2020 elk.


Active Member
Ran across this pic and thought I would refresh my memories of it. I drew this tag 2nd choice with a very small chance of drawing it. [It took over a point this last year.] My wife had covid a couple weeks before the 2nd season so I was a little leary if it would even work out. I headed out on Monday morning, drove south for awhile. It had snowed hard Sunday night so the roads were pretty sketchy. Got there late afternoon, got off on the fs road that gets a person back in the area. Before long I was the only tracks in the snow. Good to know nobody else was out but eventually I couldn't go any further though. I turned around and drove back to a little town and stayed at the local Roach Coach. Left the next morning around 2 am and tried another way. I started realizing I wasn't feeling real well. I finally got stopped by the snow but was a lot closer. It was a couple miles to my glassing spot. I was feeling really low by time I got there. I sat down, put on my jacket, and started boiling some water for coffee. About that time I looked down in the basin below and there was one of the larger herds of elk down below around 900 yards. Only problem was I was cliffed out. Took me a couple hours to work my way around. The herd never moved. I was feeling bad enough that I knew my opportunity was now or never. I took this picture through my spotting scope, rested my gun on my pack, and shot the bull. I cut it up that day and spent the night in the seek outside. A friend helped me pack it out the next day. I need a repeat of that type of experience at least once a year.
Nice bull! His rack is probably bigger than it looks because his body is so big! Sorta like looking at a bear with little bitty ears. It's not that his ears are small, it's that his head and body are so big!

Thanks for sharing.

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