Unit 44 4th Season not a Cake Walk


Last April/May when I found out that I got drawn for 4th season in unit 44 and I got a lot of advice/opinions that made me think of what I was getting into. Was told that is was a great unit, it was over rated, weather dependent, small deer heard, don't shoot the first 180, weather dependent and weather dependent. I got a lot of help from the member here on the area and I would like to specifically thank Simo42 who was out there scouting during my hunt and giving me updates on what he was seeing and also Cologregs who I talked to a few time on what he knows of the unit.

So my buddy and I when out there 4 days prior to the hunt to start scouting and what we found was a very large area and not a high density of deer. In the 4 days prior to the hunt we saw at most 4 to 5 bucks a day and no more that 5 to 10 does a day(couple of days much less) and not shooting the first 180 buck was going to be easy because we did not see one, probably saw two 170?s buck at best. There had not been weather in a while and we did not see anything low in the sage and start to concentrate high up in the timber(very dense) but still in the first two days of the hunt we were not seeing a lot of deer and no large bucks. The weather report for the third day was snow and possibly 12? on top so we were excited(this was day 7 out in the field scouting/hunting), so we got up on top and started walking some branch roads hoping to walk up on deer or cut some tracks to follow, we worked one area until noon(only saw 2 bucks and no does) and decided to go to an area we have seen deer a couple of times. We started walking this one road and within a couple of 100 yards we cut some tracks and almost immediately my buddy sees some movement above us, the timber was dense and I could see that there were 3 deer but could not make out what they were. I started to walk forward to get an angle when my buddy grabs me and says this is the largest buck he has ever seen and pulls me back to an angle he is look at, he is yelling(quietly) shoot it/shoot it. The buck is looking right at us and I can see he has good width(not great) but don't have an angle to see the forks, my buddy is still saying shoot it but I am saying ?dude? I need to make sure he is what we want because we now have weather and 2 ? days left and then the deer turns his head and I see good forks(front and back) and I pull the trigger. He ran about 20 yards and piled up and when I got up to him I see a beautiful 4 point on one side but I am only seeing 3 on the other and I am thinking I shot to quick and then when I grabbed the horns a great 4th point comes out of the snow and I got myself a Bomb(my standards at least).

So, my take on unit 44 is that if you are looking at seeing a 100 deer a day and a bunches of bucks this might not be the unit(my buddy?s brother was in a unit that took him 18 NR points to get into and he was texting us picture everyday of many nice bucks and talk about seeing a hundred does a day, and he did shoot a nice 4 by 6) and I do truly believe you need the weather or it would be extremely hard to find them in the timber. In my next breath they do have the genetics and very large deer come out of this unit. My buck may not meet some of the people standards for this unit but I am ?Extremely Happy? and that what matters. Again I would like to thank the member of the forum who reach out and gave me some good advice.

Take Care





LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-17 AT 04:06PM (MST)[p]Great buck Congrats!
44 isn't a cake walk for sure. Can be a great unit. Great genetics. Glad it worked for you. I wish it was like years ago when you could draw a 3rd season tag with 4 points and 4th with 8.
The heck with standards!! That's an awesome buck!

Also gotta love those Honda's!

Congrats again!
Glad you got your buck! Had a good time on the hill and was able to learn the area a bit. Also learned if I'm gonna be walking around up that high I better get in better shape!
Great buck. Clarification from anybody: Don't you need to put the harvest tag on the proof of sex and not the antlers? Thanks,
In Utah a buck deer is ANY deer with antlers longer than 5 inches. I'm sure Colorado isn't much different. So putting his permit on the antlers.....especially as large as those are isn't a problem.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-22-17 AT 11:26AM (MST)[p]Great buck!!

Since he was hauling the deer whole, I am sure it was fine to put the tag on the antlers. However, in CO, if he had quartered the deer for transport and put the tag on the antlers, he could have gotten a ticket for improper tagging.

Also, You don't have to put the tag on the part with proof of sex, although I always do just to make it easier all the way around. All it says in the regs is attached to a "majory portion of the carcass" The antlers are not part of the carcass if they are not attached to the rest of the deer.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Just so you know when we did get back to camp and quarter the deer we did put it on the carcass that had the Nads attached. Putting it on the antlers as a whole deer not sure if I was legal but went with it.
Heck ya that is a sweet buck, 44 treated ya right.
That is a buck to hang on the wall.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Awesome looking typical.....I'd say you made the best out of those points and hunt. Congratulations!

BOHNTR )))---------->
Great buck and better story. I was glad to give you a little help on your hunt. Glad that you kept after it, the weather helps a ton in that unit.

Sad to realize that neither one of us, has much of a chance to ever hunt that 4th season in 44 again.
Hey Mdndeer,congrats on a great buck! I really appreciate you taking the time and effort into sharing your hunt with us. I have been lucky enough to hunt 44 a couple of times in the past. I'm sitting on 15 NR points right now, and feel like if I could get back to 44 I would have confidence in where to go (providing things haven't changed that much and the weather cooperated), but I'm not sure that I'll catch up with point creep or want to wait that long. I'm curious about what unit your buddy went on with 18 NR points and your insights on both units? I appreciate any advice (just email me if you prefer) Thanks for the help and again congrats on the big buck!
Congrats on a fantastic buck. I'd never pass on a buck like that.... well unless a bigger one was standing right next to him :)

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