Finally started the mounting process on my buck


Active Member
I've finally started the process of having my 09 buck mounted.

It's a Joe Coombs form, and my taxi is not very impressed with it. I wanted a wall pedestal, but turned right, and NO ONE offered it in a Mule Deer, can you believe that? Joe's turned left was the closest thing I found.
I think your buck was in the same issue of Eastmans as mine. And I think we picked the exact same form.

I didn't like the way the back corner rounded off so I had the taxidermist build it up to make the top of the back more flat. But now after seeing another mount done on that form, not modified like mine is, I would have been happy either way. I love this form. The short hair on my cape really shows off the muscle structure without looking to "sterioded out". Plus I think the taxi did a hell of a job, especially with those mangled ears, they look exactly like they did alive.

Oh and awesome buck man congrats.



Very nice buck! I too find visible muscle tone attractive. Did your taxi have to build it up our did it just come thru naturally? Also you ear positioning looks great. I think i'll have my ears done in a similar fashion.
I don't know all the details of how he does it, but looking at that form and my mount, all the muscle lines appear to be in the same place. So I think he lets the form do a lot of the work.

One thing that I know he does is tack some rope on those creases while the cape is still wet to create low points, or emphasize wrinkles if that makes sense.
thats a massive buck. I hope i shoot one like that so i can mount it. looks like fun. you do good work
Man that turned out bada$$. I love it u might have to take some of my animals to have them mounted!! Sweet buck again Sid.
Dang, he looks alive in that closeup and he's the definitely most symetrical nontypical type rack I've ever seen.
Thanks for the compliment. Dave Rooney is the taxidermist. Apparently he is the only taxidermist in California to have to his credit all 4 Masters Awards. When compared to my other mounts that I had done, the detail and quality is superior. Later on, I'll post some comparison photos. I realize now how inferior my other mounts are.
That is a nice looking mount. When you have a taxidermist who does exceptional work, it makes you realize pretty quick that there is superior taxidermy and than there is everything else.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-11 AT 07:17PM (MST)[p]ok guys, he's finally home, and has already hooked up with the bachelor herd.


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