Winter Conditions so far…

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Long Time Member
Figured why not start a discussion on how things are looking, what people are seeing in different areas etc.

So far here around Lander Riverton:
We have more snow than the last several years at this point in time. The snow is 10-12” deep but lasting cold has not allowed for it to form a crust no melting either. Since the last snow no real wind in the area and not much drifting. Meaning the entire range has 10-12” of snow light and Fluffy.

So far the bigger concern are the ongoing low temp. So far we have been hitting -teens at the house, and in areas as low as -20 to negative -30. Today we are heading to the lake. Low temp was -12 this morning and high will be 15. This next week looks to be very cold with no warmup in sight…

Luckily the animals look healthy. They are fat and appear to be entering winter better than the last several years. Only down turn it seems like the number of road kill are up locally. It feels like Deer are concentrating closer to the town and river bottoms and more are getting hit..

Will likely head to Baggs area soon and give an update soon…
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All the animals I killed in Wyoming this fall were in great shape, lots of body fat.

I'm not seeing anything that would indicate a severe winter kill event.

The wind has been brutal the past 4 days though, I hate the relentless wind at times.
Funny here we have not had wind. Sitting on Boysen right now barely a breeze…
Wamsutter/Baggs area was nasty cold yesterday, and there’s quite a bit of snow. Pinedale area wasn’t nearly as cold, and had some snow this morning.
Antelope hunted the Saratoga area late in the season with migratory animals not there until very late. I take this as a good sign with critters dispersed in better habitats leaving winter range for winter range. Past years we've experienced big game coming in earlier but not this year. They are doing as they have historically.
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Bitter cold this week. Already had a good cold start. More ice on the lakes early than the last 4 years. Spent a lot of last week with lows below zero. This storm is currently sitting at -12 in town, we got over 10” of snow here todays despite the cold cold temp.

Air temps are supposed to be -20 plus for the next 30 hours. Then by weekend we warm up to the mid 30s….

Between now and Friday wind chills are expected to be consistently below -30 with the worst being -40 to -50…

We need a good break and hopefully some melting to clear the ground as the cold has not allowed any melting or clearing of the range…
Looks like a break in the sub-zero weather in Central Wyo next week. Some areas tend to have more snow than others. It's always good to get moisture but severe cold plus deep crusty snow could mean problems. Lots of winter left so keep your fingers crossed!
So an interesting roller coaster.

Today north of Thermop we hit 48 degrees.
Today at home mid 40s and wind. The snow is really melting. On the flip side the highway from Baggs to I80 closed. Temp in the 30s snowing and blowing.

Here we lost a good chunk of the snow. The south slopes really opened up and it is currently 11:30 at night and still melting hard…
It's going to get bad again. It's a blizzard in kemmerer right now. The thaw is a really bad thing. We are going to get cold again and cause it all to freeze. Big storms coming this weekend. Deer won't be getting to the food.
It's going to get bad again. It's a blizzard in kemmerer right now. The thaw is a really bad thing. We are going to get cold again and cause it all to freeze. Big storms coming this weekend. Deer won't be getting to the food.
We got a ton of rain on the snow Tuesday all day then a little snow. When it turns cold i'll bet there will be a thick crust of snow. We probably only have a foot of snow left.
It's going to get bad again. It's a blizzard in kemmerer right now. The thaw is a really bad thing. We are going to get cold again and cause it all to freeze. Big storms coming this weekend. Deer won't be getting to the food.
I hope it gets worked out. It is interesting how this is all playing out. Maybe the warm will hold on just long enough to clear out the feed and the crust won’t be as big of a deal?

We opened up a lot of ground yesterday here and so far today lower temps but lots of sun is still melting it off. We had a lot of warm wind that helped…
I drove across WY yesterday from by Pinedale to good old Fort Laramie. Some of the deer around Pinedale/Big Piney have moved to lower elevations recently. Snow situation is not bad but another round of storms is coming.

The country from north of Rock Springs to almost Wamsutter is good. But there's a 30-40 mile stretch from west of Wamsutter to past Creston Junction that's tough. Then from west of Rawlins all the way through the Laramie Range there's little to no snow.

I think there's a decent snowpack in the high country, but lower elevations seem mild from a snow perspective in most areas so far. A person could even say a little snow might help the forage situation for the next growing season. That old snow laying in brush and draws grows high quality feed next summer.

The wind has howled enough that most of our wind corridor has seen the snow disappear. Sublimates to nothing.
Lots of snow from creston junction south. I headed straight west at mile marker 30 (standard road) and in about another 20 miles on the dirt. Lots of snow until you top out and drop down into the lookout wash area. Winter is not so bad back in there.
went out looking at the deer couple days ago after our polar vortex storm...found a winterkill doe with a radio collar on her..waiting for info on her..
Just battened down the hatches in the yard
Calling for 12 to 18” tonight and tomorrow
Had to pick up the stuff the wind blew down last week and the dogs toys
More toys then anything else they really need to pick up after themselves
Just battened down the hatches in the yard
Calling for 12 to 18” tonight and tomorrow
Had to pick up the stuff the wind blew down last week and the dogs toys
More toys then anything else they really need to pick up after themselves
And Monday
We have gotten close to a foot already here. Still snowing hard. Luckily temps are up and no wind, but it is getting deep… I think we have more total snow this year already than we got either of the last 2. Hopefully we can have the temps hold and thing melt off…
Kemmerer got slammed. Trying to go to work this morning and the truck didn't make it out of the driveway

Kemmerer got slammed. Trying to go to work this morning and the truck didn't make it out of the driveway

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Yes. This one has my optimism pretty darn low now. We had 26" when I left the house this morning. No wind here, just deep and still snowing...

At 10am yesterday the wagon was snow free. This morning at 8 I measure 26" in the middle of the hood. It is still snowing and we are still shoveling...

Ended up with 14” here
The hounds loved it
Once it warms up and starts falling off the roof Annie will be freaking out
To her it’s like dead bodies hitting the ground
Ended up with 0.000" in the northwest part of the state. Few days before Christmas is when he got hammered but it was a 2 or 3 inches of snow.
Just checking on Updates. Last week we had enough snow to cancel school for 2 days. Here in Lander and Riverton we are having some pretty significant impacts. The antelope are in massive herds for the area and pushed up against highway fences. Last week a semi took out 9 antelope on the highway at once just outside of Riverton. The snow is nearly belly deep on most of mount range we have been cold and no melting has occurred. There have been more animals hit on the highway this year n places they don’t normally crops, so while they may not be winter kill yet they are getting impacted by the highways as they are more stacked around the roadways…

Current snowtel map shows some interesting number… I think a lot of people are watching and hoping for a turn, but it is not showing up yet… there is a ton in the sweetwater (south pass south to cyclone rim and bison basin), area. Can’t hardly access the area.

Well another week or 2 down. More snow the deer and lope are really truggling around lander and Riverton. Cold temps and we got another 5-7”

We have not been above freezing here for over a month. One day we hit 30. I am certain several areas are going to be hit hard.
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Absolutely a mess around Casper and central Wyoming hopefully we get a break soon but there's a lot of winter left... I would expect antelope and deer tags to be reduced
We ended up with about 12" new snow yesterday. Now this!!
They can't catch a break.

What about the area around Rock Springs? How do the elk do in the harsh conditions?
Flippin freezing today, snow and lot of wind, I think elk will manage fine, hopefully at least needs to let up and warm up, seen several antelope killed along roads, elk and antelope have been staging along i80 between rock springs and wamsutter!! Seen one antelope last week laying in a field head hanging , not sure if just resting or sick, but I’m thinking sick as the big heard was about 1/2 mile further away!!! Let’s hope things change for the better soon!!
Mule deer are wimps followed by antelope followed by elk. I’ve not heard of many elk winterkill unless it’s super nasty.
More reason to spray cheatgrass!

Why not increase the number of deer, antelope, and elk for everyone with habitat improvement projects!



Same hill after!


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Foreground is native browse released 3 months after aerial cheatgrass treatment.


Photo taken a couple weeks ago on cheatgrass infested side. How many deer tracks do you see?

Photo taken the same day on immediately adjacent side where cheatgrass was controlled, Do you see any deer tracks in snow? I wonder which side they prefer?
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Should of all ready happened

I had a old Boy tell me one time all it takes is Pressure and Time.
Could have happened this year really easy, just too steep a price to pay giving up 5% of the tags to outfitters.

Guys like Sebastian will keep on until enough Residents will cut a deal...time and pressure is correct.
We were -28 last night, here in Idaho Falls. Wind chill right at -42 degrees. Here's a picture of my kids house in Craig Colorado. Daughter-in-law is a tall girl, so snows piled up over 6 feet. No wonder they are tired of winter!!!

Cold one here to on the winter range. On average it's every 5 to 6 years an above average winter hits...just mother nature. Fawns will take a hit this year.

Cache Valley is going to be rough on deer this year. We got 16.5" of new snow over the last two days and it's -22F right now. NWS says wind chill is -38F

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I can't believe that the biggest concern in a bad winter for some people is how they need to screw the NR more. pathetic.

I just drove back from Cheyenne through Kemmerer and it's looking bad from Rawlins to the Idaho border. lots of roadkill and mid fence snow a lot of the way. around Kemmerer deer were dragging belly in the snow and looking stressed. 2 feet in some areas and crusted enough they had to break through every step. -2 and struggling like that uses more energy that they're getting no doubt.

Unless something changes soon it's going to be a bad one, really sad to see it's been a while since I've seen game in these conditions.
E got a big break right now temps way warmer than they have been and some
Ridges and south slopes get some
Melt. Still need a lot more.

This last week 5 deer hit by cars and 4 antelope that laid down and never got up… it is taking a toll for sure…
Starting to get reports of mule deer and antelope dying in central Wyoming. More snow and continued cold temps next week.
Looks like a little reprieve the past few days and wind and a little warmer weather to melt off exposed slopes a little. Also looks like another short round of snow and cold may be coming. At least the critters have had some reprieve between storms. Keep your fingers crossed!
this morning in Lander it was -12 we are still cold and snowed in with just a little melt. Went through Tensleep and over to Sheridan conditions are way way better this way…
Driving down highway 789 towards Baggs at daylight this morning. Snow is most of the way over the fence posts on the side of the highway. Very little vegetation sticking up out of the snow, and not a live animal to be seen. Driving back towards the rock from creston junction, there’s more road kill on I-80 than I’ve ever seen in the twenty years I’ve been driving that stretch of road. Deer, Elk, and Antelope.
Another great example of where highway fencing may save a gob of wildlife and put more tags in hunters pockets? Hopefully the muley foundation cooperates with the WG&F, highway departments, etc across Wyo to decrease the damage to vehicles and roadkill loss to wildlife. What better way to put to good use the new $ generated by the muley foundation! It sounds like the same roadkill deal exists on the Utah-Wyo border.
Another great example of where highway fencing may save a gob of wildlife and put more tags in hunters pockets? Hopefully the muley foundation cooperates with the WG&F, highway departments, etc across Wyo to decrease the damage to vehicles and roadkill loss to wildlife. What better way to put to good use the new $ generated by the muley foundation! It sounds like the same roadkill deal exists on the Utah-Wyo border.
I think you mean highway wildlife crossings. If you just fence them, they stack up and die.
Driving down highway 789 towards Baggs at daylight this morning. Snow is most of the way over the fence posts on the side of the highway. Very little vegetation sticking up out of the snow, and not a live animal to be seen. Driving back towards the rock from creston junction, there’s more road kill on I-80 than I’ve ever seen in the twenty years I’ve been driving that stretch of road. Deer, Elk, and Antelope.
Wasn't that bad...I saw 1 dead pronghorn, half a dozen deer, and maybe 10 elk between Laramie and the Utah line road killed. Way more than that from the Utah line through Heber city.

That's a lot for I-80 in Wyoming but still not much considering the conditions.

Rawlins to the Utah line has pretty heavy snow, 15-20 miles either side of rock springs less with more open stuff.

We need a warm snap or there may be winterkill. All the animals I saw looked to be in good shape considering.

If we get winterkill I think 90-10 or 90-5-5 will be greatly accelerated.
Love your last statement Buzz!

I guess every nonres in America will pray that the remainder of the Wyo winter is mild with continued moisture through the spring with gobs of twin fawns and calves. That way 90/10 or 90/5/5 will never happen!
Love your last statement Buzz!

I guess every nonres in America will pray that the remainder of the Wyo winter is mild with continued moisture through the spring with gobs of twin fawns and calves. That way 90/10 or 90/5/5 will never happen!
How often have you seen twin calf elk?
Greatly accelerated?

How long does that phone call take for you and Sy to make it happen?
Let me re-phrase since Buzz is quite ignorant….Let’s think on the bright side. Every nonres in America pray for calves and twin fawns throughout Wyo in response to the continued moisture through this spring. More collective tags for everyone and no 90/10 or 90/5/5!
Let me re-phrase since Buzz is quite ignorant….Let’s think on the bright side. Every nonres in America pray for calves and twin fawns throughout Wyo in response to the continued moisture through this spring. More collective tags for everyone and no 90/10 or 90/5/5!
Many of this coming springs fawns will be still born, most last springs fawns will be die this winter...
Bummer if that happens! I think it is a little early to predict this year's winterkill and fawn crop throughout Wyoming? I agree that it's been rougher than normal.
I'm aware there are some snowbound areas on parts of the winter ranges and ultimately there may be some losses in segments of the herd. Certainly, an above average winter we see every 5-6 years. But, I'll say it since I live right here, we are nowhere near the snow levels we had in 2016/17 on our northern Wyoming range/Sublette winter ranges. We were driving over fences with snowmobiles then, but cannot this year, not even close. And there's been some cold snaps of 20-30 below as usual, but they haven't lingered on like we had in 16/17. Yeah, fawns will take it harder like usual during a winter like this, but looking at the forecast and the ridges that are already blown bare in my area, we'll be coming out of this a little worse for wear but ok. The WYDOT cameras up and down I-80 and around western Wyoming show some snowbound areas, but alot of brush visible in most.
My 2 cents...looking forward to getting out this spring.
I'm aware there are some snowbound areas on parts of the winter ranges and ultimately there may be some losses in segments of the herd. Certainly, an above average winter we see every 5-6 years. But, I'll say it since I live right here, we are nowhere near the snow levels we had in 2016/17 on our northern Wyoming range/Sublette winter ranges. We were driving over fences with snowmobiles then, but cannot this year, not even close. And there's been some cold snaps of 20-30 below as usual, but they haven't lingered on like we had in 16/17. Yeah, fawns will take it harder like usual during a winter like this, but looking at the forecast and the ridges that are already blown bare in my area, we'll be coming out of this a little worse for wear but ok. The WYDOT cameras up and down I-80 and around western Wyoming show some snowbound areas, but alot of brush visible in most.
My 2 cents...looking forward to getting out this spring.
Obviously, other areas in Wyoming are having a tougher time.

Obviously, other areas in Wyoming are having a tougher time.

There certainly are, central and far western Wyoming, no doubt. In my area, those big storm bands that slammed Star Valley, northern Utah, fizzled as they came east over the Wyoming Range. There is a night and day difference in snow levels in only 20 miles between Alpine and Hoback Junction along the Snake River. Snow at Bondurant a little above the second wire. Snotels show that. In the Upper Green River region, northern Wind River Mtns and Gros Ventre, we actually could use a few more storms in the upper mountain areas. We are not even at 100% average snow water equivalent on those upper northern snotel sites. Yeah, basin wide shows 109% and the southern Winds has good snow. For the Green River Basin though, not even close to the 16/17 winter snow fall.

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I'm aware there are some snowbound areas on parts of the winter ranges and ultimately there may be some losses in segments of the herd. Certainly, an above average winter we see every 5-6 years. But, I'll say it since I live right here, we are nowhere near the snow levels we had in 2016/17 on our northern Wyoming range/Sublette winter ranges. We were driving over fences with snowmobiles then, but cannot this year, not even close. And there's been some cold snaps of 20-30 below as usual, but they haven't lingered on like we had in 16/17. Yeah, fawns will take it harder like usual during a winter like this, but looking at the forecast and the ridges that are already blown bare in my area, we'll be coming out of this a little worse for wear but ok. The WYDOT cameras up and down I-80 and around western Wyoming show some snowbound areas, but alot of brush visible in most.
My 2 cents...looking forward to getting out this spring.
Sure hope you are correct. Went up to Pinedale on Fri and Sat. Saw a few carcasses being fed on by eagles and ravens but that is normal.

My anecdotal evidence for RS to Rawlins is its as bad as 16/17 if not worse. RSGA was moving dozers and other heavy Equipment through our mine trying to clear paths for snow bound cattle. They are needing to move them or bring in supplemental feed. Elk around here are skinny. Few weeks ago they were stacked up along I80 from Black Butte to Superior. Short warm spell cleared some ground and many have moved on. More Interstate casualties than normal.
I wonder what the kill rate for residents.
Say they will kill 70% of their deer tags might even be more.
Nonresident tags maybe less then 50% will kill.

See ANYBODY can throw out numbers don't mean they are true.
Look I just pull them out of my A$$ so they must be right. LOL
I wonder what the kill rate for residents.
Say they will kill 70% of their deer tags might even be more.
Nonresident tags maybe less then 50% will kill.

See ANYBODY can throw out numbers don't mean they are true.
Look I just pull them out of my A$$ so they must be right. LOL
Don't worry WYGFD pulls them out of their ass too.
Another factual winter report. Traveled from RS to Gillette on Friday. I-80 corridor between RS and Point of Rocks is not terrible. Plenty of visible vegetation. From that point east to Rawlins, quite a bit of snow. But the sunny days we’ve had along with the wind have opened up a few spots. Lots of elk feeding on both sides of the interstate in the open spots. Not a single deer or antelope to be seen. From Rawlins north to Muddy Gap, lots of snow, very few open spots. Did see a couple antelope just north of Rawlins. From Muddy Gap north to Casper it’s not bad at all. Plenty of open ground, deer and antelope in the usual spots. From Casper east to Douglas, more of the same. And from Douglas to Gillette there is only snow accumulated along the high spots. Lots of antelope around.
Thanks for the winter reports so far. With 12 NR points for antelope, I will be paying attention to the winter snowkill reports. I had a nice hunt in unit 64 back in 2010 and have been accruing points since. I figure this is the year to cash them in as I doubt I will draw an elk or antelope permit here in Arizona this year. Currently I am considering Wyoming antelope units 65,66,68,90,91,91,106

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Thanks for the winter reports so far. With 12 NR points for antelope, I will be paying attention to the winter snowkill reports. I had a nice hunt in unit 64 back in 2010 and have been accruing points since. I figure this is the year to cash them in as I doubt I will draw an elk or antelope permit here in Arizona this year. Currently I am considering Wyoming antelope units 65,66,68,90,91,91,106

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Great buck! Blue skies and antelope hunting. Hell yeah! ??
"The WYDOT cameras up and down I-80 and around western Wyoming show some snowbound areas, but alot of brush visible in most."

Where most of those cameras are in sw wy no animals live there in the winter or the brush you see poking though is 3'+ tall!

From rock spring to Evanston is going to have massive winter kill! This part of the state just started to kinda recover from 2017 winter I believe then bam here we go again!

Well here in Star Valley we are in for a couple of snow and windy nights. Expect 12" to 18" of new snow and possibly gusty winds to 40mph which will move the snow around. This will put us at just over 4' on the ground by the time it's over. Only about 2% of the herd winters in Star Valley. the rest migrate out to lower elevations. Does not look good for deer and antelope, we'll see.

Detailed forecast for

Star Valley​

Snow. Snow accumulation up to 3 inches. Highs around 30. South winds 10 to 15 mph, becoming southwest this afternoon. Chance of snow 90 percent.
Snow. Areas of blowing snow after midnight. New snow accumulation of 1 to 4 inches. Breezy. Near steady temperature in the mid 20s. South winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph, increasing to 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph after midnight. Chance of snow 90 percent.
Snow. Areas of blowing snow. New snow accumulation of 3 to 6 inches. Breezy with highs in the upper 20s. Southwest winds 20 to 25 mph, becoming west in the afternoon. Gusts up to 40 mph. Chance of snow near 100 percent.
Tuesday Night
Snow. New moderate snow accumulation. Cold with lows 11 to 15. Northwest winds around 10 mph. Chance of snow 80 percent.
Snow. New moderate snow accumulation. Cold with highs around 20. North winds around 10 mph, becoming west in the afternoon. Chance of snow near 100 percent.
Wednesday Night
Snow. New light snow accumulation. Cold with lows zero to 5 above zero. Chance of snow 90 percent.
Cloudy with snow likely. New light snow accumulation possible. Cold with highs around 20. Chance of snow 60 percent.
Thursday Night
Cloudy with a 40 percent chance of snow. Cold with lows zero to 5 above zero.
Mostly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of snow. Little or no snow accumulation. Highs in the lower 20s.
Friday Night
Mostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of snow. Cold with lows 5 to 10 above.
Mostly cloudy in the morning, then becoming partly cloudy. A 30 percent chance of snow. Highs in the mid 20
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We just had a great 2 days of warm and some wind. A few ridges opened up but still a lot covered.

The bad news. We are going to get hammered the next couple days.

We are supposed to 9-14” with winds sustained at 30 and gust over 40. The temp will drop to -20…. This might be the mail in the coffin to many struggling animals. We are so close to warmer weather melting but we just can’t catch a break!!!
Looking at the weather pattern that's coming everything up north is going to be hit hard even here in So Cal. The mountains to the flat lands is hurting already.
Drought doesn't seem to have much of an effect on the mountain mule deer I hunt. The brutal winters however crush the deer herd, especially the fawns. Western Wyoming from the Idaho/Utah border on up to Jackson Hole Wyoming. At this point it isn't looking very good for mule deer fawns. The middle age class deer will survive and hopefully a few tough old bucks will make it through.
Drought doesn't seem to have much of an effect on the mountain mule deer I hunt. The brutal winters however crush the deer herd, especially the fawns. Western Wyoming from the Idaho/Utah border on up to Jackson Hole Wyoming. At this point it isn't looking very good for mule deer fawns. The middle age class deer will survive and hopefully a few tough old bucks will make it through.
I would disagree, drought has a huge effect on the winter range vegitation. Without spring and summer precipitation, it won't grow well and will support fewer deer in the winter. Especially a harsh winter when deer are more congregated, and that's what the deep snow causes.
An extra couple inches of growth on the brush makes a huge difference to carrying capacity.
I would agree though that this year is going to hit fawns pretty good. That country up there gets hit by a rough winter about every 4-6 years. It's just the way it is.
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