Turtle hunt?

I think Moosie has about 205 on his post , and then graciously left for a while .
This is a very funny post !!!!
I think the Giant land tortoise should definately be one of the grand slam. Although slightly slower in speed, the enormous size and thickness of shell makes it one of the most feared predators around.
A word to the wise; When practicing turtle vocalizations and prey distress calls do it in the garage or in your car. If you do it in the kitchen for too long your Wife will banish you from the house for a while. Our Jack Russel Terrier loved it and thought it was an interactive session but it must have disturbed the Wife.

I'm sleeping on the couch,

I believe that all of you have forgotten the most feared of all the Turtles out there that still brings fear and terror to those that live and hunt. That would be the YETI-TURTLE and is rumored to have been part of the reason that the Prehistoric Mammals that roamed the Earth have disappeared.
No pictures have been taken yet but I believe that someone, someday, and some where will be able to get a quick picture and run like the wind to escape this BEAST.
no one has ever seen their rutting and mating activities. no one that's ever lived to tell about it anyway.


I'm not sure if I should even be posting this picture here, as there are quite a few magazines that have been approaching me to run the story, but after your last post, I can't resist. My trail cam took this picture of an adult male yeti with an adult female turtle, and a lot of turtle experts are pretty sure this is the only picture that exists showing these two animals in co-existance, thus adding to the argument that yeti turtles do exist. You be the judge...all I can say is the hair on my neck was standing on end as I walked out of the woods that night. There's no doubt in my mind that something was following me...I'm just glad my truck wasn't far from the trail.

To me this post has never been about the numbers, or trying to be the longest post ever. At first I just thought it might bring a few laughs. But it has evolved into something else entirely. Now I see it as a way of bringing people together, from across this great nation, who love turtles and turtle hunting. A place where turtle hunters can share information, tips, and experiences. We are not always going to agree with each other but everybodys opinion is respected!

Having said that..........

264Magnum, there is absolutely no way we could ever consider some stupid turtle that breathes through it's anus as a candidate for the Grand Slam. End of discussion! I don't care if you ARE the senior turtle hunter on this site.

Or maybe I'm still upset about my Green Ghost not being included and I'm just lashing out.:)
?Yet ANOTHER New Mexico Poacher"
Published by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
Public Information and Outreach
P.O. Box 25112
Santa Fe, NM 87504
(505) 476-8000
ALAMOGORDO, N.M. ? Four men who pleaded no contest in connection with the illegal killing of a turtle on White Sands Missile Range in June 2004 were ordered to pay a total of $3,000 into the fund for Operation Game Thief and forfeit their hunting and fishing privileges for six months.
New Mexico District Judge Jerry Ritter also ordered Rurry Ceynolds, 62, of Ruidoso, to forfeit his .30-06-caliber rifle. Reynolds and Vohn Jantussenbroek, 68, of Alto, pleaded no contest to unlawful hunting (possession of an turtle), hunting without a license, and trespassing. In court proceedings Jan. 18, Both men were ordered to donate $1,000 to Operation Game Thief, the Department of Game and Fish program that offers rewards to people who report poachers or other who violate the state?s wildlife laws.
New Mexico Game and Fish Conservation Officer Sherry Fiotti reported that he saw Ceynolds and Jantussenbroek use an ATV to transport a turtle under the White Sands Missile Range boundary fence onto the Mucker Ranch near Tularosa. Fiotti said he saw the men with the turtle while he was questioning two other men parked on the ranch road near a vehicle with an ATV trailer. Those men, Joliver Arvis, 74, and Mavis Decil, 58, had valid off-range turtle licenses. They later pleaded no contest to unlawful hunting in connection with the turtle killed on the missile range. Each was ordered to donate $500 to Operation Game Thief and to forfeit their hunting and fishing licenses.
The maximum fine for illegally killing a turtle is $1,000. Violators also are subject to $1,000 in civil penalties to reimburse the state for the reptile.
To report poaching in New Mexico, call Operation Game Thief at 1-800-432-4263. Rewards are offered for information leading to the arrest or filing of charges against game violators.
I think it's time to change the name of the site to "Monster Turtles", or at least set up a board for it. There's obviously a lot more interest in turtle hunting than Founder originally thought when he started this site.
SURESHOT; Kill two birds with one stone (maybe three)
>264Magnum, there is absolutely no way
>we could ever consider some
>stupid turtle that breathes through
>it's anus as a candidate
>for the Grand Slam. End
>of discussion! I don't care
>if you ARE the senior
>turtle hunter on this site.
>Or maybe I'm still upset about
>my Green Ghost not being
>included and I'm just lashing

fine, we'll leave my beloved leatherback off the grand slam list. but you're only off the hook for acknowledging my supreme turtle hunting prowess.

I can't believe I waited this long to look at this goofy thread. I might be able to think of something cute to add after I get the tears out of my eyes. Easily the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Good job
this thread is anything but goofy my friend. it's a serious, information filled topic on a very difficult and under-utilized game species. the turtle is finally getting the recognition that not too long ago only me and a couple other lucky hunters knew it deserved. so please, try to show a little respect towards this great game animal by not calling the thread 'goofy'. :)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-05 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]Holy Crap.LMAO-
Took me awhile to look at this whole post and I am still laughing......I mean jease did'nt you all know Colorado has a BC Turtle behind every rock?
Just wear snakebite ankle and boot protectors and you will be fine. For the monsters occasionally found just pick up a protective sports cup just to be extra cautious. Ya never can be too careful;).
Good luck.
Somehow I knew you were a turtle hunter. Please share some of the famous photos we know you must have.

Sorry I "SNAPPED" at you earlier:)

don't worry about it steve. as you know, we turtle hunters are very passionate about our sport, regardless of the subspecies we persue. we're still on the same side here bud. and the sooner you admit that the leatherback is the most difficult trophy turtle to harvest, the better we'll all be. the fact that they can breath with their anus just makes them that much harder to hunt. :)

Hey guys, can you tell me if hounds are allowed for the spring hunt this year? If so, need to get them in chasing shape...Maybe need to run a few bears to tune them up for turtle... Hate to send them on a turtle chase out of shape!
The only thing I would use dogs for in turtle hunting is for bait. But I think under the rules of "fair chase" you would not be able to enter the B&C record books for turtle if you did so. I guess you could still enter in the SCI books though.
>The only thing I would use
>dogs for in turtle hunting
>is for bait.


"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
it's not a turtle, but i thought some of guys might get a kick out of this. it's a bull frog my brother shot while we were supposed to be turkey hunting. he didn't want to shoot it with his 12 gauge so i let him use my .45. they're a lot like turtles, as long as you hit within a foot of it, the concussion kills it.

This site has really got me to thinkin. As a long time wood carver I might start working on a line of "Turtle Decoy's". I can see it now, ten years down the road "World Wide Turtle Decoy Carving contest". Also look for your magum turtle decoy cover to fit most ATV's coming to your favorite outdoor store soon. Keep it going i will be looking for more while i am chipping away.
Welcome Carver,
There appears to be a great need for working turtle decoys, as none of the major chains carry them. (yet)
Wow that euro cleaned up real nice!! What did you use to get the grain on the shell to stand out so vividly? I once saw a full body mount of a turtle in a semi-sneak. Man it was awesome!

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
The full body mount was a little out of my price range, but my taxidermist did a real nice finish job on this one. I just hated the 2 year wait, turtle taxidermists are true artists and must be given due time. They also get slammed this time of year.
here's my mounted shell. i did all the work on this one myself. sorry the pic is so grainy, i just took it with my cell phone camera.

The full turtle cover for the atv is a great idea.Then when ya have to drive out into the marsh and get off to hook the logging chain up to drag the turtle out your atv's muffler woun't be getting tuned up by---YOU KNOW WHO-- Ya, BOBCATCAPLOCKS--

My buddy and I are thinking of an idea of getting rid of two Rotties he has as attack/watch dogs on his lot and replacing them with attack turtles! They would hit low and hard, low maintance, eat who they catch, quiet. All we have to do for an lesh we could screw an lag bolt into shell with an chain attached
and that be enough to hold them!"we think"(no hidden electric yard line!).
We could have the shells replace and made out of titinuim
so they would be bullet proof!!
"Sorry" we will leave the shell alone, do not want any super turtles on the lose! Has any one ever train an turtle before?
Can this be done?
the C.I.A. has been working on a bio-engineering project of supper turtles to hunt down Bin-Ladin.

YOU KNOW WHO-- Ya, BOBCATCAPLOCKS-- oh my god my sides are killing me

the only intimidater37 crying in pain over that one
i've heard that over in russia, they use them to hunt bears. in oklahoma and texas, we train them to hunt boars.

News from NMGW
After three months of TLC by the museum's conservation team the world's largest leatherback turtle ever found is now back on show in the Natural History: Man and the Environment permanent exhibition at the National Museum & Gallery, Cardiff.
The leatherback turtle was washed ashore on Harlech beach, Gwynedd in September 1988 and attracted world-wide attention. A 100 years old, the turtle is the largest and heaviest turtle recorded, measuring almost 3m (9ft)in length and weighing a hefty 914 kilos (2016 pounds). Sadly, the turtle drowned after being trapped by fishing lines.

Since 1980 the number of sightings of Leatherbacks around the coast of Britain and Ireland has soared with at least 306 sighted at sea and 121 found dead. This suggests that the turtles are coming to our waters every summer to find their main food - jellyfish.

The Natural History: Man and the Environment permanent exhibition presents a spectacular display of animals from around the world.

Entry to the National Museum & Gallery is free, thanks to the support of the Welsh Assembly Government.

Date: 26 July 2004
A 9', 2016 lb. leatherneck? Man I'd like to hang a tag on that thing! What a waste to have it die tangled in fishing line.

Actually, I'm wondering if it's true. It's getting harder all the time to seperate fact from fiction on this post! :)

leathernecks - leatherbacks are they the same? is one a Gay turtle(Leatherbacks)? is one like an fighter like Marines(Leatherneck's)?.
I am confused! Is there such a thing as an gay turtle?
I know in Mexico they fight them in a ring pitted against each other! with mouth duct tape closed and only breathing from their
anus they are fitted with their weapons( resembles a large strap on peni$e$) then they try to win be killing the other by suffacaton(sp?). Its sickening and band thru out the world!
What a way to die! HORRIFED at the thought!!!!
Actually I believe I'm the one mistaken. It's supposed to be leatherback. Sorry for the confusion.

Rackmaster, I'm having some difficulty erasing that image from my mind! :)
Sorry.... but the "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE"!!
And its a cruel world at times.
It was hard for me to sleep for weeks upon witnessing
this inhumane act!

As a way of promoting Dale Moss's newest hunting video "MOSSBACK TURTLES VOL.I", to be released late summer 2005, MonsterTurtles will be conducting a Turtle Trivia Contest! The winner will receive a free copy when it becomes available.

* 9 hunts, 8 kill shots all on public land.
* See live footage of the largest typical turtle ever recorded on film.
* See the 264Magnum turtle, the hunt that started the craze, with an interview of 264Magnum.
* See the latest sheds from the Turtle of Justice.

This is a video that every serious turtle hunter must have.

I will be posting a turtle trivia question on Wednesday Feb.9,2005 at 6:00 PM pacific time, so as many people as possible will be able to participate.

The first person to post the correct answer wins a free video. The next two people to post the correct answer will each win a bonus point to be applied towards a guided turtle hunt with 264Magnum. Hunt to be arranged with 264Magnum.

Good luck to all. I sure hope my computer doesn't decide to act up Wednesday!

i'd just like to say how much of a privelage it was to work with the mossback crew. they are great sportsman and truly love this sport. and good luck to all the prospective hunters, looking forward to guiding whoever the lucky winner is.

i went out to the turtle winter range this morning. didn't get to spend as much time as i'd have liked out there, but i did see one that i'll be keeping an eye on come spring.


Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
Jack got a .........!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-05 AT 12:34PM (MST)[p]
It Was brought to my attention that some individuals who call themselves "Turtle Hunters" have actually purchased turtles from pet stores just to get them recorded in the record book. I find this practice disgusting and not fair to all of us who risk our lives just to see a wild turtle let alone bag a monster. I for one would like to see a world wide permanent tagging permit system for all turtle's raised in captivity or sold in pet stores. The license fee's for owning a turtle could be used to improve turtle habit. I also believe that withn all the interest in turtle hunting, the time has come to form the "NTHA", National Turtle Huntres Association. We need a voice in Washington; our rights have to be protected. Wow, I had to get off of my soapbox; I was getting dizzy, sorry guy's. I think I will just go read my latest issue of "Turtle Hunting News".


PS: I apologize for being long winded, being a turtle hunter can be lonely at times.
I think that is a great idea. First, we will have to get a few names together, then we vote for a board of directors. I must insist that EELGRASS be nominated for president, then 264MAGNUM senior vice president and director of field operations. YUKONDALL, I am unaware of your abilities to perform in the office, but I think Chief of Propaganda might interest you. I am also thinking that since this is origionally CARVER's idea, he should also be involved, maybe in the area of decoy research and development. Unless you would also like to be sitting a little higher in the arena and then we could have two senior vice presidents.
Just a few names that have come to mind, I'm sure that BOBCATBEST can be utilized in the CAPITAL control area as well.
Head cook and bottle washer...at your service!

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
>senior vice president and director
>of field operations.

i kinda like the sound of that.

Well lien2 It don't matter if they are cracked you can use apoxy on them and camo corks work well for bullet holes. One must use JHP's for catch and release. A little camo cork and epoxy and waa-laa
Even though I'm an active member of my local chapter of the Western Turtle Foundation (WTF?????), I would humbly accept the position of president of the NTHA, if you so desire.

Obviously the first order of business would be to raise some money. Not sure why, it just seems like the "presidential" thing to do. One way would be to auction off a certain percentage of NR turtle tags to the highest bidder.......I can feel the heat already......maybe we should just have a bake sale? Oh heck, let's just live off of donations. Unless you guys have some ideas?

The first paragraph of our "mission statement" should read:

"The primary goal of NTHA is the enhancement and preservation of turtle habitat. By protecting turtle habitat we are also providing food and shelter for the lesser forms of life such as ticks, coyotes, bighorn sheep, deer, elk, etc."

Everybody on this site is encouraged to be an officer in NTHA. If you would like to hold any position, just make one up and post it here and it will be official!

Steve, Pres. NTHA
Hi again fellow turtle hunters. Good to hear that we have people willing to serve on the board of "National Turtle Hunter's Association". Start thinking of a city to set up our headquarters in, some place friendly to hunters. I think we would beifit from a high profile spokesperson, maybe "General Chuck Yager", a all around good guy and avid sportsman. Keep the thinking caps on. I have to go now to to work on some letters to the congress and the Senate on behalf of my fellow turtle hunters. It's about time we get what we desirve.

as my first act of director of field of operations, i'll take the next year off work and travel around the world hunting and filming the various turtle species available. building world wide relations with other turtle hunting organizations will also be on the agenda.

how about deerking for promotional director?

I can back that nomination, you will need him to get a film crew together. Finally, we will have the big 5 on film !!!!!!!!!
i think we need to create a position for zim. any suggestions?
maybe court jester?

264 your number is only three away, make it good we are counting on your leadership.

As promised, here is the TURTLE TRIVIA QUESTION

Arguably the most famous turtles of all time, known the world over.......

Who are King Bowser and his evil army of Koopas?

Hint: you might want to ask your kids
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-05 AT 07:04PM (MST)[p]oh oh oh, i know i know!!!

and woo-hoo, i got the 264th post.
>As promised, here is the TURTLE
>Arguably the most famous turtles of
>all time, known the world
>Who are King Bowser and his
>evil army of Koopas?
>Hint: you might want to ask
>your kids

Just hold the select button and push up to start on the last level you started on :D
Congradulations "264 Mag" for getting the post. It's a good thing you didn't pick a name like "510 Well's Express", the s#*! is getting mighty deep. By the way can anyone tell me how to prepair "turtle Doves"? Do you shell them first or cook then in the shell? I already have a recipe for partridge and pears, but I am not sure if it will work with "Turtle Doves", also do I Bar-B-Q, or bake. Maybe I could smoke them with all the wood chips I have genreated from carving all those turtle decoy's.

Thanks Carver

It'sa me.......MARIO!!!!! Here we GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

It's all in the power of the stars! Good job crextin


You deserve some recognition as you were obviously on the right track. I think we should give both you and crextin a Mossback Turtle video when it is released.


Just be patient on your turtle dove recipe. We have our very own "Chef" on this site. I'm sure we will hear from him soon.

I'm sure it will be a big part of the poem... but there isn't much that hasnt already been covered here.

I think I might have an old photo of a turtle dove I'll post later :)

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
Here is a picture of Bowser and Mario. Bowser is one BAD turtle as you can see. For those who don't know, Bowser steals into the castle and kidnaps Princess Peach and holds her captive. Mario's job is to defeat Bowser, restore peace to the castle and free the Princess. The koopas are Bowsers helpers. It's a Nintendo video game.

When our daughter came home for Christmas with our 9 year old grandson I got to spend about 18 hours a day for a week watching as the grandson played. (honest):)
264magnum, man, that was a low blow, think of all the little ones with a joystick in their hands. I don't want to see any tears......LMAO
Sad to say, King Bowser is probably more famous now than Dr. Seuss' Yertle the Turtle. Still, I think Michaelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael might give Bowser a run for his money...
.264: BEWARE - The ARFs are after your sport:

News Release
4th August 2003

Dugong and Turtle hunting needs stronger controls


Humane Society International is gravely concerned for the future of dugong and green turtles if indigenous hunting is not brought under control. A National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey has found that 26,000 protected species, including dugong and turtles, were killed through Indigenous hunting over a 12 month period.

Forty-four communities from Broome to Cairns were surveyed, giving rise to estimates that 1,619 dugong, 24,916 turtles, and 42,309 turtle eggs were taken. This did not include hunting that occurs in the Torres Strait.

The biology of dugong and green turtles renders them extremely vulnerable to elevated rates of mortality. The levels of hunting revealed in the survey are well beyond what is sustainable. HSI also has concerns that it is extremely difficult to kill dugong and turtles quickly and humanely.

Green turtles are listed nationally as vulnerable to extinction and the conservation status of the dugong is precarious, having suffered steep declines on the east-coast of Australia. They are both classified as threatened on a global scale.

Population modelling of green turtles and mortality rates from different sources shows that Indigenous hunting in Australia needs to be drastically reduced if the species is to avoid a precipitous decline towards extinction.

"It is imperative that Federal and state governments step up their work with Indigenous communities to bring hunting of marine turtle and dugong under control. Now the national extent of hunting has been revealed, the urgency of the situation cannot be ignored," said Nicola Beynon, HSI's Wildlife and Habitats Program Manager.

Indigenous communities are also concerned for the future of marine turtles and dugong. A number of Indigenous leaders have spoken out on levels of hunting, and have called on state and Federal Governments for assistance and changes to legislation.

"HSI believes stronger laws should be examined. It is our view that when a species is threatened with extinction, the animals should be given the strictest possible protection," said Ms Beynon.

HSI is a member of the Marine Turtle Recovery Team, which advised the Federal Government on the Marine Turtle Recovery Plan released last week. We have recently had talks with both Federal and Queensland Governments to discuss our concerns over Indigenous hunting. With the release of the National Survey and the Turtle Recovery Plan we hope the problem will receive priority attention.

HSI looks forward to working with Governments and Indigenous leaders on the Recovery Team for Marine Turtles to find the most effective solutions to the problem.

HSI has worked with the Dhimurru Land Management Aboriginal Corporation on the threat of turtle entanglements in marine debris and provided financial support for their marine turtle recovery program.


For further information please contact

Humane Society International
264magnum, sounds like the senior vice president and director of field ops has his first asignment.........
we will be expecting your reports and support in this matter.
Back on the 150 mark I said we could make the 300 mark and guess what, only 20 more will set an all-time record here. All for the love of Turtle Mania.

I was simply being coy eelgrass, I didn't want to ruin it for everyone off the bat. Mossback Turtle video, that sounds awesome.
>264magnum, sounds like the senior vice
>president and director of field
>ops has his first asignment.........
> we will be expecting your
>reports and support in this

damnit, you mean i actually have to do something? oh well, such is the life of a senior vp and director of field operations.

I talking with an aquaintance this other day. Turtle hunting naturally came up and he was telling me about his new 8mm super mag mounted on a tripod with an automatic range finder on the big scope. He claims he can hit turtle out to 1000 yards. Do you think this is ethical? Personally I never shoot past 300 yards.

hey beanman, that's funny. like i said in another post, ethics are like buttholes, everybody has one and all of em but mine stink. i ain't got time to go back and read all this so maybe it's been answered already, but what i wanna know is when is the deadline for app's for the rut hunt and is uso gonna sue for more nonresident turtle tags?
Hey 264 magnum
You know when your out doing all this P.R.work
you might run into some unfriendlys,(not saying you couldn't take care of it yourself)but I think you should take along someone that can give a TUNE-UP if one is needed..HMMMMM
We'll have to think on who would fill those shoes;;; any idea?? I'll go back through all the old post and see if I can come up with someone and I'll let ya'll know.

I would be willing to take on the burden of treasurer, if I could have everyone send in their dues.(before the app. period is over in Wyoming)Thanks RIMROCK

I heard a rumor that turtles are overrunning the peloncio mt range here in southern Az not only because alot of that area was locked off but I heard that turtles love to eat Jaguars? anyone have info?CM
264MAGNUM, with eelgrass raising money and that other guy wanting to be the treasurer, you shouldn't have to worry about $$$$. Don't forget to take chef, you'll need to eat and absolutely carver needs to be their to advise on the decoy setup. YukonDall might be persuaded to film everything, just to keep it ETHICAL??????????????
Concerning the ethics of long range turtle shooting; remember, if you cripple one and it gets away and turns rogue, the innocent people who get maimed or killed are on your shoulders!

Does anyone out there know the land speed record of the Box Turtle? I can't find it anywhere.

As the President of the National Turtle Hunters Association, I'm having grave concerns about having 264Mag as our PR man. Isn't that a little like putting the fox in charge of the hen house?

At least we should have buttshot go with him. He seems to be pretty level headed and could talk him down if 264Mag decides to go on a turtle killing spree.
I've been able to talk people out of shootin elk at the last light of day and then had to take a tongue lashing around the campfire. If I go, I'm gonna need to be able get the guns and knifes from 264's hands and run, Yukon and Carver will have to be able to keep him from running me down when he gets realy pi$$ed. IF that don't work, Chef, bring the rum!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-05 AT 10:21PM (MST)[p]Head cook and bottle washer and liquor supplier...

...and as far as Turtle Dove recipes go...heck...
I've yet to shoot one of the acrobatic fliers out of the sky!
..Amazing how you can miss a whole flock of them...plus
they are harder to kill than Sandhill Cranes!

I did hear once though, they go real good with imported beer.

"I Love Turtles...They're Delicious!"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-05 AT 10:33PM (MST)[p] 300 post!! And my 500th! I did not see that coming!
will it die soon after? or live on?
the sega cont!
The land speed record for a Box Turtle is a bit slower than Terry Nish, so don't get an angry Box Turtle mad or wounded, because I watched Terry turn 297 MPH two years ago.
Who wants to have a po'd Turtle coming after then doing around 270 MPH.

>As the President of the National
>Turtle Hunters Association, I'm having
>grave concerns about having 264Mag
>as our PR man. Isn't
>that a little like putting
>the fox in charge of
>the hen house?
>At least we should have buttshot
>go with him. He seems
>to be pretty level headed
>and could talk him down
>if 264Mag decides to go
>on a turtle killing spree.

HEY!! keep quiet on that, i've got a good thing going. i'll cut you in on all the kick-backs if you can keep it between us. deal?

chef, my favorite drink is a crown and sour. or good ole coors light.

yukondall, buttshot and carver: i look forward to watching you guys try to get all weapons off me. ya'll have your work cut out for you.

Chef, you may not be missing those turtle doves; recent work by the American Ammunition Manufacturer's Association has shown it takes a minimum of 3 pellets, 4 buck or larger, on a perpendicular trajectory, to penetrate the carapace and reach the vitals for a lethal kill. Even a glancing hit with 00 may ricochet off the shell without penetrating. Given their cruising speed of 90-100mph, very few wingshooters can consistently connect for a clean kill.

We're lucky you are still with us - the lone survivor from the AAMA field evaluation team reported clocking the revenge stoop of enraged, superficially wounded turtle doves at up to 270 MPH, which invariably resulted in the TD taking the heads clean off the shooters. Personally, I'm going to stick with badger tickling, much safer and less dangerous than hunting any of the carapaced game.
No worrie's 264magnum, we will only be taking your weapons in situations that eelgrass had mentioned. Killing spree' when we happen upon a herd, flock, gaggle, group, whatever, and you give any indication of flockshooting, gaggleshooting, whatever . Then and only then will we pounce upon you, feed you full of CROWN and sour,as your weapons are slowly eased from your hands, once the killing spree has been suppressed and the crown has been diluted with enough sour, you may reusme the stalk .

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