Where were....


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-14 AT 09:45PM (MST)[p]All the petioners and riots when the Law enforcement officers were shot, and killed or injured for a common search or traffic stop????
I mean really has everyone lost their minds, just Saturday, several of my friends an family in Law enforcement, were on a traffic stop and an entire bar cleared to come out to cause harm to the officers for arresting a DUI all because of the whole dog shooting incident, calling them "pigs" and other things, and willing to take down anyone an everyone that stood in their way .
Right or wrong it was a dog, since when does a dog come before a human life ???
I've stayed out of the whole dog shooting circus but I have to echo what you're saying Red.
When did the shooting of a dog become a bigger deal than the shooting of a human? We're all f'd up as a society when we have laws on the books that mete out punishment greater for harming a pet than harming a spouse.
If you shoot your neighbor with an arrow the news will report on it an everyone will say "darn neighbors" but if a duck gets shot with an arrow they show it on the news for a week solid and crazy folks march, picket and whail and moan for the poor damn duck!
Good hell folks, it's a dog. Yes, a beloved pet, yet I'd rather see the kid found!
Wow, when did we become so screwed up?
Now you can understand why Claude Dallas was considered a hero by some instead of the cold hearted killer he really was.

Well said Zeke....believe it or not I even have my own family acting like this ...wth is wrong with people that we put a dog before a human, in his case a dad a brother, a son, a friend, and above all an american, does the dog support, and feed a family, pay taxes,Vote? WAKE UP AMERICA ...WERE GOING TO HELL KN A HANDBASKET
I wasn't there So I Can't Judge!

I do know this:

I deal with Different JOKERS & their MUTTS every day of the Week too!

Most Dogs are OK!

Some are not!

I always hear the same BS Story on the Bitin Bastards:

Oh He's never Bit anybody before,this is his 1st time!

I Call BS & it Ain't hard to tell when somebody is Lying!

I do know this!

There's very Damn little time when you're trying to Figure out if this SOB is gonna Nail you or not!

A Few have got a Pipe Wrench/Pipe to the Head over the Years when I was Lucky enough to have a Weapon within Reach!

Been a few times where I didn't have anything within reach & if I woulda had my 3-5-7 the SOB's woulda got a F'N Bullet to the Head/Guts or anywhere I coulda Mighta Hit them!

I try & keep some kinda small Munchies in my Rig,even on Dogs that are 'Ify' most of them mellow right out if you throw them a Bone/Snack!

I have dealt with a few that needed a 'Seasoned Steak"!:D

I did have a Woman in Vernal a few Years ago Screaming & Hollering She was gonna Call the Cops,I kept screaming back:Get em Called & get em here Quick!

I tried like Hell to Hit that SOB with a 24 but I just couldn't never connect!

Most Dogs are Good but you just never know,they're kinda like Humans & you never know when one might Lose His Cool!

Most Dogs are part of the Family & can be Protective of their Family & there's nothing wrong with that!

I Surely don't Put MUTTS above Human Life Either!

I wasn't there,don't know Squat about it,I can't Judge!

Hopefully the Cop only Shot because He had to!

I can't Understand why anybody would have a Biting Bastard on the Lot?

Just an Accident waiting to happen!

But you'd be amazed if you knew how many of them there are out there!

But then again you gotta think about the TARD Owners!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Look, lets get this straight. I will whack a dog in a heartbeat. The minute one is a liability or a danger his minutes spin out faster than a top around me. But lets face it, COPS HAVE TURNED INTO A DAMN PR NIGHTMARE. Nobody likes yall anymore. You know why????? Most people are scared of you. Most cops don't treat the citizenry with respect. Most police behave like brainwashed zealots. Most police forces are changing their uniforms from a nice service type outfit to para- military gear. How do you think people feel when they see the cops wearing ski masks? Those ski masks make people think YOU are doing something criminal or something YOU should be ashamed of. Everyday its some new story about a cop killing a geriatric, or tazing a 6 year old. YOUR IMAGE IS IMPORTANT, and right now yall look like a bunch of nutless bullies. Most people realize that cops are here to take our money on the side of the road but won't come to your house for an hour when you are terrified. IF YOU DON'T LIKE PEOPLE BEING SICK OF YOUR CRAP CLEAN HOUSE!
Damn the Devil's wearin a coat this morning. I finally agree with something Tristate said.
I whole heartedly agree with tristate. The unified police in the Riverton area are too busy being worried about parking tickets than they are real crime. The police in Saratoga are too busy trying to enforce DOT laws and continually attacking and ticketing the working man. Awe yes I've heard it before, if your
Trailers were ok, they'd leave you alone....hogwash. It's a money grab pure and simple. I'd love to see the contractors stop doing work in Saratoga and starve them out. Keep attacking the producers. My post isn't an attack on police. It's an attack on the policy makers. The DOT has their little handbook that tells them the ways trailers should be secured. Truth is, a lot of them have common sense and they know the text book style is a recipe for disaster. Then you have the police man that uses no discretion. He couldn't secure a lawn mower to a trailer.
I can't speak to this case. I don't know the details. I did read that the dog weighed 110 lbs, which is a an average sized wolf.

I've only owned two dogs in my life time. Both were family/hunting dogs. I loved my dogs and always felt a keen sense of responsibility towards them. I also understood that owning a dog has great responsibility to my neighbors and the public in general.

As a consequence, my dogs were kept in the back yard in a 8'X12' padlocked kennel when they weren't in my immediate control. I always felt it was the safest thing for my dog and for the public.

I always hear people say "He's a watch dog" but I never could understand how to train a dog to know the difference between a rapist and a 10 year old girl selling girl scout cookies. I always thought that was way too much pressure for a dog, and the consequences would be too high if the dog made a mistake.

One night two deputy sheriff officers chased a fugitive into my back yard. My dog was safe and secure in his kennel. They tackled the guy in my garden, which didn't do much for my strawberry patch. I didn't complain at all.

I go into peoples backyard several times a week for my job and I take on a big risk doing so. I knock on the front door first and if no answer I go to the gate and I pound on that and make as much noise as possible to see if there is a dog there or not. After that if I hear nothing I enter cautiously and continue to make noise and look for a doggie door or any other sign of a dog. I always assume there is a dog and proceed accordingly. That cop could have and should have handled things different.I don't agree with people resorting to violence because of this shooting or calling all cops "pigs", this cop should be reprimanded but he won't be. You Red need to quit saying it's just a dog because to the owner it wasn't.
>"Seriously, move on people it was
>a dog" says Fireball then
>starts a whole new thread
>on the same topic.

Well, in defense of Becki - and not saying this wasn't her post, becuase it very well could have been - but I think she shares the computer with someone else who has some strong opinions on this subject and who doesn't always log her out before he posts stuff! So, sometimes you kind of have to read between the lines to see if is really Lil' Red who is posting or if indeed it is .45.

Either way, the main point is this: a dog is dead, yes it is sad, and the only person who can say whether or not the officer acted 100% appropriately is himself. I don't really want to say too much more than that but I will say this: I am just glad it is a dead dog on his conscience rather than a dead little kid.

People are way more important than any Weimeraner. Leave the cops alone on this please, there are so many more important things to worry about than this.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

There is a certain ring of truth to what you are saying tristate. There are so many prongs to the equation it is hard to balance it to please most people, which in a best case scenario is just being able to please most people while upholding the state and federal Constitutional Rights in every facet of the job.

I would be careful of using the word most though. At least regionally, I don't see it even close to breaching the most adjective. I really try hard to be objective on the issue which is hard to do with personal attachments on one side or the other.

I am a firm believer in the founding documents of this nation and the rights bestowed on The People and thwarting the crossover of an over reaching govt. Candidly, here are some of the issues that prevail and add fuel from both sides.

One, you have cops and citizens alike who don't know American history from a hole in the ground. I think as society we have completely neglected to instil patriotism, history, and allegiance into our youth for at least a couple generations and now it is coming home to roost. I find it despicable the disregard some cops, particularly administrators because of their far reaching influence, who have little to no understanding of rights, for example the Second Amendment and the right of self defence. Another example would be those who fuel draconian policies which are constitutionally contrary to the fundemental rights of due process. I find it also disturbing to see the same from a common voter....or one who should be a voter but does not give a big enough damn to cherish the blood that gave them the very right to cast a ballot and exercise that precious right. I find it disturbing that a cop or a citizen would not be able to recite something as elementary as The Pledge of Allegence. I know some who fit that boot on both sides. Pathetic.

Then you have the them versus us. Again, I will candidly point out there are some cops who don't understand who the real bad guy is. Sometimes they start that way, sometimes they become jaded and calloused and no longer care because of the recipricol of this behavior of some on the other side who without any knowledge or with malice of forethought, think every man or woman behind a badge is the devils spawn.

The blame can go around and around all day. I have found over the years that there is more good than bad in the world. Way more good. You can see it every day if we look hard enough. It is in cops, it is in iron workers, plumbers, clerks, kids, everywhere. Hell I have seen very few people who are downright evil. Do they exist? Absolutely and they come in many shapes and sizes. They are very rare and thank goodness they are. Even the average "bad guy" I have dealt with has a flicker flame of good in them if you look hard. Many are victims of unfortunate upbringing, hard times, opportunity and temptation at the wrong moment, you name it. Most, not all but most, if you can take the time to peer into them, you will see goodness....even if it has been temporarily bridled.

I tend to look at police work at times and think the visions of Norman Rockwell are simply from days gone by but upon close reflection I am not so sure with most. Most I know myself included get a big smile from helping out a kid, showing him the answers to a burning question, helping a mother of five in a mini van whose husband is overseas at war...change her flat tire and get them safely on their way. Chivalry is not dead. It needs a boost but it is not dead.

I have even learned from others in the profession to see the tender kindness that all to often goes unnoticed. There is a young man in my area who suffers from severe mental disabilities. He lives with his grandparents and loves anything and everything police. I saw with awe and humility as some younger cops made it a personal point to meet him on occasion at the station, let him hang out and feel important, boost his self esteem, take pictures with them...gear..cars...all so this young man who has not much to look forward to in life, can post picture of him and his cop friends on his Facebook account. The smile on this kids face is priceless ever time he comes around. Small token? Yes..but not to this kid. They could have blown him off in the beginning but to my astonishment they embraced it and took it as a personal challenge to be friends and mentors to this kid.

Are there exceptions to every rule? Yes. The world is largely human and to be human is to ere. Again regionally things are different and I am not going to pretend that any group is perfect but most groups are mostly good folks. Cops have a sacred obligation to go out of their way to keep it that wa because where much is given, much is expected...and rightfully so. A few bad apples and you know the rest. But we try...and most try pretty darn hard to fit the Rockwell mold. Sadly, part of the bad perception in any group is the poor behavior of a few..... Catholic Priests, teachers, used car salesmen, stock brokers, doctors, lawyers, cops, ect...I could go on for ever. They all maintain some level of trust endowed to them from people who trust them. Every solitary segment has those that falter, those who do misdeeds, those who get caught, those who don't, and a representative segment who breach criminal culpability and end up in the prison system. The vast majority of each however, have families, have love of country, and most importantly are good people and good neighbors who put on their pants all one leg at a time.

Some things that cause a public disdain...they are largely out of the hands of the police. The approachability as far as a cop being nice is not one. Some can be jerks. Some have bad days like everyone has bad days. Some of the militarization as they call it, I do not agree with all aspects of. I think as a general rule, they should be neatly groomed, wear a proper uniform, and frankly as cliche as it sounds, follow the mottos set forth by the scouting organization.

Other stuff is at times, appropriate as we face an ever changing obstacle of that very small segment that is wholey evil. Those who would go into schools and murder the most innocent among society, new and daily threats aren't limited to uncle Jake on a bender...they are dangerous, they are real, and departments would be doing themselves and those they protect a severe disservice if they were not prepared to meet the face of evil intentions with the appropriate hardware. Andy Griffith is a great idea in Mayberry. Sadly Mayberry doesn't exist or at least not in many locales. It is not Andy's fault. The bottom line is there is some virtue in nearly every complaint and compliment. There are however very few absolutes. Cleaning house is ongoing, worthwhile, and is prudent to be vigilant about absolutely. The police and those they serve alike, must not fall into the trap that "the other group" is mostly bad. It just isn't true and it is one component of the never ending circle we all despise. If either side truly loses sight of what is important, combined with certain sad truths a d realities, we ALL lose and evil triumphs. Please excuse the typos and crammer. Smart phones make bad editors.




You said to stop saying "it's just a dog" because to some people it isn't.

So if a dog is more than a dog, what is it? Is it not a dog?
>"Seriously, move on people it was
>a dog" says Fireball then
>starts a whole new thread
>on the same topic.

Roy this was me ....shogun I said move on, I only wanted to point out friends and family of mine have been threatened,over this, an could have been killed had they not had enough backup, and that yes it was " Just a dog"......It pretty messed up that a dog can get this much publicity , yet a cop is or is injured, or a solider etc n its old news a half hour later.

45 has stayed out of thus pretty much , this has all been written by me, (I can think for myself) but I guess I have to remember that its mm campfire and the most important subject is crotchless shorts, ? Boobs, and hooker pics etc. Oh and we can't forget a Dallas will win the superbowl post....I should have known better than to lean on the likes of any of you for compassion or understanding, after all I'm only human, and a woman !!!( we all know ho much respect they are given on here)
Well said 45 eloquently written, but it will go over the heads most of the people on here cause they cant put aside their hatred of the subject long enough to see the truth .

Thanks for all the PMs fellas some of you have restored my faith in humanity, as for you others, I pray someday you don't have to go through anything remotely close to this, and if you do, youre given more compassion then you have shown !!!

Case an point put your wife,sister, mom in the shoes of the officers wife and kids and see at the end of the day " the dog" was worth all this !!!
>And therein, lies the problem

I rest my case ( not sure why I waste my time here any longer)
The good old days of the campfire are long gone!!!
I have been here since 2003, seems to me there is a core group who has done away with the old campfire

Your right, used to be nice in here
If memory serves me right, buttshot was the first Secretary/Treasurer of WTF (Western Turtle Foundation). He served with honor and distinction, except for the money he embezzled for Crown Royal.

I get tired of people saying "it was only a dog"

If I am sitting in a chair and there before me are my dog and a total stranger then God comes down with a switch in his hand and gives it to me. If I move it to the left, my dog dies, to the right, stranger dies. My dog lives to see another day and continues to be my best friend. Yeah I feel bad for the guy but if given the choice that's what would happen. It's not "just a dog". My dog means more to mean than 99% of the people I know.
>You said to stop saying "it's
>just a dog" because to
>some people it isn't.
>So if a dog is more
>than a dog, what is
>it? Is it not a

Reread, I said to the owner.
Back when men were men, running scared of the elusive Humpbacked Snapper. Seems like .264 was the President at the time, he got me started on Crown and it all went down hill from there, when the campfire was a little more friendly.
Eel and Roy had more than one ego argument (story telling liars)...
To this day, neither one will admit to the other who's trophy is the smallest!
Back in the day!!
>I get tired of people saying
>"it was only a dog"
>If I am sitting in a
>chair and there before me
>are my dog and a
>total stranger then God comes
>down with a switch in
>his hand and gives it
>to me. If I move
>it to the left, my
>dog dies, to the right,
>stranger dies. My dog lives
>to see another day and
>continues to be my best
>friend. Yeah I feel bad
>for the guy but if
>given the choice that's what
>would happen. It's not "just
>a dog". My dog means
>more to mean than 99%
>of the people I know.

Hey F'er?

I can tell in your Manly/Macho Internet Voice you have never left your MUTT at the Gas Station have you?:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
>Feleno, you ever leave your dog
>at the gas station?

Hey Eel!

read Post # 27!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Yes, forgot him there once. When I arrived back there a guy was harassing and teasing him, so I shot the guy.
>Well said 45 eloquently written, but
>it will go over the
>heads most of the people
>on here cause they cant
>put aside their hatred of
>the subject long enough to
>see the truth .
>Thanks for all the PMs fellas
> some of you
>have restored my faith in
>humanity, as for you others,
>I pray someday you don't
>have to go through anything
>remotely close to this, and
>if you do, youre given
>more compassion then you have
>shown !!!
>Case an point put your wife,sister,
>mom in the shoes
>of the officers wife and
>kids and see at the
>end of the day "
>the dog" was worth all
>this !!!

No, not really. I mean it was well written, but, it won't go over the heads of most of us. Please don't paint all of us with the same brush.

It wasn't 'just a dog' it was a man's pet, maybe his kids pet too. That being said, the officer had every right to go in the back yard. Too bad he shot the dog. We give cops a lot of latitude when making decisions like this guy did. It was the best decision for him at that point in time. Others may have handled it differently. Maybe not. None of us were there, so it's a moot point. And it is pretty crappy that he or his family got threats because of it; that shows a lack of character.

And it saddens me when a cop is doing his job and gets whacked for no good reason. And there never is a good reason.

But just because folks don't post about the crummy deal when cops get whacked doesn't mean that we don't care about it. Some folks will comment, some won't and some just won't see the post. Sorta like when I made two posts about my niece being molested, the trial and the death threats to my wife and I. I don't recall you posting your remorse...maybe you did, maybe you didn't. It doesn't mean that you think it was (or was not) a shittttty deal to post a pic of a sexual toy in front of a the private parts of a 6 year old girl...it just means you didn't comment.

So, please don't take offense when we all don't chime in when a cops gets hurt/killed on the job. We all know, at least I hope so, that junk like that is a tragedy and shouldn't happen.
I believe it was Clifford Amory (HSUS) who said "A rat is cat is a dog is a boy" I'm sorry but that mind set is wacko! A human being take president over any and all animals any time. Those who think not.....maybe you are in the wrong sport!
>I get tired of people saying
>"it was only a dog"
>If I am sitting in a
>chair and there before me
>are my dog and a
>total stranger then God comes
>down with a switch in
>his hand and gives it
>to me. If I move
>it to the left, my
>dog dies, to the right,
>stranger dies. My dog lives
>to see another day and
>continues to be my best
>friend. Yeah I feel bad
>for the guy but if
>given the choice that's what
>would happen. It's not "just
>a dog". My dog means
>more to mean than 99%
>of the people I know.

I can't believe I just read that. Where do the scales tip for you? Kid vs dog? Your kid vs dog? Mom vs dog? Dad? Wife...bad question. Seriously though. Of say your immediate family if that is your stance....where does he rank. I am talking out of mom, dad, brother, sister, wife, and kids. Given the same hypothetical I would donate without hesitation, my beloved dog, to save the very least of strangers. I say make it a lottery...maybe it is a stranger...maybe it isnt.

>Yes, forgot him there once. When
>I arrived back there a
>guy was harassing and teasing
>him, so I shot the


When you went back for Ms Feleno?

What was Who doing to Her?

And What'd you do about it?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Now everyone has to laugh and I have to point this out...So fireball did you call out size and stfu and all that in the good ol' days or did you change ? I'm laughing be a use maybe you just had a "stressful" day...

Just sayin' : )
Hold the phone, I partially agree with triskank.

For the first time in my 49 years I don't trust most
LE. I sure as hell wouldn't trust officer Olsen and if I knew
He was on a beat in my neighborhood I'd do everything within
My power to get him out.

I'm sure to this cop it "was just a dog" that he killed in his
Own secure back yard.

To the community it looks like it was much more and I believe
Reflects partially on Triskanks anti everything sentiment.

Was this post ok Ovary??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
'Who' wasn't anywhere to be seen when I got there. Maybe he was a minute man. Wife wasn't as mad as I thought she be. Now I know why.

Hope you aren't the guy standing next to my dog when it's time for a flick of the switch. I think you meant 'precedent'
>'Who' wasn't anywhere to be seen
>when I got there. Maybe
>he was a minute man.
>Wife wasn't as mad as
>I thought she be. Now
>I know why.
>Hope you aren't the guy standing
>next to my dog when
>it's time for a flick
>of the switch. I think
>you meant 'precedent'

Hey Feleno?

You got a Pic of your Dog?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Towards the end of his life Adolf Hitler followed a vegetarian diet. It is not clear when he adopted it, since accounts of his dietary habits prior to the Second World War indicate that he still consumed meat. By 1938, Hitler's public image as a vegetarian was already being fostered and from at least 1941 he self-identified as a vegetarian. Personal accounts from people who knew Hitler and were familiar with his diet indicate that he did not consume meat as part of his diet during this period. Some modern day analysis has theorized that Hitler's vegetarianism may been due to Richard Wagner's historical theories, or even a psychological reaction to his niece's death rather than a commitment to animal welfare, but these theories are contradicted by reports that he was often distressed by images of animal cruelty and suffering, as well as being an antivivisectionist.

Source: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_and_vegetarianism

Is that why 440 claims he has never & will never eat Wild Horse Meat?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-14 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]So here is a thought. Can the cops take this as a lesson.

I get the point they were looking for a kid. Awesome, just doing there job, I get that. lots of people have dangerous jobs that risk their life everyday. PEOPLE ARE HUMANS AND MAKE MISTAKES INCLUDING EVERYONE OF US HERE.

BUT can they take this story and pass it to others and do training lessons. Like maybe teach cops when they go into a backyard with a dog ready to bite your head off,

SUCH AS, knock on front door, make a call to house, get on speaker, call dog catcher. but since this case was looking for a child and not much time to think maybe give each cop a tool that they use to grab dogs by the neck .

I have no feelings for the dog but some people get some good relationships with their dogs so to prevent a cop from getting hurt or lawsuits why not take what happened and LEARN from it..
>So here is a thought. Can
>the cops take this as
>a lesson.
>I get the point they were
>looking for a kid. Awesome,
>just doing there job, I
>get that. lots of people
>have dangerous jobs that risk
>their life everyday. PEOPLE ARE
>BUT can they take this story
>and pass it to others
>and do training lessons. Like
>maybe teach cops when they
>go into a backyard with
>a dog ready to bite
>your head off,
>SUCH AS, knock on front door,
>make a call to house,
>get on speaker, call dog
>catcher. but since this case
>was looking for a child
>and not much time to
>think maybe give each cop
>a tool that they use
>to grab dogs by the
>neck .
>I have no feelings for the
>dog but some people get
>some good relationships with their
>dogs so to prevents a
>cop getting hurt or lawsuits
>why not take what happened
>and LEARN from it..

This is one of the best posts in years

How do you teach some of these JOKERS that already know everything & they think they Ain't capable of learning any more?

I Thought We learned all of our Lives?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-14 AT 08:11PM (MST)[p]>So here is a thought. Can
>the cops take this as
>a lesson.
>I get the point they were
>looking for a kid. Awesome,
>just doing there job, I
>get that. lots of people
>have dangerous jobs that risk
>their life everyday. PEOPLE ARE
>BUT can they take this story
>and pass it to others
>and do training lessons. Like
>maybe teach cops when they
>go into a backyard with
>a dog ready to bite
>your head off,
>SUCH AS, knock on front door,
>make a call to house,
>get on speaker, call dog
>catcher. but since this case
>was looking for a child
>and not much time to
>think maybe give each cop
>a tool that they use
>to grab dogs by the
>neck .
>I have no feelings for the
>dog but some people get
>some good relationships with their
>dogs so to prevents a
>cop getting hurt or lawsuits
>why not take what happened
>and LEARN from it..

I can almost be certain everyone directly involved have been taking notes. Policy will be changed, training altered, regardless of the outcome. It has been costly on all fronts and for more than just money. It is an good question you ask and the answer is yes. It is not a perfect science and it is always playing catch up. A place like slpd has close to 500 sworn officers. Times that by at least 70% taking calls and enforcement action, four days a week, ten hours a day, 365 days a year. Sooner or later bad thing happen. If any dept is good at being proactive with sensitivity and training, they are certainly in the top three of the state. But it is a good question and one that merits a good answer.
>Hope you aren't the guy standing
>next to my dog when
>it's time for a flick
>of the switch. I think
>you meant 'precedent'

Thank you Sir you are correct. Please forgive my error.
>You said to stop saying "it's
>just a dog" because to
>some people it isn't.
>So if a dog is more
>than a dog, what is
>it? Is it not a

Do K-9 officers refer to their partner as "just a dog"?

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