Unit 38 Archery Elk


Very Active Member
I am curious if anyone here has archery elk hunted unit 38 any time the last couple years, and how your hunt went.

Two in our party have max points 7, but our third is one short at 6. So this hunt seems to be one we can draw this year. I searched the archives and only found a few comments about the hunt quality. The tag numbers have seemed to be stable recently. Thanks.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
I am putting in for this tag with 5 points this year. I have not elk hunted it yet, but I have invested the last two falls scouting for this tag. There does seem to be good elk numbers in pockets. I am not an expert at judging elk, but I would say the grnetics are decent, but not great. The biggest down fall I see about this unit, is the number of Hunters, and other people participating in every form of recreation possible. Good luck if you guys put in!
>I'd kick the guy out with
>6pts and hunt somewhere better.
>Maxpts is only going to
>happen once in your lifetime.

You know, I know what you are saying, but I have built points and already hunted the best of the best in other states. And we are going to draw Arizona unit 1 in 2014, then me Walla Walla, OR in 2015. I want to be guaranteed a decent elk tag this year before the price hike, and I want it to be a good time hunt with my friends for a change. Never been on one of those.

I took a 330" bull 2011 in a NM unit I had no business killing one in, so I feel I'm playing with house money. :)

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
I moose hunted up there a few years ago during archery elk season. If you email me directly I can fill you in on a bunch of info.
I'm looking at putting my 17 year old son in for this same tag. He is one point off from the max since he was only 11 when they started the points for elk. This will be his last year to hunt before heading off to college and I asked him what type of out of state hunt he wanted to do. He replied "archery elk during the rut". Last year one less than max had a 25% chance of drawing so I'm hoping he will have about a 50% chance this year.

I have max points but I'm holding out for another couple units and will not apply with him but accompany him as guide and pack mule.

Our back up plan is a Colorado deer hunt. He has enough points to draw a decent unit there.

I may PM you if he gets lucky if you don't mind.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]He's a lock for the tag if you pony up special money. He'll return the favor down the road.

If I was to archery only, this is the unit i would hunt. You guys will have a good time.
Thanks Bob
I know he is a for sure on the special tag. However, it is a big $ increase going from the youth price to the adult special tag price though. (It has been cheap for all three of my boys to build points as youth in WY.)

I think we will stay with the youth priced regular tag since we have a back-up plan for deer in Colorado. I also have a good OTC area for archery elk in Colorado that is another back-up option. Having options is always good!!

My oldest son is in college as a freshman right now and he has max points. by the time he is done with school he will be in a good position to draw a great tag.
I've never had the archery tag but it's a zoo in rifle season. Way to many tags bull, cow, deer and a ton of roads and atv trails. Remember that is one of the areas in WY you can't come back and rifle hunt it. If they don't issue to many archery tags I think it would be a good hunt.


Does this unit have 350+ bulls? I am looking to apply for a unit where 350 bulls are killed annually. (350+ is a giant to me) I know they are not around every tree but some units just don't produce big bulls. I hear 58 and 62 have big bulls, is one of these units a better choice for a big archery bull. Thanks for any knowledge.
not much of a trophy area. got a lot of rag bulls to 320 size. don't get me wrong there is some big ones running around but getting one isn't a high chance

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