Utah, Willard goat hunt


Active Member
Hi everyone! I'm starting to get a bit excited about upcoming draw results! Specifically, excited about the possibilities of my Dad drawing the Willard nanny tag. I feel he has a good chance of drawing based on previous draw stats. He has some physical limitations, which is why we pulled the trigger and hoping he can get this tag. He is still a few years out from a Billy tag.

Looking for some advice and information from the forum in regards to this hunt. First, as far as I can tell the season dates are from October 9-November 15th? Does that sound right? Seems like a generous season. Can anyone confirm those dates for 2017?

Also, I am wondering about the cape quality during the early part of the season-October 9th? Will the hides be full and nice by that time of year, or would there be significant differences if we were to wait a month? I would rather hunt early in the season, as it may be a bit easier to get around, and I don't know how late the road to the top is open? The cape quality is definitely part of the trophy and hoping to get a nice furry critter:).

This is indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity for my dad for several reasons and so looking forward to experiencing it with my dad! He is 70, and while there will be some mobility challenges, I welcome the challenge with him!

Any advice from experienced hunters on this unit would be much appreciated. PM's are welcome and appreciated.

Hope everyone pulls a tag or two
They are hoping for in 2017! Happy hunting all!?
Good luck to your dad!

October 9th should be late enough to get great capes on most if not all the goats.

My wife and I have shot them in mid Sept and care must be taken since some of the goats are still trying to"fur" up a bit and need a few weeks to do so.

I know nothing about the area but lots of other guys do so hollar when he draws and guys will be good to help.
My brothers Nanny from a couple years back. I believe this was Oct 5th....ish.

Great looking goat Muley! Thanks for sharing.

I have received a few PM's also. Thanks all for the information and help. Based on comments, I think we are going to plan on getting after it just as soon as the season opens on Oct. 9th.

Now just need to pull the tag!?
Chaco, good luck in the draw this year. I don't have any experience in the Willard unit but have attached a couple pictures of my goat that was harvested October 2, 2012. The hair is pretty thick and has good length along the back and shoulders.

Advice: make sure your goat is COMPLETELY dead before you grab the sharp black horns attached to that powerful head and neck. 10 miles from the truck with a goat on the ground and a mangled hand is not a good combination.



Hi Deepcolor

Thanks for the response and great pics of your hunt! That's a great looking goat, and your mount looks fantastic! Congratulations!

Your advice about making sure the critter is good and dead before approach is well taken. Glad that you were alright through your ordeal.

Thanks again for your post!
Looking at the pics from goats in early October in this thread, great pics btw, i think I'd wait another week or two depending on the weather. Try looking for goat pics from a winter hunt in Alaska and you can see what a difference in length is possible. Or go try to look at the goats right now as they still should mostly have their winter coats. I don't know where they hang on that unit this time of year, but if you can't find them Provo canyon just past bridal veil falls on the North side should provide some viewing opportunities.

By the last two weeks of the hunt, the hair on the goats should be 1.5-2x as long as the pics in this thread. Especially on their chaps and chests
Here a goat off the same unit about 2.5 weeks later than the first goat I posted. Different years and we'd had some snow so I'm sure that helped but you can see the difference a few weeks makes in the hair.
Hi Muley. Thanks for another good reply and pic! Congrats on a beautiful goat!

Yes, seems that there is a significant difference in those two pics you shared.

Historically, do you know when they usually close that road off that gets up on top? I assume it is probably dependent on the weather, but generally speaking, does anyone know when that usually happens?
I am not sure the road closure. With the hunts going later is may be and issue now. My concern on the later dates is getting to the goats in a safe position. We saw a couple bigger billies on the 2nd hunt I posted. One that was without question a booner. But we pushed it to the last 2 days and this billy was the best one in a shotable place. Im getting high on points and as much as I love the long hair and would like to believe I'd hold out for a Nov goat it would also worry me for sure.
Thanks for the response Muley. Yes, It could be a gamble waiting too long into the season. Getting everyone and the animal safely off the mountain will definitely be our priority.
The road is usually open from July 15th through November 15th. They try and keep it open until the end of the goat hunt. Sometimes the dates change due to weather. I would recommend calling the forest service and getting the dates for 2017.

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