11 NR Elk Points


Active Member
I'm posting on behalf of my uncle, who is 72 years old and getting into his final years of elk hunting. He can still hike a few miles each day, but can't run with the elk any more. We have access to horses and are familiar (or know people who are) with a lot of eastern Oregon.

I feel like 11 points is a no-mans-land between the units he could get with 6-7 points and those that take 12-15. Any suggestions on what to cash those points in on this year? We just can't wait many more years.

Thanks for your help.
You're right, anything less than max points isn't much better than 6 points.

If he really wants to burn them now and has someone with few or no points he would like to take with him then put in as a party and share them. in many cases it's like getting 2 tags for the points of 1.
Both posts above are good advise IMO. I would look to possibly combining points and research on the ODFW web site as to which units are drawable. There is country that will be a lot more enjoyable for your uncle, so keep that in mind. Just 'cause you can get him back there on a horse, doesn't necessarily mean he'll be able hike up and out of a canyon. My older hunting buddies just want to go somewhere where they can get around and hopefully see some critters. Killing one is secondary, although they wouldn't turn meat down (even a cow).

Keep in mind the point creep...i.e. what took 6 points might take 7 or 8 or 9 this year, due to a pile of guys thinking the same way you are. Good luck

Wow, thanks for the responses! There was a lot of info provided that I hadn't considered, particularly the idea of combining my uncle's 11 points with my dad's six. Maybe be able to pull off two Starkey tags with that combo!

Does anybody have any thoughts to offer on West Murderers Creek? The points match up for us, but we're unfamiliar with the unit.

Again, thanks for your help - your advice has been most helpful.
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