This Great Country Has Come A Long Way....


Active Member
We are Truley Blessed to see the first African American elected President. It was a Surreal moment last night. I never thought this would happen in my lifetime.
To be quite honest I did not either. I have always thought a woman would make it before a African American would.
I only wish the man was a conservative.
I am willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt. I hope he does not go to crazy left.
I would also add I think the Dems got more than they wished for. It is ALL on them now. Every little screw up will be owned by the Dems.................OWNED!
I too hope he reaches across the aisle. As an independant, I believe he must do so and I think he will. He is extremely Bright and that will go a long way. I will Not be surprised if he utilizes McCain a lot with regard to his experience.
I echo your sentiments! This is a truly historic day. His speach last night was electrifying. I really want to believe it! The words have been spoken and so they will remain for sure. But lets pray that Obama can deliver on what he promised. The country needs a true leader - we are in some tough times and we will come through them! How fast though depends on the quality of our leadership.

I think though this election serves a bigger purpose. I have seen the oppression being lifted from the souls of many minorites this day. It means something greater than we are probably able to comprehend. My conservatism tells me to be wary, but my conscience tells me we did something right!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I think we all have our fingers crossed hoping for the best outcome for the country. I'm willing to give it a chance and see what happens over the next 4 years. There's no other choice at this point...... Terry
Very well said Fellas..

I do not have the words to describe his speech. It was not like any other he has given. It was very "Presidential/Powerful" instead of just campaign cliche. He seems to have hit the switch and is ready to Lead.
I mean........
The guy just won the election, his grandma passed away a few days earlier, on top of that thousands of people were chanting his name, all the energy/emotion of the moment, etc...... AND he goes out there and gives such a speech..... The guy has nerves of steel and a certain focus about him.....

If his decision making and brain power are even 1/4 of his speaking abilities, we should have brighter days ahead.
It's just to bad the wrong man was elected.....

My man didn't get elected either. But the man that did the best job of identifying with the people and this nations needs won the election. Watching him give his speech last night to the thousands that were in attendance was a remarkable thing seeing how many were touched by his words. That crowd was represented by all Americans and hopefully his deeds are even more riveting than his words. God knows our nation needs it and we need an individual that can unite this country and transform those that govern it to do what's in the best interests of the people not their party's agenda and the lobby's interests. Time will tell but if he can right the ship, and lead us through this mess we're in, he's the right man for the job. I wish him nothing but the best in a very difficult situation & may the force be with him.
This cat is nobody special....another politician who has done nothing but vote with his party. He has'nt hatched one freaking idea that we've not heard before...........He's black so lets all be overjoyed................who gives a $hit.
PSALM 2008-2012

















>This cat is nobody special....another politician
>who has done nothing but
>vote with his party. He
>has'nt hatched one freaking idea
>that we've not heard before...........He's
>black so lets all be
>overjoyed................who gives a $hit.

gemstate I agree. Folks go on and on about how "electrifying" his speeches what...........speeches do not make a man a leader. So he has good writers and he delivers what THEY wrote well. Big deal. I want to see results. I am an American and as such I will stand with my President and with my fellow Americans. We are all in this together. I am willing to give this man the benifit of the doubt. Lets see what he can produce.

Sure we may be disapointed that our guy did not win. But it does none of us any good now to tear the man down. Like it or not he is our President and should be given the respect he deserves.
>If his decision making and brain
>power are even 1/4 of
>his speaking abilities, we should
>have brighter days ahead.

This regeristered repub stepped across and voted for the Bama. I'll let you know if I have any regrets in four years. I can certainly tell you I have regrets over the idiot I voted for 8 years ago.(did a write in vote 4 years ago) I'd say Bama's brain power and speaking abilities are about 30 times higher than his. Good riddance GW...
"We are Truley Blessed to see the first African American elected President. It was a Surreal moment last night. I never thought this would happen in my lifetime"

Do you feel so guilty being other than a minority (are you?) that the color of someones skin makes a difference if he becomes president over his policy or expertice?
I could give a ##### if he is purple and green, and it would be racist IMO if you do think that way. Racial tolerence has become a one way street. They keep referring him as an "African American President" I thought he was an American?? If you are going to throw the "african" in there that is wrong because his mother and grandparents were white. That would make him an "European-African American" would it not?
He is half white, but the whites and the blacks both call him black, I don't get it.

Race shouldn't matter but we all know it does, like dall my biggest fear is some freak will find a way to whack him just to see if they can start a race war. I think Obama now lives with a bullseye on his back, and I think he knows it, I don't know what kind of president he'll be but I hope he lives long enough to see.
I'm pleasantly surprised to hear some of the more conservative MM guys offering support for Obama or at least willing to give him a chance.

One thing is starting to bother me a little however. I voted for the candidate that I felt would do the best job for the country regardless of gender or race. I think a lot of people did the same.

Now we are seeing the African American community rubbing our noses in the race crap. I saw Collin Powell interviewed today. He was tearing up not because Obama won but because he is black. Oprah and Jessie Jackson were weeping like they had just seen the Messiah.

I fear we will loose all of the progress we have made if we can't get past the race deal. We will never get past our racial divisions if people are going to gloat when they make progress.

I am neither black or white - I am hispanic. I will not pretend to know what some black/white folks have gone through in the past etc, but I do know from friends who are black that this is a "special time in history" with special meaning. I do not want to get into the race thing that you hear: blacks have been treated unfairly or that they get special treatment or that whites get the short end because of this..etc.....

Look.. things may be getting too blown out of proportion because he is black (or half black), but I was just saying that it is a historical event (at this point in time). Heck maybe in 8 yrs a women will get elected President and again we will be calling it a "Historical Event" for the reason of gender.

What I am trying to say did not come out right..sorry. Anyway, Congrats to Obama for being elected and I pray that he and his family remain safe and out of harms way.
I hear what you're saying about the blacks playing it up, but it probably has to be expected. blacks the age of Powell I can see it he rode in the back of the bus and couldn't vote, when he grew up even a halfbreed becoming president would have not seemed possible in his lifetime. the younger blacks on the other hand I don't see what they're so pumped about, they may feel abused but if they are it's because Jesse makes them think they are or it's self inflicted.

I say let them have their day in the sun it was a long time coming, but then they better knock it off or it will become an issue. an issue they don't have enough votes to overcome next time around.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-08 AT 05:40PM (MST)[p]>I am neither black or white
>- I am Hispanic.
>I will not pretend to
>know what some black/white folks
>have gone through in the
>past etc, but I do
>know from friends who are
>black that this is a
>"special time in history" with
>special meaning. I do
>not want to get into
>the race thing that you
>hear: blacks have been treated
>unfairly or that they get
>special treatment or that whites
>get the short end because
>of this..etc.....
>Look.. things may be getting too
>blown out of proportion because
>he is black (or half
>black), but I was just
>saying that it is a
>historical event (at this point
>in time). Heck maybe
>in 8 yrs a women
>will get elected President and
>again we will be calling
>it a "Historical Event"
>for the reason of gender.
>What I am trying to say
>did not come out right..sorry.
> Anyway, Congrats to Obama
>for being elected and I
>pray that he and his
>family remain safe and out
>of harms way.

Thanks. Just some advice, don't call yourself an Latin American, Hispanic American or whatever (i am not saying you do) but call yourself an "American" and be proud to be an American first above all.
Racism will never die as long until the minorities of this country remove the double standard (pushing Jesse Jackson off a cliff would help too) and realize ALL of our forefathers were persecuted by someone in history and unless we were persecuted ourselves we need to let it die. We cannot move forward until we leave the past behind. Blacks in the US are great at keeping the race card alive and use it as an excuse for their own lack of ambition to accell in our world. Now that a guy with dark skin (even though he half white) is the highest level in the country I hope they will lose the excuse that anyone is keeping them down. Even more I hope this same half black guy encourages the blacks to do the same but I doubt he will, and if he did my guess is they will shun him the way they did to Bill Cosby for speaking out to the black community to clean up their own act.
Time will tell and I will give Obama the benefit of doubt but will cut him no slack when he fuggs up.
First thing is first, he needs to prove to me he is interested in enforcing laws made by the people for the people. He can start with this and I will give him total respect instantly but I doubt he will enforce this law....
I actually agree with dude for once in my life.....well said.

I'm so tired of the race card being played in America. I made me sick to see Opera weeping with joy this morning. That lady is whack!
I am an American and so is Obama. I hope he will help all Americans by dealing with the problems we have:

1. Economy
2. Energy Independance
3. Social Security
4. Imigration
5. War in Iraq
6. Expensive Health Care
7. National Debt

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I think we all (at least most of us) are on the same page. I guess we all should celebrate an historical moment. We have finally turned the corner and can see the future. A future where you are judged on your abilities and contributions. Being an old hippie cowboy, I never thought I'd see the day when race and gender didn't matter.

Let's all step back a bit and savor the moment. Obama has a huge burden to bear. We'll see. I believe he's up to it.

Even Bush was gracious tonight. He recognizes the significance of the moment.

"Still in disbelief"
As previously mentioned I also a proud AMERICAN can not understand this election. The wrong man was elected!
I woke up this morning in defeat I felt as though I had been beaten in a one on one boxing match. How can you justify? Look at the record of each. I could care less of color If it was the other way around obama with Mcains record hands down he has my vote.
On another note, lets be honest we have no where to go at this point in regards to the economy, I personally do not think it can get any worse. The only direction we have is positive lets hope he can half ass govern and direct us into a better economy. And will eventually allow offshore drilling to lessen our dependency on foreign oil.
He has some extrodinary hurdles to clear and with no experience, I feel that our country is in a unstable position, at this point.

Yes, I also agree we have come along way, even though we elected the wrong guy. We as AMERICANS ELECTED HIM. He did not get my vote for the record.
>We are Truley Blessed to see
>the first African American elected
>President. It was a
>Surreal moment last night. I
>never thought this would happen
>in my lifetime.

Thought you were a racist huntingaddict... A mans color should not matter.. besides why does everyone call him African American? He is also half white. Find it funny how in his books and how all the touchy feely liberals forget that part. He had no experience. He is the worst possible choice for America at this time. He is a huge anti gun legislature, and a huge liberal.. Wrong Choice!!!! Hitler was voted in also...
>This cat is nobody special....another politician
>who has done nothing but
>vote with his party. He
>has'nt hatched one freaking idea
>that we've not heard before...........He's
>black so lets all be
>overjoyed................who gives a $hit.

I totally agree, fact that everyone is praising a junior senator being elected because he is BLACK makes it a race issue, and them racists. Give me a break!! Id damn sure vote for Condelece Rice or Clarence Thomas or Senator Lott because there CONSERVATIVES!!! color should not have a damn thing to do with it!!
"Wrong Choice!!!! Hitler was voted in also..."

Yeah! It's a shame to switch presidents now when everything is running so smoothly.

everyone is leaving out the first duty of the president of the united states UPHOLD THE CONSTATUTION OF THE UNITED STATES
this IS where we have the most to lose.
money is only money it comes and go's but freedom is something not to be given up for the almighty dollar.
I'd rather die a American than live as the united nations of amarica.
I'd rather have another depression than surrender our rights.
this country can get threw the banking problem its the loss of any god given right it can not withstand.
oh its just semi auto's its just handguns is blasphemy.
Obama and bidan will go after them you know it and i know it.
yes its scare tactics but its been proven every time they have a chance that makes it the truth.
Dem's can wear rose colored glasses for ever. on day they will look around and the freedoms we all love will be gone.
one little chunk at a time we are loosing our country.
in four years look back and tell me its OK to not have a cc permit, a AR, a glock. it will make zero difference in the crime rate in fact i bet crime go's up. its the government taking away our liberties.
i love our Constitution as it was meant to be by the founding fathers. any changes is treason...
the american soldier has never lost a war politicians do and with help from voters like you.
some of you are left over 60's war protesters. there is only one way out of a war WIN...
go hug a tree
Bush, a republican by the way, made more attempts on the constitution than any president in history so save it.

We know Obama isn't a gun lover, Clinton wasn't either, and we still have guns, do I have to keep saying that? when and if Obama finds time with all the crap he has on his plate to work on gun issues that would be a good time to bring this subject up and make an effort to do battle. he won't even take office for another two months and you're ready to toss your guns off the bridge. give me a break.
Cant you get it thru your thick skull that Clinton DID take our guns, or are you too young to remember the 1994 Clinton Gun Ban??
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-08 AT 06:03AM (MST)[p] when clinton signed the crime bill i bought a mini 14 with a 30 rd clip that day.
bush let the bill laps
oboma wants to make it permanent and federally outlaw concealed carry permits. i am shopping for a AR and applying for a ccp.
not that i need them but to make a statement that this is wrong.
the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.
its the duty of all Americans to make sure that our Constitution stands the way it was written and intended to be interpreted.
gun registration, having to have a permit, gun bans, ammo bans are all illegal and treason by the Constitution.
the intent of the second is that we have the right to any fire arm used in the military at the present time.
its the way it was written its the way it shall be done.
military and police take a oath to uphold the Constitution.
they will not take our rights politicians will.
right now we should all be talking to our representatives about s.2433 this bill gives our nation to the u.n. it must be stopped!
look it up and see who is backing it. it will make you worry too.
you know the dems are like sheep if one jumps off the cliff they will all go, just now they have the power to take this great nation with them.
So according to your thinking we have the right to use any weapon the military has? I don't think thats going to go over very well
That's the point excatly, Americans have said they favor gun ownership , BUT not all guns or projectiles fall into what they approve of. myself I think a law abiding citizen should be able to own about anything they wish as long as they are responsible with it, but heres the problem , most people dont.

So if we accept the majority of Americans don't approve of street sweepers and or armour pearcing bullets where does that leave us? they're going to bye bye and we can't stop it. so you cry like whipped pups that Obama will try more gun control, no duh that's what the majority wants. so you're fighting a losing battle, and whining at us that Obama is the problem is a simplton short term take on the matter. majority rules, all we have going for us is the 2nd amendment and the fact at this time anyway most people are in favor of sporting firearm ownership, yes I realize it's debatable what sporting is but this is the reality of the situation. be realistic change is going to happen Obama or no Obama, I'll support you in keeping your black rifles because as long as they're after them the guns I like are safe but unlike some of you I can't make them the only issue I can put in my pea size brain and forget everything else going on in the world.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-08 AT 12:47PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-08 AT 12:31?PM (MST)

IF PEA BRAINS LIKE YOU would stop voting the way you do the problem would be solved look at who it putting forward the gun bans and infringements to our constitution.
for starters how about s368 that would control local police at a federal level put forward by biden. or hr5266 by Emanuel or hr1022,hr1784,hr2074,hr2666 that is the sign of Satan, s2605 by Kennedy all of which are bad legislation all by democrats.
we could have our freedom if you guys really knew the issues.
how about some good bills by Ron Paul,hr1096, hr1167,or hr1897,hr5434, hr5646,s3007.
look at the friggin issues then tell me if you voted for the right team.
YES freedom IS more important than money and government give aways. you are just to blind to see.
bush this and bush that my ask you will see that your guy and team will set this great country back 250 yrs to the time of totalitarian government.
I'll be at the new Boston tea party.
your name should be huntinenemy.
if you read what the founding fathers wrote we ARE entitled to any firearm on the battlefield at the present time. they didn't want anyone to interpret it as muskets compared to Kentucky rifles and the same is true today. the people need to have the power to over throw a government that go's against the Constitution.
IF you don't like OUR Constitution the way it is written MOVE OUT. IF the government owes you every thing in life move to Russia.
if you work and prosper good for you. if the government has to wipe your butt for you shame on you. you don't need to be rewarded.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-08 AT 10:01AM (MST)[p]Are you for real ? I didn't say I'm for gun control I said there will be more restriction on weapons because that's what the majority of people want. when our founding fathers wrote these things do you think they thought about crack dealing gangs on the streets of cities with street sweepers? there IS room for interpretation in the 2nd and the antis will push it as far as they can with the majority of the nation behind them.

The whole problem we have as gun owners is everytime some freak shoots up a school, a mall or goes back to work and shoots up the office with a semi auto another batch of voters say enough already.

Heres a thought for you csimpleton, if you don't like Obama why didn't you just beat him? is it because you didn't have the votes? ok now do you get what I'm saying about majority rules? I think the 2nd will protect our sporting arms but the black rifles and semi autos in general might be in trouble, not because I want but because the MAJORITY wants it and I think that majority is growing, get it? you can be realistic or you can be like yourself and sound like an idiot.
"everyone is leaving out the first duty of the president of the united states UPHOLD THE CONSTATUTION OF THE UNITED STATES
this IS where we have the most to lose.
money is only money it comes and go's but freedom is something not to be given up for the almighty dollar.
I'd rather die a American than live as the united nations of amarica.
I'd rather have another depression than surrender our rights.
this country can get threw the banking problem its the loss of any god given right it can not withstand.
oh its just semi auto's its just handguns is blasphemy.
Obama and bidan will go after them you know it and i know it.
yes its scare tactics but its been proven every time they have a chance that makes it the truth.
Dem's can wear rose colored glasses for ever. on day they will look around and the freedoms we all love will be gone.
one little chunk at a time we are loosing our country.
in four years look back and tell me its OK to not have a cc permit, a AR, a glock. it will make zero difference in the crime rate in fact i bet crime go's up. its the government taking away our liberties.
i love our Constitution as it was meant to be by the founding fathers. any changes is treason...
the american soldier has never lost a war politicians do and with help from voters like you.
some of you are left over 60's war protesters. there is only one way out of a war WIN...
go hug a tree"

Well Said!!!
And yet the neocons just took another butt kicking, go figure huh? almost seems like nobody cares what you have to say anymore. dagnabit anyway.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-08 AT 07:32PM (MST)[p] just mail me your guns and go sell yourself into slavery that's where you are headed.
yes you will get government welfare and those who don't work to better them self will get tax breaks that will be payed for buy those with the ambition to make something of life.
but the only way to keep your government and the tax payers money is to remain a nobody.
you are a disgrace to the constitution and what this nation stands for.
it stands for the little guy with big dreams that gets up and achieves them rather than riding the shirttails of others who do.
those of us that feel the constitution is more than a chunk of paper will stand up and when we march for our rights it will be another shot heard round the world.
its coming, it will be done legal, and it will be the largest march in history. we will be at every Senator, Representative office and DC. 30 million gun owners strong. We can't stand on the sidelines any longer.
everyone that diagrees with huntindude go to-
huntindude stay away you are the problem not the solution.
>Yeah! It's a shame to
>switch presidents now when everything
>is running so smoothly.

Zigga, your such a dumb ass, oops I mean miss informed. Do some research and see whom forced the banks to loan out monies to people not normally qualified. Carter administration and Clinton administration built on it. Why can't u idiots see it was gov't rules and regs that got us into this mess. Yet you idiots want more gov't in your life, more regulations, when all they do is screw up everything they touch? If you had a brain, all you have to do is look at history. He has said it him self, "Spread the wealth" ya give tax refunds to people allready sitting onthere ass, thats socialism. More Democratic bail outs! Why are you people so thick headed to not look at your facts and see whom got us in this mess!! its the Gov't and the Dems want there hands on more of it. Bail outs, govt suppport of business,, Can you say Facism Zigga.. Talking about Laughing your ass off.. you dont have a clue why we are in this mess, or what freedoms the gov't wants to take away from you. All they want is power over you, so they want to keep as many people beat down as they can, so they can give u ##### from the goverment, then they can tell you what to do, when to do it. I have never seen so many people willing to give up there freedom for a few handouts.. you guys ignorance is amazing!! like talking to a flipping wall, your a Moron!!
> i love our Constitution as
>it was meant to be
>by the founding fathers. any
>changes is treason...
> go hug a tree

cmiddleton.. Right on!! I have never seen so many misinformed idiots that claim they hunt and own guns. Dems are allready talking about Fairness Doctrine. Which is out and out Censorship.. These guys like zigga, huntingdude, Piper cant seem to get it threw there heads. You can show them facts, just like the Fairness Doctrine Dems are going to try and get passed, and they look at you and say, "No that is'nt true" Man some people are Morons...
>So according to your thinking we
>have the right to use
>any weapon the military has?
>I don't think thats going
>to go over very well

He didnt say every weapon dumbshit
>We are Truley Blessed to see
>the first African American elected
>President. It was a
>Surreal moment last night. I
>never thought this would happen
>in my lifetime.

I will say that it is good, in that fact, it totally proves USA is not a racist country like everyone claims, or alot of countries/people claim. Mainly the blacks. So in that respect I do think it is good. A few racist people here and there but as a whole, no one can claim USA is a biggoted country. Which is kind of funny cause its gonna take away a ton of there ammo and reason for whinning and bitching..
bwnco you can share my hunting campfire any time.
huntin dude if we were fishing together i'd tip the canoe
Nice to see you two found love.

I haven't had a fish pole in my hand for probably 20 years so you're not apt to get me in a canoe . I never understood the appeal of fishing it's too dull for me, all you can eat is $8 at Skippers anyway.
didn't believe you were a outdoors man in the first place.
wanna be cowboy and hobby rancher maybe.
your butts to wide for a conoe from sittin and waiting for your welfare check.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-08 AT 07:31PM (MST)[p]Whatever, this isn't a fish forum, many hunters fish and many don't.

With your IQ my money is on the fish outsmarting you, I'll see you at Skippers.
and your is 1.
1 vote so you think your the winner and you run the government.
how many times have you spoken to your representatives?
how many times have you tried to influence the outcome of anything but giving your one vote. this is a government of the people by the people. that means your president,senators and representatives need your input.
you say you are for the second amendment have you ever told your government that is needing your input that you would like to keep your guns?
have you ever told them what ever other issues you feel are important and how you think it should be handled?
or do you just sit around with your hand out. and take the tricks to heart. you and everyone else needs to be heard to guide this government back to greatness.
I'm trying to be heard how about you?
are you for the auto makers bailout? the banks? the bill of right? or socialism? should the government run health care?
lets hear what you know about the world today and the war on terror?
put up or shut up
we want your thoughts not Obama talking points we want real answers real solutions.
oboma never gave us any answers lets hear what you think he is going to do to CHANGE the situation we are in?

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