Wyoming antelope fun


Very Active Member
My little bro and I had a great time on his second antelope hunt ever. We never saw another human for 4 days, looked over a bunch of bucks, battled howling winds, saw a tornado and enjoyed spending some long lost time together in the field.

This particular buck gave us a hunt to remember, with 3 stalks within 200 yards and being busted by does, this boy was crazy in the rut and had chased does miles all morning. In the afternoon, we found him in the middle of a huge flat with no apparent way to get into range. Well we decided that we would try crawling up a small gully that drained down the middle of the flat and hoped we could get within a couple hundred yards before the ditch became too small.

After about a half mile on our bellies, I shimmied up to the edge and poked my nose through some rabbit brush. Not only had we succeeded in getting closer, we were so close that the buck was 40 yards away!

I dropped back down into the gully to let D know, and then poked my head back through the bush to make sure the buck was the right one. Well he saw my face and stopped chasing the does for a minute, then started walking right at me. I dropped to my belly in front of D and told him that buck was going to poke his head right into the ditch!

D got ready on one knee and we waited. And waited. Next thing we knew that buck was standing in the gully staring at me and I don't think he ever even saw D as he took him down. Little Bro practiced all summer shooting his rifle out to 400 yards only to take a buck at 10!

Thanks to everyone on this forum that gave us advice for this hunt, we both agreed that it was by far one of the best we have ever shared.








Fantastic pis, story, trophy and hunt!
Well done Preddy!
You always seem to get it done!
Congrats to you and lil bro Pred.
That's a fine tall buck for sure.
I love hunting antelope when they are rutting.
Sounds like a fine adventure, as always.
Antelope are simply awesome and during the rut they are a lot more entertaining too. Great hunt!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Just think if we got $1 for every pound of meat/cape-antlers we have packed out with our freighter frames!!

Thanks for sharing

Congrats I enjoyed your pictures.

"Easy now, keep the croshairs right behind his shoulder & squeeze the trigger"

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