Stucco and insulation


Active Member
I know that this is not exactly the spot for this thread, but here goes, I am gonna get my log house stuccoed. It needs to be re.chinked and some other stuff to the finish and this seems easier. I have a bid...oddly enough, they seem to be busy right now. The bid is for 1/2" foam under the stucco. That seems thin.

What do you think?
I wouldn't stucco over log....that being said, is your question more of a "hey, is 1/2 inch foam adequate"?

If so, yea, probably. depending on how thick your logs are. I used to apply vinyl siding with about 1/2" insulation and customer seemed to be pretty happy with the results.
I think 8” logs are r11 so with 1/2” foam you’d be at like r12.5 I would try and get as thick as possible for higher r value. Good luck
Plus..... Is the Foam Boards with a Reflective side (Like Aluminum Foil) Better... ?

How much better are such Foam Boards ... ?

Jagerdad :)
I would say 1/2 is okay. More is better but you will need to look at what it does to your overhang. Some designs have some radius that have features that could cause it to look bad. Your doors and windows will need to have pop outs to make it fit right. I’m not around a whole lot of modern stucco except for CMU walls and things like that. I say make sure your contractor is licensed and been in business for a while and you should be good. Beware of EFIS. It’s a newer synthetic stucco and that stuff HAS to be installed right. Anymore on our projects, we have the architect do special inspections between layers to make sure it’s right. If it’s wrong, you will have leaks that are very miserable.
Provided you have a R19/R21 on the interior, I would say 1/2" Dow board on exterior is sufficient. We are in Northeast Ohio by the lake and all our houses are 2x6 stud walls, R21 interior and 1/2" - 3/4" DOW board on the exterior sheathing. Dow board really cuts on the polar bridging.

All of our exterior concrete we recommend 1 1/2" - 2" DOW board underneath the concrete to stop the frost from heaving. I've been told all you need is 1/2" but it's better to do a slab once then have to hammer it up later and re-pour. DOW board is some good stuff

My Question wood be This:

Are You Going to Sheet the Logs so You've got a Flat Surface to work with?

I Did see a Log House a few Years back that they used a Spray on type of Stucco on the Logs!

But If they are Just Tacking the Foam Board to the Logs & Then Stuccoing on to the Foam Board I Don't Know about that!
My question is Elks above, if it needs chinked they are coped style logs not a D log so will not all be the same with voids behind the foam. To be done right it will need furred out or shear applied. If they put 1/2 inch (1 inch in my area is standard) foam, it will not look right and will not last.
I've seen these Stucco on Foam Board jobs & I'm Not Real Impressed!

Don't Let Your Kids hit it with a Ball or Frisbee!
We Had a Local that thought He had the Best STUCCO Job Ever!

A PISSCUTTER Came in one Night & Shined His Foam/Stucco job Right up!:D
Let’s see a picture of this log home, I just can’t imagine putting 1/2 board over logs than stucco over that, and no chinks?

Looks like the Weather has taken a Toll on your Logs!

Weather Around here just eats stuff up as well!

I Ain't a Real Big Fan of Stucco on Foam!

It gets damaged Easily!

And the Stucco is perty Thin!

Gonna be Tough no matter what you do!
That would be a fun project. It doesn’t look too big. You could furr the whole thing out 1-1/2 “ with 2x4s attached flat and use the rigid or even spray foam in between to insulate. A few things I would do is replace the windows and doors and install facia and soffit. Metal soffit, not vinyl looks good with stucco if your heart is set on stucco. Your walls are low enough where T 111 siding would fit pretty good. I’m interested in how it goes. Please share some photos with us as it progresses.
Hey Stinky- thanks for sharing photos, I agree time and weather have taken their toll on the logs. I really believe you can cover that building and I know there are many different ways. i like the idea someone mentioned of firing it out on 16” centers with 2 by 2s, insulate in between with 11/2 foam to gain a little bit more r value, then you could sheet it with 1/2 “ ply and then stucco, or just sheet it with a T1-11 product. I agree a good project, good luck
It needs to be sheeted or the wall won’t be flat or hold a fastner. then whatever foam insulation on top of the sheeting. I think 1/2” is fine. You’ve got logs, dead air space, sheeting then insulation. I’m not sure how to calculate R value but I’d be okay with that.

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