Kali ban on gas and diesel vehicles


Very Active Member
The madness continues in my state. The Air Resourses Board will take a vote in August to ban the sale of gas and diesel vehicles starting in 2035. These people on this this board are unelected radical tree huggers....I'm sure they will approve the mandate.

So when all-electric cars become the rage, what happens when someone runs out of power along a rural highway? Do they figure out a way to get to a charging station & then carry a bucket of electricity back to their vehicle? :unsure:
Newsome is an idiot.

Its worth remembering....this is the same guy that destroyed SF with folks pooping in the streets...and is wrecking CA with his Policy. He panders to environmentalists...and they won't cut or log any trees in CA....thus, the massive billion dollar fires we have been having for the last many years. You can thank Newsome for 4 months of smoke over the entire west last year..and years prior.

One of his most recent examples of wrecking the state is his releasing of something like 40,000 prisoners [The claim was, too many people of color in prison] - one who just shot up Sacramento with a machine gun. Oh yeah, the liberals stopped crying, "Its guns" and the news media stopped reporting it when it turns out it was liberal Democrat policy that had this guy back out on the street killing people. Thanks Newsome. We can only hope the families sue him into oblivion.

This clown wants to be president...and he will no doubt run at some point. Take note...he is a slick politician. This guy is a cancer and will say anything to get elected.
The madness continues in my state. The Air Resourses Board will take a vote in August to ban the sale of gas and diesel vehicles starting in 2035. These people on this this board are unelected radical tree huggers....I'm sure they will approve the mandate.
Time to move friend.
I'm surprised they are waiting until '35, as everyone knows, electric vehicles don't pollute, and there is a never ending supply of clean energy! It comes right out of your wall, I think it's made in there or something ?

Absolutely. That's why we don't need to hunt anymore or have packing plants. All meat comes from the grocery store now.
Absolutely. That's why we don't need to hunt anymore or have packing plants. All meat comes from the grocery store now.
You will eat meat grown in a petri dish in a lab by Bill Gates and like it. Haven't you heard, cow farts are an imminent threat the survival of the planet? And working a 40 hour week is just too stressful for Californians, you guys will only have to work 32 hours very soon. Utopia has arrived!
California is going back to the Pony Express days. If you need to ship a truck load from Oregon to San Diego, a fully charged truck will drive it 50 south where a fully charged truck will be waiting to hook onto the trailer to take it another 50 miles. A trucking company will need 1 trailer and 15 trucks.
You will eat meat grown in a petri dish in a lab by Bill Gates and like it. Haven't you heard, cow farts are an imminent threat the survival of the planet? And working a 40 hour week is just too stressful for Californians, you guys will only have to work 32 hours very soon. Utopia has arrived!

Bill Gates can go to h#ll.
California is going back to the Pony Express days. If you need to ship a truck load from Oregon to San Diego, a fully charged truck will drive it 50 south where a fully charged truck will be waiting to hook onto the trailer to take it another 50 miles. A trucking company will need 1 trailer and 15 trucks.
How much worse can it get there? Sum byatches.

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