Utah mule deer with a lot of points


Long Time Member
Many on here know me from previous posts, helping others, and they also know I don't ask for help very often.

As it gets time to apply for deer again in Utah, I am forced to make my choice once again but with another difficult decision in front of me. I have been applying for deer for over 20 years, and through some life changes and other screw-ups, I have missed a few opportunities to accumulate max points but still have a lot (about 18).

My question is this. Would you continue to apply for a premium tag like the Paunsaugunt or Henry Mt. or go for the new multi-season tag offered to NR's like the West Desert, Vernon? Would a nine day hunt down south be better than 44 days spent in the same unit over and over? If scouting and hunting time isn't an object, could I kill a respectable 180+ deer on the WDV?

This would be DIY, and I can't afford a guide. I am 64 years old, but still in good shape, I hate 4WD ATV's and can still bone and backpack my elk off the mountain. Interested in some informed opinions.
According to the odds, it will take about 18.7 points for Henries and 14.3 for Pauns rifle. You waited that long and are that close, I would stick with the Henries or MAYBE Pauns. But I would not switch to a lesser unit if I were in your shoes.
Boy you are in a tuff spot. 10 with 19 points last year and they only give one tag to NR max points. That will take 9 more years to get through the 19 point pool and into yours where there was 19 last year.

I'd really research the Pansaguant unit and look at it. You may not be able to hunt all three seasons, but you sure could spend some time prior to the hunt in the area scouting and locating a few good bucks. Best of luck in your situation.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-15 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]There is no tag increase in the foreseeable future for the Henry Mtns, so hoping for more permits won't help you.

The "3 season" permits on LE Units probably will not have enough nonresident tags allocated for a "bonus" tag going to the highest permit holder.

The Pauns tag is still a couple years from getting into your point pool-- but if higher point holders do the math on the Henry mtns and jump to the Pauns then it will increase that wait. It might take 5-10+ years to draw a Pauns rifle.

You're not old enough to be hindered on a hunt, but what about 10 or 20 years down the road? Do you want to hunt now or when you are 74 or 84?

I'll pm you an idea or two that I would look into if I was in your shoes.
In regards to spending time on the Pauns and scouting a bunch. If you're archery hunting that would work. If you're muzzy or rifle it becomes an entirely different game. By the rifle hunt bucks you've scouted in July, August, Sept and even early Oct are gonna be long gone. They will be on the move and may be literally 60 miles south. All of them.
Thanks to everyone for the replies and PM's. Answered them this AM. Gonna keep researching all the options and available info, talk to a buch of people at the Expo, and then make a choice I'll be happy with. Like I tell others, there is so much more to having a good hunt than just pulling the trigger. The experience, pics and video, learning new country and meeting friends all adds to it.

Will let you know what I settle on, and then hope for a tag!
As I posted in the Deer Forum:

Well it looks as though the rifle tags for the Henry's and Paunsy are no more than a lottery for you. Even with 18 points, you're still never "guaranteed" a tag. Unless they have now allotted Bonus Tags for the units for NR and I didn't see that. They have had a Bonus Tag for the Paunsy Muzzy hunt, but even with 18 points, there will likely be others with more points who will get that tag.

I'm guessing 18 NR points will get you the All-Season tag on the Vernon unit. It will give you ample time and opportunity to seek out a worthy buck for your tag. I'm sure if you are able to scout and hunt for any substantial amount of time, you will find a 180" buck... Not only that, you can hold out for as long as you need to before killing a buck because of the multiple seasons. If you get down to the end of the rifle hunt and you still haven't found a 180" buck, then you have done all you can and should feel great about whatever deer you do harvest.

DO NOT expect the Vernon to give you the same experience as the Paunsy or Henry's. It is not even close. But, you will get to hunt for 3 months in some beautiful country that holds lots of deer and will likely find a trophy...

Good luck

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
The issue is we don't know tag numbers for these new hunts. If they only issue 1 NR tag, which seems to be the case for a lot of good hunts, our points mean nothing. Almost feels like a con buying these points year after year when they aren't even usable in some cases.
There is nothing that compares to the quality and quantity of deer as the Henry's and the Pauns. Both of these hunts can be a little more physically demanding. Have you considered San Juan Elk Ridge? I had a tag down there in 2009. It was the funnest hunt I have ever been on.

The Vernon West Desert is one of my personal favorites. I have hunted there 3 of the last 4 years. You can definitely find 180"+ deer. With that being said, I would not burn 18 points for this area, even if it was multi-season. Just my opinion.

I am super jealous! I wish that I had this problem with 18 points in my pocket. It has got to be really fun for you to consider the options and be getting so close to the Premium tags. I would love to know what you decide. Good luck.
Hate spilling the beans, but it might help someone else plan a hunt or take mine away. Everyone here knows how much I like to muzzleloader hunt, so I'd planned to use one for whatever I drew, unless it was a monster on an archery hunt. Here's the end result of my research.

I went down to the Expo with Preddy on Saturday, and we walked around the entire show and looked at every mule deer mount there, and checked the locations (if listed). Just didn't see the quality I hoped for in some of the lesser areas. Talked to numerous hunters and guides/outfitters about the areas-seasons-length to hunt etc.

Ended up applying for the Paunsaugunt muzzleloader tag, and will cross my fingers for luck. Thanks for all the help and suggestions from everyone.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-15 AT 04:54PM (MST)[p]From my calculations, there are at least 28 people ahead of you for the Henrys. Because you had 17 points last year, there are 28 that will have 19 and 20 points this year. And 30 that will have 18!

So, no, holding out for the Henrys is not in the cards at your age.

Any weapon: If no one else puts in, you are still looking at 5-6 years. Possibly worth the wait?
Muzzy: Possibly draw this year?

I think the new tags are too much of a crap shoot to know what will happen there. It will take a couple of years to get that worked out.

Can you really set up camp and hunt 44 days out of state this year? If so, lucky you!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
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