Wyomings LE units


Active Member
Why does it seem like Wyomings LE deer units have less trophy buck potential than general units? Is it because of genetics? Is it because to many tags on LE units and poor management practices by the WYFG? Access? I have points for WY and instead of using them to hunt a LE unit, I am going to spend them on a gen. season tag.

For those hardcore Wyoming residence, do you even put in for your LE tags? Or do you just hunt general season?
I put in for a LE whitetail tag every year. I get the tag almost every year and love it!!!! and I can get a general tag also with that LE tag
LE is a joke. The best hunting in Wyoming is in general areas and that's where I go. If will be a sad day when western Wyoming goes LE.
For the most part LE units in Wyoming are managed as LE rather than general because they have easy access. They are not managed for trophy quality but rather to limit hunter numbers. This is done intentionally and is not poor management but rather the direction the G&F has chosen. Whether people like it us up to each individual.
Good post Mule creek. These are the hunts I will be putting my father in for. Are these hunts so good and easy that it is justifiable to spent 8/10 or maybe in some future day 12 points on?
I forgot mention my le tag is in a general area. Instead of 11 days of hunting I get 30 days. Usaully 50-100 type 3 tags are in the draw. Other than that I never hunted in le only unit
Not to me. I am a resident so I have a biased opinion but I was not always a resident. Even when I was a NR I only put in for G and H. Not too long ago you could count on drawing every other year or save your pennies and put in for the Special and draw almost every year.

Personally I think if you are waiting 8 - 12 years to draw a deer, antelope or elk tag in Wyoming you have accomplished nothing more than missing out on more than a dozen possible hunts. To each his own however.

This year I did put in for a 102 tag, mainly because I had other plans during the September - early October G and H seasons. I got the tag and I am looking forward to a physically easier hunt and more opportunity to hunt with my wife and two sons that are 6 and 7. I am not expecting a B&C buck.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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