100% conversion to NR (premium NV archery bull) FCFS 2021


100% conversion of these archery bull tags from RES to NR when you drill down on what 2021 FCFS did to these premium NV archery units:

NV 221-223 archery bull - 2 FCFS tags (both returned by RES); 100 % of them picked up by NRs
NV 111-115 archery bull - 4 FCFS tags (all returned by RES); 100% of them picked up by NRs
NV 231 archery bull - 4 FCFS tags (all returned RES); 100% of them picked up by NRs

Were you on FCFS dreaming of these tags and also in the hundreds who applied in the main draw for those tags? Do you wonder why you also now have to click faster than an NR funded click-farm or bot? Does a NV resident that applied for those tags not deserve a 24 hour head-start on the bots and click-farms funded by NR demand?

Listen to the 5/7/2022 Epic Outdoors Podcast where NDOW's Jack Robb perpetuates Director Tony Wasley's statistic that "85%" of FCFS tags went to residents in 2021. 85% is a true statement - but only when including the low quality tags that residents truly obtained. Remind yourself when looking at all NDOW data, that Robb & Wasley have the ability to massage every number that comes out of the agency.

Are Robb & Wasley giving you the data that really matters to you as a NV taxpayer? Or do they only lead you to look at the data in an alternative way to protect the agency?

The commission must update the unnecessarily cheap & lenient resident tag return policy that is causing this unintended side effect of FCFS.

FCFS 222-223 archery bull.jpg

FCFS 111-115 Archery bull.jpg

FCFS 231 archery bull FOUR TAGS to NR.jpg
I don’t understand why folks are so upset by this? This is a new opportunity that was not available to anyone before. I have no issues who picked up the tag as long as it went to good use.

The whole point of FCFS is to provide the tag to the first person who purchased.
Perhaps the question is why is a resident turning in a premium tag like that? Another question is why didn’t they turn it in sooner so that a resident alternate could have used it? Extenuating circumstances most likely. Your post is sour grapes diatribe. It’s Nevada, it’s a gamble.
100% conversion of these archery bull tags from RES to NR when you drill down on what 2021 FCFS did to these premium NV archery units:

NV 221-223 archery bull - 2 FCFS tags (both returned by RES); 100 % of them picked up by NRs
NV 111-115 archery bull - 4 FCFS tags (all returned by RES); 100% of them picked up by NRs
NV 231 archery bull - 4 FCFS tags (all returned RES); 100% of them picked up by NRs

Were you on FCFS dreaming of these tags and also in the hundreds who applied in the main draw for those tags? Do you wonder why you also now have to click faster than an NR funded click-farm or bot? Does a NV resident that applied for those tags not deserve a 24 hour head-start on the bots and click-farms funded by NR demand?

Listen to the 5/7/2022 Epic Outdoors Podcast where NDOW's Jack Robb perpetuates Director Tony Wasley's statistic that "85%" of FCFS tags went to residents in 2021. 85% is a true statement - but only when including the low quality tags that residents truly obtained. Remind yourself when looking at all NDOW data, that Robb & Wasley have the ability to massage every number that comes out of the agency.

Are Robb & Wasley giving you the data that really matters to you as a NV taxpayer? Or do they only lead you to look at the data in an alternative way to protect the agency?

The commission must update the unnecessarily cheap & lenient resident tag return policy that is causing this unintended side effect of FCFS.

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Vagisil could probably help you get over FCFS tags quicker than you constantly posting on here about it.
It actually concerns many residents who realize that there are much better places to focus efforts than on these forums. Many conversations are in progress with public officials.

I think the FCFS is a great program that just needs a few tweaks to make it right. There were changes this year and I'd be willing to bet we will be seeing some changes in years to come. Until then, we can all enjoy the program how it is. ----SS
I'm a resident and I saw plenty of amazing tags pop up (I wasn't eligible). It's also how I filled my freezer with a cow elk. Seems fine to me. Alternate lists are lame. FCFS is more exciting and fun. Life isn't fair.
I would be interested to know how many Non resident tags were returned that residents bought. Seems like we focus on the opposite. I dont disagree with the sentiment of the thread (I am not a NV resident, but will be in 3 months once I have my 6 months behind me). I just think there is a much more productive way to go about achieving change than whining on an anonymous internet board. I think Sparks Shooter was spot on. These days its impossible to have respectful discourse. We've been taught that if we disagree, we are enemies. Us hunters gotta stick together.
I would be interested to know how many Non resident tags were returned that residents bought. Seems like we focus on the opposite. I dont disagree with the sentiment of the thread (I am not a NV resident, but will be in 3 months once I have my 6 months behind me). I just think there is a much more productive way to go about achieving change than whining on an anonymous internet board. I think Sparks Shooter was spot on. These days its impossible to have respectful discourse. We've been taught that if we disagree, we are enemies. Us hunters gotta stick together.
if it’s a non resident return put it on the alternate list for non resident. It’s really pretty simple
Why should we be different from, let’s say Wyoming ?
Well in that case Wyoming gives a pile of resident tags to nonresidents so you’re barking up the wrong tree. Any resident tag that is undersubscribed in the Wyoming deer/elk/antelope draw automatically rolls over to a nonresident tag and trust me when I say there are a lot of them, especially when it comes to antelope
Why should we be different from, let’s say Wyoming ?
I actually think Wyoming has the right idea and I'm glad they have the balls to stand up and lay claim to the game that is legally theirs as residents of the state. I really hope that other states follow suit. Residents of each state should have priority and the residents of each state should determine how many of THEIR tags that they are willing to share with visitors.

In my opinion, if you don't live in a state, pay taxes there, contribute to everyday life, and vote in local elections, your opinion on how game is managed doesn't mean squat. It is well established that wildlife resources fall under states jurisdiction. Maybe we'd all be better off if we took more ownership in our own states and acted more like guests when visiting other states? ---SS
Well in that case Wyoming gives a pile of resident tags to nonresidents so you’re barking up the wrong tree. Any resident tag that is undersubscribed in the Wyoming deer/elk/antelope draw automatically rolls over to a nonresident tag and trust me when I say there are a lot of them, especially when it comes to antelope
Not apples to apples
Set up the game however you want and I'll play. I got a tag for me and my dad last year without a click farm.

NDOW learned some things to level the playing field. I got nothing but time and quick fingers.
FCFS is in the spirit of gaming which is purely Nevada. It's a chance for any Joe Blow to get a great tag regardless of points. I love it. And I think "click farms" only apply to sheep.
Sheep are overrated. It's the scarcity of the tags that makes them desirable. Nothing else. I'd rather hunt elk than a sheep any day. If their meat was twice as good as elk then I'd see why. I'd love to hunt one but a big muley gets my juices flowing more than any ram.
What needs to be done is transparency. People who are drawn as alternates should be notified the same time as tag results. The alternates should be told what their number is from 1 to so on. This would eliminate the bs of any shady sh!t going on.
What needs to be done is transparency. People who are drawn as alternates should be notified the same time as tag results. The alternates should be told what their number is from 1 to so on. This would eliminate the bs of any shady sh!t going on.
I believe they are informed they are alternates, however within 2 weeks of the season NDOW sells tags first come if they are returned.
I actually think Wyoming has the right idea and I'm glad they have the balls to stand up and lay claim to the game that is legally theirs as residents of the state. I really hope that other states follow suit. Residents of each state should have priority and the residents of each state should determine how many of THEIR tags that they are willing to share with visitors.

In my opinion, if you don't live in a state, pay taxes there, contribute to everyday life, and vote in local elections, your opinion on how game is managed doesn't mean squat. It is well established that wildlife resources fall under states jurisdiction. Maybe we'd all be better off if we took more ownership in our own states and acted more like guests when visiting other states? ---SS
That's an interesting take for someone who's state relies quite heavily on dollars from non residents.
That's an interesting take for someone who's state relies quite heavily on dollars from non resid
Exactly........we make enough on gaming and other tourism that any losses in NR tag sales would be a small drop in the bucket. Heck, we could probably get rid of all NR hunting and make up for it by raising the marriage license fees by $10.------SS
Exactly........we make enough on gaming and other tourism that any losses in NR tag sales would be a small drop in the bucket. Heck, we could probably get rid of all NR hunting and make up for it by raising the marriage license fees by $10.------SS
Non residents of NV include those who are paying all those gaming and tourism dollars. Welcoming visitors on one end while saying FU to visitors on another (hunters) is pathetic.
We've heard it all during the Wyoming 90/10 discussions from people who have overinflated opinions on the value brought to the table by NR hunting. My opinion is that NR hunters are guests who get to enjoy privileges provided graciously by others.

It's amazing how much happier you can be when you see things as a gift instead of an entitlement.

In my opinion, Wyoming is still a great deal at 90/10. Idaho is still an awesome place to hunt with unit restrictions and fee increases. Utah is still well worth the cost of applications and long waits. I feel that NV would still be a no-brainer even with rules that designated resident tags to be available for residents only.

If you don't like how a certain state does business, vote with your $$ and don't participate. That is the only vote you get after all.----SS
We've heard it all during the Wyoming 90/10 discussions from people who have overinflated opinions on the value brought to the table by NR hunting. My opinion is that NR hunters are guests who get to enjoy privileges provided graciously by others.

It's amazing how much happier you can be when you see things as a gift instead of an entitlement.

In my opinion, Wyoming is still a great deal at 90/10. Idaho is still an awesome place to hunt with unit restrictions and fee increases. Utah is still well worth the cost of applications and long waits. I feel that NV would still be a no-brainer even with rules that designated resident tags to be available for residents only.

If you don't like how a certain state does business, vote with your $$ and don't participate. That is the only vote you get after all.----SS
Well said
I understand how residents feel. I wouldn't want any more non-residents hunting my state than normal too. However, I still feel that it all comes back to the residents dumb/sick/hurt (whatever the reason) enough to turn back in a tag two weeks before opener. Also, as stated before, how many non-resident tags turned in actually were picked up by residents? Whatever the case, I think its a great program that helps the department re-issue essentially unused tags. If you tried like hell and struck out playing FCFS last year, then you just might be part of the group bitching about it afterwards. Just sayin'.
What's pathetic is feeling entitled to something that doesn't belong to you.----SS
You're conveniently overlooking the fact that the federal government can legally, if it chooses, manage all wildlife on federal land. That means the federal government can (again, if they choose) legally dictate who hunts what animals on 84% of the land in NV.
Another thought I’ve had is that people are thinking of FCFS as if it’s the primary means of getting a tag. Your odds have to be much better actually applying in the draw.

Take the example above. 267 people had one of those bull tags as their first choice. How many hundreds of people sit on the site for fcfs at any given time? The sentiment is probably right but these are only 4 tags here right?
Why have an alternate list and not use it. Most residents would take a tag the day before the season starts as they probably know the area. FCFS is total BS.
Why have an alternate list and not use it. Most residents would take a tag the day before the season starts as they probably know the area. FCFS is total BS.
Mad because you didn't get a FCFS tag. I tagged my first Antelope with a FCFS tag (NV resident btw).

While I had to spend a lot of time "watching" the iPad, it was worth it. I would take the ipad to the bar/dinner and have that **** up. Girlfriend would watch the ipad while she worked (works from home).
I suppose that if someone turns in their tag shortly before the Hunt starts that would create a mess for NDOW trying to find a resident alternate.
Im not sure why there are so many turned in on short notice and its irritating. I even know a couple of people that drew decent tags and didnt even Hunt.
I would think it would be take alot of time to find people that may or may not have other tags, plans, vacation or other Hunts lined up.
So I assume its easier to use the fcfs process.
I am aware that a certain portion of NV Tags go to nonres and I am not arguing that, as I myself apply in other states.
BUT, I do think that res somehow should get a chance at res tag being turned back in.
Kudos to those that have time or a job that they can be online all day trying for a fcfs tag but, I would assume that there are alot of working people like myself that do not have that advantage.
Mad because you didn't get a FCFS tag. I tagged my first Antelope with a FCFS tag (NV resident btw).

While I had to spend a lot of time "watching" the iPad, it was worth it. I would take the ipad to the bar/dinner and have that **** up. Girlfriend would watch the ipad while she worked (works from home).
Nope not at all.
Mad because you didn't get a FCFS tag. I tagged my first Antelope with a FCFS tag (NV resident btw).

While I had to spend a lot of time "watching" the iPad, it was worth it. I would take the ipad to the bar/dinner and have that **** up. Girlfriend would watch the ipad while she worked (works from home).
Seen plenty of FCFS tags pop up. Fortunately for me I had plenty of other hunts to go on and didn’t need to grab them. As a resident I can’t believe you’re ok with letting non residents take your tags. You might not of felt that way if a non resident would’ve grabbed your first antelope tag
Seen plenty of FCFS tags pop up. Fortunately for me I had plenty of other hunts to go on and didn’t need to grab them. As a resident I can’t believe you’re ok with letting non residents take your tags. You might not of felt that way if a non resident would’ve grabbed your first antelope tag
I'm not OK with residents returning tags so close to the start of the season and them going to waste because the next guy in line wasn't ready or prepared. Happens a lot more than you think.
I'm not OK with residents returning tags so close to the start of the season and them going to waste because the next guy in line wasn't ready or prepared. Happens a lot more than you think.
First of all they need to not make it so easy to return a tag. Second if the alternate list doesn’t work then just make the FCFS list for resident if that’s who returned it or non resident if they returned it
You're conveniently overlooking the fact that the federal government can legally, if it chooses, manage all wildlife on federal land. That means the federal government can (again, if they choose) legally dictate who hunts what animals on 84% of the land in NV.
You're conveniently overlooking reality and embracing fantasy. ----SS
First of all they need to not make it so easy to return a tag. Second if the alternate list doesn’t work then just make the FCFS list for resident if that’s who returned it or non resident if they returned it
I disagree. It's fine the way it is.
BUT, I do think that res somehow should get a chance at res tag being turned back in.
Why? A resident already drew the tag. He's the one who didn't want it. I'm a resident and I think it's cool ANYBODY can get a premium tag. It's the antithesis of years of rich people buying points in every state making it impossible for a new hunter to ever ever get a chance. For instance, I'm 50 y.o. and I'll never be able to hunt elk in Utah and other western states while I still have an ability to hike. And if I did I'd have to pay a small ransom in point and license fees for 15 years.
Wildlife belongs to the people of the US and is managed as a trust by the states. Your fantasy that these animals belong to you as a resident of a given state it laughable. You're entitled to your own opinion, but, you're not entitled to your own set of facts.
Yup. Someone in Texas has just as much say as a resident in Montana about how elk is managed on FEDERAL land.

Now lets rid of welfare ranching on federal land! Ranchers lock up access to public land then want to run their cattle all over God's creation because the John Dutton's of the world think they have some God given right they actually don't have (sorry for the rant)
I disagree. It's fine the way it is.

Why? A resident already drew the tag. He's the one who didn't want it. I'm a resident and I think it's cool ANYBODY can get a premium tag. It's the antithesis of years of rich people buying points in every state making it impossible for a new hunter to ever ever get a chance. For instance, I'm 50 y.o. and I'll never be able to hunt elk in Utah and other western states while I still have an ability to hike. And if I did I'd have to pay a small ransom in point and license fees for 15 years.
Plenty of states you can hunt elk in
I disagree. It's fine the way it is.

Why? A resident already drew the tag. He's the one who didn't want it. I'm a resident and I think it's cool ANYBODY can get a premium tag. It's the antithesis of years of rich people buying points in every state making it impossible for a new hunter to ever ever get a chance. For instance, I'm 50 y.o. and I'll never be able to hunt elk in Utah and other western states while I still have an ability to hike. And if I did I'd have to pay a small ransom in point and license fees for 15 years.
Hi BG, My answer to why is [in my simple thinking] that the Tag came from the resident pool of tags and I just think a resident should get a chance at it first.
Wildlife belongs to the people of the US and is managed as a trust by the states. Your fantasy that these animals belong to you as a resident of a given state it laughable. You're entitled to your own opinion, but, you're not entitled to your own set of facts.
Exactly, managed by the states. Until that changes, your point has no merit. As a precedent, wildlife is managed by states and this has been upheld in court. This is the reason why the state of Wyoming can tell non residents that they cannot hunt in wilderness areas on federal public land. This is why any state can charge whatever they want for licenses and tags. This is why the state of Nevada could easily place a limit on NR tag quotas and I hope they do. This is why Nevada could easily make adjustments to the FCFS system like they did this year without any support from non residents.

Looks like the law agrees with my laughable opinion....the animals belong to the residents of the state.

I totally get that you want to claim rights to something that is not yours, seems to be the societal norm these days.--------SS
If you want to control the allocation of the FCFS process and make sure they are allocated to the appropriate party then as residents you should make sure to turn them in before 14 days before the season starts that way it will go through the turn back process and exhausted that before going to the FCFS process! People know there plans two weeks prior to a season it’s no one’s fault if someone holds on to a tag until the last minute then turns it in and if they are going to do that then they should go to whoever is willing to take it first and use it instead of it sitting around.
The 10th Amendment to the US Constitution set the precedent that the states control the wildlife within it's borders. I know of no Federal law that extends federal ownership over general wildlife beyond some special exceptions like the endangered species act, the Lacey act and some other specific applied laws. Meaning the states generally control their wildlife. If a state's legislature wished, they could bar all Nonresidents, or on the flip side sell all permits to the highest bidder regardless of residency. There would be no Federal law to stop this. Generally states follow the North American Model of wildlife conservation where wild game is held in the public trust. Had to throw this out there
Go ***** to ndow if you don’t like how they have it set up. Bunch of cry-babies on a website, that won’t solve your complaint. Direct your anger to your own state’s dept of wildlife, and go get it changed to the way you want it. Until then, shut up and stop whining like an entitled snowflake. Money talks.
Go ***** to ndow if you don’t like how they have it set up. Bunch of cry-babies on a website, that won’t solve your complaint. Direct your anger to your own state’s dept of wildlife, and go get it changed to the way you want it. Until then, shut up and stop whining like an entitled snowflake. Money talks.
Obviously you don’t know s##t about what some of us have done and are doing. Typical dumbass
This is an important issue that lots of us (residents) are concerned about. Nothing wrong with bringing it to peoples attention. Many of us have also written to the commission.
Exactly. The whole point is to spread the word and build support among residents who can work together to fix what some of us see as a problem. Some don't and that's fine too. It's all about having some discourse and sharing opinions. The OP of this post simply shared some data that illustrates what some consider to be a problem that we want changed. Many are already attending meetings, writing letters, and even meeting with representatives.

My hope is that a few more resident stakeholders will read these posts and become more informed and involved. ------SS
I was terribly disappointed I never saw one opportunity to get a FCFS tag. I tried to log in every 5 minutes throughout the time I woke up in the morning to the time I went to bed. My father-in-law and brother-in-law both got multiple tags and I was pretty annoyed but partly because they’re tools. On one hand I do wish residents had an advantage but the other hand I see the benefit of these tags being used. The original poster has done more than brought up an issue, he has posted multiple times on multiple threads and would be considered a troll at this point.
I would be interested to know how many Non resident tags were returned that residents bought.
Yes, a few NRs returned tags that residents and NRs picked up. You can see that data in the FCFS slideshow from the January NWBC meeting.

But as to the premium tags generally at issue here, virtually ZERO NR tag returns occur. 100% of the above tags were RES returns, not even a single NR return.

Two reasons why:
1. A NR loses $1200 to to return a Ram/Bull tag, vs $120 for RES who is just shopping around.
2. The NR may literally never draw that tag again and he knows it. Over 2500 NRs with as many as 26 points applied for the two NR draw tags for Archery 221-223. (see chart)

After FCFS, NR Archery tagholders accounted for 20%+ of the archery tags in areas 11, 22 & 23. But, in a 90/10 state.

The dire look of this chart is also the reason why NRs hire bots and click-farm service at the tag application services. And while residents may be running those businesses, the clientele is generally NR.

I drew a OIL as an NR this year so I won't be shopping NV FCFS in 2022. I want it fixed because of what this all means for point creep for all of us.

NR Archery 221-223.jpg
After reading these threads Ive actually contacted about 3 tag application services about getting me a fcfs tag this year since I’m not a resident yet (not super serious about it but just wanted to see). Not only have they told me no, the answer has been hell no. What tag application service offers this service?
After reading these threads Ive actually contacted about 3 tag application services about getting me a fcfs tag this year since I’m not a resident yet (not super serious about it but just wanted to see). Not only have they told me no, the answer has been hell no. What tag application service offers this service?
I have yet to see anything but speculation of bot services....You've done more investigating than anyone else in this thread....it appears
I have not seen anything but speculation on BOT services either. What I do know was happening was people putting tags in their cart before even knowing what they were, then doing some research with the 5 minutes allowed to complete the purchase before returning the tag if they didn't want it. This year, that practice will get you put in the penalty box for a while.

All-in-all, I think the process is pretty good and can be tweaked each year as issues arise. Even with an imperfect system, I think it's great that these tags are being offered for use and providing additional opportunity.-----SS
Hmmmm... that's why it is called FCFS - FIRST Come, FIRST Served. Kinda how it works by definition. It doesn't say First Come from the same category of residency, First Served to the same category of residency. That would be a very long acronym.

As for bots, I found a way to stay logged in all the time so I didn't get timed out. I didn't use it other than to watch. You still have to be there to add the tag to your cart. I heard from NDOW there were people who had their clerical staff sitting there all day logged in as the boss adding tags to the cart. People who can afford that will find another way. Neither of these systems will work this year because you can't have multiple sessions open.
I heard from NDOW there were people who had their clerical staff sitting there all day logged in as the boss adding tags to the cart. People who can afford that will find another way. Neither of these systems will work this year because you can't have multiple sessions open.
It will still be possible to have someone watch for you as long as you jump on the same device (same browser session) within five minutes to buy. So that will still go on this year. That doesnt bother me, however, as much as nonresidents buying resident tags.

NDOW says the point of the system is to sell tags. So sell them to the same pool (residency class) as they were originally authorized. Very simple. There are 1000’s of residents interested in buying each of those premium bull tags that were snagged by a nonresident last year. Its not as if they’ll go unsold.
It will still be possible to have someone watch for you as long as you jump on the same device (same browser session) within five minutes to buy. So that will still go on this year. That doesnt bother me, however, as much as nonresidents buying resident tags.
The example they gave was a guy who had multiple people logged in on multiple machines using his single login. He cannot do that this year.
And who said that wasn't done by non-residents who bought "resident" tags?
Hmmmm... that's why it is called FCFS - FIRST Come, FIRST Served. Kinda how it works by definition. It doesn't say First Come from the same category of residency, First Served to the same category of residency. That would be a very long acronym.

As for bots, I found a way to stay logged in all the time so I didn't get timed out. I didn't use it other than to watch. You still have to be there to add the tag to your cart. I heard from NDOW there were people who had their clerical staff sitting there all day logged in as the boss adding tags to the cart. People who can afford that will find another way. Neither of these systems will work this year because you can't have multiple sessions open.
The precedent has already been set to exclude ineligible hunters from FCFS. That's why I can't get a buck pronghorn tag this year. Simple fix is to make NR ineligible for R tags. Then it is still FCFS for every tag you are eligible for......just like it is now.-----SS
Being that I’ll be a resident soon I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this topic because I want to be up to speed on the sportsman issues in the state.

The more I’ve thought about it, I’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t form an opinion until a few years of data is in. Sure some NR’s benefited this year, but next year or the year after could shake out entirely different. In fcfs a few seconds can make all the difference. What if a NR draws a muddy mountain ram tag and breaks their leg the week before next season, returns it and a resident buys it? Folks here would cheer.

I’m going to wait until I see a three year average to form my own opinion. Until then, the focus should be on preventing unfair advantages. With that I’m no longer going to comment on this topic and hope that I can draw in some other states. I’m only in for points in Nevada till I’m a resident.

Regardless it’s good to see that people in this state are passionate and care about the issues. That is way better than being complacent. I would hope more time is spent advocating in places that matter like CAB or commission meetings than message boards though
I asked about FCFS multiple times in the chat about NR obtaining R tags.

This is what I got out of it when trying to ask after being ignored multiple times.

You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator. Edit and try again.

Seems they don't want to talk about it.
I asked about FCFS multiple times in the chat about NR obtaining R tags.

This is what I got out of it when trying to ask after being ignored multiple times.

You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator. Edit and try again.

Seems they don't want to talk about it.
That’s because jdp010 has made all of their ears bleed….
They are completely ignoring FCFS questions. Hilarious. I benefitted from the system last year so I can't complain but there are a lot of people wondering so I figured they'd give some info.

OH WAIT!~ They addressed it. But state its not about FCFS this is about the draw today. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "We don't operate the system, we operate the draw" but he doesn't refer the question to Mike from NDOW like he has done with every other question.

Such a ******* joke. This is why people are mad.
jdp010, gn1972, heywood jablowme, or whatever name you're currently using on the draw video page, why don't you get a life. Who ARE you anyway?
doz, I think I saw your questions. I also noticed two FCFS-related questions that were deleted (yours maybe?). There were also several other questions that were not deleted but ignored.

Someone then complimented them about transparency but called then out about the deleted comments. The Kalkomey guy finally said something to the effect of "This broadcast is about the draw and the tags related to the draw. The FCFS system is after the fact and is more regulatory and can be handled...."

And then I got lost in the remainder of the diplomatic reply. lol
doz, I think I saw your questions. I also noticed two FCFS-related questions that were deleted (yours maybe?). There were also several other questions that were not deleted but ignored.

Someone then complimented them about transparency but called then out about the deleted comments. The Kalkomey guy finally said something to the effect of "This broadcast is about the draw and the tags related to the draw. The FCFS system is after the fact and is more regulatory and can be handled...."

And then I got lost in the remainder of the diplomatic reply. lol
Is what it is. I'll get a FCFS tag again if I don't draw. I was more or less asking for everyone else on here.

As far as "wild" horses, those things need to go. Every tag holder should get 5 horse tags.
Is what it is. I'll get a FCFS tag again if I don't draw. I was more or less asking for everyone else on here.

As far as "wild" horses, those things need to go. Every tag holder should get 5 horse tags.
I know, man. You've got that system down ;)

As far as wild horses, they definitely did not ignore those questions. Best response we got was that NDOW is not authorized to manage the population and that they were relegated to reporting their numbers, range and effect on other species to the Feds. Beyond that, I imagine it's just lots of finger-crossing.
I asked about FCFS multiple times in the chat about NR obtaining R tags.

This is what I got out of it when trying to ask after being ignored multiple times.

You have been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or a moderator. Edit and try again.

Seems they don't want to talk about it.
I noticed that’s. Bunch of BS
NDOW has NEVER made any promise that resident tags would stay resident tags in the FCFS. They coined the phrase "the tags become agnostic" when they are returned. There was never a promise otherwise. Not at a commission meeting where the rules were created or anywhere else. If you don't like it, petition the commission to get it changed. This jackwagon jd010gn1972heywouldjablowme bitching and moaning on forums and disrupting the draw video about first amendment isn't helping at all.
I watched, and whoever was making those comments and acting like a complete child probably did more to hurt their case than helped it. Act like a grownup.
Doz do you have a bot farm....lol
I wish I had time to watch the fcfs.
No. Just one browser window as well. Girlfriend would watch it during the day while I was at work (she works from home) and we both watch it in the evening. She had a list of tags to grab. I got my Antelope tag @ 12pm on a Saturday while watching a baseball game at home. Just have the iPad in my lap ready to go.
NDOW has NEVER made any promise that resident tags would stay resident tags in the FCFS. They coined the phrase "the tags become agnostic" when they are returned. There was never a promise otherwise. Not at a commission meeting where the rules were created or anywhere else. If you don't like it, petition the commission to get it changed. This jackwagon jd010gn1972heywouldjablowme bitching and moaning on forums and disrupting the draw video about first amendment isn't helping at all.
EM-Ya couldn't have said it (written) better!!
Sounds like quite a few of us did really good because of the FCFS and I am glad it was put into play. Yah, it would be great if all of those tags were offered up to residents but-It is not going to happen. Non-Residents play a big role in all states as we apply also each year in UT, CO, NM and AZ. Once again-Nevada has a % of tags implemented to residents every year for the MAIN DRAW ONLY and then tags are all fair game. Sounds fair to me but each and every state complains about wanting resident tags only. Never has and won't happen. My wife and I won't draw this year in our home state again but-we will be hunting thanks to the FCFS!!
Truthful public comment via various channels can shed light on government agencies and commissions and their opportunities for correction.

NBWC meeting live comment is fantastic if that works for you. If not, below are the publicly posted email address for the commissioners.

Wasn't the livestream yesterday about the draw? I thought FCFS was a separate program and if so, it would make since that the guy would not answer those questions because they weren't relevant to what was happening.
Maybe they shouldn't have spent so much time talking about horses considering they aren't part of the draw. You sound like the guy from Kalkomey now.

And FCFS is technically part of the draw as it is the program that gives tags when someone from the DRAW returns one.
So what would you have had the Kalkomey guy say? He has absolutely nothing to do with the regulations that run the FCFS. It wasn't a glitch in his system or something he could change. And the NDOW guy would be on very thin ice trying to reason with this dumbass who was already crying about his 1st amendment rights. I wouldn't even talk to him without my lawyer present. He is looking for a fight.

I believe it was Rodney Carrington who said - I don't come down and throw rocks at you when you're mowin' lawns. Why are you heckling me at my job.
So what would you have had the Kalkomey guy say? He has absolutely nothing to do with the regulations that run the FCFS. It wasn't a glitch in his system or something he could change. And the NDOW guy would be on very thin ice trying to reason with this dumbass who was already crying about his 1st amendment rights. I wouldn't even talk to him without my lawyer present. He is looking for a fight.

I believe it was Rodney Carrington who said - I don't come down and throw rocks at you when you're mowin' lawns. Why are you heckling me.
Wasn't looking for a response from Kalkomey obviously. But for him to use the excuse "this is about the draw, not FCFS so we won't talk about it" as an excuse to avoid the issue was pretty piss poor. They had a Q&A for questions. It's a legitimate question in many peoples eyes.

Notice how he referred the questions about something he wasn't aware of to NDOW? But when something doesn't want to be talked about, we use some bs excuse.

Transparency goes a long way.
Maybe they shouldn't have spent so much time talking about horses considering they aren't part of the draw. You sound like the guy from Kalkomey now.

And FCFS is technically part of the draw as it is the program that gives tags when someone from the DRAW returns one.
If I had that power no one on this forum would be needing to vent their frustrations and everyone would get a tag from all the programs :D
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FCFS is a relatively simple program, not much to discuss as far as what Kalkomy would have any input on. I thought he did explain some of the mechanics and safeguards that they use and he did assure us that there has been no evidence that any FCFS tags were issued to a purchasing BOT. I have no reason not to believe him and I am glad that those rumors are likely false.

When it comes to policy concerns, that is an issue that the stakeholders of Nevada need to hash out. Then we will tell Kalkomy how to implement according to the policy.....just like the changes that were made this year. I have a feeling things will continue to evolve considering it is a very new program. -------SS

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