Thieves on the South Slope


Long Time Member
Beware my cousins were up hunting on the South Slope this week and had their camp robbed when they were out hunting.
They said they stole their trailer hitch and anything that was around camp, gas cans, chain saws, etc.
While they were trying to break camp and get out of there another guy drove up and talked to them and said that he had also had everything around camp stolen.

If i catch someone in my camp they had better run as they will be running from a hail of bullets., I really don't understand people now they steal from you when your hunting what pieces of s--t they are.
If anyone comes up on these guys hold them and call everyone you know to come up and kick their ass up around their head....
Beware my cousins were up hunting on the South Slope this week and had their camp robbed when they were out hunting.
They said they stole their trailer hitch and anything that was around camp, gas cans, chain saws, etc.
While they were trying to break camp and get out of there another guy drove up and talked to them and said that he had also had everything around camp stolen.

If i catch someone in my camp they had better run as they will be running from a hail of bullets., I really don't understand people now they steal from you when your hunting what pieces of s--t they are.
If anyone comes up on these guys hold them and call everyone you know to come up and kick their ass up around their head....

Getting to be more and more common these days it seems like.
I had my Equalizer hitch stolen last year, I was trying to get off the mountain before a big snowstorm came in. Freakin lowlifes. I put a trail cam watching my camp this year. Would be fun to put a dye pack under your generator or chainsaw.
left my elk camp over the weekend this season to come home and do some laundry, shower etc. like i do about every year depending on how the hunts going. this year was slow so i spent 3 days at home.

came back and camp was just how i left it (quad included), though it does make me more nervous every year that passes. used to do it with out a second thought. couple things i do though is my camp is in a super conspicuous spot (elk spot anyway) right on a main road where any and all traffic would be. so no real cover to get in and start robbing a camp. you'd have to be pretty bold anyway. i know some are but may deter the casual meth head

also theirs a few long timers up there, guys been camped in the same spot for 35 years. i let them know when im headed home and visa versa. at least have some eyeballs around that way.

sorry to hear about your trash on the mountain down there
Sorry To hear That DH53!

The Last Few Years This Kinda BS Has Been Happening!

The Law Hasn't Had Much Luck At Catching Them!

Remember When Most People On The Mountain Were The Same Caliber Of People?
Yes I do remember when everyone on the mountain was of the same Caliber. I don't think the law will catch these guys, I think hunters will catch these pricks and rough justice will be served.
I just hope I get to hear about it.......
left my elk camp over the weekend this season to come home and do some laundry, shower etc. like i do about every year depending on how the hunts going. this year was slow so i spent 3 days at home.

came back and camp was just how i left it (quad included), though it does make me more nervous every year that passes. used to do it with out a second thought. couple things i do though is my camp is in a super conspicuous spot (elk spot anyway) right on a main road where any and all traffic would be. so no real cover to get in and start robbing a camp. you'd have to be pretty bold anyway. i know some are but may deter the casual meth head

also theirs a few long timers up there, guys been camped in the same spot for 35 years. i let them know when im headed home and visa versa. at least have some eyeballs around that way.

sorry to hear about your trash on the mountain down there

That was before a bunch of "us" started chasing hotspots.

Guys kinda saw same dudes, same camps, yearly, and even if they don't know them, they knew who wasn't a regular.

Kinda sad what's become of tradition in the pursuit of IG posts
After I got robbed, years and years ago, I bought 2 Primos 35 trail cams. For around camp.

I still use them in my back yard.

Ya. It's amazing to me that anyone would rob folks who OBVIOUSLY are armed. Talk about desperation! We've never had an issue leaving camp for a day or two. Sigh....
I used to have a great camp dog that thoroughly enjoyed staying in camp alone.....he considered it his and let no one close......he didn't care to hunt and preferred staying in camp......he died of old age and I have never found another even close.
I used to have a great camp dog that thoroughly enjoyed staying in camp alone.....he considered it his and let no one close......he didn't care to hunt and preferred staying in camp......he died of old age and I have never found another even close.
I might be available in a couple years.
So lame.
I literally take the bare minimums into my camps these days. It also helps that all my stuff is old (besides the tent). I did see some boot tracks in camp last year that weren’t mine and it bothers me to this day.

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