Drought: “we are a special kind of stupid”


Long Time Member
Well, we are fixin to run out of irrigation water here next month. From the looks of things, it’s happening in a lot of other places.

So I thought this Utah-centric article was fun. The question it never gets around to answering is whether we are going to do something about “climate change” (which has been going on since day 1), or just sit here and die of thirst.

Anyway, besides the observation that destroying the agricultural sector really hasn’t done much to save the fish, this is my favorite quote:

“Droughts are nature’s fault, they happen; water shortages, that’s our fault,” said Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif. “They are a choice we made when we stopped building dams and reservoirs. ... We are not going to solve our water shortages until we build new facilities. We are a special kind of stupid.”

Meanwhile I look out the living room window and trying to get pumped up to mow my lawn for the 3rd time before June 1 and I haven't even turned on a sprinkler yet..
We need all the water we can get. Last night I had to go shut off some of the sprinkler lines cause the pond for the whole valley is dry. I think were running 30 or 40 something heads between 4 lines. Its gonna be a rough year for the farms
With the impending sea level rise you would think we would be doing everything we can to keep it from running into the ocean.

I wonder if my kids will live long enough to see us try to pump ocean water inland to save the shoreline?
There was an article on Channel 9 Denver showing hundreds of "wild horses" in Moffat County (Northwest Colorado) that either are going to starve, die of thirst or get ate by a wolf this summer. The natural ponds are just about dry and the horses have been fenced in over the years so maybe mother nature will take care of another problem we have created for ourselves. One of the best hunting areas in Colorado is going to have really poor antler growth this year. I would turn my tan back.
Dying of thirst is the answer to all weather problems.

Less population = lower use of water resources = lower consumption of fuel and energy = lower consumption of agriculture products = lower CO2 levels = lower agriculture produced = higher starvation levels = higher population decrease = more water for those who don't die of thirst.
There was an article on Channel 9 Denver showing hundreds of "wild horses" in Moffat County (Northwest Colorado) that either are going to starve, die of thirst or get ate by a wolf this summer. The natural ponds are just about dry and the horses have been fenced in over the years so maybe mother nature will take care of another problem we have created for ourselves. One of the best hunting areas in Colorado is going to have really poor antler growth this year. I would turn my tan back.
If a drought kills off the wild horses I hope to god it hits WY and NV
Eel the liberals on the coast area of CA. are going to get stuck with converting ocean salt water to drinking water and that is a very expensive cost that will be tacked on to their water bill.
In my area we have Bullards bar dam and Oroville dam and several small dams that supply local water agencies. The liberal fish lovers stopped the Parks Bar dam that was going to be built on the Yuba River in the early 70's.
It is high time for large scale desalination projects in LA and San Francisco, San Diego and all large cities on the coastline.
Saudi Arabia does it Israel does it we cannot keep draining all of our rivers to feed large cities.
LA now and has been trying for years to tap the Sacramento river with two tunnels that will kill the Salmon runs and drain another river.
Populations are going up and rivers are going down...... Our lawns in Northern California are brown but in LA they are green...How does that happen? Think of the water we would save if they had the desalination plants running now...
Desalination plants make some pretty expensive water, but it is water. I believe there is one somewhere in the LA basin. It was on the drawing board for decades and I finally lost interest in following it.

How is that going to work for states who don’t have a coastline? Tough chit? Think of the population movements....

Nah.....build some more dams. It’s not really draining the rivers. Figure out a way to accommodate the fish if necessary.

This reminds me that about 100 years ago Salt River Project (az) chained down hundreds of square miles of trees to increase runoff into the watersheds. Back when the lakes used to fill.
Desalination plants make some pretty expensive water, but it is water. I believe there is one somewhere in the LA basin. It was on the drawing board for decades and I finally lost interest in following it.

How is that going to work for states who don’t have a coastline? Tough chit? Think of the population movements....

Nah.....build some more dams. It’s not really draining the rivers. Figure out a way to accommodate the fish if necessary.

This reminds me that about 100 years ago Salt River Project (az) chained down hundreds of square miles of trees to increase runoff into the watersheds. Back when the lakes used to fill.

It won't help the inland population but the big cities on the coastline will get their water from there leaving all of the other water to In-landers.
I mean LA is around 28 million San Diego is another million and a half and San Francisco and surrounding cities have another 3 million so if we supply just the major cities on the Coastline that would help with the overall need for water.
The Colorado river is dry by the time it reaches the coast also the San Joaquin. So now they want to tap the Sacramento River as well. They already take millions of acre feet of water out of there where does it end.
I don’t see any agency giving up their water rights, and I don’t think any amount of lawyering will achieve an agreement where the upstream users get to keep their water because the coasts get the ocean.

Maybe I’m just pessimistic. Or maybe it’s the 30 years of listening to reports on tribal lawsuits. All I really know is that water is WAY more complicated than we think.
I've Often Wondered?

What's More Important?

Us Trying to Water/Sprinkle Farm Land?

Or People DownStream Thinking they Need It Worse Than Us?

Ya,I Know where the Priority is!
I read last week that Lake Oroville in NorCal is so low that there won't be enough water in the lake to generate power by August. If anyone remembers the rolling blackouts from last summer.....its about to get worse. They have also taken all the house boats out of the lake before the marinas are on dry ground.
I remember as a kid yes way back then. That Catalina Island always had a Reverse Osmoses plant running . It's not new technology seems much easier then building tunnels and pipe lines that run for hundreds of miles !
The Colorado Division of Wildlife just announced they are shutting down fishing in the Steamboat Springs area due to very low water conditions. IT IS ONLY May...gona be a bad year. I love horses but the situation on their ranges is totally out of hand. They will either be trucked away at an enormous cost or they are gone die...kinda like in Africa ! Sad as it is.... hope nature prevails.
I've Often Wondered?

What's More Important?

Us Trying to Water/Sprinkle Farm Land?

Or People DownStream Thinking they Need It Worse Than Us?

Ya,I Know where the Priority is!

My grandpa believed there would be a civil war over water. Believed at some point, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado would STOP allowing water to run down the river to feed California and Nevada
My grandpa believed there would be a civil war over water. Believed at some point, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado would STOP allowing water to run down the river to feed California and Nevada
UT, CO, and WY would have every right to if CA and NV can't be proactive enough to store the water they do get.

When survival instincts kick in, free-loaders and problem causing politicians get run out of town on a rail.
I read last week that Lake Oroville in NorCal is so low that there won't be enough water in the lake to generate power by August. If anyone remembers the rolling blackouts from last summer.....its about to get worse. They have also taken all the house boats out of the lake before the marinas are on dry ground.
They got solar
Here locally, we are in pretty good shape. We have our own closed system, fed from a reservoir on Mad River. It's been tight a few years but it only takes a few good storms in the winter to top it off.

Now, this is California where we believe in global warming and we believe we're entering into a permanent drought of biblical proportion. (eye roll). The rest of California should burn down this summer.(eye roll). Every new development is contested by the environmentalists.

Along comes Norway-based seafood company Nordic Aquafarms that plans to grow Atlantic salmon within the confines of the half-billion-dollar onshore fish farm it’s developing for the property on the Samoa Peninsula, company representatives confirmed during a community Zoom meeting Wednesday.

All they want to do is pump 1 million gallons of sea water per day from the bay, and pump 3 million gallons of fresh water per day from Mad River. 365 days a year. And then discharge that much everyday back out in the ocean.

There has been no serious opposition to the project except from us fishermen. I just shake my head.
I had a water treatment course in the 1990s for a govt job I had. I remember Ron Houtrouw was the instructors name. He told us that within 20 to 25 years water shortages would be the worst problem mankind would face. He said pollution, over watering, too many people and climate changes would cause it.
We have severe shortages in some places in Idaho this year also. Irrigation water won't happen in some areas. I know other states want to tap our Snake River Aquifer which is a huge aquifer. Californians and other states are swarming in here. Our home values are skyrocketing. Big game herds have been dwindling for years. Utah is really going to feel the pain.
I read last week that Lake Oroville in NorCal is so low that there won't be enough water in the lake to generate power by August. If anyone remembers the rolling blackouts from last summer.....its about to get worse. They have also taken all the house boats out of the lake before the marinas are on dry ground.
Lake shasta is going to be at lowest level since 1953..
Talked to my friends in Matagorda Texas this morning. They have had 30" of rain this month!!
I'm still waiting for them to break ground on the Sites Reservoir, in my backyard. We'll see if that actually happens.
If you want to see how an agency, managing a state's water supply into a disaster, just watch California.
Desalination plants make some pretty expensive water, but it is water. I believe there is one somewhere in the LA basin. It was on the drawing board for decades and I finally lost interest in following it.

How is that going to work for states who don’t have a coastline? Tough chit? Think of the population movements....

Nah.....build some more dams. It’s not really draining the rivers. Figure out a way to accommodate the fish if necessary.

This reminds me that about 100 years ago Salt River Project (az) chained down hundreds of square miles of trees to increase runoff into the watersheds. Back when the lakes used to fill.
Here in Northern California our last 2 years of annual rain fall don't even equal 1 years total. Our 100 year average is 45 inches, I know people who are having problems with their wells and springs already in May.
UT, CO, and WY would have every right to if CA and NV can't be proactive enough to store the water they do get.

When survival instincts kick in, free-loaders and problem causing politicians get run out of town on a rail.
Well use the water before it hits southern Nevada let them figure out the rest.
I wish we could’ve shared some of the moisture that we’ve received lately. We’ve had over 30” in May and over 60” for the year so far. Probably be in a drought in a month. Feast or famine.
“Freeze drying for the modern Mormon” I think it’s taught in Sunday school....
Ya’ll are both wrong. Mormon’s stock pile Coke in their secret under-the-porch storage room. When times get tough, they mix it with green jello and carrots. Coke is a staple for the modern Mormon.

Freeze drying and canning is too much work for the modern flat brimmer mormons.
Well, we are fixin to run out of irrigation water here next month. From the looks of things, it’s happening in a lot of other places.

So I thought this Utah-centric article was fun. The question it never gets around to answering is whether we are going to do something about “climate change” (which has been going on since day 1), or just sit here and die of thirst.

Anyway, besides the observation that destroying the agricultural sector really hasn’t done much to save the fish, this is my favorite quote:

“Droughts are nature’s fault, they happen; water shortages, that’s our fault,” said Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif. “They are a choice we made when we stopped building dams and reservoirs. ... We are not going to solve our water shortages until we build new facilities. We are a special kind of stupid.”

First off if you believe climate change is all man made your brainwashed by the democrats that use it to benefit themselves. The planet has always changed and will continue to change. At some point we will have to pick ag food for most or a few fish for a couple. Here in California we do need more dams for sure. Population has grown with zero thought of handling its needs.
First off if you believe climate change is all man made your brainwashed by the democrats that use it to benefit themselves. The planet has always changed and will continue to change. At some point we will have to pick ag food for most or a few fish for a couple. Here in California we do need more dams for sure. Population has grown with zero thought of handling its needs.
Whatever. Republicans caused it all with their coal rollin’ rigs.
Whatever. Republicans caused it all with their coal rollin’ rigs.
Whatever. Republicans caused it all with their coal rollin’ rigs.
What does any I said have to do with Republicans and diesel trucks. My point is politicians are using this to pad pockets and I don't believe your ever going to fix this problem. Climate change activists lost me the minute they said livestock and hydro electric dam are causing more CO2 than cars. Look who is behind this. Same groups that want wolves everywhere, want no hunting and want to build up our forest into powder kegs for fires. If we can fix the drought or weather problems with changing co2 amounts what is the magic number we need to get to? No one has that number why? Lastly when idiots like John Kerry come out and say we need to eliminate co2 , then I know for a fact it's a power and money grab. Anyone with a half of a brain knows you can't and shouldn't eliminate all co2. We along with all plant life will die!
John Kerry wants to make his millions cashing in on the climate change B.S. then fade away to his several million dollar mansion that generates a monthly utility bill of $1600 like Al Gore did.
That and fly around the world in his private jet airplane that leaves a big carbon footprint.

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