Freedom lost

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Very Active Member
We all lost more freedom this evening. Google removed Parlor from their play store and that will remove the App. Someone from Parlor was on Tucker Carlson 5onight and said that Apple may follow suit. This country is becoming a banana republic.
Well, it is their business, not a public utility. I just don’t see how a website is taking away your freedom? At one time this country existed without the internet. You have the same freedom now as you did before Google existed. No???
Well, it is their business, not a public utility. I just don’t see how a website is taking away your freedom? At one time this country existed without the internet. You have the same freedom now as you did before Google existed. No???
People get their news and information from App's and websites now a days unlike the good old days. This will basically eliminate Parlor from being used. I would imagine most of the Tech guys are anti hunting, maybe Monster Muleys will be next and we'll see how you like that.
Well, it is their business, not a public utility. I just don’t see how a website is taking away your freedom? At one time this country existed without the internet. You have the same freedom now as you did before Google existed. No???

Once upon a time ago, in a land far, far away, news was news. That's how people found out what was really going on. Not anymore.

All these media platforms are now becoming emboldened with the usurpation of whatever you want to call it, but it ain't leadership.

America, for what it was, has lost...
Founder keeps forgetting those liberals that are restricting news are also very anti gun and anti hunting. He should keep that in mind as his web site and hunting source of income may be taken away from him in the near future.
Well, it is their business, not a public utility. I just don’t see how a website is taking away your freedom? At one time this country existed without the internet. You have the same freedom now as you did before Google existed. No???

Sieg Heil! Founder, you are disingenuous at best. A few days ago you were whining about the possibility of losing your Section 230 protection. Now that your party has taken control, conservatives are being silenced as never before. It is just the beginning. Are you now going to report users of your site to the socialist collective to be punished.
The dark-side is in control and control they will do.
Guns and hunting are going to be on a slippery slope. Just look around the blue ball and just north over the border.
I’m not an alarmist or a conspiracy theorist but the folks in power have made it VERY clear what they think of my lifestyle.
Love, Zeke
Not commenting on the reasonableness behind the removal because I disagree with it, but it appears people will still be able to access Parler via other app stores.

A few days ago you were whining about the possibility of losing your Section 230 protection.
These are really not related items.

Freedom allowed Google App Store to remove Parler.

Canceling Section 230 would've effectively forced Google to remove Parler because they could've been held liable for the content posted on anything they manage or host.

That's what I never could understand about people clamoring to destroy Section 230. It works both ways.
I think this his a slippery slope. Sure it’s a company’s right to ban whatever they want. It just seems to be one side of the spectrum. In my opinion that’s where the anger comes from. I’ve successfully avoided most all social media minus this site.
Serious question...

How would everybody have a company respond to the content that has been posted recently. Such as calling for the "execution" of certain public figures while calling them out by name? Or those saying that on January 20th, there will be "no mercy" and that they want a "war" in DC?

These are real posts on Parler in the last 48 hours, would you have them moderated at all or left to stand? What if they're not moderated, which is a requirement to use Google App Store?

Then what would you have a company do when their Rules Of Use are not followed? Should they not be able to enforce their own rules in their own businesses?

I'm just wondering to what level you think a company should not be able to control speech on their property.
These are really not related items.

Freedom allowed Google App Store to remove Parler.

Canceling Section 230 would've effectively forced Google to remove Parler because they could've been held liable for the content posted on anything they manage or host.

That's what I never could understand about people clamoring to destroy Section 230. It works both ways.
That isn't necessarily true. If Google censored content (like removing Parler) then it would meant they are publisher and could be held liable for the content published.

I agree it is a slippery slope.

The censorship of news, and the canceling on how people get their news should be terrifying to people. Not to pick on founder, but to say you still have the same freedoms as before is extremely naive. Ideas, thoughts, experiences are being removed. Think of it like this, in some countries (China and Iran for example) they only allow certain information and there is a completely different narrative and the population has a different reality on history. It extremely orwellian and we all should be concerned.
@LivingTheDream, I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but I'd add one thing.

I believe people in America today already have very different realities of what's happening. And I'd say at least some of that is due to the very thing we're talking about here.

The best thing I can come up with is to keep government out if it and let the free market figure it out.
Serious question...

How would everybody have a company respond to the content that has been posted recently. Such as calling for the "execution" of certain public figures while calling them out by name? Or those saying that on January 20th, there will be "no mercy" and that they want a "war" in DC?

These are real posts on Parler in the last 48 hours, would you have them moderated at all or left to stand? What if they're not moderated, which is a requirement to use Google App Store?

Then what would you have a company do when their Rules Of Use are not followed? Should they not be able to enforce their own rules in their own businesses?

I'm just wondering to what level you think a company should not be able to control speech on their property.
Grizzly, thats a bit of cherry picking. There is a lot of awful stuff by democrat representatives regarding Trump and Trump supportors. I agree it doesn't make it right..

I think it is that the rules are not applied evenly. The iran ayatollah still has an active Twitter account and he has said far worse and incited far worse. I am sure I can go and find alot more.
Serious question...

How would everybody have a company respond to the content that has been posted recently. Such as calling for the "execution" of certain public figures while calling them out by name? Or those saying that on January 20th, there will be "no mercy" and that they want a "war" in DC?

These are real posts on Parler in the last 48 hours, would you have them moderated at all or left to stand? What if they're not moderated, which is a requirement to use Google App Store?

Then what would you have a company do when their Rules Of Use are not followed? Should they not be able to enforce their own rules in their own businesses?

I'm just wondering to what level you think a company should not be able to control speech on their property.
I agree there if someone is threatening violence, then that may be a a different story. I myself am conservative and have a few fairly liberal friends. And somehow we aren’t about to kill each other. They know I have my beliefs and I’ll defend them, and they have theirs. I may disagree, but that Is what I think living in the United States is supposed to be about.
@LivingTheDream, I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but I'd add one thing.

I believe people in America today already have very different realities of what's happening. And I'd say at least some of that is due to the very thing we're talking about here.

The best thing I can come up with is to keep government out if it and let the free market figure it out.
I can agree with that, I think the biggest issue we have is most live in an echo chamber. This has caused people to not understand how to be civil and have a difference of opinion and that it is ok to have that difference.
What’s Parler?

You mean I haven’t been free all these years because I never knew about this Parler place?!

Man, I’ve been living in a hole!

No wonder I feel so restricted!

I thought is was because my pants fit tighter after the holidays!

But nope, just haven’t heard of Parler until now!
After what happened the other day at the capital all real Americans fully understand what a president who lies like a rug and puts himself above all else can do with a media source that allows him to use their service against democracy. unless the truth regains some value to the 45% of this nation that just got dog walked then we need to limit their access to the lies.
After what happened the other day at the capital all real Americans fully understand what a president who lies like a rug and puts himself above all else can do with a media source that allows him to use their service against democracy. unless the truth regains some value to the 45% of this nation that just got dog walked then we need to limit their access to the lies.
Sounds like you are lumping everyone into one small faction.... What about what happened all over the US all summer?
I can agree with that, I think the biggest issue we have is most live in an echo chamber. This has caused people to not understand how to be civil and have a difference of opinion and that it is ok to have that difference.

If more people thought like that, we'd all be better off!
Too political. I’ve wanted to leave it because there’s good discussion, but it’s also littered with the political comments that lead to battles and/or to me getting messages asking why I allowed this or that but didn’t allow this or that two months ago. Just that boo hoo it’s so unfair crap. So, locking it. Sorry to those who can avoid the political shots.
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