesitate to take a vehicle across the prarie to chase down animals.
Good hunt for average bulls. No prob killing a elk on a extended weekend, big problem killing a big one on the same weekend. I haven't seen a bull over 330 for years. Archery is great
Trophy is in the eye of the beholder. If you are looking for a great chance at a nice representative 6 point then 100 is perfect. Archery hunt is great in 100. Weekend rifle hunt is doable. Relatively easy hunt. There are a couple of out of the way places that are more difficult and get less attention. Two words "Wilderness Study".
Thanks guys. I think that under the circumstances Unit 100 is probably the unit we will put in for. We probably won't draw but you never know.

I really like the sounds of the archery hunt. We can hunt all of September, is that correct?
The only downside is archery ends 30 September and rifle doesn't open till the 15th of October so if your an out of stater you can't do a combined trip like you can do in area 31. It sure is nice to be able to hunt the rifle opener if you can't seal the deal in archery w/o having to come back...besides they lowered the tag quota from 150 to 100 last year in 31 and the quality should be a little better because of it this year...same odds as 100.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-12 AT 02:55PM (MST)[p]hunted this last year! Great hunt and great archery hunt. I couldn't seal the deal with the bow. But the archery hunt was awesome. In on bulls every day. Could of shot bulls nearly every day with a bow. There are elk EVERYWHERE, but most of them are small 5's and and 6 points. I would venture to say that on any given day would see between 10 and 20 six points. When they start moving and get pushed around I promise you they are gone. I hunted hard for anything over 330 with a bow and had three different shots in the tall sage brush and shot under every one of them. All were in the 330 range. The biggest we saw was in the 340 range but we only saw him once. If you draw this tag you MUST archery hunt it. It was awesome. 4 wheeler and good optics are a must. you will see a herd 5 miles away and waste all day getting in on them and find out the herd bull was a small five point or busted up. Alot of these bull get busted up in the rut, in fact most of them. The rifle hunt was the most frustrating thing I have every seen. people everywhere, and ethics were non existent. I witnessed a truck full of guys running down a 5 point in their truck and shooting out the window. True story. I ended up killing around a 315 bull the ended up being broke and weak in the back but it is thetype of bull you can expect. Here he is. Good luck.
Darn nice bull Casey. I know a guy that hunted 100 a few years ago. He didn't archery hunt it but he said the same thing you did about the rifle hunt. He killed a 300 bull but he said he had never seen such a 3 ring circus in his life. He said most of the time it was a race across the desert to see who could get to the herd first. The bowhunt sure sounds fun though.
Nice bull Koda-Congrats!!

Sorry to here about the circus though! Not what I would want my youngsters to witness as they are learning to hunt. What's wrong with people anymore?
I hunted the unit last year and had a blast. I saw a ton of elk and the bull to caw ratio is off the charts. I personally wouldnt say this unit is a "trophy" unit though but allot of action for sure. The biggest bull I saw was a 315-320" ish type bull. I hunted it archery and was determined to get it done with a bow which was a challenge trying to get the bigger bulls away form the cows given the amount of smaller bulls within the herds. I took a smaller bull but was more than happy to do it with a bow. I could have taken a larger bull with a rifle alter but was unwilling to take one with a rifle

I was fortunate enough to have the on vidoe, if any of youwould like to view it heres the link:

enjoy and let me know what you think of the video,
Chris Callinan
Nice video. well done, but i can tell you one thing for a fact. If i had that tag in my pocket i wouldnt have shot a raghorn. But then again i dont even put in for this unit. Ive also heard from locals those elk arent very tasty. any truth to that? I witnessed the opening day horrors for deer in this unit. That whole valley by the boars tusk was solid dust. i must have seen thousands of trucks beating around that unit. I didnt even see a deer. but tons of ppl going 65 bahaing thru the brush baying off of points i did see. if deer hunting turns into what it has for this unit everywhere else i quit.
So if I do draw and don't get a bull with my bow, Is it better to hunt a few days after the opening? Do things kind of settle down?
if you draw that tag try to be in that unit as long as you can, something will eventually happen. just try not to get discusted with all the yahoos beating around
Thanks for all the great comments on the video, glad you enjoyed it. I realize that it isn't the biggest bull on the mountian but really wanted to get it done with a bow as apposed to coming back with rifle. If your into archery hunting I highly recommend unit 100....tons of bulls just allot similar to the one I killed.

We actually never saw another hunter during the archery season and had the whole place to ourselves....another benefit of not coming back for rifle hunt.ive hunted antelope around the same time and the place was crawling with hunters.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-12 AT 09:49PM (MST)[p]Chris,
Cool video, I recognize alot of that same country. I was probably there in the general area the same times as you just a little more north. That video shows what that unit is like. Tons of those bulls. THere are some pockets with some big boys. Just remember look for the deep sage. Over your head get lost type of sage. That is where you will find them and easy to get in on a bulls. super fun! when you get the wind right you can sneak right in on top of them. besides the bull I killed I was chasing probably 5-7 bulls this size with my bow. Here is one of them. This is what you can expect as for top end bulls. Maybe a few bigger than him. I actually missed this guy once.

How does it work in Wyoming? Once you are lucky enough to draw the elk tag then you purchase a special archery permit to hunt the archery season?

Thanks in advance.
Yep, draw the tag then go online and purchase the Archery stamp. I think its $25 for N.R. GOOD LUCK.
I killed a nice 300 type six point in this area a few years ago. I wish i would have been into bow hunting back then it would have been much better. I was out there during archery season and barely saw another person. I was just scouting and got to within 80yrds of a 330-340 bull. Great hunt easy hunting until you get weather. The ground is primarily clay so as soon as it gets any moisture it turns into some nasty s**t. I watched a guy get stuck and try to get it out for two days before he could get it out.

This is one i was watching during archery season.

This is the one i ended up killing
another thing I should mention is to hunt the opener of archery. They are not heated up as much and the bigger bulls can be seperated more from the herds. the later you wait the less chance of calling them away, the satalite bulls will be all over you though. These bulls start bugling and responding well to calls in August. To call these elk in that are by themselves or along way off, try cow calling through a bugle tube to project the sound farther. I have called these bulls from a mile away doing this. I also would recommend not using the bugle.
I think that's some really sound advice wherever you hunt elk. After they get into the rut it's really hard to get a herd bull away from his cows. Slipping in with the cows he has around him, as well as getting past satellite bulls, especially close enough for a shot with a bow, is tough.
Sorry you are a point behind Wapiti, Hope you find a good unit to put in for.

I agree with hoyts advice, Sometimes a bugle is the worst thing you can do.

So, has anybody tried hunting these elk over water from a blind?

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