Record set of Muley Sheds


Very Active Member
I was able to match up this set of sheds off a southeastern
Idaho Muley buck.
I feel I hold the record for (smallest set) of mule deer sheds.
Unless of course anyone can prove otherwise.

I found this one yesterday and had a good giggle when I picked it up
If you go back to that area and really look hard you might find the other side. Then you possibly would be the new record holder for the smallest set.
What state was that monster found in?
Yup a mulie, found it in central Idaho.
Found a little white spike shed about 20 yards away from it, looked like about the same age but way smaller base so i doubt it was a match.
I don’t have the shed anymore, but I glassed up a 3” spike through my spotter one time. My cousin kept telling me I was full of it until I walked back with it.
Buckhorn I am calling a foul!
I don't think that is a matching set. They have too many differences. The one antler looks to have an eye guard and its fork split is way wider.
You might want to keep looking for the matched sets.
Southern Utah. He better go into hiding real quick or he’s gonna be in some cross hairs this fall
I found a set of 5-6 inch spikes laying a foot apart once. and a giant 85 inch horn 10 feet away. lol
Buckhorn I am calling a foul!
I don't think that is a matching set. They have too many differences. The one antler looks to have an eye guard and its fork split is way wider.
You might want to keep looking for the matched sets.
You could be right. When they get that big it’s pretty hard to tell if they’re the same buck or not. But since I found them about 4 feet apart under a big juniper tree I just assumed they were a matched set.
And they are still brown that has to count for something.
Not record setting...but best set of spikes I've ever found. Stumbled upon one while waist-high in sagebrush. I searched up and down the top of a ridge it was on to no avail. I decided to move on and went to cross a draw to opposite ridge- the match was lying in the bottom!

76)Dandy Matched Antlers .JPG
I once won a "booby prize" in a big buck contest for a forky buck with a 7.5" spread: $28 (smallest spread entered!) :eek:
Elk-Ass is right on target...he invited me down to tardville a while back...this is all I found..I'm staying in Wyoming from now on...:cool::cool::cool:

Here are my smallest 2 points. The small brown set with mass is from this year. The other small set with it's weak mass might score similar to yours. It looks hard white but it's a brown set.

Here's my smallest 3 point

Now the spikes

If only I could have found the other side to the inch and a quarter button spike, I would have you beat. Needless to say when I didn't find it to be a side by side set I didn't spend much time looking for the other side.

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