ATV Safety- (Bad experience with my son)


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-10 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]I just wanted to relate an experience that happened last week. I hope that by doing so, you will make sure you ALWAYS make your kids wear a helmet!

I got complacent as a parent and my son got into the habit of riding around our house without a helmut. It was no big deal (or so I thought), to just let him do it since he drove so slow.

Well, he started to form a habit.... He went to his friends house over the weekend and jumped on one of his 4-wheeler. They started screwing around and hit a ditch. He hit his head and got knocked out.

By the time my wife got him to Logan, they were considering life fighting him to Primary Childrens hospital. They finally decided to take him by ambulance. He had some slight swelling in his brain and a small amount of bleeding.

Fortunately, our prayers were answered and he will recover. 6-8 weeks of no activities; only walking. They estimate it will take a full year to recover 100%. It could have been a whole lot worse. I was out of town on business and was stuck and could not be there.

I take full blame for not teaching him to ALWAYS wear a helmut. The problem was, even though we let him ride around the house without a helmut, he developed the habit.

It really scared him and his friends. He will always have a helmut on now!

So please, make sure you MAKE your kids wear their helmuts every time they ride. Even adults should always wear them!!!
Glad he's gonna be OK woodruff!
I've been told:You should wear a helmet,but then again why should you,your head is harder than any Helmet,lol!
Sounds like woodruff just gained a couple years real quick!
Glad he's gonna come out of it!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Glad to hear he will recover.

And a good reminder for those of us who have kids/grandkids.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
That is scary...Glad he is OK...My family was big into dirt bikes so we all wore them all the time...

On a lighter note...I have been told that if I were to crash hard enough to split my head open that a bunch of antlers and boobs would spill out...:)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Glad he will recover. I had my quad roll back on top of me down a steep hill and it crushed my ribs and hip. Landed on four wheels so I could crawl up on it and get out. Just lucky and it made me hold the quad for my grandson for another year until he is seven. For sure will have him wear a helmet. We had four people die last year in the county from head injuries from flipping their quads so the things can be deadly.
There have been two very serious ATV accidents with small children in this area in the last couple of weeks. One was a little girl, I think six years old, serious head injuries but she will recover. The other was a four year old boy that died from head injuries. I'm as guilty as anyone about letting my kids ride ATVs without helmets, although not that young. But I can guarantee my grand daughter won't be riding one without!

Woodruff, glad to hear your son will be OK. No doubt a very scary time for you all. I hope he has full and speedy recovery.
Sounds like you guys are a lot smarter than I was. Glad to hear so many of you wear helmuts. Thanks for all the nice comments.

I can't even imagine how many lives would be saved each year if helmuts and common sense were used...
Glad to hear he is OK woodruff. One of my boy scouts wrecked his BMX bike last night and fractured his skull - wasn't wearing a helmet either (on his own - NOT at a scouting activity). He is still in the hospital and the nuerosurgeons are still trying to determine the exact extent of the injuries, might not know fully for a week or two. That basically cancels his plans for scout camp in two weeks, not to mention will change his active lifestyle pretty dramatically.

Makes me wonder how I ever made it as a kid. Never would have even thought of wearing a helmet on my bike, never ever once did while riding my cousin's three and fourwheelers either. Just lucky none of us ever got in to a wreck.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
What a blessing! Glad to hear he is ok. I'm in the ATV rental business and I require everybody to wear a helmet when renting. Just way to much risk not to. I don't want anybody dieing on one of my ATV's.
Hey Woody! Sorry to hear about your boy but glad he's OK. Helmets are inconvenient but I would have to say that crapping and peeing yourself the rest of your life is a little bit more inconvenient. Give your son our best and our prayers are with you and our family for a speedy recovery.

It's always an adventure!!!

So glad everything turned out OK and your prayers were answered. I live in east TX and none of these country kids wear helmets-it is very scary.
Thanks again for all the nice comments. He is doing well. He is pretty much out of doing any outdoor activities that require running or jumping, until the end of the summer. Still has some swelling and the occasional headache. But, it could have been a lot worse.

He been through a lot over the last year. Probably had about 20-30+ days at the doctor/hospital (other health issues), but should be ready for the fall. He has 2 really good tags so I am hoping we can help him enjoy a few well deserved hunts!

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