2009 Youth ARCHERY Photo Contest


Founder Since 1999
[FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=DARKRED]Youth Archery Photo Contest[/FONT]

Ok kids (and dad's) let's have another YOUTH ONLY (under 18) PHOTO CONTEST. In this contest, let's see some archery hunting photos from this year. This could be a tough contest, so we'll give you all a couple weeks to get them photos posted up. Tell your buddies and let's get some more cool youth photos on here.

We'll give away a prize package that includes "A Whole Lotta Bull" T-shirt, MonsterMuleys.com Cap, and a Never Enough #3 DVD. I will pick the winner in a couple weeks.

So, let's see some photos! This contest thread is open to any big game animal that has been harvested with archery tackle this year. We're looking for the BEST FIELD PHOTO. Size of trophy, photo quality, size of smile, will all play a part in selecting a winner.

Please, DO NOT post anything to this thread unless it includes a youth photo. This thread is not for general chat. Youth photo posts only with a few details.

Thanks to Jim Hiatt and Paul Kendall for the goodies!!!

Brian Latturner
2009 Utah archery buck for Chas.

Ok, I hesitated in posting these, but I think my boys will enjoy seeing them on the site.

2009 Utah General Archery Deer Hunt.

First hunt for my boy.

My wife was with us, she was the photographer. Take a look at this first photo, look closely for the arrow. Great shot, 45 yards. The deer only went 30 yards.

Those experiences and feelings only come around once in a while.

Branden with his first buck.

Branden and Nic - a little excitement!!!!

Branden and Nic. Big brothers.

Dad, Branden and Nic
Branden, You Da MAN!!!!

Awesome pics, nothing like being with the kids with their first deer. I love the picture of Nic, shows how he was totally excited!!!

Tell Janet good job with the camera, that is a cool shot.

My kids told me this year after my daughter shot her deer that I was more excited than they were and I probably was.

When you going to post your pictures?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-09 AT 07:59AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-09 AT 06:17?AM (MST)

This is Nick
This is his 1st buck with his bow. He killed a buck in 2007 with his Smoke Pole. He wanted to hunt by his self this year ( 17 years old ) so he went out several time by him self and had two other changes at this buck but could not put it together. He asks me to go with him on this Saturday (8-22-09) so I went and help him with the yardage. We got on this buck that morning and he missed it at about 40 yards. We came back to the same spot that night and the buck waited till about 5 min after 8:00pm to come in to the water hole. At about 15 yards he made a great shot, we waited about 15 min ( getting dark and started to rain a little ) we got the flashlight out and start to tack the buck thought the oak brush the buck went about 60 yards and they he lay. It was great being with him and sharing the whole experience with him, it takes me back to when I got him his 1st bow waiting for this time come.
All the photos are great. Thanks everyone. We didn't get a lot of action on this contest, but the winner is:

Brian Latturner

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